Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Sundance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sundance. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Sen. Rand Paul says NO to more mandates and lockdowns


Brodigan at LouderWithCrowder is encouraged by Sen. Rand Paul’s call-to-arms to just say no to more mandates, lockdowns, and other harmful policies; there’s a video by Sen. Paul with excerpts from Paul's video (in italics) and commentary:

. . . You know Joe Biden is going to push more lockdowns, no matter how many times the White House clarifies or denies him saying so. Senator [Rand] Paul has a simple message for the American people when the government tries locking down again: Nope.

. . .

They can't arrest all of us. They can't keep all of your kids home from school. We don't have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again.

. . .

Children are falling behind in school, and are being harmed physically and psychologically by the tactics that you have used to keep them from the classroom during the last year. We won't allow it again. If a school system attempts to keep the children from full-time, in-person school, I will hold up every bill with two amendments. One to defund them, and another to allow parents the choice of where the money goes for their child's education.

This would be interesting. Because the pandemic has done wonders for exposing parents to what public schools really are. Here's the common ground. You get your mask mandates in public schools. We get a voucher that's equal to what we pay in school taxes to send our kids elsewhere. Conservatives would take that deal in a heartbeat.

I think the tide is turning as more and more people are willing to stand up. We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children? Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not? Not this time. I choose freedom.

Click here for the full report plus video. Sundance weighs in on this one also;  click here.  Lara Logan has it figured out:

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Monday, June 28, 2021

President Trump’s statement about former AG William Barr


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse published President Trump’s statement about Deep State RINO AG William Barr. He introduces the statement:

After being duped, played and ultimately conned, by the duplicitous and Machiavellian deep state apparatchik known as former AG Bill Barr {Go Deep Here} it is no surprise to CTH why President Trump would be a level of angry that’s almost unfathomable.

Here’s some of Mr. Trump’s statement:

“RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people. Even the scam that took place in Georgia of ballot stuffing on camera, he couldn’t see what was wrong with it.

Just like he failed to understand the Horowitz report and let everyone down with respect to getting a timely investigation (where’s Durham?) on all of the corruption of the Obama-Biden Administration.

It’s people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed.

. . .

If there was no fraud, why are Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other States spending so much time and effort on exposing the fraud? We already know that:

•101,789 “obsolete” voters on the rolls in Georgia, including 18,486 dead people

•Ballot batches off by up to 17.5 percent in Maricopa County, Arizona

•“Massive” chain of custody problems with drop boxes in Georgia, missing hundreds of thousands of records for months after the election

•Thousands of ballots “wheeled in through the back door” in Fulton County days after the election

•“Double feeding” ballots in Fulton County, Georgia

•Nearly 200,000 illegal “indefinitely confined” votes in Wisconsin that violated Voter ID law

•“Cash for votes” scheme in Nevada

•Illegal alien votes

•Election law changes were not authorized by the State Legislatures, which is mandated by the U.S. Constitution

There’s more here.  It was always going to be an uphill battle against the Deep State, especially getting a conservative and principled nominee for AG – one that was not already compromised by Deep State membership.  Such a nominee would probably never have gotten confirmed by the Senate.  Still, it is frustrating to see how much effort it takes just to pull back the curtain.

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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Mike Lindell vs Republican Governors and Amazon


From Sundance at Conservative Treehouse:

A Fired Up Mike Lindell Eviscerates AZ Governor Ducey and
GA Governor Kemp, Documents Their Fraud
Against the Republican Base

Incredibly, the RGA contacted Lindell with the invitation to the dinner, then gave Mike Lindell the credentials to attend the dinner, and as he awaited the transport buses with the other governors he was pulled aside and told he was no longer permitted to attend.  As Lindell notes Arizona Governor Doug Ducey is the Chairman of the RGA and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is the head of the republican election integrity unit.  However, both of them are key figures in blocking any election audit or accountability review in their states.  Something is seriously wrong.

It’s going to get bigger… and it’s going to get uglier.  THAT MUCH is very clear.

. . .

More at the link here, including lots of reader comments.  But here’s better news via The Liberty Daily:

Mike Lindell Launches “MyStore” To Compete With Amazon

Mike Lindell is fighting back!

