Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Marketplace "Fairness" Act is anything but

Attention Internet Shoppers

In The Hill today:

The Senate passed the bipartisan Marketplace Fairness Act by a 69 to 27 vote on Monday, with most Democrats — except for five who represent states without a sales tax — backing the bill.Senate Republicans split roughly down the middle — 21 for, and 22 against — on the proposal. The breakdown underscores that the measure likely faces a rockier path in the GOP-controlled House.

Tea Party Patriots had alerted members before the Senate vote:

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) outlined why all supporters of free markets and low taxes should oppose this bill. Among other reasons:

Naturally, state and local governments are salivating at the prospect of getting a purported $23 billion in new revenue from the private economy. Especially when the out-of-state consumers paying those taxes and the out-of-state businesses owners who collect them can’t vote them out of office.

Last but not least, this bill doesn’t pass constitutional muster. The MFA overturns the fundamental idea that states’ taxing authority ends at their borders. The Supreme Court has said that an out-of-state business could subject itself to a state’s taxing power if due-process concerns are satisfied, namely that the business purposefully targets its activities in that state. But because pure Internet sales by their nature don’t target any one state, this legislation presents a serious constitutional problem.

In addition to the ... reasons cited above, the bill would make bad law because it would be a bureaucratic nightmare. . . :

[Lawmakers] who vote for it are voting to impose audits, compliance costs, lost wages, and inefficiency on small businesses in every state. And they are potentially crippling an engine of new job creation at a time of economic struggle. This bill will not create jobs; it will not create new opportunities; and it will not create the economic growth our country needs and our people deserve.

This bill would make for extremely bad law. It’s time to put the quash to it today, and not risk its passage in the House.

Now that this bad bill has passed the Senate, we'll have to double down on the House as soon as it gets on the calendar.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Food Stamp Give Away to Illegal Immigrants Must be Stopped!

Already not having enough money to continue funding a signature program of Obamacare, medical coverage for pre-existing conditions, President Obama's Department of Agriculture is actively promoting and funding a program for illegal immigrants to get food stamps. 

In pushing healthy American citizens to the back of the bus and forcing us to pay to feed illegal immigrants while many Americans still go hungry, President Obama also sends a message to those Americans with pre-existing medical conditions that he would rather feed illegal immigrants over treating their health issues as he promised....

From The Washington Examiner -- 

With food stamp spending in the United States skyrocketing since the beginning of the recession, the Department of Agriculture is paying to promote food stamp usage to illegal immigrants for the sake of their American children, according to documents obtained by a government watchdog.

“The promotion of the food stamp program, now known as “SNAP” (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), includes a Spanish-language flyer provided to the Mexican Embassy by the USDA with a statement advising Mexicans in the U.S. that they do not need to declare their immigration status in order to receive financial assistance,” Judicial Watch announced today.

“Emphasized in bold and underlined, the statement reads, ‘You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children.’

Under President Obama's watch food stamp benefits have increased more than double each year. In addition, with the removing of a 1996 requirement that individuals receiving SNAP must have a job or be enrolled in work training and lowering the bar for SNAP eligibility - people receiving food stamps has increased to an all time high of 47.8 million people.

To find out how many people in your county are on food stamps, click here.

Senator John Thune (R-SD) and Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.) have introduced a bill, "Streamlining the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SSNAP) Act" in attempts to stop this foolishness and reign in the rampant fraud, waste and abuse of an already out of control food stamp program....

The food stamp program may be cut when Congress moves to pass a farm bill this year. Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., and Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-Ind., introduced a bill last week to cut $30 billion from the $760 billion the program is expected to spend over the next ten years.

“Since President Obama came into office, SNAP participation has increased at 10 times the rate of job creation, the annual spending on SNAP has doubled, and one in seven Americans now participates in SNAP,” Thune said in a statement on the bill. “This explosive growth in both the SNAP enrollment and federal cost of the program is alarming and requires lawmakers to take cost-effective legislative control measures.”

“We save taxpayers $30 billion and make sure that families in need still receive a helping hand,” Stutzman added. “This is a common-sense start for Congress’ Farm Bill discussions as we look for ways to tackle Washington’s nearly $17 trillion debt.”

