Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Hellthcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hellthcare. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Health Care Rally at the Cleveland Clinic II

October Surprise


Contact: Clevelandteaparty@gmail.com

On Monday October 26th, in unison with our fellow Tea Party Patriot groups holding these rallies across the country, the area Tea Party Patriot groups will send our message & AGAIN host our rally at the world famous -- Cleveland Clinic.
Tell your friends & neighbors -- invite your own doctor to attend the rally! Please note that we extended the time for those still working and helping pay for TARP.

It is predicted the Senate will be voting on some sort of version of a health care bill within two weeks. We must turn our patriotism & passion into action by having everyone come to the Clinic along with having every able body person we know burning up the phones, faxes and emails our our 13 targeted Senators.

Tea Party Patriots -- We must make this fight NOW!

For more information, sign ideas, or setting up car pools go to the Forum section on our website (Click Here). For more information on the current Tea Party Patriot Health Care Action Alerts (Click Here).

This rally is being hosted by the Cleveland, Lake County, Geauga County, Lorain County & Medina County Tea Party Patriot groups.

See you on Monday!

The Cleveland Tea Party Patriots

A Non-Partisan, Non-Profit Grass Roots Organization

Medina Tea Party Patriots host Health Care Forum

From the Medina Tea Party Patriots --

Medina Healthcare Forum

“Understanding the legislation that’s being proposed in the House and Senate”

Please join us for a free community healthcare forum as Melanie Elsey, National Legislation Director for the American Policy Roundtable, explains the various healthcare bills being proposed and how they will affect our healthcare system. Melanie’s ability to put legislative language into layman’s term made her a great asset at our first healthcare forum in July. We are extremely fortunate to have her back for a healthcare update.
  • Date: Tuesday, October 27, from 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm. Doors open at 6:30; presentation will begin promptly at 6:45.

  • Location: Former Grace Drake Center/First Christian Church, 222 South Broadway Street, Medina, Ohio. The center is located between the Medina County Library and Garfield Elementary School. Click here for a map.

  • Forum format: With two bills in the Senate and three in the House, Melanie will give an in-depth presentation, highlighting important measures in these bills. There will be a question and answer session following her presentation.

  • RSVP: Seating for the forum is limited. For those who are interested in attending, please RSVP at medinateaparty@yahoo.com.

If you know others who may be interested in learning more about the healthcare legislation, please forward this invitation to them. For more information, please contact Jeff Malek or Amy Brighton.


Jeff Malek (jmalek09@yahoo.com)
Amy Brighton (
Medina Tea Party Patriots

Turn your Patriot Passion into Action!

From our Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team...

Weekly Patriot Passion into Action To Do List

Letter Writing Campaign

While we were protesting at the Clinic this past Monday, the Tea Party Patriots hand delivered over 850 letters to D.C. Hand written letters have the greatest impact, so keep writing and faxing to (678) 302-5377, and the Patriots will continue to deliver.

When writing, make sure to reiterate "Vote No on Cloture" , "No on Motion to Proceed", and insist on a CBO scoring of the bill and 72 hours for the public to read the bill.

When writing, m ake sure to reiterate "Vote No on Cloture" , "No on Motion to Proceed", and insist on a CBO scoring of the bill and 72 hours for the public to read the bill.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Call the 13 Targeted Senators, listed below, to tell why you do not want to see the government takeover health care and do not want to see the cap and trade tax increases passed.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pick and call 15 Blue Dog Democrats in the House of Representatives to tell why you do not want to see the government takeover health care and do not want to see the cap and trade tax increases passed.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pick and call another set of 15 Blue Dog Democrats in the House of Representatives to tell why you do not want to see the government takeover health care and do not want to see the cap and trade tax increases passed.

Write a letter to the Blue Dog Democrats in the House of Representatives and fax to 678-302-5377 so we can personally deliver them for you.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wooster Tea Party (Click for Details)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Attend the Health Care Rally at the Cleveland Clinic II hosted by the Cleveland, Medina, Geauga, Lorain & Lake County Tea Party Patriot groups.

Email your personal email list to ask your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers to call their Congressman and 2 Senators to tell them to vote no on government takeover of healthcare and cap and trade.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - MELT THE PHONE LINES DAY

Attend the Medina Tea Party Patriots Health Care Forum (Click for details)

Tea Party Patriots will be making calls all day long to targeted elected officials asking them to vote no on government takeover of health care. Be prepared to make calls today. We want to melt the phone lines and make sure the staffers hear us.

We are including the DC office phone numbers and fax numbers below in case you would also like to call and fax directly to the Senators.


When you call the Senators or Congressmen's offices, identify yourself as a Tea Party Patriot then leave a message telling why you are asking them to vote NO on government takeover of health care and cap and trade, ask the staffer to read the message back to you. One lady found last week that the staffer only took the message, "Vote no on health care reform."

The lady said she is in favor of health care reform but not in favor of the government taking it over. She asked the staffer to listen to her again and take the correct message. It may take you a little more time but it might be worth it to insure that the message is taken correctly.

