Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Conservative Treehouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conservative Treehouse. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2022

Update: the corrupt and manipulative political justice system


It’s just 15 days before the mid-term elections, and the DOJ is switching its story. Sundance reports:

FBI and DOJ Switch Tactics,
Now Claim 2022 Election is Vulnerable to Manipulation

With the majority of American voters now positioned to rebuke the political efforts of Joe Biden and federal Democrats, the narrative from the DOJ and FBI does a 180° reverse course.  The transparency of a corrupt and manipulative political justice system is beyond obvious.

  • Old Message to support the 2020 Democrat vote initiatives (ballot harvesting, mail-in voting, precinct manipulation): The 2020 election was the most secure election in American history.
  • New Message to support the Democrat 2022 vote initiatives: The 2022 election is not secure, subject to manipulation by disinformation and misinformation, and likely to encounter interference by domestic and foreign adversaries.

. . .

Read the full report at Conservative Treehouse here.

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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Trump rally in Texas 8pm EST


Tonight, President Donald Trump heads to Robstown, Texas, for a MAGA rally at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds.  President Trump is scheduled to deliver remarks at 7:00pm CDT / 8:00pm EDT.  Click here for Livestream Links.

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Saturday, October 1, 2022

Trump Rally Today 7pm : livestream links


President Donald J Trump’s Save America Rally takes place today in Warren MI:

  • 4:00PM – Special Guest Speakers Deliver Remarks
  • 7:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks

Right Side Broadcasting Network and Rumble livestream links here.

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Bidenomics at-a-glance


Sundance posted this handy graphic at Conservative Treehouse (“Bidenomics, August 2022 Inflation Data Infographic").  Notice the one-year comparisons for inflation esp. in fuel oil, airfares, and food categories.  It’s going to get worse, so prepare.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

America First economics in a nutshell

A F Branco cartoon

Conservative Treehouse / Sundance's "I Am a MAGA Republican, and Donald Trump is My Weapon" is a good explanation of America First economic policy -- and it is reader-friendly.  Sundance begins: 

At a national level there is a unique policy priority that almost every politician, on both sides, will avoid discussing.  At a national level a single policy priority determines all other national policy issues.  That policy is the national economic policy.

The national economic policy of a presidential candidate determines all other national policies that flow from the presidential candidate.  The national economic policy impacts the obvious policies like energy and trade, and also determines the lesser obvious policies like regulation and even foreign policy.

It is specifically because a candidate’s national economic outlook impacts all other issues, that most national politicians never talk about it. 

It would be impossible to support Main Street USA, a popular talking point, and still support the Paris climate treaty, the transpacific trade partnership (TPP) or the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP).

To avoid the contradictions most democrat and republican politicians avoid discussing their national economic policy; it is an unspoken rule within the billionaire club and donor game; an economic code of omerta amid most political candidates.

President Trump broke the rule, and even went so far as to campaign on an America-First economic policy agenda.  . . .

The full article is here, and it concludes with an analogy to a technician who can get rid of all those destructive raccoons in your basement.  Makes it fun and accessible.

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Friday, September 2, 2022

Biden’s "House of Horrors" speech


Image via Conservative Treehouse:  Albert Speer would have been proud.

"Biden's malodorous speech on Thursday, bathed in communist red light, was bloodcurdling in its ramifications.  His contempt for at least seventy-five million Americans was disgraceful.  The man is suffering from cognitive decline and is striking out at his political opponents in furious anger.  All of his accusations about "MAGA Republicans" are true of his party, of himself; the speech was a grand exercise in projection and gaslighting."   -- Patricia McCarthy at American Thinker

For President Trump’s reaction, click here

For Sundance on the optics: click here.

For Issues & Insights Board editorial: click here 

Most networks didn’t broadcast his speech.

