Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label tea party patriots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea party patriots. Show all posts

Monday, March 8, 2010

Michele Bachmann on Hot Tea Radio Today at 4pm

Michele Bachmann
will be LIVE on
Hot Tea Radio
Call in at (347) 945-6871
4:00 Eastern and 1:00 Pacific
Listen at

Monday, March 8th, 2010

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann will be with us today on Hot Tea Radio.

This is your chance to ask the congresswoman your question. You are invited to call in at (347) 945-6871.

We will discuss the renewed Tea Party Patriots fight to stop nationalized health care. Listen live online at 4:00 et, 3:00 ct, 2:00 mt, 1:00 pt.

Perhaps you thought the Health Care battle was over, it is not. The democrats are working towards a vote before the rallies on April 15th.

If you do not stand up now, all we have fought for may be lost.

The next 2 weeks may very well determine whether we end up with government run health care.

It's time now for ALL Patriots to renew their strength and stand up once again. For the next 2 weeks the activities of all Americans WILL make a difference.

Please join us online at http://www.HotTeaRadio.com where you will be able to discuss the events over the next two weeks and the bills before congress. We will also discuss the scheduled rallies in DC and the local rallies that will be happening over the next two weeks.

Listen to HTR every Mon, Wed and Fri from 4-5 pm ET.

Online at http://www.hottearadio.com

You are invited to call in at (347) 945-6871.

Wednesday, March 10th Hot Tea Radio will have Senator Tom Coburn.

Monday, March 15th we will have Congressman Louie Gohmert.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sign the Tea Party Patriot "Stop Reconciliation" Petition


Join us and sign the Tea Party Patriots petition to stop congress from using reconciliation to pass health care reform. Tell the politicians you want them to start from scratch on real health care reform.

After signing the No Reconciliation petition join us in burning up the phones by contacting targeted members in congress and urging them to vote NO on the current health care proposals.

Click Here for the contact email & phone numbers for our targeted congressional members.

It is only with your support that we can stop this country-killing bill!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Alabama Tea Party Patriots Protesting Minority Leader Boehner Sponsored Fund Raiser

Fellow OH Patriots

Our fellow TPP groups, Huntsville Tea Party Patriots & the Athens-Limestone Tea Party Patriots, in Alabama have requested our help!

It appears the National Republican Committee & House Minority Leader John Boehner is onmeddling in one of their congressional races. They are asking that we join them in telling Boehner to mind his own business.

Boehner should let the voters of Alabama decide who should represent them....

Groups From Both Sides of the Political Spectrum Come Together To Protest GOP Leader Fundraiser For Rep. Griffith In Huntsville
HUNTSVILLE, AL-- Not long after invitations were sent out for a Rep. Parker Griffith fundraising event, headlined by House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH), several local organizations from both sides of the political spectrum announced plans to protest the event. Planned for March 8, 2010 at the Space & Rocket Center, starting at 5:00 pm, the protest will include members of the Huntsville Tea Party, Left In Alabama, Athens-Limestone Tea Party Patriots, AAMU Democrats Student Club, The Dale Jackson Show, North Alabama Healthcare for All, Madison County Republican Executive Committee, and the Limestone County Republican Executive Committee. AFL-CIO will be holding a press conference at the Marriott Hotel near the Space & Rocket Center in protestation, before the protest event and the fundraiser. Organizers invite the public to attend.

"We are sending a message to the national Republican establishment: stay out of our primary. We also want to support the true conservative candidates that Tea Party activists and the local GOP have gotten behind, Les Phillip and Mo Brooks. We're pushing back against the political machine," said Christie Carden, founder of the Huntsville Tea Party.

"Bipartisanship is not dead. People of all political persuasions see that Parker Griffith is an opportunist who cannot be trusted to keep his word. As such, he is not - nor can he ever be - an effective representative for North Alabama. Griffith gave up critical committee assignments at a time when the 5th District is fighting for federal transportation and space dollars, clearly demonstrating that he cares more about his reelection prospects than his constituents. Now, Congressman Boehner is displaying the same indifference to local concerns by meddling in the Republican primary. Such behavior deserves no reward," said Sherry Walker, publisher of Left In Alabama blog, who is encouraging her readers to attend the protest.