Sen. Michael F Bennet, Colorado DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5852, DC Fax Number: 202-228-5036

Sen. Ben Nelson, Nebraska DC Office Number: 202-224-6551, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0012

Sen. Mary Landrieu, Louisiana DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5824, DC Fax Number: 202-224-9735

Sen. Mark Pryor, Arkansas DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2353, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0908

Sen. Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4843, DC Fax Number: 202-228-1371

Sen. Robert Byrd, West Virginia DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-3954, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0002

Sen. Jim Webb, Virginia DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4024, DC Fax Number: 202-228-6363

Sen. Mark Warner, Virginia DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2023, DC Fax Number: 202-224-6295

Sen. Jon Tester, Montana DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2644, DC Fax Number: 202-224-8594

Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4041, DC Fax Number: 202-224-9750

Sen. Mark Begich, Alaska DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-3004, DC Fax Number: 202-224-2354

Sen. Evan Bayh, Indiana DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5623, DC Fax Number: 202-228-1377

PriceWaterhouseCooper released an independent study of the Senate Finance Committee version of the government takeover of health care bill. The study showed that American family's budgets will be severely impacted by the bill and that health insurance premiums will increase dramatically. You may wish to read the study and use this as supporting documentation when you contact the Senators.

Additionally, you may find some these resources helpful as well:

Tea Party Patriots Health Care Talking Points
Why Is Tea Party Patriots Focusing on Health Care
Questions to Ask Your Representative About Health Care

Over the next few weeks, the Tea Party Patriots are challenging you to pull from your energy reserve to to participate in our October Surprise. We know it will take effort, energy, time, and commitment. We will be right there with you, shoulder to shoulder, fighting for our core values of fiscal responsibility, Constitutionally limited government, and free markets.

Thank You

The Cleveland Tea Party Patriots

Friday, October 16, 2009

October Surprise Rally at the Cleveland Clinic



Contact: Clevelandteaparty@gmail.com

Tea Party Patriot October Surprise

In the next few weeks, Tea Party Patriots will challenge you to keep our republic. It is going to take effort, energy, time, and commitment. It is a multi-prong approach that involves protests, faxes, and visits to Congressional Offices both in DC and at local offices.

The focus of the October Surprise will be asking our Senators and Congressmen to vote NO on government takeover of health care and NO on Cap and Trade. The October Surprise is intended to get the media saying, my god they're back, bigger than ever and where are they coming from?

Last Thursday, in an emergency conference call, over 100 national and local Tea Party Patriot organizers around the country unanimously supported a recent proposal to hold new week long rallies in over 650 cities around the country.

On October 19th, in unison with our fellow Tea Party Patriot groups holding these rallies across the country, the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots will send our message & host our rally at the world famous -- Cleveland Clinic.
Tell your friends & neighbors -- invite your own doctor to attend the rally! This is the start of the final push towards government run health care. This is NOT the health care reform we need or the kind of health care reform most Americans want. As Americans, it our duty & responsibility to stop the hijacking of our country! This can only be done with your help!

Regarding the health care battles in D.C., the administration said today, "We' re not tired......we' re just getting started." Let's meet this challenge head on with a huge crowd at the Cleveland Clinic and send the message back -- "Neither are the Tea Party Patriots -- so bring it on!"

For more information, sign ideas, or setting up car pools go to the Forum section on our website (Click Here). For more information on the current Tea Party Patriot Health Care Action Alerts (Click Here).

This rally is being hosted by the Cleveland, Lake County, Geauga County, Lorain County & Medina County Tea Party Patriot groups.

See you on Monday!

The Cleveland Tea Party Patriots

A Non-Partisan, Non-Profit Grass Roots Organization

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tea Party Patriots -- "Our Time is NOW!"

H/T Jeff & Amy of the Medina County Tea Party Patriots --

Please act NOW
Time is running out!

Keep focusing on the 13 Senators as well as Snowe, Lincoln and Pryor.

There is only one thing that can stop our government from taking over the healthcare system – that is YOU and millions of grassroots activists like you! We must do this NOW. There is no time to wait.

We had a great conference call Wednesday evening to discuss the current healthcare legislation. From the information shared on the call, we have revised our action plan for the week. We have added a few additional action items to our original Action Alert from Monday night.

According to the experts in DC, the legislation will probably go to the floor of the Senate on October 19th and to the floor of the House on October 26th. So what we must do NOW is continue the action plan from earlier in the week and take the following action steps:

Contact Senators Snowe, Lincoln and Pryor

First action step is to contact Senator Olympia Snowe from Maine and the two Senators from Arkansas. These Senators need to hear from us more than any other Senators. When contacting their offices, let them know that while you may not live in their states, their votes affect all Americans and that you’d be happy to support their next campaign, if they listen to the American people. If they don't listen to the American people, you would be happy to contribute to the campaign of their opposition. Their contact information follows:

