Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label tea party patriots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea party patriots. Show all posts

Thursday, November 26, 2009

"Thank You America" Rally

Here is a clip from the "Thank You America" Rally held on November 22, 2009 in Fresno, CA and hosted by the Central Valley Tea Party Patriots group.

The "Thank You America" Rally Caravans traveled across the United States collecting food, clothing, gift cards and monetary donations for the Farmers and Farm Workers of California's Central Valley as part of the Tea Party Patriots "Farm Relief & Freedom Relay."

Central Valley Farmers and Farm Workers continue to be devastated by the regulatory water shortage that has caused thousands of acres of farmlands to lie fallow and hundreds of Californians out of work.

Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator on Cavuto today

Mark Meckler (One of our National Coordinators for the Tea Party Patriots) will be on Neil Cavuto's TV show today (1pm - 2pm on FOX) discussing efforts to REPEAL AB32!

AB32 is the most far-reaching, intrusive piece of legislation that will absolutely DESTROY our already suffering economy once it is fully implemented, in addition to telling us where to live, what to eat and what to drive.

You can click here for the Face Book link of -- Stop AB 32! Defeat California's job-killing global warming law! Go there sign up and sign the petition.

If you haven't already make sure you go to the National Tea Party Patriots (www.teapartypatriots.org) site where you can sign up, create a profile and track all the calls, faxes, emails you have made. Plus you can join the TPP Google Groups, follow the TPP Blogs and a whole bunch of other fun and informative Tea Party Patriot stuff.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tea Party Patriots -- "Our Time is NOW!"

H/T Jeff & Amy of the Medina County Tea Party Patriots --

Please act NOW
Time is running out!

Keep focusing on the 13 Senators as well as Snowe, Lincoln and Pryor.

There is only one thing that can stop our government from taking over the healthcare system – that is YOU and millions of grassroots activists like you! We must do this NOW. There is no time to wait.

We had a great conference call Wednesday evening to discuss the current healthcare legislation. From the information shared on the call, we have revised our action plan for the week. We have added a few additional action items to our original Action Alert from Monday night.

According to the experts in DC, the legislation will probably go to the floor of the Senate on October 19th and to the floor of the House on October 26th. So what we must do NOW is continue the action plan from earlier in the week and take the following action steps:

Contact Senators Snowe, Lincoln and Pryor

First action step is to contact Senator Olympia Snowe from Maine and the two Senators from Arkansas. These Senators need to hear from us more than any other Senators. When contacting their offices, let them know that while you may not live in their states, their votes affect all Americans and that you’d be happy to support their next campaign, if they listen to the American people. If they don't listen to the American people, you would be happy to contribute to the campaign of their opposition. Their contact information follows:

Senator Olympia Snowe (ME)
Chief of Staff: Unknown
Washington, DC: (202) 224-5344 / (202) 224-1946 fax
Auburn: (207) 786-2451 / (207) 782-1438 fax
Augusta: (207) 622-8292 / (207) 622-7295 fax
Bangor: (207) 945-0432 / (207) 941-9525 fax
Biddeford: (207) 282-4144 / (207) 284-2358 fax
Portland: (207) 874-0883 / (207) 874-7631 fax
Presque Isle: (207) 764-5124 / (207) 764-6420 fax

Senator Blanche Lincoln (AR)
Chief of Staff: Elizabeth Burks (
Washington, DC: (202) 224-4843 / (202) 228-1371 fax
Little Rock: (800) 352-9364 / (501) 375-7064 fax

Senator Mark Pryor (AR)
Chief of Staff: Bob Russell (email address unknown)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-2353 / (202) 228-0908 fax
Little Rock: (501) 324-6336 / (501) 324-5320 fax

According to a recent AP article, Snowe is looking more favorably at the bill, since it received a “positive” cost report. Read the full article
here. We really need to apply the pressure. If she swings to the other side, there is a greater chance of the Senate getting the 60 votes it needs for cloture.

Click Here to contact the 13 Senators and urge them to "Kill the Bill"

Geauga County Tea Party Patriots host Tea Party on Chardon Square

There will be a Tea Party hosted by the Geauga County Tea Party Patriots in Chardon on the Square on Sunday, October 11, from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.

Speakers include:
  • Tom Baher (GCTPP Coordinator)"Information, Our Responsibility as Americans

  • Pastor Ernie Sanders (Geauga County Right to Life)Invocation, "America, Judeo/Christian Nation"

  • Mike Gutierrez (WELW radio personality)"Cyber Security Concerning The Internet"

  • Jason Rink (Founder, Ohio Freedom Alliance)"A Parallel Between the American Revolution and Today"

  • Joseph Logan (Ohio State Farmers Union)"Ohio State Issue 2 Exposed, and HSUS"

  • Daniel Shy (speaker on engineering, religion, and home schooling)"Why I Attend Tea Parties"

  • Robert Najmuski (Creator of the Criminal Alien Task Force for NW Ohio)"Illegal Immigration"

