Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Student loan “forgiveness”???

Why the scare quotes above?

The headline: Biden's student debt forgiveness will cost taxpayers $400 BILLION over 10 years, non-partisan Congress office says: White House says announcement is coming soon' on massive cancellation plan (Daily Mail UK, by Katelyn Caralle).

The clarification:  (h/t Bookworm Room):

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COVID: A US Government Operation


Emerald Robinson is a fearless investigative reporter.  And I would not say she was prone to fall for conspiracy theories.  But at her Substack site, she goes through the evidence and concludes:

. . . Do you see where this is all going? We are just starting to see why the Department of Homeland Security filed for a bio-surveillance protein patent two years before the official outbreak of COVID. And why Obama’s deputy director of the CIA showed up at a coronavirus simulation exercise called Event 201 in November 2019. We are just starting to see why DARPA — which is the R&D wing of the CIA according to Dr. [Robert] Malone — is “heavily invested” in vaccine development.

The U.S. government created the COVID virus. The U.S. government created the COVID vaccines. The U.S. government got a patent for Luciferase tracking proteins to be used in the vaccines. The U.S. government allowed dangerous DNA vaccines to be produced without proper safety trials. The U.S. government illegally forced our military to get injected with an “emergency use authorization” drug never approved by the FDA. The U.S. government worked with Big Tech companies to censor Americans who told the truth about the COVID vaccines. The U.S government forced ordinary Americans into getting injected with these experimental vaccines too. The U.S. government then fired any employee or contractor who refused to take their non-FDA approved drugs — and coerced private companies into doing the same thing.

All the conspiracy theories are coming true.

Read the full article here – evidence and all.  And for what it is worth, Dr Robert Malone is at the top of my list of credible critics of the vaccines and government mandates.

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Monday, September 26, 2022

Is the rogue FBI coming for you?


Ben Garrison cartoons at News Ammo

It’s almost tongue-in-cheek, but unfortunately, after the Mar-a-Lago raid and the raid on Mark Houck and his family, it’s not.  Pete McArdle posted “How to Prepare for a Pre-Dawn Visit From the FBI” at American Thinker, and here’s part of it:

It’s clear the FBI has no interest in students threatening to shoot up schools (Nikolas Cruz), team doctors who assault underage gymnasts (Larry Nassar), or crackheads illegally possessing guns (Hunter Biden).

No, if you’re a criminal, a pervert, or a Democrat -- or some combination of the three -- the Feebs won’t be busting your door down at three in the morning and dragging you out into the street in your tighty whities.

The folks the Bureau’s been busting lately with great fanfare, and occasionally a CNN news crew in tow, are a different sort altogether: folks who vote Republican; Trump supporters; parents concerned about the crap taught in public schools; and Catholic abortion activists.

That’s who the rogue FBI wants to embarrass, take down, and ruin. So I’ve compiled a list of things you can do to limit the damage when the FBI eventually comes for you.

. . .

Door Signs

There’s two ways you can go with door signs. If you’re resigned to getting busted, put up a sign saying: The door’s open, please don’t bust it down! Perhaps you’ll be lucky and the lead Feeb will simply use the doorknob.

Obfuscation is another way to go. You could try: We love Joe Biden, he’s NOT a useless vegetable!

The Feebs, at least the ones running the show, take their marching orders from ol’ Crusty Joe, and perhaps they’ll forgo having you kneel down on your front lawn while they cuff you.

. . .

Vote this November

Despite all the preparations I’ve suggested, when the rogue FBI comes a knocking at your door, you’re screwed. With the help of Deep State judges and the fake-news media, the FBI will happily ruin you, your family, your finances, and your reputation (see Flynn, General Michael).

And all for having the wrong political views.

The only truly effective way to avoid getting an FBI jackboot placed firmly upon your neck is to vote every Deep State Democrat and RINO out of office this November. That’s the start of reining in the now thoroughly disgraced agency.

And the end of the FBI, as it currently exists, will come when you vote Donald Trump into office in November, 2024. The Donald is famous for settling scores, and I for one can’t wait to see this one settled.

I’d love to write more on this topic but there’s suddenly a lot of flashing lights and loud sirens out front...

The full column is here.  

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Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Next in the Endless Line of Boosters: Buyer Beware


Deborah Birx (Scarf Lady) Meme via BookwormRoom

Frank Camp at The Daily Wire reports:

Fewer than 2% of eligible Americans have elected to receive a new COVID booster shot, according to CDC data.

While more than 4.4 million Americans have received a “bivalent” COVID booster shot, only 1.5% of people for whom the shot is available have actually gotten it since the CDC started recommending it several weeks ago. The latest COVID vaccine booster is designed with Omicron sub-variants BA.4 and BA.5 in mind.

The CDC’s COVID vaccine tracker shows that 67.8% of the U.S. population who are eligible for the vaccine have completed the primary series of shots. The Bloomberg tracker shows that 32.5% have received at least one booster.

On September 1, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky recommended the booster, providing the following statement: “The updated COVID-19 boosters are formulated to better protect against the most recently circulating COVID-19 variant. They can help restore protection that has waned since previous vaccination and were designed to provide broader protection against newer variants. This recommendation followed a comprehensive scientific evaluation and robust scientific discussion. If you are eligible, there is no bad time to get your COVID-19 booster and I strongly encourage you to receive it.”

