Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Uniparty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uniparty. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Neil Oliver: what can we do


A F Branco cartoon

How to fight the New World Order? Over the past weekend, Neil Oliver released his latest monologue, and it is a doozy.  Here’s part of the transcript:

. . . What should we do? How can we fight back?

I think about the answers to those questions all the time. Right now, I wonder what would happen if those who are cold in their homes – millions of people – just turned on their heating and turned off their direct debits and standing orders. What would happen if, when the bills came, we all just agreed to toss them on the fire? All of us together? What would happen, if millions of us, peacefully acting as one just stood together in quiet defiance? I could be wrong, but I don’t think there’s enough cells in the prisons, enough judges to hear the cases. If the system wasn’t already broken – by them – such actions would break it.

What would happen if we all withdrew our money from the banks on the same day? What would happen if we all asked, as we are entitled to, for the cash? The banks don’t have the money to meet all those demands and so presumably they would close their doors. Then what? Would their inability to pay out all that cash be evidence of the fraud that is fiat money? I wonder.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the social contract – that notion by which we surrender power to the state in return for services and safety – is broken beyond repair. They broke it, not us. Successive governments – not just the present bunch of cardboard cut-outs … have, over decades, knowingly and deliberately betrayed every aspect of that contract. It is null and void and we, the blameless party, are no longer bound by its conditions.

We the people – the sovereign people of this country – don’t just hold the power: we ARE the power. We loan some of it – a short-term loan – to governments. And those governments are supposed to serve us, do our bidding. NEVER the other way round. We tell them what to do.

Hundreds of years’ worth of governments has quietly and secretively presided over a financial system that is no more than state-sanctioned fraud. Power to create money out of thin air was put in the hands of an entirely private, unelected, unaccountable business and this power has been abused to make a tiny group unimaginably rich by enslaving all of US with debt. That system is now on the point of collapse. The West is bankrupt, and governments and bankers are scrambling to solve a problem: how to subtract every last shekel from the people while still having a handful of wealthy bankers, and their enablers, left over.

. . .

But history tells us we should never underestimate the power of the many.

Them’s fightin’ words.  Could the strategy work?  Possiby, even probably.  My concern is, of course, with the iron-fisted and ruthless tactics now employed by the Deep State and the New World Order corruptocrats. 

Read the full transcript here.

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Saturday, November 19, 2022

GOPe swamp dweller: Kevin McCarthy



Over the years, Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has shown his readers why he views both Democrat and Republic establishment politicians as two wings of the same vulture bird – hence the term Uniparty.  He recently linked to a key donor to Ron DeSantis’s campaign, with an explanation of what the donor expected from DeSantis in return;  see here.  Now Frankie Stockes at National File reports on some of the cash behind GOPe Kevin McCarthy, who has ambitions to become Speaker of the House:

McCarthy Used FTX Cash to Defeat Conservatives in 2022

Throughout the midterm campaign season, GOP establishment leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) used his Congressional Leadership Fund political machine to inject massive amounts of cash into House races nationwide. In doing so, he targeted GOP primary races and even general elections vs. Democrats, in which America First conservatives, aligned with President Trump, were on the ballot.

Millions of dollars worth of the campaign money came straight from corrupt crypto exchange FTX and its top executives.

Along for the ride on McCarthy’s scheme were GOP lobbyist Jeff Miller, described as one of McCarthy’s “closest friends,” and Brian Walsh, an establishment strategist who McCarthy brought in to take down Madison Cawthorne after the young Representative blew the whistle on DC drug use and Capitol Hill pervert parties.

As they often do, over a month ahead of the 2022 primaries, The Washington Post, notoriously used for decades as a uni-party communication rag, openly admitted that McCarthy was using left-wing oligarch money to “sway” the GOP field in favor of his establishment agenda.

Conveniently for McCarthy and the establishment, the piece wasn’t published until after the last of the GOP’s nominating primaries had ended.

. . .

America First candidates and others who couldn’t be controlled by the establishment or, more importantly, couldn’t be bribed into supporting McCarthy for speaker, were sold down the river.

More at the link here.  I’m linking to this report at National File because exposures such as this can help voters to distinguish between America First vs GOPe Uniparty candidates.  And McCarthy is obviously part of the swamp.

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Stolen Elections : Now and Forever


If you are sitting on the fence wondering if the American election process really is utterly corrupt, Michael A. Bertolone at American Thinker has a simple response:

A common reply from Democrats and Bush family-allied Republicans to charges of election fraud in the 2020 and 2022 elections is that those making the charge have “had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their case.” In fact, in July 2022, The Hill proudly proclaimed that a conservative group found ‘absolutely no evidence of widespread fraud’ in the 2020 election.  . . .

There’s a good reason that crime scenes are secured with yellow police line tape. It prevents criminals from tampering with and destroying evidence. In the case of the past two elections (2020 presidential and 2022 midterms), no such security measures were taken. In many cases, Democrats had full access to polling places and drop boxes, and had an army of “ballot harvesters” at their disposal. These conditions violated basic rules of evidence, in that the chain of custody was almost immediately broken. And when evidence is manipulated or destroyed, court cases attempting to rectify the transgressions are moot.

