Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Socialism's seductive appeal


Roger Kimball has good history and philosophical lessons for us at American Greatness. He concludes:

For centuries, prudent political philosophers have understood that the lust for equality is the enemy of freedom. That species of benevolence underwrote the tragedy of Communist tyranny. The rise of political correctness has redistributed that lust over a new roster of issues: not the proletariat, but the environment, not the struggling masses, but “reproductive freedom,” gay rights, the welfare state, the Third World, diversity training, and an end to racism and xenophobia. It looks, in Marx’s famous mot, like history repeating itself as farce. It would be a rash man, however, who made no provision for a reprise of tragedy.

Such attitudes are all but ubiquitous in modern democratic societies. Although of relatively recent vintage, they have spread rapidly. The triumph of this aspect of Enlightened thinking, as [philosopher David] Stove notes, marked the moment when “the softening of human life became the great, almost the only, moral desideratum.”

The modern welfare state is one result of the triumph of abstract benevolence. Its chief effects are to institutionalize dependence on the state while also assuring the steady growth of the bureaucracy charged with managing government largess. Both help to explain why the welfare state has proved so difficult to dismantle. The governments that support the welfare state, Stove points out,

are elected by universal adult franchise; but an electorally decisive proportion of the voters—in some countries, approaching a quarter—either is employed by government or is dependent to a significant extent on some welfare programme. In these circumstances it is merely childish to expect the welfare state to be reduced, at least while there is universal suffrage. A government that did away with free education, for example, or socialised medicine, simply could not be re-elected. Indeed it would be lucky to see out its term of office.

Is there an alternative? Stove quotes Thomas Malthus’ observation, from his famous “Essay on Population,” that “we are indebted for all the noblest exertions of human genius, for everything that distinguishes the civilised from the savage state,” to “the laws of property and marriage, and to the apparently narrow principle of self-interest which prompts each individual to exert himself in bettering his condition.”

“The apparently narrow principle of self-interest,” mind you.

Contrast that robust, realistic observation with Robert Owen’s blather about replacing the “individual selfish system” with a “united social” system that, he promised, would bring forth a “new man.”

Stove observes that Malthus’ arguments for the genuinely beneficent effects of “the apparently narrow principle of self-interest” “cannot be too often repeated.” Indeed. Even so, a look around at the childish pretended enthusiasm for socialism makes me think that, for all his emphasis, Stove understated the case. Jim Carrey and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (not to mention a college student near you) would profit by having a closer acquaintance with the clear-eyed thinking of Thomas Malthus.

It’s the same lessons that gave America its first Thanksgiving;  when collective socialism failed, the settlers learned that freedom, incentive, and private property harnessed self-interest to the greater good.

Read Mr. Kimball’s entire essay here.

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Energy independence: gone

 Usual fun and satire at The Week In Pictures at Powerline, including this meme:

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Saturday, May 15, 2021

Police Officer Memorial Day

From the National Police week website

Washington, (March 10, 2021) - Host organizations of National Police Week, which include the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum, the Fraternal Order of Police and Auxiliary (FOP), and Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S), have made the difficult but necessary decision, due to the ongoing pandemic, to postpone in-person events of National Police Week to October 13-17, 2021, in Washington, D.C. The rescheduling of the originally planned events to be held May 11-16, 2021, is due to the inability to secure necessary permits in time for in-person gatherings due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.

The National Police Weekend will offer the same honor, remembrance, and peer support as the extended National Police Week, while allowing law enforcement, survivors, and citizens to gather and pay homage to those who gave their lives in the line of duty.

Today was the originally scheduled day for Police Officer Memorials.

A few years ago, we visited the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum in DC.  Here are some photographs of police memorabilia, exhibits, and by happy chance, some displays showcasing police work in northeast Ohio.  Images by Pat Dooley photography (no Facebook page any more, so ignore the byline on one of the photos):

Click to embiggen.

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Friday, May 14, 2021

The Three Faces of the Republican Party?


At American Thinker, Patricia McCarthy comes close in her title:

The Three Faces of the Republican Party

Thanks to Donald Trump, we can all clearly see who among our officials actually represents the American people who elected them; which members of Congress are interested only in keeping their seats; and those who passively align themselves with the Democrats to push our republic into a version of communist China with a social credit system, struggle sessions, and mandatory submission to an all-powerful government that would make Mao and Stalin proud.  Far too many of them are sitting still for this.