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Sunday, August 28, 2022

Neil Oliver: the cost of going Green

The transcript and video of Neil Oliver’s latest meditation/monologue are at Conservative Treehouse here.  From Sundance’s intro:

Neil Oliver correctly notes that now is the time to expose it all; expose all of the madness behind the grand plan to weaponize the false framework of climate change in a quest to take control and reduce the lives of people to subservient proles.  Now is the time for all the conspiracy theorists, tin foil hat wearers, Putin apologist, vaccine deniers and those who have been proven correct, to stand boldly amid the crowd of sheeple and defy the next effort.

The Ukraine narrative is a western created false ruse, a justification without merit, simply to inflict more pain and hardship in Europe around the bigger multinational energy program known as Build Back Better.  Now is the time to use the truth of COVID as a reference point and weapon to call it out and ridicule political leaders.  Now is the time to see who stands with the people upon policies of commonsense.  . . .

And here is an extract from the transcript:

Don’t be fooled into thinking this disaster movie is coming to an end. . . .

I’ve said before and I’ll say it again: “It’s never about what they say it’s about.”

. . .

Now that some of the great and the good are changing their tune … now that more and more of the mainstream media are pirouetting like ballerinas and finally contemplating questions some of us have been asking, shouting indeed, on a desperate loop, for months and years, there’s a narrow window of opportunity for getting some other stuff out into the open. And so now seems like the right time to think more of the unthinkable and say more of the unsayable.

. . .

The imminent cold and hunger were made inevitable not by Putin in 2022, but years ago by the adoption of ruinous, ideologically driven nonsense presented as world-saving environmental policies that only denied us any hope of energy independence, the profitable exploitation of all the resources beneath our feet and seas and condemned much of Europe to dependence on Russia.

What we are paying is the cost of going Green, when those polices are not green at all but predicated upon some of the most destructive and toxic practices and technologies ever conceived.

Wind and solar will never provide the energy we need to keep thriving as societies, to grow and flourish. The situation is so insane I find it easiest to conclude we are simply meant to do without. . . .

Read or listen to the entire monologue here.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Sundance’s preview of the midterms


This blog recently linked to Sundance’s overview of the Uniparty; click here.

Unfortunately, once you see the strings on the UniParty club marionettes, you can never return to that moment in time when you did not see them.

I continue to link to Sundance at Conservative Treehouse to encourage more readers to see those marionette strings.  Sundance is my go-to source for analyses on the Uniparty machinations, and he is beginning his previews of the midterms:

Long before President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago was raided, both political clubs in DC appear to have developed a map to stop the voters from interfering in the DC business model.  Always remember, the color of the flag atop the dome matters not, the provided indulgences underneath the dome do not change.  Destroying the populist movement known currently as the MAGA base, formerly the Tea Party, is as much a goal for the red club as it is the blue club.

Shortly before August 8, 2022, club agreements were made, prior strategies within the DNC and RNC wings were triggered, and events began unfolding according to the script. In the aftermath of the raid the club’s narrative engineers now begin to finish setting the stage.  “Democracy is at risk” because of this populist uprising. 

… But it’s not the polling per se’ that people should be paying attention to. Instead, it’s the overarching national midterm election narrative being created.  There’s a vulgarian hoard out there creating all of this angst and trepidation you are feeling. Voters are going to have to decide if they want instability (an election outcome against the interests of Washington DC), or stability (an election outcome congruent with the interest of Washington DC).

This is how the abuser system works.  If you leave, you have no idea what might happen next; however, if you stay, you have the benefit of familiarity.  Even though the abuse is painful (‘we’re on the wrong track), at least it is consistent and predictable.  Skilled abusers leverage psychological resignation.

You might scoff at the metaphor, but on a larger national dynamic that’s our reality. . . .

Read the entire analysis here.

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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Neil Oliver: Trusting Authority

Below is the closing part of the transcript from Neil Oliver’s latest contemplation.  Usual thanks to Sundance for posting it at Conservative Treehouse.

. . . Rather than dismiss as yet another conspiracy theory the idea of cash being ultimately replaced with transactions based on the exchange of what amount to glorified food stamps that will only be accepted if our social credit score demonstrates that we’ve been obedient girls or boys … how about taking the leap and focusing on the blatantly obvious … that if we are not free to buy whatever and whenever we please, free of the surveillance and snooping of governments and the banks that run them, then we have absolutely no freedom at all.