Read the rest here. 


  • “Modern Electioneering”: Ballots are not necessarily votes by Sundance at Conservative Treehouse; click here.
  • “This Wasn’t an Election: There Is No Ideological Component To Voter Fraud Whatsoever” (by Dan Gelernter at American Greatness); this report explains some of the ways elections are stolen, and Mr. Gelernter concludes:

It wasn’t the Democrats who stole the election in 2020. It was the politicians. The Democrats couldn’t have gotten away with it without the Republicans handing it to them and looking the other way.

And it just happened again.

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Friday, October 21, 2022

Trump embarrasses the elite


J.B. Shurk at American Thinker has a good one.  He begins:

Donald Trump is still the most popular politician in America.  Despite the best efforts of a Deep State–supporting, fake news–peddling, globalist-puppeteering Axis of Evil dedicated to his disposal, President Trump still stands.  That any man could be so continuously pummeled by the corrupt efforts of America's criminal (in)justice system, sociopathic officeholders, shady spies for hire, and propaganda-spewing press and yet rise with such vim and vigor is a sight to see!  Courage and resilience in the face of unrelenting torment and scorn tend to galvanize those witnessing the bloody spectacle to the sufferer's cause.  To remain undefeated while the torturers' whipping arms become weak and weary inspires legions to remain undefeated, too.  How do great and powerful systems come toppling down?  When one man stands fearlessly before the rot and rancidness with a giant mirror and says, "Look at what you've become."  

And Mr Shurk concludes:

Because no secret puppeteer operating from the shadows owns him, Donald Trump spoke clearly and honestly, and Americans, hearing the truth for the first time in years, liked what he had to say.  What is more, even while being endlessly hounded in office, Trump proved that borders could be protected, Main Street could prosper, America could become energy independent, and that peace could be achieved through the projection of Americans' collective economic strength.  Lower crime, lower illegal immigration, greater middle-class wealth, and relative global peace proved that Trump is right and that the "elites" are hopelessly wrong.

One reason I like Trump is because I despise his enemies, and one reason I despise Biden is because he's in love with our enemies.  You cannot serve effectively as an American president if you hate Americans.  You cannot fight the growing threat of American communism with milquetoast McConnellism as your broken sword.  You cannot be polite and quiet and hope to beat back the Marxist hoards already despoiling America from within the gates and bloodying Americans with nasty blows.  You have to fight back hard.

President Trump embarrasses the "elites" precisely because he is willing to expose them for who they really are.

Read the rest here.  Good stuff.

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Thursday, September 29, 2022

'Commitment to America' Is a Loser


It’s been difficult to find commentary critical of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s useless “Commitment to America” policy / platform announcement – and most commentaries are behind a paywall.  Sadly, even Newt G is singing its praises.

At the Spectator, Jed Babbin commented that

McCarthy’s ‘Commitment to America’ Is a Loser

He should reread Gingrich’s “Contract with America” —
and take notes this time instead of just ripping off the title.

Good point.  But Babbin’s full article is behind a paywall. 

As far as I can tell, “Commitment to America” is your typical RINO/Uniparty babblefest before upcoming midterms.  Daniel Horowitz at The Blaze said as much:

The recent “Commitment to America” document released by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is beautifully written … to achieve the GOP’s interminable goal. Republicans seek to indulge the broad talking points of their base in a general, shallow, and superficial manner – just enough to appear as if they are on their side without, of course, actually committing to anything transformational that offends their donors and puppet masters. On that score, the document was a home run. Otherwise, not so much.

. . . However, when you consider what is omitted from the document, it quickly becomes clear that even what is in the text is a vacuous platitude that will never be followed through on with ironclad commitments to see the outcomes of those policies to fruition.

. . .

There is no recognition whatsoever that this is the Fourth Reich, the economic collapse is not by accident, and that we have suffered through the greatest tyranny and civilization destruction of all time. That is to say, the biggest omission from this document is COVID fascism. It’s as if the past two and a half years never occurred. . . .

Read Mr. Horowitz’s analysis here. Screenshot of the document is at the end of the column.  Discouraging, to say the least.

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Prager: Leftism and liberalism have virtually nothing in common

We all have "nice" relatives and friends who always vote "D".  At American GreatnessDennis Prager identifies the problem with "nice", and it explains a lot.  He concludes:

Specifically, why do millions of nice liberals support the Left? Leftism and liberalism have virtually nothing in common. Do liberals believe in all-black college dormitories; that America is a systemically racist country founded not in 1776, but in 1619; that Israel is the villain in the Middle East; that capitalism, the only economic system to lift billions of people out of poverty, should be replaced by socialism, whose moral record is horrific; that little children should be taught that “boys” and “girls” are subjective categories and that “nonbinary” is normal; or that defunding police reduces violent crime?

