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Showing posts with label zinc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zinc. Show all posts

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Dr Malone, Vitamin D3, and Preventable Death

Dr Robert W Malone is the scientist who is credited with inventing the mRNA technology, i.e., the delivery system for the COVID “vaccines” by Pfizer, Moderna, et al.  He is hardly an anti-vaxxer, and this blog has linked to his speeches and articles before.  Because he is on record as skeptical of the “vaccines”, especially for children, he’s been censored, kicked off YouTube and Twitter, etc., but his latest posting on Substack reviews the role Vitamin D3 has played in human resistance to viruses.  He begins:

Preventable Deaths and D3:
The Ugly History of Vitamin D3 and Fauci's pro-Vaccine Bias

The inconvenient truth is that even at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a very simple, inexpensive and effective treatment was available that could have saved the majority of lives lost (1-3). All that the WHO and public health bureaucracy had to do was to recommend and support people taking sufficient Vitamin D3. This failure to act traces back to the unscientific bias and pro-vaccine obsession of Dr. Anthony Fauci. And once again the legacy media, while being paid by the US government and the pharmaceutical industry to promote vaccination, acted by censoring, defaming and suppressing the ability of physicians to inform people of scientific truth. The disease you suffered, the loss of life among your family and friends, could have been greatly reduced by simply getting enough Vitamin D3. This is another example of what happens when unelected bureaucrats are allowed to control free speech. Crimes against humanity.

The effectiveness of Vitamin D3 as an immune system-boosting prophylactic treatment for influenza and other respiratory RNA viruses was first discovered in 2006 (4, 5). Despite that fact that this treatment is amazingly effective for preventing death (by strengthening your immune system), it has never been investigated by the NIH, promoted by the CDC or by the US government for the treatment of influenza. One major issue has been that uncontrolled variables of dosing, timing of dosing and disease status have resulted in inconsistent clinical trial results (much as we have seen with the Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine COVID trials). However, when Vitamin D3 is given prophylactically at sufficient doses, there is clear and compelling evidence that Vitamin D blood levels of around 50 ng/ml will substantially reduce symptomatic infection, severe disease and mortality.

Longstanding worldwide public health policy is that Vitamin D should be taken at sufficient levels (typically supplemented in milk products) to prevent the bone disease called rickets. But this is just a minimal level to prevent a very obvious debilitating disease. The recommended Vitamin D levels in our milk are not sufficient for the more subtle immune system-boosting effects of this critical vitamin. Our bodies’ way of normally producing Vitamin D requires a lot of sunlight, but life in the modern world and northern latitudes make this difficult- particular in winter months which is often when the respiratory viruses cause the most disease and death. In a sense, disease and death from Influenza and other respiratory RNA viruses are a lifestyle disease. Just the way things are. Largely avoidable unnecessary death. . . .

Read the rest here.  Is Vitamin D3 one of your daily supplements?

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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Dr Peter McCullough’s medical toolbox


JD Rucker interviewed Dr Peter McCullough and reported at Freedom First Network on the doctor’s recommendations for everyone's medicine cabinet during the age of COVID (... I note that he did not specify ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine).  With that said, here is what Dr. McCullough had to say about the six things to keep in your medical toolbox:

“If there was six things in the over-the-counter toolbox, I would put in there that Povidone Iodine. That’s about $5 if you buy it online. And then after that it would be Zinc, 50 mg a day. Vitamin D, 5,000 IUs a day, increased to 20,000 a day during active treatment. Vitamin C, 3,000 mg a day, active treatment. And then Quercetin, 500 mg a day for prevention, 500 mg per day for active treatment. And then one last one, which is over-the-counter antacid/antihistamine which actually reduces viral replication and that’s Famotidine or Pepcid, but at a high dose, 80 mg a day active treatment.

Full report is here.

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Monday, October 18, 2021

A legal brief on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine


American Thinker published a report on Nebraska’s Attorney General Doug Peterson’s “devastating critique of the suppression of effective COVID therapies.”  If you’ve been on the fence on hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and ivermectin as effective treatments of COVID-19, this should put your concerns to rest. Jarrad Winter sets the stage:

Legal opinions usually aren't terribly fun to read, but if you've been an ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine advocate for use against Wuhan Plague, this one definitely will bring you much joy.