After he was canceled by retailers, Mike Lindell is starting his own online store: MyStore.com

**Use code “TLD” at checkout and you’ll save up to 66%, plus Liberty Daily will benefit**

MyStore is going to rival Amazon, Mike says.

The rest of the report, including a video of Mr. Lindell’s interview on Steve Bannon’s show, is here.

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Friday, May 14, 2021

The Three Faces of the Republican Party?


At American Thinker, Patricia McCarthy comes close in her title:

The Three Faces of the Republican Party

Thanks to Donald Trump, we can all clearly see who among our officials actually represents the American people who elected them; which members of Congress are interested only in keeping their seats; and those who passively align themselves with the Democrats to push our republic into a version of communist China with a social credit system, struggle sessions, and mandatory submission to an all-powerful government that would make Mao and Stalin proud.  Far too many of them are sitting still for this.

The Republican Party is in serious disarray; it's fractured.  Yellow-bellies like Kevin McCarthy are the majority, and the open NeverTrumps are traitors to their constituents.  Where do they all seem to work together?  When confirming Biden's dismal appointees to high office within his illegitimate administration.  They are all awful!  William Burns for CIA has numerous links to the Communist Party of China; Susan Hennessey to the DOJ is a confirmed rabid Russia hoaxer.  Lisa Monaco probably ordered the raid on Giuliani.

On this one score, their three faces meld into one insipid like-mind that cravenly submits to the most radical administration in U.S. history.  Republicans never fight as the Dems do.  They capitulate.  The Democrats never capitulate; they fight like the thugs they are.

Under the Biden administration, those of us who continue to embrace Trump's America First policies that engendered the best economy for all demographics, who support securing our southern border, who were thrilled by the energy independence that Trump brought about and the de-regulation that energized so many small and large businesses, are even more deplorable to the left now than we were in Hillary Clinton's view.  Wanting a free and economically powerful America is anathema to the left.  The left means to indoctrinate our kids rather than educate them.  Leftists' totalitarian agenda demands "equity" rather than equality; skin color reigns supreme.  They mean to cripple this nation; no more oil exploration, no more secure borders, no more law and order, no more freedom of speech or assembly, no more Second Amendment.  The left means to destroy America as founded, and, though interrupted by Trump's presidency, the Soros-Obama plan is back in play.  China owns Biden, and he is speeding up America's decline in service of the communist nation and the globalists.

The left is by nature miserable.  Leftists will not rest until everyone is as miserable as they are.  And because our ruling class is thoroughly removed from reality, they believe that their prescriptions for the rest of us will never affect their oh, so privileged lifestyles.  The left suffers from dissociative identity disorder, too: "a mental illness that involves disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity and/or perception."  That pretty much sums up too many members of our political class, left and right.  Think Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.  Think Joe Biden.

When the right does not fight back against the left's anti-American grand plan — its absurd erasure of biological sex, its primacy of criminals over law-abiding citizens — the right is as certifiably mentally ill as the left.  That the Republicans are not, as a whole, standing up against the pandemic nonsense — mask mandates and lockdowns — is so disappointing.  They should be fighting for the essential "my body, my choice" when it comes to vaccines!  Why are they not, as a cohesive group, opposing the very notion of vaccine passports?  Why can't the Republicans in Congress learn from governors like DeSantis?  They don't.  They are cowering in the corners of their congressional offices, terrified of the left media.  God forbid they be criticized by a mindless hack at the NYT or on CNN or MSNBC.

The Republican Party is suffering from an identity crisis.  What is a Republican?  For what principles do these people stand tall?  We know who the good guys are, but they are a minority.  Why aren't all of the elected Republicans on the same page?

The easy explanation:  Most of them belong to the Uniparty-R.  (Full article is here.)

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Saturday, March 6, 2021

A heads up on GOP fund-raising


How many calls and emails a week do you get from various GOP entities asking for money?  Our household gets a lot.  However, we haven’t contributed to GOP groups for years. The GOP groups raised millions for over eight years on the specific promise of repealing Obamacare, and then … they didn't keep their promise.  

Now President Trump is taking steps to re-direct contributions that might go to various GOP groups to instead support the Save America Super PAC.  From Dennis Michael Lynch’s blog:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former President Donald Trump has demanded that three main Republican groups stop using his name and likeness to help raise money, a Trump adviser said on Saturday.