No, they don’t. Yet millions of nice liberals support those who believe those nihilistic, anti-American, anti-human ideas.

Many on the Left are neither nice nor good. But America is being destroyed by vile doctrines supported by a lot of nice people.

Postscript: After saying these things about nice people who support evil on my radio show, the Left declared that I think slave owners were nice people and that I support slavery.

One of the most popular left-wing podcasts, “The Young Turks,” spoke about me above the chyron: “Pro-Slavery Prager: Religious radio host argues slave owners were nice people.”

And the left-wing British publication, The Independent, headlined, “Far-right radio host Dennis Prager sparks outrage by saying there were ‘undoubtedly many nice slaveholders.'”

Intellectual honesty and morally sophisticated thought are not hallmarks of the Left.

Read the full column here.  (And it's not just liberals or Democrats. It's also Uniparty members with an "R" after their names.) 

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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Daniel Horowitz has a plan


The ship of state is sinking, but Daniel Horowitz has a plan to counter the Biden Administration’s ongoing power grabs. His outline is at Conservative Review, and here’s his rationale:

. . .If Biden’s speech [the demonic one in Philadelphia] is really to be a turning point in this one-sided cold war that is heating up, conservatives should resolve to use the power they already wield over Republican governors and demand united action for states to protect constitutional rights from this thuggish Biden administration and national security deep state apparatus that threatens our liberties more than any foreign enemy in our history. Rather than making idle promises of winning back the House with RINOs or winning back the presidency years from now when it’s too late, we should be demanding action now from 20 or so GOP trifecta-controlled state governments. If they fail to take action now, then the entire point of federal elections with divided government is moot.

What would a coalition of federalism look like? A group of prominent governors, attorneys general, and state legislative speakers and majority leaders would initiate a declaration in one state – let’s call it the “Miami Declaration,” for example. The declaration would lay out a list of grievances and examples of the federal government violating the rights of the individual: from medical freedom and bodily autonomy to privacy infringement, collusion with big tech against First Amendment rights, and using federal agencies to persecute political opponents. The declaration would pronounce these states to be constitutional sanctuaries that protect all constitutional rights, including against the federal government. . . .

And in closing:

From now until the election, Republicans will seek to distract us with flaccid promises of deliverance in the future. The best way to verify their sincerity is by demanding that they actually use the power they currently hold to counter deeply destructive and unpopular policies from this regime.

The full column is here, and it includes specific suggestions on provisions and recourses that could be in a Declaration.  

As an Ohio voter, I have to wonder if Gov DeWine et al have the backbone and motivation to sign on to such a Declaration. So many in the GOPe are Uniparty.  Still, if you think Mr. Horowitz’s plan could be viable, please share the link with family and friends.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Sundance’s preview of the midterms


This blog recently linked to Sundance’s overview of the Uniparty; click here.

Unfortunately, once you see the strings on the UniParty club marionettes, you can never return to that moment in time when you did not see them.

I continue to link to Sundance at Conservative Treehouse to encourage more readers to see those marionette strings.  Sundance is my go-to source for analyses on the Uniparty machinations, and he is beginning his previews of the midterms:

Long before President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago was raided, both political clubs in DC appear to have developed a map to stop the voters from interfering in the DC business model.  Always remember, the color of the flag atop the dome matters not, the provided indulgences underneath the dome do not change.  Destroying the populist movement known currently as the MAGA base, formerly the Tea Party, is as much a goal for the red club as it is the blue club.

Shortly before August 8, 2022, club agreements were made, prior strategies within the DNC and RNC wings were triggered, and events began unfolding according to the script. In the aftermath of the raid the club’s narrative engineers now begin to finish setting the stage.  “Democracy is at risk” because of this populist uprising. 

… But it’s not the polling per se’ that people should be paying attention to. Instead, it’s the overarching national midterm election narrative being created.  There’s a vulgarian hoard out there creating all of this angst and trepidation you are feeling. Voters are going to have to decide if they want instability (an election outcome against the interests of Washington DC), or stability (an election outcome congruent with the interest of Washington DC).

This is how the abuser system works.  If you leave, you have no idea what might happen next; however, if you stay, you have the benefit of familiarity.  Even though the abuse is painful (‘we’re on the wrong track), at least it is consistent and predictable.  Skilled abusers leverage psychological resignation.

You might scoff at the metaphor, but on a larger national dynamic that’s our reality. . . .

Read the entire analysis here.

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Saturday, August 20, 2022

Sundance on The UniParty: your weekend read


Some years ago, Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse introduced me to the term “UniParty.”  I have since come across the term “Fusion Party,” but “Uniparty” is being picked up more and more at conservative websites.  Sundance’s recent column presents an update with additional insights.  Here are a few extracts (lightly edited):

. . .

The UniParty issue does not start in Washington DC, it surfaces in Washington DC.

The UniParty agenda, the origin of the c*** that we see surface in a toxically corrupt federal government, starts IN YOUR STATE.