The Republican Party is in serious disarray; it's fractured.  Yellow-bellies like Kevin McCarthy are the majority, and the open NeverTrumps are traitors to their constituents.  Where do they all seem to work together?  When confirming Biden's dismal appointees to high office within his illegitimate administration.  They are all awful!  William Burns for CIA has numerous links to the Communist Party of China; Susan Hennessey to the DOJ is a confirmed rabid Russia hoaxer.  Lisa Monaco probably ordered the raid on Giuliani.

On this one score, their three faces meld into one insipid like-mind that cravenly submits to the most radical administration in U.S. history.  Republicans never fight as the Dems do.  They capitulate.  The Democrats never capitulate; they fight like the thugs they are.

Under the Biden administration, those of us who continue to embrace Trump's America First policies that engendered the best economy for all demographics, who support securing our southern border, who were thrilled by the energy independence that Trump brought about and the de-regulation that energized so many small and large businesses, are even more deplorable to the left now than we were in Hillary Clinton's view.  Wanting a free and economically powerful America is anathema to the left.  The left means to indoctrinate our kids rather than educate them.  Leftists' totalitarian agenda demands "equity" rather than equality; skin color reigns supreme.  They mean to cripple this nation; no more oil exploration, no more secure borders, no more law and order, no more freedom of speech or assembly, no more Second Amendment.  The left means to destroy America as founded, and, though interrupted by Trump's presidency, the Soros-Obama plan is back in play.  China owns Biden, and he is speeding up America's decline in service of the communist nation and the globalists.

The left is by nature miserable.  Leftists will not rest until everyone is as miserable as they are.  And because our ruling class is thoroughly removed from reality, they believe that their prescriptions for the rest of us will never affect their oh, so privileged lifestyles.  The left suffers from dissociative identity disorder, too: "a mental illness that involves disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity and/or perception."  That pretty much sums up too many members of our political class, left and right.  Think Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.  Think Joe Biden.

When the right does not fight back against the left's anti-American grand plan — its absurd erasure of biological sex, its primacy of criminals over law-abiding citizens — the right is as certifiably mentally ill as the left.  That the Republicans are not, as a whole, standing up against the pandemic nonsense — mask mandates and lockdowns — is so disappointing.  They should be fighting for the essential "my body, my choice" when it comes to vaccines!  Why are they not, as a cohesive group, opposing the very notion of vaccine passports?  Why can't the Republicans in Congress learn from governors like DeSantis?  They don't.  They are cowering in the corners of their congressional offices, terrified of the left media.  God forbid they be criticized by a mindless hack at the NYT or on CNN or MSNBC.

The Republican Party is suffering from an identity crisis.  What is a Republican?  For what principles do these people stand tall?  We know who the good guys are, but they are a minority.  Why aren't all of the elected Republicans on the same page?

The easy explanation:  Most of them belong to the Uniparty-R.  (Full article is here.)

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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Falling Down and Falling Apart


On his blogsite, Robert Stacy McCain quoted part of Tucker Carlson’s Tuesday monologue yesterday.  Our household deleted Fox from our Favorites list some months ago, but Mr. Carlson made some good points.

The lessons of [the 1993 film] Falling Down were on my mind as I watched Tucker Carlson’s opening monologue for his Tuesday program:

There are a lot of unprecedented things happening, but not all of them are shocking. For example, it probably shouldn’t surprise you that, once they got their hands on real power, the same lunatics who don’t believe in human biology immediately made a serious mess of our economy. It took them less than six months to do it.

First, they acted like the U.S. dollar had no value. They spent money like they’d just printed it for the occasion, which, needless to say, they had. Predictably, we wound up with frightening levels of inflation, which for the record they still deny exists. But inflation does exist, as you well know if you live here.

Corn prices, to name just one example of a staple commodity that’s now out of control, have risen by 50 percent just since January. But that wasn’t bad enough. The lunatics decided to make it worse. They paid millions of Americans more than they make at work, to stay home and do nothing. To justify doing this, they used the word “COVID” quite a bit, but it had nothing to do with the pandemic. They just wanted to break the system. And so they did. And the rest of us immediately wound up with a bewildering combination of rising unemployment in the middle of a severe labor shortage.

So, at the very same time, we found ourselves with too many workers, and also too few workers. That doesn’t even make sense, but thanks to their policies, that’s now exactly what we have. And then, finally, in case 2021 didn’t remind you enough of a grimmer version of the 1970s, we now have serious gas shortages, in a country that just recently was energy independent. All along the east coast of the country today, people couldn’t fill up their cars. The footage looks like Venezuela.