This common sense bill will also protect and help assure that Americans that really do need these benefits will still receive them. 

This is important as the Obama Administration's progressive policies have clearly shown their repeated willingness to push Americans to the back of the bus. Most notably, it is the elderly, sick, less fortunate and low-income Americans - that Obama claims to protect - that most often suffer the undue hardships of these policies.

Please contact your Senator and Congressman and ask them to support Senator Thune and Rep. Stutzman's "Streamlining the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SSNAP) Act".

To read a one-page over view of the bill, click here.  

For contact info for your Senator - click here.  For contact info for your Congressman - click here.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

EPA’s Proposed Regulations Will Stifle Technologies That Allow Continued Use of Abundant, Affordable Coal

From our friends at Count on Coal -- 
EPA’s Proposed Regulations Will Stifle Technologies                  That Allow Continued Use of Abundant, Affordable Coal

Coal is America’s most abundant fossil fuel energy source and, historically, our most consistently affordable. It can and must continue to play a vital role in the nation’s energy future, with advancing technology assuring us of cleaner-burning coal to address environmental concerns.

Despite these technological advances and cleaner coal burning technologies, the most common use of coal in America – electricity generation – could be brought to a halt by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed greenhouse gas (GHG) new source performance standard (NSPS) regulations for new fossil fuel-based electric generating sources.

These regulations threaten to stifle technological advancement and make coal unusable for power generation in either existing or new power plants – a matter of tremendous importance to a nation that generates 43 percent of its electricity using coal. This could leave business, industrial and residential consumers open to surges in power costs when, inevitably, the cost of natural gas rises. 

The EPA is proposing standards unprecedented under the Clean Air Act, effectively banning construction of new coal-fired power plants. It requires that all future plants using fossil fuels—coal or gas—emit no more than 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt-hour. Even the most modern, efficient coal boiler emits 1,800 pounds, while combined cycle natural gas turbines come in barely under that threshold. This is simply a matter of regulatory policy favoring natural gas as an electricity generator and ignoring the promise that new technology holds for cleaner-burning coal. 

The regulations also will prevent upgrades of existing plants to improve efficiency and facilitate more electricity generation with less fuel and less emissions. This will cost America opportunities to provide economic stimulus through new manufacturing and construction jobs.

The goal of near-zero emissions from coal is within sight. New technologies will allow us to modernize the existing coal-fueled generation fleet, improving efficiency and reducing emissions while continuing to produce low-cost electricity. 

With innovation and technological advances, America can continue to use coal and continue to lower emissions at the same time.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Action Alert: Stop the Gang of 8 Immigration Train Wreck

According to a recent press release issued by Jeff Sessions, US Senator from Alabama, the central sales pitch for the Gang of Eight's immigration legislation has been the claim of strong border security triggers that are supposed to be the "toughest border immigration enforcement measures in U.S. history." But the promised enforcement is nowhere to be found, in fact, this bill would actually weaken requirements previously enacted by Congress-while granting extraordinary new discretion to the Department of Homeland Security to waive security protocols, removal proceedings, and denials of entry. 

This bill also repeals the proven E-Verify workplace enforcement system.

Click Here to Read the Complete Press Release

This Amnesty Bill, like Obamacare, is a massive piece of legislation that is quickly ramming its way through the Senate. During one of the Judiciary committee hearings it was clear that the Senate has not had enough time to read and understand all of the impacts of this bill.

Take Action
No More Train Wrecks

You may have heard last week that Senator Max Baucus, The Architect of Obamacare, said that its implementation was going to be a "train wreck!"

Now the Senate is dead set on pushing another piece of legislation that has all of the same characteristics of Obamacare - The Amnesty Bill. 

The Senate is on recess this week, so this is perfect timing for you to show up and let your voices be heard!

If you don't stand up against the "Gangsters of Eight", who will do it for you?

This Week's Action Items

Tuesday: Tuesday is Social Media Blitz day and "Tweet It Tuesday." The hashtag campaign this week is: #NoMoreTrainWrecks. Click for Sample Tweets and Facebook Posts

Wednesday: Today's focus is on making phone calls and visiting the district office for your U.S. Senators to drop off letters. Click to Find Your Senators Local Offices

Click for Thank You Letter for Senators who are standing for principle (Note: Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, James Inhofe, and Rand Paul will receive these letters.)