The UniParty is an outcome of the private organizations that run the political parties known as the RNC and DNC.  This is where almost all voters and political followers get lost.  The Republican and Democrat parties are not affiliated with any construct of the United States government.  They are private entities, private clubs, that can establish any set of rules and regulations for the people within the club/party.   That’s where the origin of the s*** begins.

The club can accept or deny membership for any person who wants to run for political office.  The RNC and DNC clubs essentially select the politicians.  There is nothing within this process that is even remotely democratic, representative or even visible in the framework of the U.S. constitution.

. . .

Two clubs, both funded by Wall Street power brokers, globalists and ultra-rich mega-donors, select the members who will represent their interests in Washington DC.   That’s the root of the issue.

The Republican National Committee (RNC), and the Democrat National Committee (DNC), are private clubs.

The RNC and DNC are corporations, private businesses; and just like all private businesses, they have the ability to make rules, bylaws, terms and conditions of membership and association that are completely arbitrary according to their charter.

The RNC and DNC are not entities of government.  The RNC and DNC are not affiliates of government.  The RNC and DNC have absolutely no connection to government, other than their arbitrary business model for helping politicians enter and remain within government.

In fact, the RNC and DNC are simply private corporations who engage in the business of politics.  Whenever we start to forget the DNC and RNC are private corporations, we can slip into the mistaken belief that they operate on any form of baseline altruism.

Quite a bit more at the link here.  Actually, it’s a great refresher course.  And as George Carlin famously said, “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”

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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Corruption at the FBI: before Mar-a-Lago


At American Greatness, Christopher Flannery references

John Eastman’s role as an attorney advising President Trump in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election. John is a senior fellow and founder and director of Claremont’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence.  He became famous for challenging the constitutionality of the 2020 election.

Below, however, is information from Mr. Flannery’s article about the police state we now live in; the raid on Mar-a-Lago is merely more evidence of corruption at the FBI and DOJ: 

It was because he thought the unconstitutional violations of election law in several swing states could indeed have affected the outcome of the election, that John [Eastman] put his life on the line to try to stop what he had good reason to believe was an unconstitutional election. 

I do not say lightly, “put his life on the line.” We have all seen over the past several years, how the increasingly Stalinist Democratic (bipartisan) machine comes to destroy anyone who dares to challenge or disagree with it. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is just one vivid recent example among many: first the machine sinks to the depths of evil to assassinate his character, then a literal assassin shows up at his door. 

In John’s case, the Stalinist machine has not only imposed on him hundreds of thousands of dollars of legal fees, and sicced armed FBI agents on him in his neighborhood, it is trying to make it impossible for him to earn a living, and it is threatening to give him the un-American and tyrannical treatment meted out to the January 6 political prisoners (read everything Julie Kelly writes on this). 

In the meantime, the local papers, part of the machine, publish the vicinity of his home and inform their readers how to obtain his address. Machine street thugs follow up, spray-painting his address on the street and on the bridge leading to his home, with “Eastman Traitor,” and even with an arrow pointing toward his house. 

He finds long spikes buried in the end of his dirt driveway, which have damaged tires on family cars and cars of visitors. Demonstrators gather daily, becoming more and more aggressive. A constant stream of hate email and voice messages, some of them criminal, makes it impossible to answer either his landline or cell without going first to voicemail.  

That is the way the Stalinist Democratic (and now, bipartisan) machine operates, and it has become increasingly violent, even frenzied, in the past five years. 

John Eastman is standing up to the tyrannical violence of this machine, because he thinks the Stalinist (bipartisan) Democrats are not just tyrants but usurpers. I agree with him and so think he is an American hero. . . .

Read the full article here. 

RELATED:  Click here for Michelle Malkin's column posted yesterday on yet more corrupt FBI activities. 

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Sunday, July 24, 2022

James Woods on the Uniparty

Actor James Woods writes the best memes. Here’s one seen at BookwormRoom:

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Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Uniparty: a refresher course


Our household cut the cable many months ago, so we see only a few segments on cable or network news that get linked on various aggregators.  JD Rucker at America First linked to yesterday’s Tucker Carlson segment calling out the RINOs in DC (especially Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, but all the RINOs signing on to, e.g., the pending gun control legislation).  What was significant is that Mr. Rucker’s report was based on Sundance’s commentary at Conservative Treehouse – a good sign that Sundance’s analyses are increasingly popping up on alternative media. 

Sundance has been pointing out the corruption in the Uniparty for years, but this update from him the other day spells out the dynamics:

. . . what Tucker Carlson outlines in this monologue is accurate insofar as it merely scratches the surface of the DeceptiCons in Washington DC. {Direct Rumble Link}

The UniParty issue does not start in Washington DC, it surfaces in Washington DC.

The UniParty agenda, the origin of the crap that we see surface in a toxically corrupt federal government, starts IN YOUR STATE.