And so forth. The real point — why it reminded me of Falling Down — is that ordinary citizens are powerless to fix this manmade disaster. The people in charge don’t give a damn about ordinary citizens, because if they did, they wouldn’t have done what they’ve done. We find ourselves in a broken system, where the incentives have gone haywire, and the world has stopped making sense. 

See – it’s not just you.  (Mr. McCain's full blog post is here.) 

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Available early treatment protocols?


Mark Wauck at Meaning in History has useful information just in case you are exposed to COVID-19; his post concludes:

The article--What is causing COVID-19 deaths to spike in India?--is highly informative and contains multiple graphs that illustrate the author's points in a useful way. Beyond that, however, the author points out another signal failure of our Covid response: the systemic failure to authorize a treatment regime for Covid. Indeed, we now know that the reason for this failure--this refusal--is closely linked to the push for vaxxing. Here is his conclusion:

This finding reinforces why an early treatment protocol is essential. However, my own doctor confirms there is no early treatment approved to treat COVID-19 in the U.S. (and probably most western countries) except quarantine with instructions to go to the hospital when symptoms worsen. This (perhaps criminal) omission is one more reason deaths got so high.  

A new anti-viral drug called Molupiravir is nearing completion of clinical trials.  It is intended as a five-day outpatient treatment similar to Tamiflu commonly prescribed to combat the effects of influenza. It would lack the unwarranted controversy surrounding the off-label use of HCQ making it ideal for an early treatment protocol.    

Until the CDC authorizes an early treatment protocol, we are on our own. However, there are several inexpensive, safe, common vitamins/drugs proven effective against COVID-19 that are available over the counter.  Examples include vitamin    D3 ZincGlutathioneQuercetin, and even low-dose aspirin. There are others, and with some research you can be your own first responder. 

Full blog post is here.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Infernal Revenue Service


Here’s Cal Thomas at Newsbusters on torture at tax time:

Thanks to the beneficence of the Internal Revenue Service -- and the fallout from COVID-19 -- we half of Americans who pay federal income taxes have been given until May 17 to file.

Since I began earning enough to file Form 1040 and associated forms, I have only known one person who prepared his own taxes. That was Bill Archer, a Texas Republican who formerly headed the House Ways and Means Committee. I once asked Archer why he prepared his. His reply was that not only did he think it was fun, but because he helped write the tax code, he felt a responsibility to demonstrate competence in filling out the forms.

These days, the forms are so complicated, hardly anyone I know understands them. The instructions need instructions.

I have again filed jointly with my wife (more than 70 pages). She owns a business, so it is more complicated than if we filed separately. Still, the forms require translating a language I have never studied and wouldn't want to. If you call the IRS and ask for help, you are still responsible for interest and penalties if they give the wrong advice.

How complicated is it? Here are just a few examples. Right off the top, I am threatened with prison should I knowingly fudge information on the form. The federal government does threats very well, including those read by flight attendants. Refuse to wear a mask, even if vaccinated, and you risk arrest. Don't even think of tampering with the smoke detector. Even the post office is now spying on us.

How's this for clarity from the estimated tax worksheet: "Add lines 2a and 2b. Subtract line 2c from line 1. Figure your tax on the amount on line 3 by using the 2021 Tax Tables. Caution: If you will have qualified dividends or a net capital gain or expect to exclude or deduct foreign earned income or housing, see worksheets 2-5 and 2-6 in Pub. 505 to figure the tax."

Got that?

There are schedules and forms for everything. They are nearly as numerous as the growing list of gender identities. Under Schedule D, Profits and Losses, there is this gibberish: "Totals for all short-term transactions reported on Form 1099-B for which basis was reported to the IRS and for which you have no adjustments (see instructions). However, if you choose to report all these transactions on Form 8949, leave this line blank and go to line 1b."

Say what?

No civilized society should force its citizens to go through this annual torture.

. . .

The rest is here.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

David Horowitz: Divisions of our time


David Horowitz is a red-diaper baby who not only rejects communism but is an eloquent and prolific defender of the Constitution and freedom.  He is the proprietor of David Horowitz’s Freedom Center and its online presence at Front Page Mag.  His essay yesterday is my idea of a must-read.  It begins:

My Former Friends Have Joined the Fascists:

A personal tale of the divisions of our time.