It's a rather lengthy and full spectrum opinion issued by Doug Peterson, Nebraska's Attorney General, in response to a query from the state's Department of Health and Human Services as to whether physicians can be persecuted and tormented for prescribing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to patients sick with the China Flu. What the AG's response amounts to is a full and complete takedown of the conspiracy to suppress cheap and effective early Covid-19 treatments.

All the players -- FDA, CDC, Fauci, Big Pharma, the media, all of them -- get a glorious and swift kick in the rear end. Portions of it even made me laugh out loud. As far as legal documents go, it's definitely easy reading and understandable to everyone. It seems clear that the AG's office went to some trouble to layout the whole saga in a way the masses can understand without translation by legal scholars.

What follows are some of the most relevant parts (at least in my sometimes-humble opinion), but it really is in everyone's best interest to personally read the opinion in full. People must individually understand what's actually happening for themselves. This is what will enable We The People to course correct and divert from the ruinous path set for us by the overlords.

. . .

Read the article here; it includes chapter-and-verse on medical trials, and the agendas of "all the players."  Mr. Winter also links to the AG’s report itself.

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Friday, October 8, 2021

Go Home, Quarantine, and Wait Till You Get Good and Sick


Selivanov at American Thinker reports:

One of the more bizarre twists in the saga of the COVID pandemic has been doctors growing increasingly frustrated and even angry with patients asking for medical treatment rather than wholesale vaccination. We have been told for almost two years that COVID is a deadly disease. Naturally, when people test positive for COVID, they want to be treated to avoid serious illness. Instead, they are sent home to quarantine, with no medical treatment until they become seriously ill.

. . .

Doctors are having none of it. Instead, they lash out at the very idea that patients should expect to be treated for COVID. They complain of being imposed upon by people who refuse to be vaccinated, overlooking the fact that even the vaccinated have become seriously ill or died of COVID or one of the many variants that have emerged since mass vaccination began. Doctors are not supposed to hurt us—yet I can’t think of anything more hurtful than telling people who test positive for COVID to go home and wait to see how sick they will get, then getting angry at those same people when they ask for a treatment that might prevent them getting sick at all.

Our household has experienced a physician’s unwillingness to prescribe therapeutics such as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and zinc prior to admittance into a hospital, by which time it’s often too late.  America's Frontline Doctors or Pushhealth are still offering help online, but for how long before they get cancelled and de-platformed?  

Full article at American Thinker is here

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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Medicine Politicized


Following up on yesterday’s blog (see here), Mark Wauck at Meaning in History reports on “Boycotting the Mandates.”  He is looking at the damage done by politicians to the medical profession, and he quotes a physician who is probably risking her license to speak out:

“We are being pressured to vaccinate, and we see the large number of Vaccine complications in our ICU’s and ER’s that are going unreported. Doctors are afraid to report all of these vaccine complications even though we are clearly seeing them,” said Dr. Mollie James, an ICU (Intensive Care Unit) Doctor in New York City.

“The serious risks of complications are coming from those with natural immunity who then receive the vaccine or boosters, and frontline doctors and nurses have natural immunity after a year of fighting COVID and being exposed. These vaccine complication risks coming from an unwise mandate are serious, and include increased risks of stroke, heart attack, and death.”

. . .

“I would estimate 30% of the ICU patients in NYC are from vaccine complications but nobody wants to talk about that. They get coded as something else or they will ignore the fact an otherwise healthy person had a heart attack or stroke within 48 hours of receiving the vaccine,” Dr. James said. “I have seen vaccine complications in the general public, and even among healthcare providers. This is a serious problem and it’s only getting worse, and these mandates will make it much worse, but we won’t have the data to deal with it because of politics.”

. . .

“Never in my lifetime have I seen medicine so politicized, where individual treatments are banned because of who is promoting them. It’s a scary time to be a healthcare professional, and the public needs to know how bad things are getting. Your healthcare is being guided by political demands, not by what will lead to the best individual healthcare outcomes,” Dr. James said.

. . .

“These mandates are not scientific, they are not ethical, and they are not needed. We need Doctors to direct these policies to overcome COVID, not lying politicians like Biden who are going to make this crisis much worse.”

Read the full report here. 