The UniParty is an outcome of the private organizations that run the political parties known as the RNC and DNC.  This is where almost all voters and political followers get lost.  The Republican and Democrat parties are not affiliated with any construct of the United States government.  They are private entities, private clubs, that can establish any set of rules and regulations for the people within the club/party.   That’s where the origin of the feces begins.

The club can accept or deny membership for any person who wants to run for political office.  The RNC and DNC clubs essentially select the politicians.  There is nothing within this process that is even remotely democratic, representative or even visible in the framework of the U.S. constitution.

Private corporations known as the RNC and DNC run the professional political apparatus, and from that origination all of the corruption in the body politic -as outlined in the visible UniParty agenda- surfaces.   Two clubs, both funded by Wall Street power brokers, globalists and ultra-rich mega-donors, select the members who will represent their interests in Washington DC.   That’s the root of the issue.

The Republican National Committee (RNC), and the Democrat National Committee (DNC), are private clubs.

The RNC and DNC are corporations, private businesses; and just like all private businesses, they have the ability to make rules, bylaws, terms and conditions of membership and association that are completely arbitrary according to their charter.

The RNC and DNC are not entities of government.  The RNC and DNC are not affiliates of government.  The RNC and DNC have absolutely no connection to government, other than their arbitrary business model for helping politicians enter and remain within government.

. . .

Nothing within the business system of DC and club politics has anything to do with the constitutional framework of U.S. government.

Read the whole thing here. Links to Fox News' Tucker Carlson segment are at the Treehouse.

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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Economic Security Is National Security


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has a most excellent analysis of America First policies, the Trump administration success stories, and any future MAGA leadership. Sundance begins:

Economic security is the foundation of national security.  When the government takes action that destabilizes our economy, every element of national security is put at risk.  We are experiencing that right now as we suffer through Joe Biden’s intentionally flawed energy policy that is destroying the U.S. economy and everyone within it.

“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.”

~ Niccolo Machiavelli

Never has that Machiavelli quote been more apropos than when considering the MAGA movement and the rise of Donald Trump.

Thankfully, we are now in an era when the largest coalition of American voters have awakened to the reality that, to quote the former president: “Economic Security is National Security.”

As we live through the economic mess of a Biden administration hell bent on eroding the middle class of the United States, there are numerous pundits contemplating 2024 Republican presidential candidates other than Donald Trump; consider this group the lukewarm defenders Machiavelli noted.

At the same time the leftist coalition, writ large, are apoplectic about the base of the Republican Party now belonging to Donald Trump.  This group consists of those affluent Wall Street agents and politicians set on retaining the profits derived from decades of institutional objectives.

Institutional Democrats hate Trump, and institutional Republicans are lukewarm, at best, in defending Trump.  Both wings of the DC UniParty fear Trump.  Extreme efforts at control are a reaction to fear.  In this outline, I rise to explain why Donald Trump is the only option for the America First MAGA coalition; and I make my case not on supposition, but on empirical reference points that most should understand.

Everything is about the economics of it.

If you accept that at its essential core elements the phrase “economic security is national security” is true – meaning the lives of the American citizen, person, worker, individual or family are best when their economic position is secure – then any potential leader for our nation must be able to initiate policies that directly touch the economics of a person’s life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  As a result, economic security and economic policy must be the fulcrum of their platform.

Now, look around and ask yourself this question: “What separated Donald J. Trump from the remaining field of 17 GOP candidates in 2016?”   An honest top-line answer would be immigration (border control), and his views on American economic policy.   In essence, what set Donald Trump apart from all other candidates was his view on the U.S. economy, and that was the driving factor behind ‘Make America Great Again’, MAGA.

Now, look around.  Look at every other potential candidate for political office. Is there another person in the field of your political view who comes from the starting point that economic security is national security?

This analysis by Sundance outlines the actual known successes of President Trump’s America First policies; voters would have to guess how America First policies would be implemented by an alternative candidate. 

Look at what Donald J. Trump was able to achieve while he was under constant political attack.  Just imagine what Trump 2.0 would deliver.

They, the leftist Democrats and Wall Street Republicans, are yet again absolutely petrified of that.

Much more at the link here. 

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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Why Democrats can't cheat their way to victory in the mid-terms


Guest post by Pat:

We all saw Dinesh D'Souza's "2000 Mules" and how the Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential Election by stuffing ballot drop boxes with hundreds of thousands of stashed illegal ballots. One fact that exposes that that is what happened is that Biden had no coat-tails. Democrats lost seats in the house and barely held the senate. This is surprising since Biden "won" the greatest number of votes in history. Even more surprising is that the incumbent president surpassed his 2016 vote total by 6 million votes and still lost.

House seats are counted and decided at the district level. GOP districts have strong voter integrity rules, so the Democrats can't cheat there, as was shown in 2020. Former red districts still have the same controls.