The accusation that dissent is dangerous and must be suppressed mimics the fascist voice of the Democrat Party in its campaign to criminalize anyone who questions the 2020 election. Calling the break-in to the Capitol “an armed insurrection,” when there were no arms and no insurrections, ordering 25,000 troops to the Capitol to deal with a non-existent threat, calling Republicans “enemies of the state” (Pelosi), authorizing witch-hunts of (right wing) “extremists” in the military, the Capitol police and the Department of Homeland Security, seeking the expulsion of Senators Hawley and Cruz and the impeachment of the president for questioning the legitimacy of the electors are of a piece with Radosh and Stern’s malicious charge against me. The aim is to criminalize dissent and make it a high crime in the process.

The reality of course is that Democrats themselves have challenged the legitimacy of every Republican presidential victory this century, including the election of Trump, which they have never accepted. Their “resistance” has caused great damage to the republic, which they prefer not to notice.

The full essay is here. 

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Monday, May 10, 2021

Wokeness erasing America


Most excellent commentary from Victor Davis Hanson at American Greatness:

If wokeness should continue and “win,” by now we all know where it will end up. After all, this is not a prairie-fire, peasants-with-pitchforks, spontaneous bottom-up revolution.

The woke Left seeks a top-down erasure of America, engineered by the likes of LeBron James from his $40 million estate talking revolution to Oprah at her $90 million castle, as Mark Zuckerberg throws in $500 million here, and his colleagues $400 million there, and as the top executives of Coke, Target, and Delta Airlines believe their $17 million-a-year salaries make them experts on the crimes of non-diversity, exclusion, and inequity. Anytime revolutionaries at the outset of their enterprises seek exemption from the consequences of their own ideology, we know their plans will end badly for everyone else.

. . .

Full article is here.

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Saturday, May 8, 2021

Absurdities Of The COVID Pandemic

A.F. Branco cartoons are published at Legal Insurrection.com

The Top 10 Absurdities Of The COVID Pandemic…So Far 

by Zero Hedge,posting at InfoWars

In countdown order:

#10 – One-way traffic rules in supermarket aisles –

#9 – COVID is Trump’s fault –

#8 – Teachers can’t go back to work, but everyone else can –

#7 – It was xenophobic for Trump to halt travel from China  –

#6 – Fifteen days to slow the spread  –

#5 – President Joe Biden: “Help is on the way” –

#4 – The response by The World Health Organization –

#3 – Blue states did it better –

#2 – Get the vaccine, but keep doing all of the other stuff  –

#1 – Wear two masks  –

The beginning of the pandemic was chaotic, and it would have been understandable if Dr. Anthony Fauci had simply made a mistake when he told us we didn’t need masks. But it wasn’t a mistake. He lied to us and admitted doing so. Fauci justified his deceit by claiming concern that masks might not be available for health care professionals. Then Fauci decided to stop lying to us and told us to wear masks, but wouldn’t even follow his own directive. Fauci threw out the first pitch at the Washington Nationals opening game last year, and forget that he threw the ball like a little girl; which, if anything, is insulting to little girls. He was wearing a mask despite the nearest person being sixty feet away. He then proceeded to sit in the stands directly next to a friend, at which point he removed his mask. Then late last year Fauci decided that it would be best if we wore two masks, without any evidence to support his notion. Like lockdowns, there’s still no evidence that mask-wearing had a significant impact on the pandemic. Dr. Fauci has zero credibility at this point, and if you’re following this recommendation by wearing two masks, then you are a moron.

More chapter-and-verse  here.

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Thursday, May 6, 2021

Babylon Bee Fun

 From the newspaper of record, er, satire at the Babylon Bee:

CIA Replaces Waterboarding With 12-Hour Lectures On Intersectional Feminism

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Real "Left and Right" of Politics

Insanity Wrap #201 (a/k/a Stephen Green) posted the graph below:

It seems like every week there’s some new chart or graph like this one, but Insanity Wrap thought this one was particularly thoughtful and well done. (Click to embiggen or click on the link above and scroll down).

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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

“I’m Still Not Getting the Vaccine”


Dan Gelernter posted “I’m Still Not Getting the Vaccine” at American Greatness:

. . . We have decided to make avoiding disease our full-time job. It’s more important than going to work or seeing your friends. It’s worth destroying the established Western social convention that we be able to see each other’s faces in public. 

