Earlier today while eating bon bons and watching soap operas, I nodded off for a few minutes and had the most amazing dream...
In the dream, Connie Schultz wasn't married to Senator Brown, and he was (insert gasping sound) a Republican... I know, it's crazy. The tables were turned and the Republicans had control of the House and Senate. In my dream it was the Republicans trying to push a disaster disguised as Health Care Reform. Oh the pleasure she took when the Republicans were hiding from an unpopular Health Scare bill. Every Sunday I'd wake and start my morning with a diet Mountain Dew and read the immense joy that would come through the pages of her tearing into the Senator for being such a chicken. Oh, those columns were dripping with sarcasm for a United States Senator who has his staff purposely mislead his constituents. Well, not ALL of them, just the ones that aren't robots for ACORN.
Can you imagine how fun it would be to hear her take on this?
Oh wait! There's more!
Sadly, some dreams are too good to be true. Instead you have a PD columnist openly pushing her husbands agenda. I threw up a little in my mouth when I read her column on 8/2 titled Read the Health Care bill, it won't kill you. Cute, very cute. The problem for the democrats is that I, and many millions of Americans have read major sections of the bill and it is in clear contradiction to what is coming out the this administrations mouth. There are many many pages of this bill I and others would like an explanation on. You know, I'm just a dumb farm girl, but if you really believe in something, you should be able to defend it. The fact that Senator Brown has staff members routinely lie, over and over again and then stacks the deck inviting only supporters to meetings he "wasn't having" is cowardly and just wrong.
And if that's not enough, last Sunday's column put me over the top. Just the title should say it all. "Opponents of health care reform want you afraid, very afraid." Uh, note to Connie, if your husband would stop playing hide and seek with constituents, maybe he could clear this up for us. If he knows the bill, believes in the bill, he should be able to defend and debate the bill. Period. You say there should be a "thoughtful debate". Duh. So when is it?
Hourglass 1941 did a great job reporting this non-townhall, townhall in Columbus. Read more here.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
As you probably know, SEIU is a large, far reaching organization that has recently been in the news for verbally/physically intimidating average Americans at town hall meetings. So, to help prepare us for any Ohio town hall meetings, or if you’re planning on attending any national awareness rallies, we wanted to give you some facts so that you will know who you are dealing with.
From 1998-2008, $14,255,564 has been contributed to Ohio politicians (Dems and Republicans alike). Follow this link (from opensecrets.org) to see the list of Ohio politicians who received SEIU money.
To better understand the SEIU, please read the summary of this organization at:
Before we address SEIU/Ohio Politicians, we would also recommend that you consider the following information. Recently, Mr. Obama mentioned that AARP was (1st) endorsing health care reform, and then he said (2nd) that AARP was on board with health care reform. AARP in turn stated that they have not endorsed any health care reform legislation; however, Mr. Obama may have been right when he said that they were “on board” with health care reform. On the website,
AARP states that it has joined SEIU (along with Business Roundtable and NFIB) to work toward non-partisan health care and financial security for our country. We report, you decide (borrowed from TV news).
Now, as far as SEIU and Ohio politicians, SEIU seems to have a hand in every aspect of American life (or it would like to)and are trying to manipulate what goes into health care reform. Now knowing how much they have contributed and what SEIU’s objectives are we need to start asking our elected officials, “Do you work for them or me?” It’s become more and more obvious that you (Senator/Congressperson) vote to satisfy your campaign contributors over voting to satisfy your constituents (without whom you wouldn’t have your current job). If you feel the need to continue to accept SEIU’s money, if you continue to vote for the legislation they want, then, in the words of Mark Levin, “We will campaign against you and defeat you”. You have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
Your votes should protect the rights of “We the People”. Whether to vote for what your constituents want/demand, is not an option—you are obliged to vote the way Ohioan’s demand you vote, not because we may have donated to your campaign, but because we gave you your job and we can just as easily take it away!
Okay, okay, we’ll get off our soapbox and conclude with this from “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu (appropriate don’t you think, since China owns so much of our government’s debt):
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a thousand battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Thank you for your consideration—God Bless America!
UPDATE: saw this report later today: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/08/11/seiu-calls-civil-discourse-prior-alleged-beating-town-hall/
From 1998-2008, $14,255,564 has been contributed to Ohio politicians (Dems and Republicans alike). Follow this link (from opensecrets.org) to see the list of Ohio politicians who received SEIU money.