Senator Olympia Snowe (ME)
Chief of Staff: Unknown
Washington, DC: (202) 224-5344 / (202) 224-1946 fax
Auburn: (207) 786-2451 / (207) 782-1438 fax
Augusta: (207) 622-8292 / (207) 622-7295 fax
Bangor: (207) 945-0432 / (207) 941-9525 fax
Biddeford: (207) 282-4144 / (207) 284-2358 fax
Portland: (207) 874-0883 / (207) 874-7631 fax
Presque Isle: (207) 764-5124 / (207) 764-6420 fax

Senator Blanche Lincoln (AR)
Chief of Staff: Elizabeth Burks (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-4843 / (202) 228-1371 fax
Little Rock: (800) 352-9364 / (501) 375-7064 fax

Senator Mark Pryor (AR)
Chief of Staff: Bob Russell (email address unknown)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-2353 / (202) 228-0908 fax
Little Rock: (501) 324-6336 / (501) 324-5320 fax

According to a recent AP article, Snowe is looking more favorably at the bill, since it received a “positive” cost report. Read the full article
here. We really need to apply the pressure. If she swings to the other side, there is a greater chance of the Senate getting the 60 votes it needs for cloture.

Click Here to contact the 13 Senators and urge them to "Kill the Bill"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Help Kill The Bill

Together we can “Kill the Bill”
Focusing on 13 Senators who could turn the tide

Over the past couple of weeks, we have put the pressure on the Senate Finance committee to let them know that we do not want the government to takeover healthcare. The time has come where the legislation will be voted on within the next 2 to 3 weeks, and we need to turn up the heat!

One of our messages over the next week needs to be No Vote for Cloture. This means that if we can get one Democrat Senator of the 60 not to vote for cloture, we can kill the bill! According to one healthcare expert, there are 13 Senators that we have the possibility of turning to cast a vote against the bill! Of these 13 Senators, two are up for reelection in 2010. The time has come for us to target and pressure these 13 Senators!

You can do your part and stand shoulder to shoulder with other Patriots this week by applying pressure to these 13 Senators.

To make this as easy as possible, the Tea Party Patriots have broken the country into five regions and the 13 Senators into five groups. This allows us as a national movement to stagger the calls from each region, inundating the Senators with calls every day this week. For our region, we are being requested to call:

Tonight: Group #3 (Pryor, Warner, Begich)
Tuesday: Group #4 (Byrd, Carper)
Wednesday: Group #5 (Webb, Tester)
Thursday: Group #1 (Bayh, Bennet, Lieberman)
Friday: Group #2 (Nelson, Lincoln, Landrieu)

All of the contact information is listed below. Also, please target the Senators' local district offices when calling, as the local offices are not used to getting pressure like the DC offices. When making your calls and sending your emails, please be sure to make four simple points:

• No Government Takeover of Health Care
• No Public Option
• No Mandates
• No Vote for Cloture

We ask that you also email the Chief of Staff for each Senator.

Of course, you can always do more and call more than just the one group assigned to your region that day! If you want to call more, we would suggest calling and emailing the Senators in Group 1, because these are the ones that are up for reelection in 2010.

If you want to do even more, please focus on the Senate Finance Committee. You can get all of their contact information here (

One last point – when calling a Senator' office from another state, you can tell them that their vote will affect all Americans. You can also let them know you will be happy to contribute to the campaign of their opponent the next time they are up for reelection!

Thanks for all you are doing! Together we can Kill This Bill!

Group #1

Senator Evan Bayh (IN)

Chief of Staff: Thomas Sugar (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-5623 / (202) 228-1377 fax
Indianapolis: (317) 554-0750 / (317) 554-0760 fax
Evansville: (812) 465-6500 / (812) 465-6503 fax
Fort Wayne: (260) 426-3151 / (260) 420-0060 fax
Hammond: (219) 852-2763 / (219) 852-2787 fax
Jeffersonville: (812) 218-2317 / (812) 218-2370 fax
South Bend: (574) 236-8302 / (574) 236-8319 fax

Senator Michael Bennet (CO)

Chief of Staff: Jeff Lane (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-5852 / (202) 228-5036
Denver: (303) 455-7600 / (303) 455-8851 fax
Durango: (970) 259-1710 / (970) 259-9789 fax
Colorado Springs: (719) 328-1100 / (719) 328-1129 fax
Fort Collins: (970) 224-2200 / (970) 224-2205 fax
Fort Morgan: (970) 542-9446 / (970) 542-3088 fax
Grand Junction: (970) 241-6631 / (970) 241-8313 fax
Pueblo: (719) 542-7550 / (719) 542-7555 fax
Alamosa: (719) 587-0096 / (719) 587-0098 fax

Senator Joe Lieberman (CT)

Chief of Staff: Clarine Riddle (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-4041 / (202) 224-9750 fax
Hartford: (860) 549-8463 / (866) 317-2242 fax

Group #2

Senator Bill Nelson (NE)

Chief of Staff: Tim Becker (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-6551 / (202) 228-0012 fax
Lincoln: (402) 441-4600 / (402) 476-8753 fax
Omaha: (402) 391-3411 / (402) 391-4725 fax

Senator Blanche Lincoln (AR)