I’ve got news for you: If you spend all your time worrying about getting sick, you’re sick already. America is having a giant, hysterical, hypochondriacal fit. 

. . .

As a young and healthy person, there is really no upside to vaccination. I’m simply not likely to get the disease. And, say what you will, we don’t know what the long-term effects of this vaccine will be. 

(Full article is here.) And America’s Frontline Doctors has a sort of “white paper” on why an “experimental” vaccine injection cannot be mandated, legally [endnotes not included in this extract]:

Covid-19 Vaccines are Experimental

Covid-19 vaccines are not approved by the FDA.  The Covid-19 vaccines are only approved under an Emergency Use Authorization, for investigational use only. Covid-19 vaccines lack requisite studies and are not approved medical treatment. The FDA’s guidance on emergency use authorization of medical products requires the FDA to “ensure that recipients are informed to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances … That they have the option to accept or refuse the EUA product …”

. . .

The right to avoid the imposition of human experimentation is fundamental, rooted in the Nuremberg Code of 1947, has been ratified by the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki, and further codified in the United States Code of Federal Regulations. In addition to the United States regarding itself as bound by these provisions, these principles were adopted by the FDA in its regulations requiring the informed consent of human subjects for medical research. It is unlawful to conduct medical research, even in the case of an emergency, unless steps are taken to secure informed consent of all participants

The white paper (just 3 pages including endnotes] specifies students but the legal constraints protect us all.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Donald J. Trump's new website


It's up.  And here's the link:  <https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk>

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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Epidemics: then and now


Wolf Howling posted a piece a week or so ago at Bookworm Room that makes the case that the city of Charleston, SC handled the 1760 epidemic of small pox better than the United States has handled COVID-19.  The contrasts are remarkable:

. . . the final death toll in the city [pop. 8,000 in 1760) was merely 650 people from small pox and, by June, there was only one reported case of the disease in Charleston. Life was wholly back to normal.

That contrasts starkly with the course of Covid 19 epidemic. Our modern society has tried to use quarantine to cure the illness, rather than letting the disease run its course, especially among those not endangered by the disease. Instead of being done with Covid 19 in a matter of months, we are still wrestling with it well over a year on, and at tremendous cost to our nation, both economic and otherwise.

In 1760, the people of Charleston faced a deadly epidemic that they handled with grace and at minimal cost to society. In 2020-2021, our nation has faced a mild epidemic that it has handled with fear-mongering and government mandates. And unlike the Great Charleston Small Pox Epidemic that was over in approximately four months, our modern society is still dragging on – at great expense – our response to Covid 19. Will someone please explain to me how we have advanced in intelligence and common sense relative to our colonial forebears some 260 years ago?

The full article is here.

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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Your Feel-Good Story of the Day: Romney “showered with boos”

Andrew Mark Miller has the story at the Washington Examiner:

Romney showered with boos at GOP event
as hecklers call him a 'communist' and 'traitor'

Sen. Mitt Romney was showered with loud boos by a Republican audience in Utah as he attempted to slam President Joe Biden’s agenda.

“I’m a man who says what he means, and you know I was not a fan of our last president’s character issues,” Romney said Saturday as delegates at Utah’s Republican convention shouted their disapproval, with some calling him a “traitor” and a “communist.”

Aren’t you embarrassed?” Romney asked the crowd at one point.

Romney also touted his Republican credentials and told the crowd that the boos don’t bother him.

“You can boo all you like,” said Romney. “I’ve been a Republican all of my life. My dad was the governor of Michigan, and I was the Republican nominee for president in 2012.”

The jeers finally stopped when the outgoing party chairman urged the delegates to “show respect.”

More at the link.  Utah conservatives are not feeding Romney The RINO.  Bravo!

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Friday, April 30, 2021

Ending Masks in Schools – for starters


I am posting this from today’s Insanity Wrap in the hopes that some readers with kids in public schools will be inspired to tear a page from the AZ parents:

Insanity Wrap isn’t going to sugar-coat this one: It’s the greatest thing in the history of all things since we don’t know when.

Hundreds of parents showed up to the Vail School Board meeting to demand the board make masks optional. The board didn’t want to hear it so they walked out of the meeting before it even began. So the parents, under Robert’s Rules of Order, voted in a new school board. Then, the new members voted to end the mask requirement in Vail Schools.

The full 94-minute video of the entire thing is on YouTube.