Senate seats are counted at the state level. As we saw in the Georgia runoffs, the Democrats used the same game plan as they did in the previous November and unleashed their mules again, as "2000 Mules" proves. That enabled them to steal control of the Senate. Why didn't they do that in all the Senate races in 2020? I think they thought they didn't need to. The target was Trump, and the plan was to flood the system with Biden-only votes. It worked, and the Trump response to such blatant fraud was led by Rudy Giuliani, who was clearly not up to the task, as Patrick Byrne documents in his book, The Deep Rig.

So, how does the GOP and the MAGA people (not the same) prevent the Democrats stealing Senate seats in the mid-terms? One disinfectant is sunlight. "2000 Mules" exposed how they did it in 2020. Any GOP legislature with an ounce of common sense would enact legislation that bans drop boxes, enforces voter ID and signature verification, and cleans up voter rolls. But, we call the GOP the "stupid party" with good reason. So, the MAGA people must pressure the GOP to get smart and enact and enforce voter integrity laws. 

A comment:  I don't call the GOP the "stupid party" anymore ~ I call them the party of "bought."  And I hope contributor Pat is correct!
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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Trump’s endorsement of Dr Mehmet Oz


Last weekend, when President Trump announced his endorsement of Dr. Mehmet Oz’s campaign in the Pennsylvania race for Senator, the conservative world gasped in shock.  Had Trump made a really bad call?  On Townhall, John and Andy Schlafly (sons of the late great Phyllis Schlafly), explain why Trump’s endorsement is sheer “wizardry” -- and one does have to dive into the local politics to understand:

Pro-China Dave McCormick currently holds a narrow lead in the polls for the open U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania. . . . As Philadelphia just became the first major city to reinstate a mask-wearing requirement indoors, McCormick’s deep ties to the communist country that brought us Covid are unhelpful. 

. . .

His rival, Dr. Mehmet Oz, spoke out strongly against mask and vaccine mandates last year, and two years ago Oz helped save lives by promoting hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Oz received a backlash from liberal public health authorities but courageously spoke the truth they suppressed.

. . .

Dr. Oz is almost alone among physician politicians opposing Fauci’s fake science. Last December, Dr. Oz stated that “Dr. Anthony Fauci has lost the faith and confidence of the American people.”

The column closes with:

Trump further overcame his critics [at the recent North Carolina rally] by inviting 26-year-old Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) onto the stage after the Republican Establishment shunned and tried to defeat him for his blunt criticisms. Rep. Cawthorn nearly stole the show with his inspiring words that concluded with his standing up from his wheelchair.

“We have so many in the national party who believe that the key to saving our nation is cheapening our platform and going after these non-existent middle-ground voters,” Cawthorn declared. “My friend, there is no middle ground with Marxists.”

The full column is here.  And especially for those who were not happy with President Trump's reliance on Faux Fauci and the the Scarf Lady Deborah Birx, the Oz endorsement provides a counterweight. 

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Monday, April 11, 2022

If there is risk, there must be choice


Dr. Robert Malone, scientist and inventor of the mRNA technology used in the COVID injections, continues to sound the alarm about the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) plan for “global fascism” – using the manufactured COVID crisis to do so. Here is part of the speech he just gave in the Not-so-Golden State, published at Substack:

I was born in Palo Alto, raised in Goleta California, but when I return to my birth state I hardly recognize it.  What has happened to the open, freedom loving society of my youth?  Why has free speech become vilified, and why does the Los Angeles Times feel the need to label people Nazis without any evidence?  Do they forget that the Nazis came to power as a left-wing party, and that the hallmark of their rise was aggressive use of censorship, propaganda, and Mass Formation Psychosis to control people?

I donated to the Obama and Biden campaigns – which I now regret.  What I have seen over the last two years, particularly here in California under World Economic Forum-trained Governor Gavin Newsome cannot be unseen.  Now the Uniparty wants to push him for President. He must be stopped before he and his party can expand their totalitarian mandates and laws.  There is no medical emergency.  There is no justification for these laws that the California Democratic party and their WEF allies want impose on us.

This is my truth, and I believe it is self-evident.

We should not have politicized the public health response to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, but here we are.  That is what has been done by the followers of the World Economic Forum party line. 

Regarding the genetic COVID vaccines, the science is settled.

They are not working to prevent infection, replication, and spread of Omicron, and they are not completely safe. 

These vaccines were designed for a different virus, the Wuhan strain. Whether they made sense for protecting our elderly and frail from the original virus is irrelevant.  So let’s stop arguing about that. We must look forward. 

These genetic vaccines do not prevent Omicron infection, viral replication, or spread to others.  In our daily lives, with our friends, with our families, we all know that this is true. Data from all over the world indicates that the triple vaccina  may be at increased risk for infection, disease and death from Omicron.

These genetic treatments are leaky, have poor durability, and even if every man, woman, and child in the United States were vaccinated, these treatments cannot achieve herd immunity and stop COVID. They are not completely safe, and the full nature of the risks remain unknown.  In contrast, the natural immunity which healthy immune systems develop after infection and recovery from COVID is long lasting, broad, and highly protective from disease and death caused by this virus. . . .