Chief of Staff: Elizabeth Burks (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-4843 / (202) 228-1371 fax
Little Rock: (800) 352-9364 / (501) 375-7064 fax

Senator Mary Landrieu (LA)

Chief of Staff: Jane Campbell (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-5824 / (202) 224-9735 fax
New Orleans: (504) 589-2427 / (504) 589-4023 fax
Baton Rouge: (225) 389-0395 / (225) 389-0660 fax
Shreveport: (318) 676-3085 / (318) 676-3100 fax
Lake Charles: (337) 436-6650 / (337) 439-3762 fax

Group #5

Senator Jim Webb (VA)

Chief of Staff: Paul Reagan (paul_reagan@webb.senate.gov)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-4024 / 202-228-6363 fax
Danville: (434) 792-0976 / (434) 972-0960 fax
Virginia Beach: (757) 518-1674 / (757) 518-1679 fax
Falls Church: (703) 573-7090 / (703) 573-7098 fax
Norton: (276) 679-4925 / (276) 679-4929 fax
Richmond: (804) 771-2221 / (804) 771-8313 fax
Roanoke: (540) 772-4236 / (540) 772-6870 fax

Senator Jon Tester (MT)

Chief of Staff (Deputy): Mary Walsh (mary_walsh@tester.senate.gov)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-2644 / (202) 224-8594 fax
Billings: (406) 252-0550 / (406) 252-7768 fax
Bozeman: (406) 586-4450 / (406) 586-7647 fax
Butte: (406) 723-3277 / (406) 782c8-4717 fax
Glendive: (406) 365-2391 / (406) 365-8836 fax
Great Falls: (406) 452-9585 / (406) 452-9586 fax
Helena: (406) 449-5401 / (406) 449-5462 fax
Kalispell: (406) 257-3360 / (406) 257-3974 fax
Missoula: (406) 728-3003 / (406) 728-2193 fax

Group #3

Senator Mark Pryor (AR)

Chief of Staff: Bob Russell (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-2353 / (202) 228-0908 fax
Little Rock: (501) 324-6336 / (501) 324-5320 fax

Senator Mark Warner (VA)

Chief of Staff: Luke Albee (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-2023 / (202) 224-6295 fax
Abingdon: (276) 628-8158 / (276) 628-1036 fax
Norfolk: (757) 441-3079 / (757) 441-6250 fax
Roanoke: (540) 857-2676 / (540) 857-2800 fax
Midlothian: (804) 739-0247 / (804) 739-3478 fax

Senator Mark Begich (AK)

Chief of Staff: David Ramseur (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-3004 / (202) 224-2354 fax
Anchorage: (907) 271-5915 / (907) 258-9305 fax
Fairbanks: (907) 456-0261 / (907) 451-7290 fax
Juneau: (907) 586-7700 / (907) 586-7702 fax
Ketchikan: (907) 225-3000 / (907) 247-3000 fax

Group #4

Senator Robert Byrd (WV)

Chief of Staff: Barbara Videnieks (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-3954 / (202) 228-0002 fax
Charleston: (304) 342-5855 / (304) 343-7144 fax
Martinsburg: (304) 264-4626 / (304) 262-3039 fax

Senator Thomas Carper (DE)

Chief of Staff: Jim Reilly (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-2441 / (202) 228-2190 fax
Wilmington: (302) 573-6291 / (302) 573-6434 fax
Dover: (302) 674-3308 / (302) 674-5464 fax
Georgetown: (302) 856-7690 / (302) 856-3001 fax

Thursday, October 1, 2009

GOP members of the Senate Finance Committee must Walk Out Now!

As we all know the health care fight in the Senate Finance Committee is heating up. On Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa won approval for his legislation that requires members of Congress to access health insurance through the exchange that would be created by the health care reform legislation.

Other than the Grassley amendment no gains were made and it may have actually gotten worse. Complicating this fight is the so-called "superstar" of the GOP, Governor Bobby Jindal (LA) encouraging the GOP to work with the Democrats. There are still loopholes that will allow tax-payer funded abortions and access for coverage of illegal immigrants -- so our work is far from over!

Below you will find our next critical course of action...

Stop Government Takeover of Health Care!

Greetings Patriots,

Because "We the People" have spoken on deaf ears in Washington, because when we arrived in D.C. to raise our voices, they adjourned and went home. We have had enough of playing by their rules, we prefer to honor the Constitution. This is why we ask our Republican members of the Senate Finance Committee to WALK OUT NOW!

This is what you can do to stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of us!

  1. Call the Republican Senate Finance Committee Members and tell the to WALK OUT NOW! (Information is listed below. Please scroll down.)

  2. Email the Chiefs of Staff of Republican Senate Finance Committee Members and tell them you want the Senator to WALK OUT NOW. (Information is listed below. Please scroll down.)

  3. Email all Chiefs of Staff of the entire Senate Finance Committee and tell them why you do not want the government to take over health care.
These three simple messages are what we need to get across to these Senators and their Chiefs of Staff:

  • No Government Run Health Care

  • No Mandate

  • No Reconciliation/Fast Track (using reconciliation for health care reform is corrupt)
Senate Finance Committee reads: "Rule 4. Quorums. - (a) Except as provided in subsection (b) one-third of the membership of the committee, including not less than one member of the majority party and one member of the minority party, shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business."