And while we’re on the subject of money and banks, why not pause to notice something else that is glaringly obvious – which is to say that the currencies of the West are teetering on the abyss, and that one bank after another is revealed, to those who are bothering to watch, as being as close to bankruptcy as is possible to be without actually falling over the edge.

Then there’s the so-called vaccines for Covid – I deliberately say “so-called” because by now it should be clear to all but the willfully blind that those injections do not work as advertised. You can still contract the virus, still transmit the virus, still get sick and still die. Denmark has dropped their use on under-18s. All across the world, every day, more evidence emerges – however grudgingly, however much the various complicit authorities and Big-Pharma companies might hate to admit it – of countless deaths and injuries caused by those medical procedures.

And yet here in Britain and just about everywhere else, governments continue to try and get those needles into as many arms as possible, even the arms of the smallest and youngest. The ripe stink of corruption is everywhere. I trusted authority for most of my life.

Now I ask myself on a daily basis how I ignored the stench for so long. Across the Atlantic, the Biden White House sent the FBI to raid the home of former president Donald Trump. Meanwhile Joe Biden and his son Hunter – he of the laptop full of the most appalling and incriminating content – fly together on Airforce 1. No raids planned on the Obamas, nor on the Clintons. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi flew to Taiwan and onwards to China. Her son Paul, an investor in a Chinese tech firm and with seats on the board of companies dealing in lithium, was along for the ride, into that part of the world where three quarters of the world’s lithium batteries are made. Taiwan leads in that technology.

It is hard to think the unthinkable. It’s hard to think that all of it, all the misery, all the suffering of the past and to come might just be about money, greed and power. It is hard to tell yourself you’ve been taken for a fool and taken for a ride. It’s hard, but the view from the other side is worth the effort and the pain. Open your eyes and see. 

Read the full transcript (or watch the video) here.

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Friday, August 5, 2022

Trump rally tonight (Friday, Aug-05)


President Donald Trump will be delivering remarks at a ‘Save America’ rally in Waukesha, WI this evening (Friday Aug-05) at 8pm ET.  Right Side Broadcasting Network link is here.

Or go to Conservative Treehouse here to access Rumble links.

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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Trump at Turning PointUSA Student Action Summit 7pm 7/23


Donald J Trump’s speech at Turning PointUSA Student Action Summit in Tampa is scheduled to begin at 7pm ET.  Right Side Broadcasting Network is streaming live here (h/t Conservative Treehouse). 

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Monday, July 11, 2022

“You will own nothing, and you will be happy.” Not.


World Economic Forum megalomaniac Klaus Schwab famously said:  “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”  Neil Oliver takes exception to this pronouncement:

From behind one podium after another, western leaders and their lackeys talk more and more openly about a liberal world order – even a rules-based liberal world order. The more I hear and see about a world ordered by self-described liberals and their rules, the less I like it. I certainly don’t recall ever being invited to vote for it. Two years ago I gave scant thought to acronyms like WHO, UN, WEF. Now I watch them with the same attention I give to dogs that look like they might bite.

At some point in the past – and I missed that point too, whenever it was, I will freely admit – the governing class decided they were done with serving us and that they own us and rule us instead. That cancerous thought has metastasized in recent years, so that it’s not just governments and their bureaucrats and preferred scientists who presume to lord it over us, to tell us what to do, what to think.

That same deranged thought is there throughout the greediest capitalist corporations now as well. The technocrats took free speech by the throat long ago, so as to preserve and push their own self-described progressive ideologies. Now that same superiority complex is everywhere else as well.

. . .

I have never in my life before listened to government policy – and to the policies of governments all around the world – and felt endangered. But I do now. If you feel that too – a deep physiological response to the last two years, and a growing sense of something malevolent – then you are not alone. Sometimes it feels like society itself has been poisoned – and that all that society is being offered is yet more poisonous nonsense.

We should notice that it is from among us, the ordinary people, that the farmers and the truckers come – so that it is we who really have the power that matters in the end.