More here.  And of course, Dr Malone is constantly vilified.  

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

If you thought Washington DC was corrupt . . .


Michael Snyder at Conservative Playlist has some additional perspectives on the now-viral interview with Madison Cawthorn – on the “Corruption in Washington DC.”  As bad as you thought it was, it’s worse:

Most Americans realize that there is corruption in Washington, but very few understand how deep it really goes.  If the general population really did grasp how corrupt our politicians have truly become, there would be endless protests in the streets of Washington starting tomorrow.  Unfortunately, most of us are still convinced that one of the major political parties will ultimately vanquish the other party and restore integrity to our system.  But what if both major political parties are rotten to the core?

From a very early age, we are trained to think in terms of “good guys” and “bad guys”.  Our stories, our movies, our television shows and even our video games feature “heroes” and “villains”, and we are taught to fully embrace those that are fighting for “good” and to passionately hate those that are doing “evil”.

But the real world doesn’t work that way.

Unfortunately, way too often there are no “good guys” in a real world scenario.  I can think of a number of prominent examples that are in the news right now.  Sometimes it is just “the bad guys” vs. “the bad guys”, and that is because evil has become extremely pervasive in our world in modern times.

. . .

Many go to Congress as idealistic young lawmakers, but it isn’t too long before many of them are corrupted.

The elite will just keep probing until they find a weakness.  For some it is sex, for some it is drugs, for some it is gambling, and for some it is extreme wealth.

And once they identify a weakness that they can exploit, it is game over.

. . .

Read the full article here.  Pretty ugly.  Very sad.  Very Uniparty.

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Saturday, March 19, 2022

JD Rucker: what’s wrong with conservative media


At Freedom First Network, JD Rucker is on a mission:  to amplify conservative voices that are compromised in a corrupt environment.  He is explaining to readers and listeners just HOW allegedly conservative news sources are compromised, i.e., being beholden to Big Tech, to Uniparty-R, and being paid to be “controlled opposition.” And as a result, 

[t]here are certain topics that we need to discuss, topics that get suppressed or ignored by all but a few. The 2020 election was stolen and is still being challenged today, yet you wouldn’t know that if you get your news from corporate conservative media. The Covid vaccines are dangerous and ineffective, yet the only pushback you hear about from most conservative media sites centers around stopping mandates. Fighting mandates is important, but it would be a heck of a lot easier to do so if enough sites were telling the truth about adverse reactions surrounding the jabs.

January 6, 2021, was not an insurrection. It was a mostly peaceful protest that was steered to get out of hand by Deep State provocateurs posing as Trump supporters. Moreover, we have convicted child rapists getting probation and Jussie Smollett getting released AFTER being convicted, but political prisoners who entered the Capitol Building peacefully are still imprisoned.

Warmongers on the right are pressing for no-fly zones and getting Americans to support sending weapons to Ukraine. They don’t offer these suggestions with an exit plan for WWIII. They just hope it happens sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, they treat Volodymyr Zelensky as a messiah figure despite his government’s history of authoritarianism, Nazism, and a hard embrace from both George Soros and Klaus Schwab. The conservative media personalities who support him claim that I’m a Putin apologist despite the fact that I’m adamantly opposed to the invasion. We don’t have a horse in this race and I do not want America involved, not just because Ukraine is not our ally but also because their leaders are as corrupt as Russia’s.

Lots more here.  (Report is also at NOQ here.)

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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Brandon Straka, conservative values, and red pills


Mr. Straka

The Jeff Dornik Show at FreedomFirstNetwork hosted an interview with “Walk Away” founder Brandon Straka.  Mr. Straka has been hounded for over a year by the FBI for being present at the January 6 protest in DC. 

Why Did Conservative Inc Turn Their Back
on Brandon Straka and Walk Away?

Brandon Straka has created a lot of enemies for all the right reasons. Despite standing on the east side of the Capitol Building on January 6th for only eight minutes, the FBI targeted him and has attempted to self-admittedly make an example of him by punishing him to nth degree.

He’s been an effective force to be reckoned with in leading the charge to red-pill Democrats to leave their party after launching Walk Away, which makes him a primary target of the establishment. This has turned into a massive movement that has seen results in Democrats realizing their party does not represent their values.

Mr. Straka pulls back the curtain on the GOP elite -- the Republicans who do not stand for conservative values.  The RINOs.  Jeff Dornik continues:

Most conservative influencers and politicians talk a big game. They create viral videos ranting and raving about how they’ll never compromise and they are willing to take on the system to defend the truth, our country and the Constitution. But, when push comes to shove and the going gets tough, they are nowhere to be seen.

Some of it is simply just a lack of spine. These influencers care more about their social media following and their paychecks than actually doing what’s right.

But there’s another angle to this, and that’s the fact that the Republican Party is actively working against the true conservative and MAGA Movement. There’s a huge group of supposed conservatives that are entrenched and owned by The Swamp.