Let it be known, that conservative citizens all across the United States demand that the Republican Senators in the Senate Finance Committee stop negotiating and Walk Out for America. We will support this effort and will support the Republican members of the Committee.

Will you please do your part by calling and demand they walk out today?

When calling and emailing, remember the three simple messages listed above. Be sure to let the Chief of Staff know who you are in your community, whether you are a business owner, community leader, teacher, nurse, policeman, fireman, veteran, etc. and why government run health care is not good for you and your family, as well as not good for America.Patriots, it is up to us to stop the government takeover of health care. Please do your part by emailing and calling today.

Time is of the essence and we need to melt the phone lines and email accounts NOW!

We are in this together and together, we are making a difference! All members of the Senate Finance Committee are listed below. We have made it easy for you by giving you the numbers for each of their DC offices, as well as the local district offices. To email them, please click on their name and it will take you to their website. Once on the website, just click on "Contact" and you will be taken to the email form.

Chiefs of Staff Personal Email Addresses

Republican Members of Senate Finance Committee


ORRIN G. HATCH, UT Jace Johnson
JON KYL, AZ Tim Glazewski
JIM BUNNING, KY Blake Brickman
MIKE CRAPO, ID Pete Fischer
PAT ROBERTS, KS Jackie Cottrell
MIKE ENZI, WY Flip McConnaughey

* Democrat Members of Senate Finance Committee *

MAX BAUCUS, MT Jonathan Selib


KENT CONRAD, ND Sara Garland


JOHN F. KERRY, MA David McKean

BLANCHE L. LINCOLN, AR Elizabeth Hurley Burks

RON WYDEN, OR Josh Kardon



MARIA CANTWELL, WA Katharine Lister

BILL NELSON, FL Pete Mitchell



Want To Go the Extra Mile? If you have time to go the extra mile, please call these Committee members local district offices. Every phone call counts!