In Sri Lanka, they’re quite a bit further down the line than us – although hardly out of sight. Thousands of people, driven beyond endurance by economic collapse and the worst food and fuel shortages in living memory, found they had nothing left to lose. I read this morning about protestors there storming and occupying their president’s official residence in the city of Colombo.

Desperate people and desperate measures. It’s interesting to note that, contrary to what Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum might think … it turns out that when some people find they actually do own nothing anymore – they’re really not very happy at all. 

Read the full transcript or watch/listen to the video here.  Also posted at America First Report here.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

No energy for US


The current G7 leaders (of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) are divided over energy policy, with FJB (i.e., the present occupant in the White House) and Justin Trudeau committing America and Canada to more supply chain crises and food shortages.  Sundance at Conservative Treehouse reports:

The larger issue comes down to a catastrophic energy agenda by Joe Biden made worse by U.S. foreign policy.  Biden has killed the U.S. oil and gas industry driving up the price of energy which is having horrific consequences as consumer prices skyrocket.  Simultaneous to this bad domestic energy policy, Biden has placed sanctions against Russian oil and gas with the backdrop of preexisting sanctions against Iran and Venezuela.

No oil/gas from Russia, no oil/gas from Iran, no oil/gas from Venezuela and now less oil/gas from the United States.  The western alliance is trying to push the climate change agenda while cutting off their own access to cheap energy supplies.   THIS is the primary source of what has been called “global inflation,” it is a self-inflicted wound against the citizens in the western nations.

Full report is here.  And in a subsequent blogpost, Sundance continues:

. . . With a pending global food shortage only looking worse by the day British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has proposed to use biofuel farmland to grow food that can be consumed by people.

German Chancellor Olaf Schulz is also supporting the plan. However, Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau have denounced the effort to expand food production in the U.S. and Canada and blocked the framework from G7 policy.

. . .

However, the U.S. (Biden) and Canada (Trudeau) will not generate more food for people because that would undercut the effort for climate change.

Maintaining the climate change agenda is more important than feeding people, according to Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden.

Full report is here

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Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Uniparty: a refresher course


Our household cut the cable many months ago, so we see only a few segments on cable or network news that get linked on various aggregators.  JD Rucker at America First linked to yesterday’s Tucker Carlson segment calling out the RINOs in DC (especially Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, but all the RINOs signing on to, e.g., the pending gun control legislation).  What was significant is that Mr. Rucker’s report was based on Sundance’s commentary at Conservative Treehouse – a good sign that Sundance’s analyses are increasingly popping up on alternative media. 

Sundance has been pointing out the corruption in the Uniparty for years, but this update from him the other day spells out the dynamics:

. . . what Tucker Carlson outlines in this monologue is accurate insofar as it merely scratches the surface of the DeceptiCons in Washington DC. {Direct Rumble Link}

The UniParty issue does not start in Washington DC, it surfaces in Washington DC.

The UniParty agenda, the origin of the crap that we see surface in a toxically corrupt federal government, starts IN YOUR STATE.

The UniParty is an outcome of the private organizations that run the political parties known as the RNC and DNC.  This is where almost all voters and political followers get lost.  The Republican and Democrat parties are not affiliated with any construct of the United States government.  They are private entities, private clubs, that can establish any set of rules and regulations for the people within the club/party.   That’s where the origin of the feces begins.

The club can accept or deny membership for any person who wants to run for political office.  The RNC and DNC clubs essentially select the politicians.  There is nothing within this process that is even remotely democratic, representative or even visible in the framework of the U.S. constitution.

Private corporations known as the RNC and DNC run the professional political apparatus, and from that origination all of the corruption in the body politic -as outlined in the visible UniParty agenda- surfaces.   Two clubs, both funded by Wall Street power brokers, globalists and ultra-rich mega-donors, select the members who will represent their interests in Washington DC.   That’s the root of the issue.

The Republican National Committee (RNC), and the Democrat National Committee (DNC), are private clubs.

The RNC and DNC are corporations, private businesses; and just like all private businesses, they have the ability to make rules, bylaws, terms and conditions of membership and association that are completely arbitrary according to their charter.