Click for Train Wreck Letter for Senators who are not doing anything to stop the ramming of this bill

Click to Call Your Senators
Thursday: Thursday's focus is on hosting Street Rallies at busy intersections. The ideal time for these rallies is 5:00-7:00 pm (local time). 

Click for How to Host a Sign Waving Event
Click for Sample Sign Messages

If you are organizing any events for the week, please let us know so we can help you promote it.

Friday: On Friday we will re-cap all of our activities this week and begin planning for next week’s theme and messaging opportunities.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Protect and Secure Our Borders First

April 26, 2013
For Immediate Release
Contact:  Marianne Gasiecki
State Co-coordinator (OH) -Tea Party Patriots
(419) 961-4439 

Immigration Reform 

Low Priority for Voters

Protect and Secure Our Borders First

Ohio - April 26, 2013 -  A recent poll showed that immigration is a low priority for voters, with only four percent saying it is the most important issue facing the country.  That's well behind the economy (42 percent) and the federal deficit (17 percent), and yet this is where the Senate is focusing its time.  In that same poll, 60 percent of voters think border security is not strict enough.
"The gang of eight claim that illegal immigrants granted provisional status will not receive any entitlements, because Section 212(a)(4) of the U.S. Code states no immigrant who's at risk of becoming a "public charge" can get a green card," stated Arzella Melnyk, Co-Founder of the Grassroots Rally Team of Ohio.  "But in reading Sec. 245c, anyone who is unemployed, in job training, getting a high school or GED diploma, taking care of a child, younger than 21 or older than 60, or attending college can actually be given a waiver by The Secretary of Homeland Security. Millions will fall into this category."

With many of the Republican lawmakers on the Senate Judiciary Committee and their staffs reading and analyzing the 844 page bill, they have still been unable to read all it's intricacies, and have no idea how many illegals would be granted this status.  According to a recent estimate by NumbersUSA, this bill would bring at least thirty-three million people into this county in the first decade alone. 

"Once again our government is looking to jam a monstrosity of a bill down the throats of the American people," said Marianne Gasiecki, State Co-coordinator for Tea Party Patriots and Founder of the Mansfield Tea Party. "What's even more sickening is that we are rewarding people for breaking our laws, while spitting in the faces of the people who made the sacrifices to come here legally, worked hard to assimilate, and are proud to become Americans.  How anyone can say "everybody's benefiting from the situation" and doesn't "know why we need this debate" on immigration is beyond me.  They are obviously uneducated on the repercussions of this bill." 
The amnesty granted in 1986 was to be a one time deal with the promise that our borders were to be secured and our immigration laws enforced.  To this day, our borders are crossed by a countless number of illegal immigrants, creating national security issues and an unsustainable social and financial burden to the American taxpayer.

Friday, April 26, 2013

New Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party

Plunderbund has the report on today's election of Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party (ORP):

Today the Kasich-controlled Central Committee elected Matt Borges to the job with a vote of 48 to 7 [emphasis added] over his Tea Party opponent Tom Zawistowski. 
Kasich’s hand-picked candidate may have won the vote, but this is far from a win for Kasich.  There will be continued backlash against Kasich and the Ohio GOP from the Tea Party and other “true believers” primarily because every reason they gave for ousting DeWine can now be applied to Borges and the Governor. 
Start with Zawistowski.  The fact that Borges had a Tea Party opponent is already pretty telling.  Kasich counted on their support to win control of the Central Committee.  And now he’s getting challenged by them for his pick to lead the party.  And it comes down to Kasich’s agenda, and Borges’ assumed support for it. 
Weeks before announcing his plan to challenge Borges, Zawistowski sent a letter to Kasich calling his agenda, which includes expanding medicaid, increasing state spending and taxing oil and gas exploration, “a betrayal of the party platform and our conservative values.”
The letter, signed by “over 80 social and fiscal conservative leaders”, also ripped Borges for being wishy-washy on social issues, mentioning his time as a “lobbyist for the liberal homosexual activist group, Equality Ohio.” 
And corruption? 
While 3BP gave no actual evidence DeWine had done anything illegal, Borges pleaded guilty to actual corruption charges back in 2004 for helping to funnel state business to campaign donors.   And just recently it was revealed that Borges had racked up somewhere between $100K and $500K in unpaid taxes. 
This guy is now in charge of all Republican Party finances.  What could possibly go wrong?
And the vote was 48 to 7 in favor of Borges. Not good.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Action Alert: Contact Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee Now!