Washington, DC Phone: (202) 224-2651 Fax: (202) 224-9412

Billings, MT Phone: (406) 657-6790

Bozeman, MT Phone: (406) 586-6104

Butte, MT Phone: (406) 782-8700

Great Falls, MT Phone: (406) 761-1574

Helena, MT Phone: (406) 449-5480

Kalispell, MT Phone: (406) 756-1150

Missoula, MT Phone: (406) 329-3123

Glendive, MT Phone: (406) 365-7002


Washington, DC Phone: (202) 224-6472 Fax: (202) 224-7665

Beckley, WV Phone: (304) 253-9704 Fax: (304) 253-2578

Charleston, WV Phone: (304) 347- : (304) 347-5371

Fairmont, WV Phone: (304) 367-0122 Fax: (304) 367-0822

Martinsburg, WV Phone: (304) 262-9285 Fax: (304) 262-9288


Washington, DC Phone: (202) 224-2043 Fax: (202) 224-7776

Minot, ND Phone: (701) 852-0703 Fax: (701) 838-8196

Grand Forks, ND Phone: (701) 775-9601 Fax: (701) 746-1990

Bismarck, ND Phone: (701) 258-4648 Fax: (701) 258-1254

Fargo, ND Phone: (701) 232-8030 Fax: (701) 232-6449


Washngton, D.C. Phone: (202) 224-5521

Albuquerque, NM Phone: (505) 346-6601

Farmington, NM Phone: (505) 325-5030

Las Cruces, NM Phone: (575) 523-6561

Roswell, NM Phone: (575) 622-7113

Santa Fe, NM Phone: (505) 988-6647


Washington, DC Phone: (202) 224-2742 Fax: (202) 224-8525

Boston, MA Phone: (617) 565-8519 Fax: (617) 248-3870

Springfield, MA Phone: (413) 785-4610 Fax: (413) 736-1049

Fall River, MA Phone: (508) 677-0522 Fax: (508) 677-0275


Washington, DC Phone: (202)224-4843 Fax: (202)228-1371

Little Rock, AR Phone: (501) 375-2993 Fax: (501) 375-7064

Dumas, AR Phone: (870)382-1023 Fax: (870)382-1026

Jonesboro, AR Phone: (870) 910-6896 Fax: (870)910-6898

Fayetteville, AR Phone: (479) 251-1224 Fax: (479)251-1410

Texarkana, AR Phone: (870) 774-3106 Fax: (870) 774-7627


Washington, DC Phone: (202) 224-5244 Fax: (202) 228-2717

Bend, OR Phone: (541) 330-9142

Eugene, OR Phone: (541) 431-0229

La Grande, OR Phone: (541) 962-7691

Medford, OR Phone: (541) 858-5122

Portland, OR Phone: (503) 326-7525

Salem, OR Phone: (503) 589-4555


Washington, DC Phone: (202)24-6542 Fax: (202)228-3027

New York City, NY Phone: 212.486.4430 Fax: 212.486.7693

Albany, NY Phone: 518.431.4070 Fax: 518.431.4076

Binghamton, NY Phone: 607.772.6792 Fax: 607.772.8124

Buffalo, NY Phone: 716.846.4111 Fax: 716.846.4113

Hudson Valley, NY Phone: 914.734.1532 Fax: 914.734.1673

Long Island, NY Phone: 631.753.0978 Fax: 631.753.0997

Rochester, NY Phone: 585.263.5866 Fax: 585.263.3173

Syracuse, NY Phone: 315.423.5471 Fax: 315.423.5185


Washington, DC Phone: (202) 224-4822

East Lansing, MI Phone: (517) 203-1760

Detroit, MI Phone: (313) 961-4330

Grand Rapids, MI Phone: (616) 975-0052

Flint, MI Phone: (810) 720-4172

Marquette, MI Phone: (906) 228-8756

Traverse City, MI Phone: (231) 929-1031


Washington, DC Phone: 202-224-3441 Fax: 202-228-0514

Seattle, WA Phone: 206-220-6400 Fax: 206-220-6404

Vancouver, WA Phone: 360-696-7838 Fax: 360-696-7844

Spokane, WA Phone: 509-353-2507 Fax: 509-353-2547

Tacoma, WA Phone: 253-572-2281 Fax: 253-572-5879

Richland, WA Phone: (509) 946-8106 Fax: (509) 946-6937

Everett, WA Phone: 425-303-0114 Fax: 425-303-8351


Washington, DC Phone: 202-224-5274 Fax: 202-228-2183

Orlando, FL Phone: 407-872-7161 Fax: 407-872-7165

Coral Gables, FL Phone: 305-536-5999 Fax: 305-536-5991

Tampa, FL Phone: 813-225-7040 Fax: 813-225-7050

West Palm Beach, FL Phone: 561-514-0189 Fax: 561-514-4078

Tallahassee, FL Phone: 850-942-8415 Fax: 850-942-8450

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Davie, FL Phone: 954-693-4851 Fax: 954-693-4862

Fort Myers, FL Phone: 239-334-7760 Fax: 239-334-7710


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Davenport, IA Phone: (563) 322-4331 Fax: (563) 322-8552

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Biddeford, ME Phone: (207) 282-4144 Fax: (207) 284-2358

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Presque Isle, ME Phone: (207) 764-5124 Fax: (207) 764-6420


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Louisville, KY Phone: 502.582.5341 Fax: 502.582.5344

Hazard, KY Phone: 606.435.2390 Fax: 606.435.1761

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Washington, DC Phone: (202) 224-6142 Fax: (202) 228-1375

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Washington, DC Phone: (202) 224-4774 Fax: (202) 224-3514

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Also, please do not forget to forward this email onto everyone in your address book or a minimum of at least 5 people. We need to grow the grassroots army! Together, we can make a difference!

You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

Thanks for doing your part!

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Action Alert: Humane Border Supporters Agenda will Increase Health Care Costs

Fellow Patriots

This is just in from Arzella of the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots and the Co-Coordinator for the Grass Roots Rally Team.

We apologize for the short notice, but this falls in line with our core values and if you are available please attend our protest...
Free lecture by Rev. Robin Hoover

Cuyahoga Community College invites community members to attend three free lectures by Rev. Robin Hoover, President and Founder of Humane Borders. He will address the topic of Humane Borders: the Moral Argument for Reform.

Immigration concerns the whole population and affects newcomers to this Nation. Rev. Hoover's lecture will be particularly interesting and informative to the Hispanic population, which includes a high percentage of relatively new immigrants, and confronts important issues in the border between the U.S. and Mexico.

Rev. Hoover will talk about the mission and initiatives of Humane Borders, as well as the issues surrounding immigrants to the United States: legalizing the undocumented; beginning a responsible guest worker program; increasing the number of visas for Mexican nationals; demilitarizing the border; supporting economic development in Mexico, and providing federal social services for the undocumented.

LECTURES ARE SCHEDULED AT: September 23 at 6:30 p.m. Performing Arts Center, Eastern Campus 4250 Richmond Rd., Highland Hills, 44122

We will be meeting with Arzella and the Grass Roots team at 5:30pm and stayin until approximately 6:00pm.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Refuting Congressman Dennis Kuchinich

From Opal --

Refuting Congressman Dennis Kuchinich

During our hour with Congressman Kuchinich, he stated several “facts” about health care, which could and should be refuted.

Fact 1
According to him, and depending on what day or who you ask, health care is either one fifth or one seventh of the US GDP (Gross Domestic Product).

Well, so what? If people are buying goods and services, and people are providing or selling goods and services, why is that suddenly “unsustainable”? That statement makes absolutely no sense. What he is really saying is that the government is currently paying out, from ADC, CHIPs programs, Medicare, and Medicaid, too much money. The Government cannot sustain its commitments. Working people buying insurance, doctors and hospitals providing services, people getting treatment is absolutely sustainable, if we have no government interference. And that is the truth.