The RNC and DNC are not entities of government.  The RNC and DNC are not affiliates of government.  The RNC and DNC have absolutely no connection to government, other than their arbitrary business model for helping politicians enter and remain within government.

. . .

Nothing within the business system of DC and club politics has anything to do with the constitutional framework of U.S. government.

Read the whole thing here. Links to Fox News' Tucker Carlson segment are at the Treehouse.

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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Economic Security Is National Security


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has a most excellent analysis of America First policies, the Trump administration success stories, and any future MAGA leadership. Sundance begins:

Economic security is the foundation of national security.  When the government takes action that destabilizes our economy, every element of national security is put at risk.  We are experiencing that right now as we suffer through Joe Biden’s intentionally flawed energy policy that is destroying the U.S. economy and everyone within it.

“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.”

~ Niccolo Machiavelli

Never has that Machiavelli quote been more apropos than when considering the MAGA movement and the rise of Donald Trump.

Thankfully, we are now in an era when the largest coalition of American voters have awakened to the reality that, to quote the former president: “Economic Security is National Security.”

As we live through the economic mess of a Biden administration hell bent on eroding the middle class of the United States, there are numerous pundits contemplating 2024 Republican presidential candidates other than Donald Trump; consider this group the lukewarm defenders Machiavelli noted.

At the same time the leftist coalition, writ large, are apoplectic about the base of the Republican Party now belonging to Donald Trump.  This group consists of those affluent Wall Street agents and politicians set on retaining the profits derived from decades of institutional objectives.

Institutional Democrats hate Trump, and institutional Republicans are lukewarm, at best, in defending Trump.  Both wings of the DC UniParty fear Trump.  Extreme efforts at control are a reaction to fear.  In this outline, I rise to explain why Donald Trump is the only option for the America First MAGA coalition; and I make my case not on supposition, but on empirical reference points that most should understand.

Everything is about the economics of it.

If you accept that at its essential core elements the phrase “economic security is national security” is true – meaning the lives of the American citizen, person, worker, individual or family are best when their economic position is secure – then any potential leader for our nation must be able to initiate policies that directly touch the economics of a person’s life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  As a result, economic security and economic policy must be the fulcrum of their platform.

Now, look around and ask yourself this question: “What separated Donald J. Trump from the remaining field of 17 GOP candidates in 2016?”   An honest top-line answer would be immigration (border control), and his views on American economic policy.   In essence, what set Donald Trump apart from all other candidates was his view on the U.S. economy, and that was the driving factor behind ‘Make America Great Again’, MAGA.

Now, look around.  Look at every other potential candidate for political office. Is there another person in the field of your political view who comes from the starting point that economic security is national security?

This analysis by Sundance outlines the actual known successes of President Trump’s America First policies; voters would have to guess how America First policies would be implemented by an alternative candidate. 

Look at what Donald J. Trump was able to achieve while he was under constant political attack.  Just imagine what Trump 2.0 would deliver.

They, the leftist Democrats and Wall Street Republicans, are yet again absolutely petrified of that.

Much more at the link here. 

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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day weekend: reasons to be optimistic

Neil Oliver observes the goings-on in Davos -- watching the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization billionaires plotting and planning their New World Order. And he is of the opinion that things are not going their way.  His weekly monologue is up at Conservative Treehouse.  If you prefer a written transcript, it’s also at the link here.  And it begins:

The usual suspects have been in Davos again, at the World Economic Forum overseen by Klaus Schwab – the few hundred of the most unimaginably rich gathered in one place to fantasize together about what the several billions of us ought to be forced to do in order to make those billionaires’ lives better.

Those poor billionaires – for whom everything on Earth might finally be perfect, if only someone would invent the vacuum cleaner big enough to suck every last one of us peasants, inconsequential specks of dust that we are, into outer space once and for all.

While listening to whichever one on stage is pontificating about this or that technological advance, or about how better to structure civilization itself, I find it best to imagine they have the high pitched, excitable voices of children – like in those TV adverts for chewy, jelly sweeties.