To better understand the SEIU, please read the summary of this organization at:
Before we address SEIU/Ohio Politicians, we would also recommend that you consider the following information. Recently, Mr. Obama mentioned that AARP was (1st) endorsing health care reform, and then he said (2nd) that AARP was on board with health care reform. AARP in turn stated that they have not endorsed any health care reform legislation; however, Mr. Obama may have been right when he said that they were “on board” with health care reform. On the website,
AARP states that it has joined SEIU (along with Business Roundtable and NFIB) to work toward non-partisan health care and financial security for our country. We report, you decide (borrowed from TV news).
Now, as far as SEIU and Ohio politicians, SEIU seems to have a hand in every aspect of American life (or it would like to)and are trying to manipulate what goes into health care reform. Now knowing how much they have contributed and what SEIU’s objectives are we need to start asking our elected officials, “Do you work for them or me?” It’s become more and more obvious that you (Senator/Congressperson) vote to satisfy your campaign contributors over voting to satisfy your constituents (without whom you wouldn’t have your current job). If you feel the need to continue to accept SEIU’s money, if you continue to vote for the legislation they want, then, in the words of Mark Levin, “We will campaign against you and defeat you”. You have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
Your votes should protect the rights of “We the People”. Whether to vote for what your constituents want/demand, is not an option—you are obliged to vote the way Ohioan’s demand you vote, not because we may have donated to your campaign, but because we gave you your job and we can just as easily take it away!
Okay, okay, we’ll get off our soapbox and conclude with this from “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu (appropriate don’t you think, since China owns so much of our government’s debt):
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a thousand battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Thank you for your consideration—God Bless America!
UPDATE: saw this report later today: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/08/11/seiu-calls-civil-discourse-prior-alleged-beating-town-hall/
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Website(s) worth checking out
more specifically,
Also consider,
*we included this website because we find it ironic that AARP states that it has not endorsed the House legislation on health care reform; yet they are working with SEIU on the DividedWeFail.org website.
This information is posted to keep you apprised of what's going on--we do not advocate for any sites we list!
As one news organization always says, We report, you decide. God Bless America!
more specifically,
Also consider,
*we included this website because we find it ironic that AARP states that it has not endorsed the House legislation on health care reform; yet they are working with SEIU on the DividedWeFail.org website.
This information is posted to keep you apprised of what's going on--we do not advocate for any sites we list!
As one news organization always says, We report, you decide. God Bless America!
Tea Party Patriots & Town Halls in Cleveland
Fellow Tea Party Patriots,
On Tax Day, 4/15/09, over 1.2 Million Patriots across the United States joined together in unison and sent both political parties and elected officials of all levels a message… “The Silent Majority will be Silent No More.” From the Red, White & Blue seed planted that historic day an ever-growing grass roots movement that can be called “The Re-Awakening of America’s Patriots” has sprouted and is spreading like wildfire.
Because of this patriotic reawakening rocking the boat of American politics, we are facing an unprecedented time in our country's history. Since our founding, never have Americans faced such an unabashed, full frontal assault on our God-given & Constitutionally protected rights by the politicians elected to uphold them.
This is why our behavior at these town halls is so important. We have them on the ropes, poll numbers show it! They show the growing opposition to the Hellth Care colonoscopy trying to be forced on our country.
Today we begin the visiting of our congressional representatives at the Town Hall meetings they will be conducting while they are home on recess. We have all heard about the union thugs beating a Tea Party Patriot in St. Louis and we have been hearing about all of "US" out of control protesters disrupting the meetings. The liberal MSM is having a field day by capitalizing on the actions of a few idiots. With this, they are cloaking all of us in a bad light. We cannot allow that to happen at our rally's in Cleveland or for that matter Ohio.
In line with what the National TPP are encouraging, and discussing this with fellow CTPP coordinators Glynn & Roger along with fellow State Coordinators Amy (Medina Tea Party Patriots) and Marianne (Mansfield Tea Party Patriots), we believe disrupting these Town Hall meetings is not our intent and is actually counterproductive.
On the Town Halls....
We are asking anyone going to these events to be non-confrontational. We are asking that they DO NOT disrupt the meetings and to always act in a responsible manner. It is a waste of time to argue with Obama or health care supporters. It is a waste of time trying to convince a politician otherwise if they are dead set in support these Hellth Care proposals.
Anybody confronted by a hellthcare supporter, a union thug, etc.... just tell them God Bless America and walk away. Trying to argue logic with a rock is a waste of time and energy.
Let's use our heads... our audience is the general public. We want to grow our movement and have people join any one of the many groups in the area that are starting to speak out. Talk of "call to arms", redoing our Constitution, etc.... beside being foolish, does nothing but feed into the perception that we are crack pot extremists. Furthermore, it scares people away that would otherwise be interested in getting involved.
