JD Rucker interviewed Dr Peter McCullough and reported at Freedom First Network on the doctor’s recommendations for everyone's medicine cabinet during the age of COVID (... I note that he did not specify ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine). With that said, here is what Dr. McCullough had to say about the six things to keep in your medical toolbox:
“If there was six things in the over-the-counter toolbox, I would put in there that Povidone Iodine. That’s about $5 if you buy it online. And then after that it would be Zinc, 50 mg a day. Vitamin D, 5,000 IUs a day, increased to 20,000 a day during active treatment. Vitamin C, 3,000 mg a day, active treatment. And then Quercetin, 500 mg a day for prevention, 500 mg per day for active treatment. And then one last one, which is over-the-counter antacid/antihistamine which actually reduces viral replication and that’s Famotidine or Pepcid, but at a high dose, 80 mg a day active treatment.
Full report is here.
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