As the election for Ohio Republican Party (ORP) Chairman will also effect GOP races at all levels -- county, state and federal elections in our state, including the 2016 Presidential election -- it is important that all levels of the Republican Party are also contacted in a final push before this Friday's vote for State Chairman

Your conservative views and voices will NOT be represented with the selection of their hand picked candidate Matt Borges as Ohio Republican Party Chairman and it is up to you - rank and file Republicans, Tea Party supporters and conservative Independents - to stop the GOP establishment elite and their hand picked candidate with a checkered past.

Yesterday we asked that you contact the GOP Statewide elected officials who have endorsed Matt Borges.  Today, we are asking you to please call the ORP State Central Committee (SCC) who will be voting this Friday to select the next ORP State Chairman.  The future of conservatism in Ohio -- hinges on this race.

To date the so-called Tea Party members elected to the ORP SCC last year have failed miserably. They sat silent and REFUSED to come out against Medicaid expansion in Ohio and now they sit silent regarding Matt Borges as ORP State Chairman.  

Below are members of the ORP State Central Committee (SCC) for Senate Districts covering Cuyahoga County and surrounding counties.  The ones denoted with *** claimed to be Tea Party or sent out literature with Tea Party logos during their campaign for ORP SCC.

Now is the time to draw the line in the sand
either they represent core conservative value or they don’t!

Take Action

Please contact as many of the ORP SCC members listed below as you can, and ask that they immediately come out publicly against Matt Borges as ORP State Chairman. Ask that they attend this Friday's ORP election for State Chairman, and they support a motion to suspend the rules for an open ballot vote for ORP State Party Chairman.

Senate District 21 / (Cuyahoga County)

Joe Miller ***  (Joe did come out against Medicaid Expansion)
PH #: (216)659-1900
Email: miller9977@roadrunner.com

Sue Rodman 
PH #: (216)381-5861

Senate District 23 / (Cuyahoga County)

Bob Bennett ***
PH #: (216)961-8400

Diane Stover ***
PH #: (440)888-8170

Senate District 24 / (Cuyahoga County)

Jeff Dean ***
PH #: (440)247-2888
Email: dean@en.com

Nancy Suhadolnik ***
PH #: (440)846-6666

Senate District 25 (Cuyahoga / Lake County)

Dan Carter ***
PH #: (216)392-4509

Brittany Williams
PH #: (440)781-9038

Surrounding Counties

Senate District 22 / (Medina)

Jim Woods ***
PH #: (330)241-5228

Sharon Ray ***
PH #: (330)461-3599

Senate District 18 (Portage / Geauga & Lake)

Andy Manning ***
PH #: (330)678-1403

Amy Sabath
PH #: (440)796-8802

For a list of contact information on all the current Ohio Republican Party State Central Committee members please click here.

As noted above, the election of Matt Borges as ORP Chairman race will have a negative effect on all races in Ohio, including local, state, U.S. Senate, Congress and the 2016 Presidential race; please also contact the below GOP leaders....

Local County Republican Party's

Cuyahoga County GOP
Chairman Rob Frost
PH#: (216)621-0077

To contact your county GOP please click here.

National GOP 

Republican National Committee
Chairman Reince Priebus
PH#: (202)863-8500
Contact: Click Here

House Republican Caucus
Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers
PH#: (202)225-5107
Twitter: @gopconference

Senate Republican Caucus
Chairman Senator John Thune
PH#: (202)224-2764
Contact: Click Here
Twitter: @Senate_GOPs

If you cannot call, at least send off e-mails; you can email all the names above in less than 2 minutes.