When I do that, I am reassured by their evident ridiculousness, their patent lack of a grasp on the reality of what this human species of ours is all about.

Read the rest (or watch) here.  Many reasons to be optimistic.  Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend. 

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Thursday, May 26, 2022

News out of the Davos conference


Mark Wauck of Meaning In History has a very good, if depressing, overview of the relentless bad news coming out of Davos. This blog has already posted a report by Dr Joseph Mercola on the globalists’ threat to our food supply; click here.  Mr. Wauck starts off:

The Elites Are Plotting Against Us In Plain View

Yes, it’s that time of year, and the Neo-Malthusian global elites are meeting in Davos, plotting in plain view, scheming to get us normals under their thumbs—and make it hurt. Not kidding—they’re talking a lot about pain.

Zhou [Biden!] let the cat out of the bag the other day, when he said that high gas prices were part of the “incredible transition”. Incredible transition? Great Reset? Sounds the same to me—and it is. I was struck by this article—no I didn’t read it. I just saw enough at FR to get the gist:

Democrats Quietly Search for an Alternative to Biden in 2024
NY Magazine ^ | 5/24/2022 | By Gabriel Debenedetti

As they look toward 2024, Democrats are unified in their conception of doom: the restoration of Trump, joined down-ballot by anti-democratic Republicans who will end fair elections and any hope of combating climate change.

Climate change.  [This blog recently posted links on that one also; click here.] That’s what caught my eye. The whole point of the electoral coup against Trump was to seize the moment to jam the Green agenda, the Great Neo-Malthusian Reset, down our throats. Problem is, they’ve screwed up so badly that they can see approaching doom, in spite of the rigging.

Don Surber sees what they’re trying to do. I think Zhou’s “incredible transition” moment was an epiphany for Don. Read it all. 

Click here for the rest of Mr. Wauck’s report, including extracts from Don Surber’s blog.

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Friday, April 22, 2022

America: out of order


As usual, Victor Davis Hanson nails it.  From American Greatness:

What explains an America that suddenly no longer works? 

First, all of these problems are self-induced. They did not exist until Biden [I would assume that when he refers to “Biden,” VDH means “the Biden Administration.”] birthed them for ideological or political reasons. Apparently, his administration wanted a changing, more favorable electorate and demography at any cost. 

. . .

Second, Biden has no solutions to these self-created problems because of the ideological restraints the Left has imposed on him.

The administration fears the anger of the hard Left more than the furor of the American people. So it will not change, preferring to be politically correct and a failure than to be ideologically incorrect and successful. 

Third, when people object, this administration answers either by blaming others for its self-created mess or by seeking distractions. Now it is faulting gun owners for the crime wave it fostered, supposed “white supremacists” for the racial tensions it fanned, and Putin, whom it appeased.

The common denominator? Biden knows that he inherited a stable, prosperous America and has nearly ruined it. 

Read VDH’s full column here.  But where is the good news?  Sundance at Conservative Treehouse sums up some encouraging and significant push-backs:

[A] more assertive, deliberate, strategic and determined MAGA movement is being noticed everywhere.  There are new combat rules in response to the leftist onslaught toward our children.  . . .

Leftist favorite Netflix, is hemorrhaging users and just lost 30% of its value.  Spotify just refused to renew the leftist idols, the Obamas.  The ultra-leftist Disney Corp just lost their special district status in Orlando, and leftist Twitter is on the verge of a hostile ‘free speech’ takeover by Elon Musk.

. . .

Click here for more.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

You can't make this up

 As Sundance reported:

During Speech to Blame Vladimir Putin for Massive Inflation, 
Bird Poops on Joe Biden

It's only 12 seconds long.  I blame Trump. 
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Saturday, April 9, 2022

Trump rally tonight at 7pm UPDATED

Saturday, April 9:  President Donald Trump is scheduled to speak at 7pm (ET) at a “Save America” rally tonight in Selma, NC. Here’s a link to Right Side Broadcasting Network on Rumble:


Will add additional links when Conservative Treehouse posts later today.

UPDATE:  More links at Conservative Treehouse here.

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