Watching these parents using Robert’s Rules to vote themselves as board members in place of the runaway cowards is maybe the most delightfully American thing we’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing.

We earnestly hope this makes your day — week, year — as much as it did ours.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Not the State of the Union Address


They are not calling it the State of the Union address.  The by-invitation-only event is being referred to as the “Presidential Address to the Joint Session of Congress.”  It starts this evening, Weds. Apr-28 at 9pm.  The TV Guide lists it as concluding at 11pm.  Will our President make it through the full two hours?

No matter.  You don’t have to watch it, because Vodkapundit will be live DrunkBlogging the address;  click here.   

UPDATE at 8:48pm:  Direct link is now up; click here.

(Mr. Vodkapundit already gave us the heads up from yesterday’s Insanity Wrap blog:

Insanity Wrap will return in our VodkaPundit guise on Wednesday evening right here at PJ Media for a much-requested drunkblog of Presidentish Biden’s much-delayed State of the Union address.)

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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Starve the Big Tech Beast


Jim Daws has lots of DIY advice on switching from Big Tech services to alternatives offering more privacy and less bias.  His plan, posted at American Thinker, can be implemented incrementally, to make the transitions as painless as possible.

. . . Big Tech is wholly owned by the Left and they’re using that power -- unprecedented in human history -- to muzzle any effective opposition.

The sad part is that Big Tech’s control over the free flow information is almost entirely illusory and based wholly on our submission to it. Much in the same manner that consumers become zealously brand-conscious, we have come to accept that Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have some innate value that makes them indispensable. We forget that Big Tech’s dominance has come about in just one generation and we can track a direct trajectory between the rise of Big Tech and the radical Left’s ascendancy. 

To have any chance of reversing this ruinous tide, traditional Americans must awake from their stupor and stop feeding the beast that’s devouring them. Thankfully, that’s much more easily done than say, defeating the British Empire, a bloody civil war to end slavery, or storming the beaches at Normandy. All it takes is a few afternoons at your desk to break the Big Tech habit and transition to emerging Alt-Tech options. But if we’re unwilling to do even that, we’ll prove unworthy of our legacy of freedom and prosperity and will get exactly what we deserve.

Here are some suggestions for escaping Big Tech’s death-grip. A quick disclaimer: while improved privacy and security is an excellent side effect of these suggestions, nothing on the internet is completely secure or private. My main goal here is to provide alternatives that will starve the Big Tech beast.

Ditch Windows and Mac operating systems in favor of Linux. This may seem the most difficult and disruptive action required of your Big Tech jailbreak but it’s far less so than you may think and absolutely essential. By allowing Microsoft and Apple control of your computing ecosystem you allow them to track your activities and collect private information. Once the government has labeled dissent as “domestic terrorism,” you can bet that the lefties in Redmond and Cupertino will be there to help monitor your political beliefs. 

Linux is a free, stable, secure, open-source operating system not controlled by Big Tech. . . .

On the web browser front, if you're using Google Chrome or Apple Safari, you should know that your online activity is being tracked, recorded, and sold to thousands of data brokers. Most of that data is used for marketing, but the sites you visit are a good indicator of your political leanings and activities and the collection of that data is ripe for abuse. 

A good alternative is the Brave browser. .  .

For the love of God, stop using Google search and Gmail. These two services provide the bulk of Google's ad and tracking revenue, which they then use to censor Google search results to block content their woke and H1B visa workforce find objectionable. Google search is the most powerful gatekeeper of information ever created and Google unapologetically uses algorithms to promote politicians and ideas they agree with and crush those they oppose.

Good alternatives are DuckDuckGo and ProtonMail . . .

If Jeff Zuckerberg’s and Jack Dorsey’s promotion and protection of leftist politicians and dogma during the 2020 election hasn’t convinced you to get off Facebook and Twitter, allow me to remind you that, among many outrages, Zuckerberg spent nearly a half-billion dollars subverting the 2020 election and both Zuckerberg and Dorsey censored stories of the Biden crime family’s blatant graft and corruption. Then, after the election, both banned the 45th President of the United States from their platforms for objecting.

More than any other tech service, users seem slavishly devoted to Facebook and Twitter and willing to sacrifice the nation and their freedoms to them. This effect is what empowered Zuckerberg and Dorsey to offend about half their customers… er, products, without fear of reprisal. 

. . .