"Our message to Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) is stay out of the 5th district's business. Mr. Boehner's support of Parker Griffith proves he has a blatant disregard for what the voters in Alabama's 5th congressional district want. The Tea Party Movement began and is continuing today because the people are being ignored. Government officials have forgotten who they work for and "We the People" are tired of it and determined to take our Country Back," said Deborah King, founder of the Athens-Limestone Tea Party Patriots.

"The AAMU Democrats Student Club wishes to express its principled opposition to Parker Griffith. We want it to be clear that our opposition is not based on his politics but rather his complete lack of integrity and character. It is our position that Mr. Griffith is a non-principled opportunist lacking the kind of values and political ability to make critical decisions in the best interest of the citizens of North Alabama," said club President, Sharda Lofton.

"The willingness of the national GOP to campaign and provide political cover for a man like Parker Griffith over Mo Brooks and Les Phillip makes me wonder how they will govern IF the American People give them another chance. Shame on the GOP for disrespecting the voters of Alabma's 5th District," said Dale Jackson, a local talk radio host who is encouraging his listeners to attend the protest.

"Rep. Griffith has shown us that he is not serious about helping people get affordable, quality care. Griffith needs to step out of this race and let someone else represent the people of North Alabama,"said Linda Haynes, coordinator of North Alabama Healthcare for All, a chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program.

"I and other Republicans realize that Griffith is an imposter, a liberal Democratic opportunist, and we believe that he should not be allowed on the Republican ballot. Mr. Boehner has no business here in North Alabama, and the local Republican Committee has in effect said so. He would be better advised to bunker down within the confines of his Inside-the-Beltway-Fortress and stay there. Here he is persona nongratia," said Hugh McInnish, a member of the Madison County Republican Executive Committee, who has encouraged the group to attend the protest.

"Recruitment of qualified Republican candidates is very difficult and John Boehner has not helped that process. Why would anyone want to run for office as a Republican and be trampled by the National Republican Party against the will of the local Republican Leadership?" said Rex Davis and Don Hudleston, members of the Limestone County Republican Executive Committee, who have encouraged the group to attend the protest.

"We have experienced Washington's intrusion in state GOP primaries before and the results were disastrous. Alabama now has a Democratic 2nd District congressman to prove it. It was a wrong GOP move in '08 and it is a wrong move now. Even if it is allowable under party rules, it sends a wrong message that Washington is attempting to choose the 5th District Republican candidate. Seven of the eight GOP chairs inthe 5th District agree that the Boehner appearance is ill-advised and should be cancelled," said Paul Reynolds and members of the Alabama Republican State Committee.






Patriots, let's stand strong behind our fellow TPP groups!

Please contact Minority Leader Boehner (800)582-1001 and ask him to please respect the wishes of these groups & cancel the fundraiser for Parker Griffith.

Butler County Office
7969 Cincinnati-Dayton Rd Suite B
West Chester, OH 45069
(513) 779-5400 / (513) 779-5315 fax

Miami County Office
12 South Plum Street
Troy, OH 45373
(937) 339-1524 / (937) 339-1878 fax

Washington, D.C. Office
1011 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-6205 / (202) 225-0704 fax

If he truly supports the Tea Party movement -- he will cancel immediately.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Tea Party Patriots in OH on local NPR

Local radio program, Sound of Ideas, on WCPN 90.3 contacted us looking to do a show on the Tea Party movement across the nation.

We volunteered TPP State Co-Coordinator (OH) & coordinator of the Mansfield Tea Party Patriots, Marianne Gasiecki for this task of wading into the possible treacherous waters of being on an NPR affiliated radio show.

Marianne was joined by John O’Hara, Author of A New American Tea Party & Vice President of External Relations, Illinois Policy Institute and Glenn Newman, founder of the Marietta 9-12 Project. All three did an outstanding job!

O'Hara, one of the 'real' original Tea Party movmement founders hits a homerun on decsribing how this movement all started and the TRUE meaning of what the Tea Party movement was/is to stand for, and not what has been defined in the media or by some of the groups that are so-called Tea Partys.

You can listen to a podcast of the show by clicking here.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cleveland Tea Party Patriots in the Plain Dealer

The Cleveland Plain Dealer political reporter Mark Naymik wrote a piece about Tea Parties in the OH area. (Click Here for whole article) Naymik's story was not one of the usual "hit" pieces we see being published in many other newspaper's -- but there are a few things we want to comment on and that I want to clear up.....