What he is really saying is that there is a large pile of cash collected by the insurance companies that the government wants to grab, illegally, for themselves. By passing “health care reform” or “health care insurance reform” they will make laws giving them the legal power to destroy an entire industry and take free choice away from the people.

Buying and selling is a free market principal. It does not harm the government. It is only when the government decides it wants to give away something of value that the system gets distorted, perverted, abused, and broken.

Currently, our state government controls the number of insurance companies in Ohio. They control or license these companies and regulate them. Because they control the framework, insurance company competition is restricted and free market principals do not automatically eliminate waste, redundancy, or money spent on paper work.

Which brings me to:

Fact 2

The doctor Congressman Kucinich brought with him as his advisor said “People come to see the doctors every day. The doctors want to treat them but they cannot afford health insurance, and they cannot pay for the needed services. My secretary/nurse has to spend 1 hour on the telephone getting approval for a CAT scan. But the insurance executives make $14 million dollars and that is obscene.”

Now, let us dissect that sentence:

1) People come to see the doctors every day. The doctors want to treat them but they cannot afford health insurance, and they cannot pay for the needed services. Lots of people are not buying or getting health insurance because they cannot afford it.

Well this may be true. But it because the government allows employer provided health insurance to be tax deductible and does not allow self-paying insurance to be deductible the government is driving up the cost to the poor. It would be better if the government allowed all health care insurance to be tax deductible, for starters. And, in a free market, when you have many, many customers, you create tiers or levels of goods and services. Not everyone can have a Cadillac because they can’t afford it. Some people have to settle for the bus. Does this mean that government should force all the automakers to make only Cadillac’s and that everyone has a “right” to them? No. The services provided currently for the poor are free clinics. These are government paid free clinics. Metro Health has a free clinic. Medicaid is a free service paid for by federal and state tax dollars. Are the current options available to poor people adequate? That is the real question.

Jumping FROM a free market TO a government paid system seems to be very, hmm, lacking in innovation and stifling of creativity, which is one complaint rational, intelligent, and thoughtful people can make. It also doesn’t solve the problem because, if currently, the government cannot sustain its share of the cost of health care, why should we believe that it would be able to do so when there is no free market model upon which to hang itself upon? The insurance model is the skeleton and bones upon which Medicare anchors itself upon.

2) My secretary/nurse has to spend 1 hour on the telephone getting approval for a CAT scan.

This is the free market at work. Things need to get approved. Insurance companies have a contract with their customers about what they will provide and why and when. And sometimes, it takes some navigation to get the necessary approval. The big problem with this statement is that the doctor is hinting that doctors will have free reign to order tests for everyone once we get a single payer government system. Is he mad? Because nowhere can any logical or honest person say that they can and will add 47 MILLION people to the current system and have it work better. Does he want us to believe that once the government gets involved, everyone will get CAT scans?

The truth is that his office people will be waiting MONTHS to get the same approval that they got in minutes! This is the problem with blind utopianism. They point to a problem and think that it can be resolved with government but fail to see that government can’t and won’t regulate itself in the same way the free market will. If anything, Canada proves this with a system proving for 30 million people. The US has 10 times more people and it is not a leap of the imagination to believe we will have 10 times the waiting, 10 times the waste, 10 times the abuse, and 10 times the problems.

3) But the insurance executives make $14 million dollars and that is obscene.”

Brad Pitt, Mick Jagger, Michael Vic, Theresa Hines Kerry, Warren Buffet, and some insurance executive. What do all these people have in common? They make money. Lots of money. Tens of millions of dollars every year. Why is it obscene for a guy who runs a multi-billion dollar company to make money? Is it because the $$ seems out of proportion? Stephen King writes one book. Might take him six months. Does that mean he deserves millions of dollars. Heck, we don’t even know if he sweats while doing it. But why does this doctor, who makes a good amount of money himself, and who is not taking vows of service or poverty, want to create class envy? Why should the government, our government, which is made up of people, people like Nancy Pelosi, and Dick Durbin, and Dennis Kucinich, be the ones who decide that this person is making too much money?

If we allowed the free market to work, then big companies would have crashed. Executives would have been out on their cans. Some of them would have lost everything. It is only when government interferes that we have companies failing AND executives still getting big checks.

What is obscene and immortal is not adhering to 10th Commandment “Thou shall not covet.”

If it is the responsibility of the government to regulate the salaries of everyone, then what price do we put on music? What price per hour for an actor? And if the price per hour for goods and services is the same, then should a podiatrist make the same as a neurosurgeon?

The problem with the argument that people are poor, deserving, and innocent while insurance executives are undeserving, evil, and corrupt is obvious to anyone who frames the question. Sadly, Congressman Kucinich and his advisors are failing to see the obvious because they want to believe that their well meaning good intentions take precedence over reality.

The reality is that the man who makes $14 million dollars per year is providing a service. He keeps his company within the law, he is eliminating waste where it is found, and he is tailoring his product to keep it lean and profitable. And that is what they pay him to do. Just like, on any given Sunday in September, you are going to find a bunch of guys on a football field, and they get paid tens of millions of dollars per year to pay just 20 games (or less). Or, if you are LeBron James, you can get hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

So LeBron James makes hundreds of millions of dollars per year while poor people in Cleveland are not getting CAT scans. Do you see that one thing has nothing to do with the other? So why are they trying to make that argument?