Your transition need not be done all at once but make a list and begin your migration away from Big Tech. Choose tasks that are most easily accomplished and check it off. You will be surprised at how quick and painless the process is and how good responsible citizenship and freedom feels. 

Read the full article here.

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Saturday, April 24, 2021

Roger L. Simon: The Big Snitch Is Here—America Goes Stasi


The other day. Roger L. Simon posted a piece at Epoch Times that should frighten any of us.  America is turning into – or has already turned into -- a police state:

Many, particularly those on the right, worry the United States is turning into China, but we are a Western nation coming out of a (mostly) Western tradition.

I believe we should be as much concerned, if not more, that we are beginning to resemble East Germany with its State Security Service (Staatssicherheitsdienst), better known as the Stasi.

As Wikipedia reminds us:

“One of the Stasi’s main tasks was spying on the population, primarily through a vast network of citizens turned informants, and fighting any opposition by overt and covert measures, including hidden psychological destruction of dissidents (“Zersetzung,” literally meaning “decomposition”). It arrested 250,000 people as political prisoners during its existence.”

I was reminded of this Zersetzung and its psychological destruction of dissidents—soon we may all be classified that way, if not already—by a photo I received this morning from a (necessarily anonymous) friend who works at the Los Angeles Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, among the most prestigious hospitals in the country.

With his/her permission, I am sharing it with you.

This person photographed an announcement taped to a wall at the hospital that read: “Implicit Bias Anonymous Reporting System.”

Beneath these ominous words was the usual digital code symbol automatically connecting a cellphone to the “system,” as if the hospital were a restaurant during COVID providing a hands-free menu for your convenience.

In other words, it was a convenient posting for how to snitch on your friends and colleagues for their “implicit bias,” whatever that is. (I’m probably exhibiting some just by writing this.)

I asked my friend, who has known the hospital well for many years, whether this could be a joke, but was vehemently assured it wasn’t. Joke or not, it gives a clear idea of where the powers that be at that hospital—and many others, I would wager—stand.

My friend tells me that staff gets “constant political crap” from the chairwoman of the hospital for showing bias against “protected minorities,” whatever that means—although they observe the Hippocratic Oath and treat all patients the same anyway.

You could call this growing atmosphere Stasi Lite—maybe we should name a beer after it—not to mention a good way to keep potential dissidents in line.

. . .

We must be on watch if it happens to us. This Stasi-like existence is working on our minds, consciously or unconsciously.

We may be used to it already to some degree because of Big Tech, but this is more than one turn of the screw further. With Big Tech, although they know all, or most of all, about us, they’re only interested intermittently. Sometimes they ignore us, as long as we keep our digital heads down.

The State Security Service—be it Chinese, East German, or American—is always interested.

So be careful if you have, in your past, present, or future, any “implicit bias,” let alone “explicit bias,” because that could mean, as we know … just about anything.

Read the full article here.

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Friday, April 23, 2021

Last chance to save Earth


The editorial board at Issues and Insights published this earlier today:

John Kerry said earlier this month that we’ve reached “the last best opportunity we have to get real and serious” about global warming. What’s the difference between him and a loon walking down Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue wearing one of those sandwich boards proclaiming the end of the world is nigh? We’re struggling to see any.

Kerry, the Biden administration’s special presidential envoy for climate – an office that amounts to much less than a bucket of warm spit – is part of a chorus of fearmongering that goes back more than three decades. 

“In 1989 the United Nations gave us 10 years to save the world,” science site Watts Up With That posted last year. 

Guess blogger Eric Worrall then went on to list more than a dozen “last chances” to stop global warming.

“If we do not heed this last chance, I’m sure there will be another last chance in the near future, just like all the previous last chances,” he said.

Dire, way-off-base predictions have been the hallmark of radical environmentalism for at least a half century. Reason’s Ronald Bailey took “a look back” in 2020 at the first Earth Day and the forecasters “who got the future wrong.” He notes that the world did not have to halve the planet’s population or stop economic growth completely “to prevent the imminent ecological cataclysm.”

Nor have we run out of natural resources, been forced to shut down automobile travel, ban luxury items, and wear gas masks in urban areas due to air pollution (though the doomsters among us are happy that we’ve been forced to mask up for a least a year for another reason).

Despite the unbroken string of erroneous predictions, we still get nonsense from the United Nations World Meteorological Organization, which says “time is fast running out” to keep global warming at bay, and drivel from U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, who insists “we are on the verge of the abyss.”