In the last couple of days, I had three opportunities to object to wearing a mask.  One was at the dentist’s office, one was the polling place where I went to vote, and one was on an Uber trip with masks required.  In each case, I was not denied access.  

Anyone can obtain test kits to diagnose COVID at home, anyone can legally obtain prescriptions for treatment, and of course you can get zinc supplements over-the-counter. 

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Sunday, August 22, 2021

COVID and censorship


The more I learn about the censorship of physicians and scientists who are sounding the alarm about the vaccines and protocols promoted by the government, the more concerned I become.  JD Rucker is the proprietor of NOQ and an editor at Liberty Daily.  He’s been posting articles by medical skeptics that he knows will be viewed by the mainstream as lunatic fringe conspiracy theory stuff, but he puts them up on his blog anyway.  I am not qualified to critique the data or the arguments, although they seem reasonable to a layperson.  What does get my attention is the government's and Big Tech's ongoing attempts to silence those with dissenting views and criticism of the government-promoted mandates, moves towards vaccine passports, and additional booster shots.

[from JD Rucker’s prefatory remarks] The point made in this article is not only has [Anthony] Fauci pushed the wrong potentially disastrous pandemic solution, he has blocked the right one.

Much of what the two virologists [Dr.Luc Montagnier and Dr. Vanden Bossche] say is very technical in nature.  This article simplifies their controversial messages without losing their essential meanings.  The public needs to understand their warnings that refute all the propaganda pushing vaccines from government and public health agencies as well as big media.

Here then are a few extracts from NOQ’s “Two Top Virologists’ Frightening Warnings About Covid Injections Ignored by Government and Big Media” by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn:

What is the solution?  Bossche has identified the needed alternative to the current massive vaccine effort.  It is this; “This first critical step can only be achieved by calling an immediate halt to the mass vaccination program and replacing it by widespread use of antiviral chemoprophylactics while dedicating massive public health resources to scaling early multidrug treatments of Covid-19 disease.”  This is referring to the early home/outpatient treatment protocols based on cheap, safe and fully approved generics like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine; these also work as preventatives.  Pandemic Blunder provides much data and advice on using this treatment approach.  So, both virologists support use of what [Anthony] Fauci has blocked.

These action recommendations were also made by Bossche “Provide – at no cost – early multidrug treatment to all patients in need.  Roll out campaigns to promote healthy diets and lifestyle.”  In other words, people need to take actions to boost their natural immunity, this should include vitamins and supplements, including this cocktail: vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and quercetin.

. . .

The full article is here.  I should note that I remain skeptical about both virologists.  Dr. Montagnier is another one who did not come off too well during the 1980’s AIDS crisis, and Dr. Bossche has worked for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  But readers will make up their own minds.

RELATED:  James Gallagher has a piece on BBC.com (“Covid: What’s the best way to top up our immunity?”) that raises yet more questions. 

UPDATE:  Peter Skurkiss has a column at American Thinker, “Do The People Who Rushed To Get The COVID Shot Have Buyer's Remorse?”, that also looks at media and Big Tech censorship from more angles.

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Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Zelenko Protocol


Wayne Allyn Root’s column at Townhall reminds us that safe and effective therapeutics -- such as hydroxychloroquine + zinc + Z-Pac, or ivermectin -- have been marginalized because of politics.  Here is a key extract, from the closing paragraphs:

It's time to start asking why treatments for COVID-19 proven in multiple studies around the world to save lives are slandered, censored and banned by social media? Who are they to ban life-saving information? Who are they to label life-saving information as "medical misinformation"? What's in it for them if thousands die needlessly? Somebody clearly is getting filthy rich on this scam.

I asked [Dr. Vladimir] Zelenko about it on a return visit to my show only days ago. He said: "Pre-hospital treatment of COVID-19 was intentionally suppressed. Life-saving information and medication was intentionally suppressed. ... Out of 600,000 dead Americans, we could have saved 510,000. The American people have been brutalized and are the victims of mass murder and crimes against humanity."

I asked Zelenko for his solution to this ongoing tragedy. He said, "Number one, immediately endorse pre-hospital treatment with the Zelenko Protocol, and make it the standard of care. Number two, we must bring these criminals to justice."

Mr. Root’s full article is here.  When you have the opportunity, ask your doctor about all this.  Many doctors still do not have ready answers.

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