In the side bar of the online version where a description for some of the groups' it states....

"The groups' leanings are shaped by the individuals who lead them and different issues, such as gun control, immigration and state sovereignty."

Cleveland Tea Party Patriots

Run by Ralph King of Bedford who is frustrated by Republican Party politics but encourages members to win internal party positions to build new coalitions. He is leading an effort to send the Ohio Republican Party a truck load of plastic lemons to protest their leadership.

First, the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots have four coordinators. We, the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots are part of the Tea Party Patriots, the national group that started with the original Tax Day Tea Party events held across the U.S. last year in February & April. There are 10 Tea Party Patriot groups in OH and we all strictly adhere to only three issues; Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and the Free Market Concept.

As a Tea Party Patriot group(s), we do not and will not endorse or support candidates. The reason -- nobody should be told who to vote for! We ask our members and all citizens to be free-thinking, sovereign minded, educated voters. When candidates approach us for endorsements, we tell them as a group --we give out no endorsements -- if they earn the support of our individual members, they can get no better endorsement than our members banging the pavement for them.

We have been hosting educational programs outlining the structures of both the Democrat and the Republican party for our members. It is explained, for those interested, getting on internal party committees of both parties is one of the tools we must use to advance public policy consistent with our three core values. For it is on these "party" committees that the candidates and policies are selected and advanced. Without a voice in these committees -- it clear we will continue to be left choosing between the lesser of two evils on election day.

We cannot speak on the doings of other Tea Party and/or conservative groups in OH, other than saying there are many good groups doing a lot of great things. We routinely network and work together with these groups and cannot say enough good things about most of them. You will find the links to many of these groups on the right side bar of our blog.

In the Cuyahoga County area the groups we work closest with are the Cleveland 9.12 Project and the Westlake 9.12. Our groups share many of the same members. As they did last year, both of these groups will be helping promote, support and plan our upcoming 2nd Annual Tax Day Tea Party on April 15th on Mall C in downtown Cleveland.

Describing a recent Republican Party of Cuyahoga County (RPCC) event and the convenient "new" so-called conversion of the Republicans, Naymik wrote the following....

To promote the Rally for Freedom, Cuyahoga County Republican Party Chairman Rob Frost reached out to Tea Party activists, including Ralph King, who runs the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots.

Frost asked him to attend and to promote the event. But King did little, instead promoting and attending a Tea Party event on the same day at Cleveland's Beachland Ballroom, which included conservatives promoting a barter system and the creation of state militias.

"The Republican Party is thumbing their nose at all our groups," says King, who encourages people to run for internal party posts to build a new coalition. "The Republican Party thinks it's their job to pick candidates, and they refuse to listen to the people. As far as them trying to embrace us, that's a crock."

Frost says the Cuyahoga County GOP wants Tea Party activists, independent voters, libertarians and "and others who feel left out of the process."

But he acknowledges that the party is trying to show off a new side of its politics to pull people in.

First and most importantly -- the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots do not support in any way, shape or form creating a private militia or barter system. Personally, I feel this is foolish and distracts from the important tasks at hand. Taking up arms against our own government is something I could never support. The ammunition we will be using in effecting this change are free-thinking, sovereign minded & educated voters. We believe there is no weapon stronger than an awakened & informed American public.

The Power of Coalitions event I spoke at was sponsored & hosted by a new conservative group -- Cuyahoga County for Liberty (CC4L). This was not a Tea Party or Tea Party event. We were there to promote the CTPP and support CC4L and the initiative they will be starting in this area to outlaw red light cameras. We were not there in support of starting a militia or a barter system.

The reasons for the CTPP not promoting or being part of the Rally for Freedom event is simple -- we are not a partisan group and we do not exist for promoting partisan events. I graciously thanked Rob Frost for the invite and wished him the best of luck.

Proving that this was the right decision -- we heard from many people inside the RPCC how there was much arm-twisting that ALL the Statewide GOP candidates be allowed to speak at the event. Initially, the RPCC only wanted to allow the party favorites, meaning endorsed, candidates to speak. So it was actually party insiders expressing their anger & Naymik's inquiring about who would be speaking at the event that prompted the RPCC's sudden change in allowing all the GOP Statewide candidates to speak.