We are starting to lose the battle of perception with the way the media is portraying us -- again this is by the actions of a small few. Using foul language, written or verbal, and veiled threats are the last thing we want to do. (and yes, some of the more unstable members have done this in the names of our groups) Our personal anger over the direction of our country needs to be put aside and channeled into useful energy for growing our movements. This is the only we we can continue our successes and save our country from the left turn to hell they are trying to take us on.
Now... let's go kick some butt in a constructive and respectfull way!
On Tax Day, 4/15/09, over 1.2 Million Patriots across the United States joined together in unison and sent both political parties and elected officials of all levels a message… “The Silent Majority will be Silent No More.” From the Red, White & Blue seed planted that historic day an ever-growing grass roots movement that can be called “The Re-Awakening of America’s Patriots” has sprouted and is spreading like wildfire.
Because of this patriotic reawakening rocking the boat of American politics, we are facing an unprecedented time in our country's history. Since our founding, never have Americans faced such an unabashed, full frontal assault on our God-given & Constitutionally protected rights by the politicians elected to uphold them.
This is why our behavior at these town halls is so important. We have them on the ropes, poll numbers show it! They show the growing opposition to the Hellth Care colonoscopy trying to be forced on our country.
Today we begin the visiting of our congressional representatives at the Town Hall meetings they will be conducting while they are home on recess. We have all heard about the union thugs beating a Tea Party Patriot in St. Louis and we have been hearing about all of "US" out of control protesters disrupting the meetings. The liberal MSM is having a field day by capitalizing on the actions of a few idiots. With this, they are cloaking all of us in a bad light. We cannot allow that to happen at our rally's in Cleveland or for that matter Ohio.
In line with what the National TPP are encouraging, and discussing this with fellow CTPP coordinators Glynn & Roger along with fellow State Coordinators Amy (Medina Tea Party Patriots) and Marianne (Mansfield Tea Party Patriots), we believe disrupting these Town Hall meetings is not our intent and is actually counterproductive.
On the Town Halls....
We are asking anyone going to these events to be non-confrontational. We are asking that they DO NOT disrupt the meetings and to always act in a responsible manner. It is a waste of time to argue with Obama or health care supporters. It is a waste of time trying to convince a politician otherwise if they are dead set in support these Hellth Care proposals.
Anybody confronted by a hellthcare supporter, a union thug, etc.... just tell them God Bless America and walk away. Trying to argue logic with a rock is a waste of time and energy.
Let's use our heads... our audience is the general public. We want to grow our movement and have people join any one of the many groups in the area that are starting to speak out. Talk of "call to arms", redoing our Constitution, etc.... beside being foolish, does nothing but feed into the perception that we are crack pot extremists. Furthermore, it scares people away that would otherwise be interested in getting involved.
We are starting to lose the battle of perception with the way the media is portraying us -- again this is by the actions of a small few. Using foul language, written or verbal, and veiled threats are the last thing we want to do. (and yes, some of the more unstable members have done this in the names of our groups) Our personal anger over the direction of our country needs to be put aside and channeled into useful energy for growing our movements. This is the only we we can continue our successes and save our country from the left turn to hell they are trying to take us on.
Now... let's go kick some butt in a constructive and respectfull way!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Why does our Government always expect us to "Do as I say, not as I do?"
Knowledge is power, so we want to continue to help “empower” you!
Rep. John Fleming/LA. is on the front line of speaking out against the Dem’s version of health care reform. Please take a few moments to go to his House of Representatives web-site and check out what he’s saying (http://fleming.house.gov).
In particular, check out the sections on:
Empowering Patients First Act
Keeping the Truth From the Public
House Resolution 615
With regards to H.R. 615, we’d encourage everyone to contact their Representative and ask them to sign on to this resolution. Incidentally, only John Boehner from Ohio has signed on to this resolution. We also drafted a similar letter, which we sent to our Ohio Senators asking them to take the lead in the Senate to sponsor a Senate version of H.R. 615. Again, we encourage you to do the same.
The substance of any health care legislation is extremely important to all of us. However, it is just as important that our elected officials abide by the same laws/regulations that they expect us to abide by. If they are not willing to do so, then they should not be representing us. Government (at any level) cannot have a “do as I say, not as I do” mentality.
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this post. As always, God Bless America!
Rep. John Fleming/LA. is on the front line of speaking out against the Dem’s version of health care reform. Please take a few moments to go to his House of Representatives web-site and check out what he’s saying (http://fleming.house.gov).