The adviser, confirming a report in Politico, said that lawyers for Trump on Friday had sent cease-and-desist letters to the Republican National Committee, National Republican Congressional Campaign and National Republican Senate Campaign, asking them to stop using his name and likeness on fundraising emails and merchandise.

The article goes on to state the following:

The adviser said Trump is sensitive to the use of his name and likeness for branding purposes and has been irked that the three groups have supported Republican lawmakers who had joined Democrats in voting to impeach him over the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump protesters.

Trump’s plan is to use the money raised from his Save America SuperPAC to help candidates of his choice win in the 2022 congressional elections.

For those patriots who are perpetually fed up with GOPe branch of the DC Uniparty, this may be a start. 

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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

President Trump will deliver the keynote address at CPAC


From the CPAC website (mark your calendar):

Sunday, Feb 28: President Donald Trump will speak at 3:40 pm

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse is no fan of CPAC.  He has many reasons, but every Tea Party member will remember this:

I do not forget when we gave Republicans control of the House of Representatives; and when Paul Ryan took over as speaker; and Ryan passed another three trillion omnibus spending bill with full support of Democrats…. and then showed up to a standing ovation at the “conservative conference.”  WHAT the HELL was being conserved?

The time is now for CPAC to reform…. OR the time has come for CPAC to be abandoned in favor of a national convention that supports the 75 million+ Donald Trump voters.  CPAC is not that convention… not even close.

Nevertheless, President Trump’s CPAC keynote speech will attract a huge audience.  Expect RSBN to live stream;  links to follow.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Tributes to Rush Limbaugh

Photo credit: abc11.com

William A. Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has the announcement:

Rush Limbaugh has passed away


Just announced by his wife on his show. I suspected something was up when he repeatedly cancelled out of shows recently.

It’s an understatement to say that we have lost a giant. He was so much more. He was a cheerleader and clairvoyant. In the face of mainstream media lies and collusion, he was a voice of fresh air that kept our spirits up. He was the target of cancel culture before we even knew the term.

Full article with photos here.  Sundance has more wonderful photos and tributes here,

UPDATE:  Mark Steyn has a wonderful tribute here.

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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Economic patriotism = pushback


Florida postcard via Sundance

Conservative Treehouse's Sundance has another important posting, “Citing a Need for COVID Compliance JoeBama Administration Weighs U.S. Travel Restrictions on Florida” – i.e., just another excuse for shredding our constitutional rights.  He begins

The vast majority of the Florida economy is essentially open and not impacted by the COVID-19 virus and state mitigation efforts.  Factually visitors to Florida are stunned at the seemingly little impact the COVID scamdemic is having on the state.  Everyone is going about their business as normal enjoying freedom, and there is no undue chaos or concern.

The common sense within Florida, the lack of actual economic damage and the absence of panic amid the citizenry, is adverse to the interests of those who have weaponized the fear of COVID to attain power and control over compliant citizens.  Governor Ron DeSantis is considered a rebellious troublemaker who must be dealt with by JoeBama’s Federal agencies and authorities.

But Sundance gets down to what we Americans can do to push back against not only the scamdemic but also against the fraudulent election coup that aims to take away our remaining freedoms:

Do not feed the system that is designed to destroy you.  Move your money away from big massive banking institutions and put it into local banks and credit unions.  Spend your income in smaller businesses on Main Street.  Do not shop at multinational corporations.

We are going to have to get out of convenience mode, or we will ultimately destroy ourselves. Do not use Amazon or related convenience systems for purchases.  Do as much local purchasing as possible.  Buy made in America products; it is an investment in our own economy.   Economic patriotism is how we defeat globalist economic expansion.

Defeating the “Great Reset” is a choice each individual has to make.

Read the full posting here.  Some of the comments are also worth scrolling through.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Orwellian developments: Big Government tentacles


image credit: New York Daily News

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has more bad news, this time on emerging restrictions and regulations on domestic air travel – and more . . .

Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg (aka Alfred E Newman), made a rather stunning statement during an Axios interview today.

When discussing domestic travel and transportation as it related to COVID-19, the transportation secretary said: “there is an active conversation within the CDC now” about requiring COVID tests prior to air travel inside the United States.

This ridiculous position was unfortunately one of the issues CTH predicted might happen.