And as expected, all the candidates share Tea Party values and are Tea Partiers in their own right! Well, isn't that special! Even the tax-loving -- John "Mr. CAT Tax" Husted -- claims he is a Tea Party person. The problem is Husted and his love of taxes would be on the British side.

In all fairness, we have not had the problems with Rob Frost as we have had with other GOP County Chairman and/or the Lemon-like leadership of Ohio Republican Party Chairman Kevin DeWine and his ORP State Central Committee.

In Ohio, for the most part the ORP is just thumbing their elephant trunks at all of the Tea Party Patriot, Tea Party, 9.12 and other conservative groups. This can be clearly seen by the actions they have exhibited during their backroom bantering, deal making and the political version of musical chairs regarding the ORP endorsement proceedings. (Click here for more on the ORP).

So, we will end this post with a challenge for all the endorsed candidates in the GOP Primaries for State office races in OH to put their candidacy where their mouth is. We want them to show by actions -- not by platitudes and political double speak that they embrace the Tea Party movement.

Knowing many, if not all, the Tea Party Patriot groups, Tea Party groups & 9.12 groups in OH were almost unanimously against the back room deals made during the ORP endorsement proceedings for State offices -- we challenge these so-called Tea Party loving candidates that received the ORP endorsement to refuse accepting and/or refute the ORP endorsement.

If the endorsed candidates truly embrace the Tea Party movement we ask you show us in actions and not words that you really put "We the People" before "We the Party."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tea Party Patriot's Statement on Tea Party as a Political Party

Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,

There is much talk of the formation of a third political party based on the tea party movement.

Tea Party Patriots is issuing this statement in order to make it clear that we are not associated with any attempts to form a third party. Additionally, we believe that such efforts are unproductive and unwise at this time. The history of third party movements in this country is one of division and defeat. We believe that it is instead time for all Americans to rise up and demand appropriate reform within their own parties. The mechanisms exist for citizens to participate in their parties, and to drive their parties in the right direction.

The Tea Party Patriots encourage all citizens to get involved in the party process, and to reshape their parties into something in which they may once again believe. This country does not belong to any one party, nor does it belong to the career politicians. This country belongs to the citizens. As Benjamin Franklin once said, "We have given you a republic madam, if you can keep it." The founders knew that it would be our sacred obligation as citizens to get involved, and to work hard to hold on to this great nation. We have much work to do, and future generations will look back in judgment. We hope you will join us in preserving the republic.

You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,

Debbie Dooley, Mike Gaske, Kellen Giuda, Ryan Hecker, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, Billie Tucker, and Dawn Wildman

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Send a Leadership Lemon to the Ohio Republican Party


It’s time to put the “squeeze” on the Lemon-like Leaders of the Ohio Republican Party!

In the spirit of Paul Revere, join us in delivering a message that we our tired of their lemon-like leadership by sending a personalized "Leadership Lemon" to Ohio Republican Party Chairman Kevin DeWine and the sour leaders currently on the ORP State Central Committee.

The Definition of a Lemon

In American English the word lemon was first recorded in 1909 in the slang sense of "worthless thing." Over time, 'lemon' came to refer to anything that was defective or broken or which breaks constantly.

On a date and time to be announced, your replica & life sized LEADERSHIP LEMON, along with those sent by thousands of other concerned Americans, will be hand delivered by Tea Party Patriots faithful in Ohio to the ORP Headquarters.

When we arrive with truckloads of your LEADERSHIP LEMON's at the offices of these self-serving , LEMON- like party leaders... things are sure to get a little sticky for the sour bunch on the State Central Committee too!

Note: The Leadership Lemons are not real lemons-- they are plastic replicas of real sized lemons. Each order will be accompanied by a seperate personalized card from you.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Tea Party Patriot 2010 Schedule of Events

Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,

Thousands of you responded to our "Three for Tea" survey at the end of 2009. Thank you for taking the time to help set the direction for Tea Party Patriots. The National and Local Coordinators took those results and have created the plan you will see below. It was a lengthy and thoughtful process, which we describe below.