  • Ralph King (Cleveland Tea Party Patriots Co-Coordinator) "Bringing You Up To Date in Ohio"

  • Music will be provided by Edward Monett.
There will be many organizations represented. You will be able to ask questions and pick up literature from:

Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
Mentor 9-12 Group
Burton 9-12 Group
Akron 9-12 Group
Stark 912 Patriots
Summit 9-12 Group
Ohio Freedom Alliance
Chesterland Campaign for Liberty
Lake County Liberty Meet-up
The Grassroots Rally Team of Ohio
Lake County Right to Life
Geauga County Right to Life
Ashtabula Friends for Life
The Heritage Group
The National Rifle Association
The Chardon Chamber of Commerce
Ashtabula County Ron Paul Meet-up Group
Lake County Ron Paul Meet-up Group
Trumbull County Ron Paul Meet-up Group
Portage County Ron Paul Meet-up Group
Summit County Ron Paul Meet-up Group
Mahoning County Ron Paul Meet-up Group
Columbiana County Ron Paul Meet-up Group

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Can’t make the 9/12 March on D.C.?

By now I'm sure everyone has heard about the 9.12 Tax Payers March on DC where untold thousands are expected to turn out.

If you can't get to DC and want to participate in some Tea Party Patriot events -- don't worry... as the Weekend of Patriot Day is coming there is a whole bunch of Patriotic 'stuff' to do locally.

First, on the way to the D.C. event the Tea Party Express bus will be stopping in Canton on 9/9. Amy Kremer, one of the Tea Party Patriot National Organizers, will be on the bus and is looking forward to meeting all the die-hard Tea Party Patriots from OH. Amy will be blogging about the Tea Part Express as it makes it way to DC on her Southern Belle Politics Blog.

Then in remembering and honoring the day our country was attacked by flying jihadikaze's, the Richfield Tea Party Patriots will be having Patriot Day Tea Party on 9/11 from 5pm - 7pm. There is going to be a special "seating" area at this event which I am sure will bring a smile and get a good laugh from all attending. This special seating area may just make national news! Click here to RSVP and for more details.

After a good night's sleep of counting terrorists being waterboarded instead of sheep jumping a fence, head down to Mansfield for the Mansfield Tea Party & Bike Rally on September 12th at the Richland County Fairgrounds Nature Park Pavilion. Besides some awesome speakers, this all day event will also feature live bands. Click here to RSVP and for more details.

We hope to see you at one or all of the events!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The St. Louis Tea Party will hold a press conference and peaceable protest at SEIU Headquarters

Refusing to back down to the SEIU Labor thugs bought and paid for by the White House with Stimulus Funds, our fellow Tea Party Patriots in St. Louis show that we, The Tea Party Patriots, will not be kept from excercising our Right to Free Speech.

From the St. Louis Tea Party Patriots --

CONTACT: Billy Hennessy
PHONE: 314.266.1775
DATE: Saturday, August 8, 2009

TIME: Noon
LOCATION: SEIU Headquarters
5585 Pershing Ave., Suite 130, St. Louis, MO 63112 View Map

The St. Louis Tea Party will hold a press conference
and peaceable protest at SEIU Headquarters

St. Louis Tea Party will be protesting tomorrow is to demand justice for Kenneth Gladney, an African-American conservative who was brutally beaten by 4 individuals, at least 2 of whom were identified as SEIU representatives. The beatings included racial slurs and required hospitalization of Mr. Gladney.

As videos show, the attack was unprovoked and no one retaliated against the union thugs.

This attack followed hours of taunts and verbal assaults by SEIU and ACORN members upon citizens gathered to express their views under the First Amendment. We believe this brutal beating is part of an organized plan to suppress dissent to the Administration's planned seizure of the medical industry in the United States.

Anyone who believes in non-violent protest, in the rule of law, in the right of black men and women to express conservative political views, in the right to peaceably assemble, to speak freely, and to petition Congress for a redress of grievances is invited to attend.

The Tea Party specifically requests the NAACP and the ACLU to come out in support of Kenneth Gladney's rights which were trampled by these hooligans. We call on Representative Russ Carnahan to denounce the beating. We call on President Obama to denounce the beatings. We call on St. Louis County to prosecute the assailants to fullest extent of the law.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tea Party smack down!!

Tea Party Patriots have been uniting around this country to give ObamaCare the smack down. At Senator Claire "Acorn" McCaskill's recent Town Hall Meeting in St.Louis, over 1200 people showed up to a meeting that typically gets 150. Two weeks prior, her staff called the police on the St.Louis TPP who were protesting outside her office.

Listen for the crowds reaction.

But even better is the soldier who gives Mccaskill's staffer some much needed constitutional instruction.

Americans want affordable healthcare, NOT socialized healthcare. Why have they been so desperate to force a vote on this before the recess? One reason, they don't want to come home to crowds like this. Make no doubt that NE Ohio will give our non-representing representatives a tea party welcome.