As the CDC and many public health officials are recommending booster shots, the White House is dealing with an unforced crisis regarding COVID after President Joe Biden said that the pandemic was “over” during a recent “60 Minutes” interview. . . .

Read the rest of the report here. 

RELATED: At The Daily Mail: FDA vaccine adviser warns healthy young people should NOT get new COVID booster: Says it's 'unfair to make them take a risk' after data suggested shot was not as effective as first batch

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Saturday, September 24, 2022

Planet Earth: Down the Drain?


Ed Brodow isn’t too optimistic, either; his title is “Running the World into the Ground”.  Here are the first few paragraphs at American Thinker:

The actions of the people who are in charge of governments are supposed to benefit the countries they serve -- in theory, at least. In practice, the opposite is true. In the West, our leaders are destroying everything they can get their hands on.

This is certainly an apt description of the Biden/Harris administration. They inherited a healthy country from President Trump. The economy was taking off, inflation was practically nonexistent, the U.S. was energy independent for the first time in decades, and the border was closed. So what did Biden do? He immediately set out to reverse everything Trump achieved.

Who can claim to be better off under Biden? The economy has tanked, inflation is at a 40-year high, people can’t afford to heat their homes or fill up their cars with gas, crime statistics are off the charts, and confidence in America is at an all-time low. Biden’s open-border policy, which is opposed by a majority of American citizens, is leading to social unrest and economic chaos. A country without a functioning border is not a country, yet that is where Biden has taken us.

America is marching toward totalitarianism as Biden empowers the DoJ and FBI to go after his political opponents, i.e., at least half of the population. His worst offense, however, is following the climate dictates of the World Economic Forum. Biden is torpedoing the robust U.S. economy in service of a totally false assumption -- that human beings are able to change the planet’s climate. He is raising taxes so that billions of your dollars can be wasted on ridiculous anti-fossil fuel projects.

Biden has declared war on the energy industry in the name of global warming. He wants us to believe that oil, gas, and coal are killing the planet. What is the result of his climate policy so far? “Harvesting of fuel was cut back drastically,” explained Bill O’Reilly, “and that caused the price of oil worldwide to rise, and that caused the price of gas at the pump to rise, and that lit inflation, as all other goods went up in price as well because they are trucked in to the stores and businesses. That is all on President Biden.”

First, human beings are incapable of controlling the climate, which operates in cycles and always has since the planet was created. Second, our economy is dependent on fossil fuels, and -- contrary to the lies fed by the administration -- fossil fuel alternatives do not exist, and will not exist in the foreseeable future. . . .

Read the rest here.  Mr Brodow ends on the hopeful note that the next two elections in the U.S. will reflect the wishes of the voters.  Fingers crossed.

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Friday, September 23, 2022

Trump Rally Wilmington NC THIS EVENING

President Donald J Trump is headlining a rally this evening (Fri. Sept 23) in Wilmington, North Carolina -- scheduled to speak at 7pm.  It's almost 7:30 now, and he's late!

Here is the livestream link at RSBN / Rumble.  

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Mark Steyn: fingerprinting and other fun topics


Mark Steyn (at SteynOnline) has thoughts about fingerprinting and other fun topics:

The southern border of the United States is wide open to millions of persons per year, equivalent to the entire population of Northern New England annually, for those of you excited about abolishing the electoral college and having a straight up-or-down vote for president.

However, if you like selective application of the law, you'll be thrilled to hear that in recent days two foreign visitors headed to Steyn HQ to tape a couple of interviews were both fingerprinted by the crazed fanatics of US Immigration.

Fingerprinting is something you do to criminals. My guests were traveling for business on passports of two prosperous western nations that happen to be, both formally and more broadly, "allies" of the United States. But, in the crapped-out Oppositeland that is today's America, the southern border is open 24/7 to human traffickers, drug cartels, child sex-slavers, terrorists, bearers of viruses, and illegal immigrants with no verifiable identity, while respectable travelers without criminal records are treated as low-life scum by the perverts of US officialdom. Neither of my guests enjoyed the experience, and, notwithstanding the efforts of my hospitality to compensate, neither has any desire to set foot in the United States ever again.

I can't say I blame them. It was a condition of my own admission to this once great republic that I not foment the overthrow of the United States government. I have not combed the fine print to see whether I'm permitted to foment the overthrow of individual agencies within it. But we are definitely at the stage where natural-born Americans might usefully show a few signs of inclining to foment. Because this is your problem too. The bifurcation of our society is accelerating: the more the criminal classes are given the run of the land in New York, Portland, [Your City Here], the more the law-abiding are crimped and restrained and micro-regulated into compliance. This will not end well.

~As Neil Oliver and I discussed on a recent Mark Steyn Show, all this is happening because the people who run the world want it to happen. Pre-Covid freedom of movement with respect to international travel is never coming back. You might think, "No big deal, I'm perfectly content where I am" - but the local diner's only open Thursday-to-Sunday now and the general store closes at five because they can't get the staff and the big-box KrappiMart has closed its outdoor garden center because there's no one to man it. As Neil's missus puts it, it's not about going green, it's about going without. Less travel, fewer restaurants, smaller homes poorly heated, less individual-car ownership ...and for those willing to expend huge effort to wiggle through the cracks, more fingerprinting and iris scans and digital ID. . . .

Read the full column here.

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