Outline of What is to Come in 2010
  • Final Voting on Contract from America Begins: February 18, 2010
  • Recharge the Movement Protests: February 27, 2010
  • Nationwide Screenings of Tea Party Movie: February 27, 2010
  • Tax Day Tea Parties: April 15, 2010
  • Rollout of Final Contract from America: April 15, 2010
  • Constitutional Educational Training, Founding Principles Bus Tour
  • Activist Educational Training
  • Independence Day Events: July 2 - July 4, 2010
  • AUGUST HEAT - Congressional Town Hall Meetings
  • 912 March on DC: September 12, 2010
  • Get Out the Vote and Voter Education: October - November, 2010
  • ELECTION DAY, Tuesday, November 2, 2010
  • Year-Round grassroots lobbying when legislation arises
February, 2010

Three exciting things are happening in February of 2010:
February 27th marks the 1-year anniversary of the Nationwide Tea Party movement and we cannot let that pass without highlighting where we have been, what we have accomplished and where we are going. To highlight what we have accomplished and where we are going, we will roll out our final 20 options for the Contract from America at a press conference on February 18. That will begin the final voting process for the Contract from America. Be sure to watch for an email telling how to vote for it so you have an impact on the final document.

On February 27th, to show where we have been and that we intend to continue to make our voices heard, we will have a round of Tea Party Patriots Street Demonstrations called Recharge the Movement Demonstrations. These will be very raw and rough like the first round of tea parties were last year. Most locations will not have lots of predetermined people to speak and instead will use bullhorns and be a bit more unscripted as they were on February 27th of last year. The messaging will continue to be our core values of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets.


Last year on April 15th, we had over 850 tea parties with over 1.2 million people in attendance, on a Wednesday, protesting out of control government taxing and spending. These tea parties were all over the country. This year, we will have Tax Day Tea Parties again on April 15th.

We will have tea parties both small and large around the country. There will be several major regional events including in Washington, DC, Atlanta, and Sacramento. We are also working on regional events in 1 - 3 other locations which are still to be determined. The regional events will be in the late afternoon (on the west coast) and evening hours (on the east coast) and will be webcast across the country. Additionally, keynote speakers at each of the locations will be simulcast on jumbotrons to the other regional locations.

This approach will hopefully give people who want to participate in a larger event the ability to do so without having to go to through the full expense of traveling across the country to a single location. Additionally, it will give those who want to participate from their home the ability to do so via the webcast.

At the Tax Day Tea Parties, we will roll out our final version of the Contract from America. We will ask you to sign the Contract from America and we will also be asking elected officials to sign the Contract from America at the Tax Day Tea Parties.

Last year many organizations signed on as coalition partners for Tax Day Tea Parties. We are working to do the same this year. So far, we have Freedom Works and American Liberty Alliance as coalition partners. We will be announcing more coalition partners in the weeks to come.

April - June, 2010

Our focus in May and June will be training. We will have training opportunities for you regarding the Constitution and founding principles. Additionally, we will have training to teach you how to become a better activist.

The training will show you how you can become more involved in the tea party movement. Whether it is writing blog posts about our core values, walking door to door to teach people about our core values, or making phone calls to elected officials, you will learn about ways you can use your talents to get more involved.

While this training is scheduled to start in April, it will be ongoing throughout the year.

In addition to the training, we will watch for educational and grassroots lobbying opportunities regarding hot legislative topics. These activities will be similar to what we have already been doing with Cap and Trade and Government Takeover of Health Care.

July, 2010

Since we are patriots, we cannot let July 4th go by without celebrating America's Birth and Independence. Rather than compete with existing and traditional Independence Day celebrations, this year on July and around July 4th, we are encouraging each local coordinator (or representative of a local tea party group) to organize your local tea party group to participate in Independence Day Parades, Fairs, and Festivals in your local communities.

Tea Party Patriots is also exploring an idea for a bi-coastal Independence Day Family Tea Party Event. This idea is in the preliminary stages and we will have to see how it plays out.

We also encourage you to host a Tea Party Patriots Backyard BBQ and Ice Cream Social in your own home in July. We will have 1 day around the country where we are asking Tea Party Patriots members to host house parties. At these house parties, we will teach our own circle of influence about what the tea party movement is, what we stand for, and why it matters. We have some fun activities planned to go along with these Backyard BBQ and Ice Cream Socials. Stay tuned for details.