In particular, check out the sections on:
Empowering Patients First Act
Keeping the Truth From the Public
House Resolution 615
With regards to H.R. 615, we’d encourage everyone to contact their Representative and ask them to sign on to this resolution. Incidentally, only John Boehner from Ohio has signed on to this resolution. We also drafted a similar letter, which we sent to our Ohio Senators asking them to take the lead in the Senate to sponsor a Senate version of H.R. 615. Again, we encourage you to do the same.
The substance of any health care legislation is extremely important to all of us. However, it is just as important that our elected officials abide by the same laws/regulations that they expect us to abide by. If they are not willing to do so, then they should not be representing us. Government (at any level) cannot have a “do as I say, not as I do” mentality.
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this post. As always, God Bless America!
Monday, August 10, 2009
A Letter To The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
We are writing to you because of our tremendous concern. We have read that your industry has decided to “back” the health care legislation (being promoted by the White House/Congress) through a series of commercials. Please, please do not do this, for the sake of your industry and for the sake of our country.
We understand (from your perspective) that if this health care legislation passes, your industry could stand to make a substantial profit (from the newly insured who need medication). We do not oppose capitalism; in fact, we believe that it is a cornerstone of our successful democracy. However, in this instance, we believe that the Federal government may be misleading you when they encourage your “free enterprise,” after all, as evidenced by the auto industry, nothing done with/for the government (these days) is ever “free” and tends to come with a substantial price tag.
Is your industry prepared for more government bureaucracy? Don’t you (at times) feel as though current government regulations hamper research and development? By “getting in bed” with the White House, are you prepared to be told how to make your product, how much of it to make, how much it can cost, and to whom you may distribute it? We are fearful that this is exactly what will happen to your industry if in fact you associate yourself with the proposed health care legislation. Not only will the federal bureaucracy of this legislation take away average American’s freedom of choice, we believe that in the long run, it will take away your livelihood as well.
Please take a step back from the situation and view these concerns, not as businesspersons, but as husbands/wives, fathers/mothers who want to continue to have a choice in what is best for their families. As a husband/wife, father/mother, how will you feel if you know that you have a product that can improve, potentially even save someone’s life (maybe someone in your own family), only to be told by the federal government that you can’t manufacture that product anymore because it’s too costly, or if the government starts mandating who can/cannot receive your medications? Again, just take a look at the auto industry and the government’s use of “creative destruction.” Your industry, as you now know it, will probably be replaced by one run by the Federal government (unless of course, you are hoping for a government bailout).
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our concerns. We hope that you will decide to remain “neutral” in the ongoing debate over health care. Please, for the sake of our country, for the sake of your industry!
Please consider sending an email to PhRMA expressing your concern for their involvement in the health care debate. God Bless America!
We understand (from your perspective) that if this health care legislation passes, your industry could stand to make a substantial profit (from the newly insured who need medication). We do not oppose capitalism; in fact, we believe that it is a cornerstone of our successful democracy. However, in this instance, we believe that the Federal government may be misleading you when they encourage your “free enterprise,” after all, as evidenced by the auto industry, nothing done with/for the government (these days) is ever “free” and tends to come with a substantial price tag.
Is your industry prepared for more government bureaucracy? Don’t you (at times) feel as though current government regulations hamper research and development? By “getting in bed” with the White House, are you prepared to be told how to make your product, how much of it to make, how much it can cost, and to whom you may distribute it? We are fearful that this is exactly what will happen to your industry if in fact you associate yourself with the proposed health care legislation. Not only will the federal bureaucracy of this legislation take away average American’s freedom of choice, we believe that in the long run, it will take away your livelihood as well.
Please take a step back from the situation and view these concerns, not as businesspersons, but as husbands/wives, fathers/mothers who want to continue to have a choice in what is best for their families. As a husband/wife, father/mother, how will you feel if you know that you have a product that can improve, potentially even save someone’s life (maybe someone in your own family), only to be told by the federal government that you can’t manufacture that product anymore because it’s too costly, or if the government starts mandating who can/cannot receive your medications? Again, just take a look at the auto industry and the government’s use of “creative destruction.” Your industry, as you now know it, will probably be replaced by one run by the Federal government (unless of course, you are hoping for a government bailout).
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our concerns. We hope that you will decide to remain “neutral” in the ongoing debate over health care. Please, for the sake of our country, for the sake of your industry!
Please consider sending an email to PhRMA expressing your concern for their involvement in the health care debate. God Bless America!
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