COVID is not a virus inasmuch as it is an opportunity to achieve social-change goals advocated by the far-left.  Remember, one key element within the Green New Deal was to ban airplanes altogether.

The kindergarten class of tree-shouting, algae-cake-eating, everything must be sustainable and stupid, i.e., leftist moonbats, are the ones offering actual policy suggestions.

Much more scary stuff at the link here.

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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Rush Limbaugh’s message to President Donald Trump


Image via Conservative Treehouse

Via Conservative Treehouse (and have a hanky at hand):

My days on earth are numbered; But before I fade away, there is something important I need to say. It may not be important to anyone else; but it’s important to me. Win, lose or fraud President Trump, I just want to say thank you for the last four years.

Thank you for making it cool to be an American again. Thank you for showing us that we don’t need to be under China’s thumb anymore economically, or any other way. Thank you for one of the strongest economies we’ve ever experienced in my lifetime.

Thank you for all you have done for the minority communities, and the outstanding decrease in the unemployment rate you had. Thank you for making it feel good to love our country and to be a proud patriot again.”

Thank you for supporting our Nation’s flag and the men and women who fought for the freedom that stands behind that flag. Thank you for supporting our nation’s law enforcement organizations, and understanding how difficult their job really is.

Thank you for quelling the flood of illegal immigration, and bringing to justice the thousands of criminals that flood brought us. Thank you for giving corporations a reason to come back to America to make our own products and put Americans back to work.

Thank you for bringing our troops home from endless deployments that presented us with little more than body bags; and for your commitment to strengthen our military.

Thank you for operation warp speed and keeping your promise to bringing the Covid 19 vaccine to us in less than a year. Thank you for your never-ending attempts at bringing peace to the Middle East and your support for Israel.

Thank you for your Tax relief, and thank you for our energy independence. Most of all though…

THANK YOU for taking a damn rotten job that you never had to take!! Thank you for caring enough for this country to want to try and make a difference.

Thank you for showing America how little Career Politicians actually work for their constituents; for showing us how much those politicians despise you for showing America how easy it is to build a great nation, rather than rape her to line their own pockets and stock portfolios.

Thank you for allowing us to experience a President that wasn’t a lifelong politician, but a lifelong American. THANK YOU MR PRESIDENT… YOU DID YOUR BEST…”

Wow.  And thank you, El Rushbo.

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Monday, January 25, 2021

Portman’s Senate seat: A Decepticon’s decision


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has an interesting take on Sen. Rob Portman’s announcement that he will retire when his term is up in 2023:

With four GOP senators having announced they’re not running (Burr, Johnson, Toomey, Portman) there’s essentially zero chance of the GOP retaking control of the Senate in 2022.  [20 R seats up & only 14 D seats that are in solid D strongholds] it is far more likely the Democrats will gain seats, so keep this in mind…. 

…When we think about forming a third party, the “you will split the vote” crew always peddles their vote split narrative.  However, the GOP doesn’t have a chance in hell to win 2022 given what the base of the Republicans think about these senate DeceptiCons now.

There has never been a better time for a New Party to launch and capture three or four seats from the retiring GOPe crew.  It would be great to see true MAGA representatives that can caucus with Republicans but hold ground on America First principles.

Sundance’s full report with links and commentary is here.

UPDATE:  Don Surber thinks a third party is still a bad idea.  See here.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Nationwide Action Alert: Horns of Jericho – Sound At NOON ET Wednesday TODAY


Nationwide Action Alert: Horns of Jericho – 

Sound At NOON ET Wednesday   TODAY

Sundance has the announcement:

Many people cannot attend the Washington DC rally to support President Trump.  However, several groups have organized to share an action message that all patriots can take at noon Eastern on Wednesday January 6th.  “Sound the Horns of Jericho.”

The objective is for people coast to coast, regardless of their location at Noon ET on Wednesday, to blow their car horn in support of President Trump and the rally taking place in Washington DC.    Let the sound of our patriotic message carry with the same intensity as the Horns of Jericho.

Download and share the graphic above on your social media accounts: Parler, Facebook, Twitter, TicTok, etc. and help spread the word.  Whether you are attending a rally at your state capital, or whether you are stuck in COVID compliant isolation, set your phone alarm to remind you at NOON on Wednesday and then blast your car horn.

