Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Rep Broun introduces "Debt Ceiling Reduction Act"; Tells GOP "Ante up or Find a New Job"

The Debt Ceiling fight is heating up and Speaker John Boehner, is again ready to perform one of his famous "Boehner Buckle's" or even worse make one of his oh so great deals.  To put it bluntly... Speaker Boehner is a failure, cannot be trusted and is part of the problem we are trying to fix in this country.

The widely publicized plan of Cut, Cap and Balance, while a good step, falls short of what most Americans desire and will ultimately still allow for the debt ceiling to be raised.  At this point in time any step we take must be backwards from the spending cliff and not a side-step with more promises of what future legislators can and cannot do.

Telling his fellow GOP Congressmen to, "ante up or go find a new profession," Congressman Paul Broun has recently introduced HR 2409, the Debt Ceiling Reduction Act, which will CUT spending and LOWER the debt ceiling back down to $13 trillion from the current $14.3 trillion. There are no promises to break, pledges to weasel back on or tit for tat deals of raising the debt ceiling...

Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. (GA-10) today introduced unique legislation, H.R. 2409 the Debt Ceiling Reduction Act, that would lower the debt ceiling from $14.3 trillion back down to $13 trillion.  The legislation would be enacted at the beginning of FY 2012 and would force Congress to begin to pay off a portion of the national debt while drastically reducing spending.

“Should my legislation be signed into law, Washington would have to actually make the cuts that until now they’ve only talked about, and our national debt would be one step closer to being manageable,” said Congressman Broun. “My legislation would not just slow down, or stop the reckless spending train; it would completely turn it around.

“Americans are tired of lawmakers who talk out of both sides of their mouths and make promises that they can’t keep.  This bill offers a real and true solution for our fiscal dilemma, and I whole heartedly hope that my colleagues will either ante up – or try their luck at another profession.”


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