August, 2010 - TOWN HALL HEAT

In 2009 Tea Party Patriots, like you, redefined the traditional Town Hall meetings held by members of Congress during their summer break. Congress will be on recess in August 2010 and back at home in their districts around the country. We will keep you up-to-date on Town Hall dates, times, and locations, as well as the hot legislative issues which will be on the agendas.

In addition to Town Halls, we will be planning for our second 912 March on DC.

September, 2010 - 912 March on DC

We had many questions and thoughts regarding whether or not to do the 9/12 March on DC again this year. Do we have the resources? What are our expectations? Etc. In the end, the question became, "How can we not do the march again this year?" You, the grassroots members, want to come back to Washington, DC on a single day to make your voices heard.

We are a grassroots, bottom-up organization and we honor your desire. So, we are headed back to DC on September 12 for another March on DC. Again, Freedom Works will be the primary host of the event. We will be one of their coalition partners. Our National Coordinator, Jenny Beth Martin, will again be National Co-Coordinator for the 912 March on DC along with Freedom Works' Brendan Steinhauser. Just like with the Tax Day Tea Parties and last year's 912 March on DC, we will reach out to other like-minded fiscal and constitutional organizations to partner with them as we plan and implement the March on DC.

Like last year, there will be opportunities for training and networking. Also, Tea Party Patriots will host the Sign Making Party again on September 11.

Watch for details in the coming months regarding other partnering organizations, speakers, training events, and more.

October - November, 2010

As we draw closer to Election Day, we will have voter guides online that will compare candidates for various offices based on our core values:
  • Fiscal Responsibility
  • Constitutionally Limited Government
  • Free Markets.

We will provide you the information you need to make the best decision when you are at the ballot box.

December, 2010

One way to grow is to evaluate what you have done and what lessons you have learned from your actions. In December, we will do just that. At the end of the year, we will recap what we have done, what we have learned, what we can do better, and how we can make a bigger and better impact in the future. There will be another survey similar to the Three for Tea Survey that individual members may fill out to offer their input on what we have done, where we should go, etc.

We will use this feedback to plan for 2011 and beyond.

The Process

After reading the responses to the 2009 survey, the First Coast Tea Party in the Jacksonville, Florida area graciously sponsored and hosted the National Coordinator team at a Board Strategy Meeting. The National Coordinator team reviewed the results and created a plan for what they thought you our grassroots Tea Party Patriots wanted.

But, the National Coordinator Team never makes a final decision without input from the Local Coordinators. We know that they are in touch with you on a daily basis and we trust their judgment. After the Board Strategy Meeting, Local Coordinators from around the country came to Washington, DC for a Local Coordinator Leadership Summit.

You may not be aware of the fact that many dedicated Tea Party Patriots Local Coordinators around the country have quit their jobs or stopped their second jobs to promote this movement. They are having to make decisions about whether to continue with the movement or to go back to work to pay for their bills or cut out all the niceties like going out to dinner or date nights with their spouses they enjoyed before last February. Most of the local coordinators we talk to no longer watch TV at night but instead are on long conference calls and meetings to keep the momentum moving. They have dropped their involvement in other activities they used to participate in to give every spare minute to the movement. They are literally sacrificing their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. We wanted to make sure we could accommodate as many of those people as possible with your generous donations.

While in DC, the local coordinators went through the plans and refined them. It was an incredible meeting! There were members of 912 Groups and members from Freedom Works who also participated in the meeting. Finally, they had the opportunity to meet others face-to-face who they have talked to over the phone for the past year. They also discussed the best practices, plans for the 2010, plans for beyond 2010.

Since several more Local Coordinators could not make it Washington, DC (most only had 5 days notice), we took the 2010 plans to the Local Coordinator Leadership Council weekly conference call this Monday for final approval of the plan. With their final approval, we present the plan to you. We present it knowing that each individual member of Tea Party Patriots has had the opportunity to set the direction for the tea party movement this year and beyond.

You are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Movement. Thank you for promoting the causes of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets with us!