…”We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”…

Mike Vanderboegh

Please share !!!

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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Nationwide Action Alert: Horns of Jericho – Sound At NOON ET Wednesday


Nationwide Action Alert: Horns of Jericho – 

Sound At NOON ET Wednesday

Sundance has the announcement:

Many people cannot attend the Washington DC rally to support President Trump.  However, several groups have organized to share an action message that all patriots can take at noon Eastern on Wednesday January 6th.  “Sound the Horns of Jericho.”

The objective is for people coast to coast, regardless of their location at Noon ET on Wednesday, to blow their car horn in support of President Trump and the rally taking place in Washington DC.    Let the sound of our patriotic message carry with the same intensity as the Horns of Jericho.

Download and share the graphic above on your social media accounts: Parler, Facebook, Twitter, TicTok, etc. and help spread the word.  Whether you are attending a rally at your state capital, or whether you are stuck in COVID compliant isolation, set your phone alarm to remind you at NOON on Wednesday and then blast your car horn.

…”We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”…

Mike Vanderboegh

Please share !!!

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Saturday, January 2, 2021

January 6 Rally in DC : Stop the Steal


Via Conservative Treehouse on Jan 1:

President Trump reminded everyone about the January 6th rally in Washington DC.  From what can be ascertained from social media and inbound grassroots communication to CTH, this is shaping up to be the largest DC gathering in recent history.

I’m not sure where John Spiropoulos [Let's Roll America] is at the moment, but we know he is on the road conducting interviews with people heading to the event.   John was traveling from California to DC via Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee and Virginia.  CTH will resume sharing videos of John’s travels as soon as he files a report.

For more reporting and links to updates, logistics, maps, and tips, click here.

UPDATE:  Carol Brown at American Thinker has more specific details.  Click here.

UPDATE 2:  CVR has a page for a bus (Cleveland and Elyria) to DC here.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Insanity Wrap #112: Pork Apocalypse COVID Relief Package UPDATE: Trump veto?


More bad news via Vodkapundit (Stephen Green) at PJMedia's Insanity Wrap #112:  Pork Apocalypse COVID Relief Package

Insanity Wrap needs to know: What is 900 billion American dollars divided by 330 million Americans?

Answer: $2,727. But you’re still only getting $600, rube.

. . .

The COVID relief package is certainly a relief for Congresscritters who might have previously felt their spending had been constrained by some small sense of morality.

PJ Media’s own Victoria Taft and Bryan Preston have already done the admirable — if unpleasant — work of detailing just how much pork is stuffed into the COVID relief bill.

It’s approximately three-quarters pork to one-quarter relief.

If you have the stomach for it, the referenced PJ Media report at the link here provides a few of the specific provisions.

And Sundance has more here, including a link to the actual bill. 

UPDATE:  Trump vetoes the bill.  Click here.

UPDATE #2:   Matt Vespa at Townhall reports that President Trump is threatening to not sign the bill and rejects the pork;  Mr. Vespa did not report the President Trump vetoed the bill.

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Friday, December 4, 2020

Sundance on civil disobedience


Over at Conservative Treehouse, Sundance reports on a shop owner in North Carolina who is not requiring customers to wear masks.  He includes a link to the store so that readers can have a way to show their support.  And he expands on the options we all have to stop petty tyrants – governors, county officials, etc. – from exceeding their authority.  Here’s a brief extract:

Local, regional and state officials know they can control the behavior of an individual. If one barber shop opens, the owner becomes a target. However, those officials also know they cannot control the behavior of the majority. If every barber shop and beauty salon in town opens… there is absolutely nothing the government can do about it.

If one restaurant and/or bar opens, the state can target the owner. But if every bar and restaurant in town opens; and if everyone ignores and dispatches the silly dictates of the local, regional or state officials; there isn’t a damned thing they can do about it.

The power of the local, regional or state authority comes from the expressed consent of the people. As soon as the majority of people in that municipality deny that consent, those officials and state authoritarians lose all of their power.

Yes, it really is that simple.

They want you to think otherwise, but it is not true.  If WE THE PEOPLE demand freedom and stand together the control authority is useless.