These are the swamp dwellers that Sundance at Conservative Treehouse labels as the “R” wing of the Uniparty vulture.  Sundance recently posted one of his Uniparty updates, this one on the upcoming annual RINO / DeceptiCon conference at Sea Island this weekend;  click here for more. 

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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

A columnist’s heroes: David Horowitz and Donald J. Trump


Bruce Bawer is a regular contributor to Front Page Magazineonline.  In his view, David Horowitz and Donald J. Trump are not “principled conservatives” – except that the opposite is true.  Here’s Mr. Bawer:

In their article, [Ronald] Radosh and [Sol] Stern contrast David Horowitz to what they call “principled conservatives.” This is a term we see often these days. It is used by never-Trumpers to describe their own wonderful selves. It is premised on the notion that before Trump came along, the GOP was a party of perfect dignity and decorum, seemliness and respectability, ethics and honor. Well, let me put in my own two cents here. Nearly four decades ago, I began my career writing for conservative publications – mostly about cultural topics (novels, poetry, movies), rarely if ever about politics per se. At first, it didn’t matter that I was gay. Homosexuality wasn’t a frequent topic in political magazines in those days. A few years later, however, as gay-rights issues heated up, it began to matter quite a bit.

Even back then, there were many gay writers at conservative publications. But some weren’t out to their editors, fearing that they would be fired if they revealed themselves. (One of them told me at the time that his editor looked upon him as a son, but if he knew he was gay, “I’d be dead to him.”) Many others were out to their editors, but, knowing the unwritten rules, didn’t mention their sexual orientation in print. One friend of mine was an exception: not understanding those unwritten rules, he published a book in the early 1990s in which he referred in passing to his homosexuality. As a result, he was, to his everlasting shock, given the boot by the editor of the conservative magazine to which he was a frequent contributor. His offense, the editor made clear, wasn’t being gay – the editor had never had a problem with that – but mentioning it in print. Anywhere.

It was a different time.

In 1993 it was my turn. In that year I published a book, A Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society, that argued for the full inclusion of openly gay people in American society while also criticizing the “queer” left for its far-left radicalism, hatred of America, and love of its own marginality. I saw it as a deeply conservative book. But it made many conservatives, especially members of the pre-boomer generation who still held the reins at the magazines and journals, uncomfortable. Over the course of a year or two, I found myself estranged from all my conservative outlets – an estrangement that would last two decades, until (in most cases) a younger generation of editors took over. Some of those publications closed their doors to me; others I walked away from, recognizing that, for the time being at least, my continued presence there made both me and my editors uneasy, and that my hours there were almost surely numbered anyway.

And it was at precisely that point that David Horowitz – a virtual stranger to me, but aware of what I was going through – reached out, inviting me to write for his magazine Heterodoxy. It was a gesture – dare I say a principled gesture? – that I have never forgotten.

My feelings about David Horowitz are in many ways mirrored by my feelings about Donald Trump. As noted, self-regarding conservative veterans like Radosh and Stern tend to write about the pre-Trump GOP as if its leading figures were amalgams of Edmund Burke and St. Francis of Assisi. For my part, I cast my first presidential vote ever for Gerald Ford and my second for Ronald Reagan. But after that, the party’s presidential candidates, whether they won or lost, held little appeal for me. (This is not to say that their Democratic counterparts were any better.) They all used ugly, malevolent gay-bashing to win votes, implying that gay people were the greatest threat of all to American values. Trump – “vulgar” Trump – never stooped that low. He never came close. During the 2016 campaign I kept holding my breath waiting for it to happen – it had to happen; he was a Republican – and it never happened.

Vulgar? Nasty? No, in thunder. He was nothing less than noble. Not just in the way he talked to gays, but also in the way he addressed blacks, women, Latinos, Asians, Appalachian coal miners, Midwestern farmers, the military, the police. There was not a hint of Democratic identity-group pandering, and none of the awkwardness of a George H.W. Bush, say, trying desperately to pretend to relate to people about whose lives he was utterly clueless. Yes, Trump was a billionaire, but he had spent his adult life on construction sites rubbing shoulders with plumbers, carpenters, welders, roofers, glaziers, electricians, and other working stiffs; and he had hired and promoted – and fired – on the basis of excellence and nothing else.

And that was only a small part of what he did. He effected changes in the GOP that I had been dreaming of my whole adult life. His love for America, and respect for Americans, high and low, were palpable. He made most of the GOP presidential hopefuls before him, and most of the Republicans in Congress during his own tenure, look like wimps, hacks, careerists, phonies, cowards. Unlike all those “principled conservatives” whom Radosh and Stern celebrate, Trump was a Republican presidential candidate whom I could cheer without serious reservation. He knew what the real issues were. He knew who the real enemies were. He knew the real America, and was fully on its side. And through it all, he was never afraid to speak the truth, loud and clear.

Just like – yes – a certain American hero named David Horowitz.  

Full article is here.

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