That these people, including the John Kerrys of the U.S., who are as useful as a broken leg, have not been driven from their positions of influence and authority is a near tragedy. To the extent that we need political leaders, our country and our world deserve serious, sober-minded people leading our institutions, not the pretenders, narrative-pimps, self-seekers, virtue-signalers, mindless agitators, think-they’re-still-in-high-school attention-seekers, power-hungry louts, and batty alarmists who currently dominate. It’s discouraging to think that maybe soon we’ll have our last chance to rid ourselves of these malign characters, because they have a way of settling in like a distant family member who makes a surprise visit and then won’t leave. We need to start kicking them out now.

Monica Showalter at American Thinker quotes John Kerry’s “Net zero is not enough. We need to remove CO2 from the atmosphere”, to which Ms. Showalter responds:

Too bad about the plants.

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Thursday, April 22, 2021

Today is Earth Day - ahem

John R. Smith at Biz Pac Review explains:

You may have noticed that some folks “celebrate” Earth Day each April 22. Celebrants believe that the purpose of Earth Day, as quoted by a naïve liberal politician, is “to preserve the quality of our water and the air we breathe, and to protect all the natural wonders….”

It would be wonderful if that was all Earth Day was about.

But the political objective of the people who sponsor Earth Day globally is much more sinister than the preservation of our environment. Read on.

The global environmental crusade is the modern home of the socialist/communist movement. Earth Day is the creation of this movement. The purpose of the global environmental movement is to give governments control of land and resources at the expense of private ownership. They would gut private property rights. They work to create government authority over the West’s industrial production, through such mechanisms as the U.N.’s Paris Agreement and Kyoto Treaty, while exempting socialist countries like China and India. 

Their method? To blame humans and the corporate world’s industrial atmospheric emissions as the primary culprits behind global climate change. 

Their ultimate goal? To curb or crush free-enterprise capitalism.

Much more at the link here.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Counties turning red?


The Republic Journal has an encouraging word:

America is turning red one county at a time.  Trumbull County, OH was always a major Democrat stronghold and was the reason Obama won OH all those years ago.  Then came Trump and his pro-worker message which flipped the county by a massive 30-point swing.  Now, other counties are moving to the red column and this bodes well for Republicans to pick up another Senate seat in 2024 when Sen. Brown is up for re-election.  To fully appreciate what’s occurring in America we have to look at the historical numbers.  500,000 voters have switched from voting for Democrats to voting for Republicans in Oh.  However, that only tells have the story.  Democrats have also lost about 300,000 active voters who can’t cross that aisle but can’t pull the D lever again.  This is a massive shift in the rust belt states and should give all of us hope for our nation’s future.

I just hope he’s right.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Weapons of Mass Deception and The Verdict


The verdict: guilty on all three counts.  How was Derek Chauvin going to get anything resembling a fair trial?  Michelle Malkin had some commentary and here are her closing paragraphs:

Judge Peter Cahill, however, shrugged off the threats and ruled that the jury doesn't need to be shut off from media and social media exposure until closing arguments begin next Monday. Never mind the barricades and barbed wire outside the fortified courthouse. Never mind the half-billion dollars in damage already done by George Floyd's vigilantes. Never mind the blaring, front-page stories about shopkeepers preparing for bloody chaos if the jury doesn't rule the "right" way.

Instead, Cahill nonchalantly advised the jury to simply avoid the news during the trial. Sure, just ignore the acrid smell of anarcho-tyranny permeating the air. Take no notice of wall-to-wall coverage of Gannon's resignation Monday afternoon after he pushed back against the media. Pay no attention to the journalists raging at police officials calling out rioters. Tune out the black-clad militants screaming "All Cops Are Bastards" and "No Justice, No Peace." Pretend away the pretrial publicity and nightly news jeremiads from racial demagogues Al Sharpton and Benjamin Crump painting Chauvin as an evildoer on par with Ted Bundy or Adolf Hitler.

With the media acting as relentless co-prosecutors and character executioners, the well of fair and impartial jurors who can weigh evidence without fear of retribution has been irreversibly poisoned. Like Minneapolis, Brooklyn Center, Portland, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, Ferguson, and so many other cities before them, the Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights to an impartial jury, fair trial and due process have all gone up in choking flames. This is what the twilight of a once great and free country looks and smells like.

Her full column is here.  Another column on this topic by Roger Kimball appeared at The Spectator here.

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