Those who construct the systems of control need to weaponize fear.  Fear of arrest; fear of losing a business; fear of losing liberty or financial security.  Local, regional and state officials rely on fear.  As soon as the people are no longer fearful, the control ends.

The overwhelming majority of dictates around COVID-19 mitigation are not laws. There was no debate; no input from representative government; and no option for the public to weigh-in on the decisions.

All unilateral rules are arbitrary, and despite many proclamations to the contrary, they rely upon voluntary compliance.  As soon as citizens no longer voluntarily comply, the term of the rules has expired.  If masks are so effective then why didn’t government give masks to prisoners, instead of releasing the inmates?

Read the entire posting here.

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Monday, November 23, 2020

Confused by the Sidney Powell headlines?


The headlines were puzzling.  Sundance at Conservative Treehouse explains:

This is all about who is getting paid by the campaign and RNC.  The Trump campaign isn’t going to reimburse Sidney Powell for any expenses, nor is she allowed to make offers of financial payment from the GOP or Trump campaign.  The vultures assembling and protecting their paychecks do not want Powell getting paid, nor do they want any financial liability.  That’s all this statement is.

This statement by the Trump Campaign has nothing to do with Donald Trump, it is directly related to those interests who derive financial benefit from the Trump campaign.  The same network of vultures exists on the DNC side of the equation and they exploit Bernie Sanders donor files.

. . .

That announcement is all about money; nothing more.

Read the full analysis here.

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Monday, November 2, 2020

Encouragement from Sundance


Words of wisdom and encouragement from Sundance at ConservativeTreehouse:

Right now those who wish to “fundamentally change” our nation are waging a full frontal assault against our constitutional republic.  The bombardment seems overwhelming.

Leftist city and state leaders have abandoned rule of law in favor of supporting the mob effort to destroy our sense of national unity.  Political activists, left-wing ideologues under the guise of democrats, and a host of media allies are conducting an information war on behalf of their objective.  Big tech social media companies are attempting to remove the voices of those who are fighting back.

There is a great deal of purposefully driven anxiety and fear amid our nation as this multi-faceted internal war takes place.  However, there is a primary element to this effort that each person can shield themselves from, and act to counter.  Do not let your sense of self succumb to this assault.  Do not let them win the battle for your peace of mind.

It might, heck, -check that- it does seem overwhelming at times.  But that is the nature of this collectivist strategy.  That is the purpose of this bombardment.  We must hold strong and push back against their lies and manipulations.  If you look closely at their attack, it is weak and much of it is psychological bait.  Do not fall into the trap of despair.

When I share the message “live your best life”, it is not without purpose.  Every moment that we allow the onslaught to deter us from living our dreams, is a moment those who oppose our nation view as us taking a knee.  Do not allow this effort to succeed.

You might ask yourself how can I, one person, a flea looking into a furnace, retain an optimistic disposition while all around me seems chaotic and mad.

That’s the point; it ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way.  There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly.

. . .

Read more of Sundance here.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The March of The Deplorables


Some good news over at Conservative Treehouse. Sundance begins his report titled “The March of The Deplorables – President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail”:

In early October a large number of Latino supporters for Trump in Miami-Dade county Florida surprised the Biden-Harris campaign by swarming a local Kamala Harris event.

It happened again… and then again… And then by mid-October the organically occurring approach started to catch fire.

The Deplorables are on the march, and their assembled visibility, the political optics, have destroyed the media narrative.

The downstream impact on the messaging of the Biden-Harris campaign, their surrogates and the DNC club writ large, is devastating.  That’s almost certainly the real reason Joe Biden has abandoned his in-person campaigning.

Read the rest here. It’s a pick-me-up in the face of all the relentlessly bad headlines.

And in other fun news, the other day, Joe Biden referred to the Trump supporters showing up at his rally as “chumps.”  Actor James Woods immediately tweeted that he was “Proud to be a #ChumpForTrump.  I’m waiting for the t-shirts and mugs.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Trump sign in California

Overnight someone erected a massive Trump sign on the hills along the 405 Freeway in the Sepulveda Pas.  According to local media “the sign supporting President Trump faced northbound lanes near Getty Center Drive. The white lettering appears to be around 10 feet tall and mimics the style of the landmark Hollywood sign.”

Here's 27 seconds of fun via Conservative Treehouse:

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