Fact 3

A single payer universal system will eliminate waste.


Right. Because competition has no value. Competition and free market principals are self-regulating. In the free market, if one company is selling junk, word gets around and people stop buying. The seller goes out of business. When one company offers a great product/service, everyone wants to buy from them. They sell their product according to what the market will bear. If they charge too much, no one buys. If their product is good, and their price is right, people flock to them. But in a single payer system, no one knows what the market will bear, so there is no self-regulation. Junk becomes the norm. People make careers out of finding ways to corrupt the system, and they get away with it for generations because politics is inherently corrupt, especially Chicago politics.

Nowhere has government run systems proven to be better, more efficient, or more cost effective than the free market. NOWHERE. Not in the entire history of people and governments. Not even in the USSR, which was 100% socialist. Not in the much-envied country of France, which is waking up to the fact that their universal health care system is sucking all the money out of their economy.

When incentives, like profit, are removed, then the only incentive is fraud. How to scam the system becomes the Number One incentive. Then the business of government becomes more and more regulation. More laws. More restrictions. More stasis. Watchers watching the watchers. So every single dollar that doesn’t go to the profiteers, you know, those evil insurance companies, will go to some political hack or to some new government bureaucrat who is needed to control costs, or to some clever con man who is gaming the system.

Need examples? Let’s use the example President Obama used, Post Office vs. Fed Ex and UPS. The Post office is going broke, even though it has a monopoly on mail delivery while Fed Ex and UPS are making a profit. According to Dennis Kucinich, the answer is – get rid of Fed Ex and UPS because they are making the Post Office look bad.

The other side of the coin that Congressman Kucinich is not talking about is what happens when all the little private or religious charity non-profits or community hospitals no longer have many sources of income? What happens when only one entity is paying them? That is creating a gorilla welding a sledgehammer. Once a single payer system goes into effect, then the government and ONLY the government can decide who gets what and how it will work.

Currently, we have freedom of religion. Many Christian hospitals refuse to participate in terminating pregnancies and euthanasia. When the government controls all the rules and controls all the money, then caring people, like the Catholic Church, will not be pressed into providing for the poor. Government will stifle religion and religious freedom. This is just one aspect of a single payer system. Government will decide everything. And when government decides everything, there is no freedom, there is no creativity, there is no innovation, but there are only ugly and costly unintended consequences.

Fact 4

Congressman Kucinich says that he supports Medicare and the VA hospital systems. He thinks they are examples of good government and he approves of them.


If Congressman Kucinich believes the VA system works, then I propose that every member of the government become part of it. I propose that all Congressmen, Senators, Supreme Court Justices, Presidents, and their spouses, and their staffs, and every federal employee, become covered by the VA system, and the VA system alone. Bet there would be plenty of improvements then. Suddenly, it wouldn’t be so attractive.

As to Medicare. Medicare is an example of government interference. When my husband turned 65 in January, our insurance company dropped him. Period. They refuse to insure him. They say that Medicare is primary. No discussion. We cannot even pay them to continue to cover him. And we are willing to do that. But we can’t. He must either sign up for Medicare or not get coverage. So much for “voluntary”. And once he signed up, Social Security demanded we make a pre-payment before they would start coverage. And they charged us more than the payment with the promise that we would “get it back” once his checks kicked in and payments would be taken out. In truth, we “got back” about 80% of it. The rest disappeared down the government money hole of calculating. Their math is not the same as math in the real world. Of course, we could spend days upon days filling our requests and forms and challenges but in the end, the time and aggravation factor wasn’t worth it when we knew we’d never see that money again.

Medicare works because some guy is making $14 millions dollars per year providing a good service to people who want and need health insurance. Medicare works because the free market system is able to come to terms with the hospitals over the value of a lab test. If the insurance companies truly did not pay, then the hospitals would not accept them as bargaining agents. Period. But the insurance companies and the health providers reach an agreement about the value of the goods and services. Once government comes in, and only government comes in, then the value of the goods and services will be determined by the government. And who is entitles to those goods and services and what their value is will not be regulated by supply/demand/profit, it will be regulated by cost and value.

So yes, we will not be able to work hard and create value for ourselves but we will have government assigning value to us. We will not be able to purchase better services but we will have government calculating how much is our value vs. the cost of the CAT scan or X-ray or Cardiac doctor. Today, if we have the money, we have services available for purchase. Once a single payer system goes into effect, there will be front door and back door services. Because people with money and power will always get better services. Congressman Kucinich, even Christ said, “The poor will always be with you”.

Does this mean that we should have the straw man argument that the choice is either the status quo or single payer? No. If the government showed a willingness to remove itself from its unsustainable course, we could and would have the brightest and the best bringing forward creative solutions. Single payer is not a creative solution. It is the knife that would kill the best health care system in the world.

This is just part one of a series on Why Congress Needs to Rethink the Health Care Debate.