Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

USPS Enabling Illegal Immigration

This is like allowing a beer distributor to supply the beverages at an AA meeting....

The Examiner --
Looking to capitalize on the growing remittance industry, largely fueled by illegal aliens sending money earned through illegal employment in this country, back home, the U.S. Post Office now offers a wire transfer service, but only to countries in Latin America.

The service, called Dinero Seguro (Sure Money) is being advertised in local post offices with posters showing a Latino family, along with the caption “for your wire transfer of funds back home.” More....

1 comment:

  1. What is the argument here? every single alien "BROKE THE LAW!" Our Government, Republican & Democrat, have allowed the invasion of 30 million criminals and is the largest invasion of any Nation, in direct violation of Article IV, Section IV of our Constitution.

    This refusal to abide by our Constitution should be classified as Treason as grounds for IMPEACHMENT & trials for Treason!

    Not only have they allowed the invasion, they force American tax payers to pay Billions of dollars to provide Welfare, Prison, Educate the invaders children,free medical care, at the same time the invading horde break numerous laws, massive document fraud, & are destroying our schools, hospitals, communities, culture and standard of living while Robbing, Raping, Killing & Assaulting American Citizens WAKE UP PEOPLE! They walked,rode,swam and drove over here, they can do the same going home! taking thier anchors with them! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Btj6IeOFkis&feature=player_embedded


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