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Mike Gaske, Kellen Giuda, Ryan Hecker, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, Billie Tucker, and Dawn Wildman

Monday, February 8, 2010

Central Valley Tea Party Patriots (CA) Question Congressman Costa about his Lies

The below video is from our buddy Ben Bergquam of the Central Valley Tea Party Patriots (CA).

In the video Ben & his fellow Patriots question Congressman Jim Costa (D-Fresno) and his lying about votes in which he supported cutting of water to the Central Valley farmers.

Politics 101 Class (Replay)


The Cleveland 9/12 Project and the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots are teaming up and hosting Politics 101 Workshops.

What: Politics 101 Workshop #2 (Replay)
When: February 14, 2010 3:00 PM
Where: Pinnacle Condos
Address: 701 West Lakeside Ave. 3rd floor lobby Cleveland, OH 44113

We are repeating this workshop #2 for members who have expressed interest in the meeting they missed, or for those who want to repeat the experience -- it's a lot of information. This is the second of several must attend workshops to provide some ABC's on how politics in Cleveland and environs, Cuyahoga County, and Ohio are organized.

The Cleveland 9.12 and The Cleveland Tea Party Patriots are scheduling these to give all of us as voters insights into the process of identifying and selecting candidates, or working on issues. These workshops will also detail the structure of the political partys and exposing how the party County Central/Executive Committee and State Central Committee operations are conducted.

It is in these committees where all the back room political deals get made. It is at these levels and on these committees that your involvement is needed most. If you are tired of voting from the lesser of two evils -- you will not want to miss this class.

It will also provide those brave members who are considering running for office -- from local City Council to US representative - valuable information on how to proceed.

Workshops like these are being held all over Ohio to give us the tools and information we need to make a difference. Bring with you your ward and precinct details. Look on your Cuyahoga County Board of Elections voter location card, which shows your ward and precinct.

If you can’t find your voter location card, go to the Board of Elections website at http://boe.cuyahogaco... to find out. If all else fails, call the Board of Elections at 216.443.3200. The deadline for applying for committee slots in Feb. 18, 2010.

If you are interested in attending please RSVP at the Cleveland 9.12 Project (click here) or email: clevelandteaparty@gmail.com with Politics 101 RSVP in the reference line. Due to size constraints seating is limited to the first 50 people.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Take the Three for Tea Survey

Since Tea Party Patriots is a grassroots, bottom up organization, as we develop a long range vision, we want your input. As we have said many times, you are the heart and soul of the Tea Party Patriots. Our long range vision must be developed with your ideas and vision in mind To that end, please fill out this Three for Tea Survey.

After your initial input, we will compile the results, may have a follow up survey in the next few weeks, and work with the Tea Party Patriots Nationwide Leadership Council and Local Coordinators before the long range vision is final.

It is only through your input that we will be able to grow with a continued success as the Home of the Official Grassroots American Tea Party movement.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Town Hall's Top 10 Conservatives of 2009

From Town Hall Columnist John Hawkins --

The Honorary Mentions

10) Andrew Breitbart: Andrew Breitbart has really come into his own this year. He now has two huge successful blogs: Big Hollywood and Big Government -- with Big Journalism soon to come. Breitbart was also instrumental in getting James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles' outstanding reporting about ACORN into the hands of the public. Conservatives could use another dozen media entrepreneurs like Breitbart.

9) Marco Rubio: When the establishment Republicans at the NRSC coronated Charlie Crist with their endorsement, many people figured it was over for
Marco Rubio. Crist was a popular, ideologically ambiguous Florida governor with a penchant for fundraising while Rubio was merely a young, charismatic conservative leader who was reaching out to conservatives.

A few months later, after some aggressive campaigning by Rubio, he's done the cover of National Review, he's headlining CPAC, and he's already tied with Crist. This race in Florida isn't just about Rubio and Crist; it's about who runs things in the Republican Party: the conservative base or the sort of elitists in charge at the NRSC. Rubio's waving the banner for the base and he's going to win.

8) Rush Limbaugh: It goes without saying that Limbaugh makes a big splash on the radio, but has a radio host ever been such a pivotal player that a presidential administration
treated him as a huge threat? Perhaps the fact that Rush's ratings went up while the Obama Administration targeted him might explain why fighting with radio hosts is usually something Presidents avoid. If only Obama had as much enthusiasm for going after terrorists as he did for going after conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, we'd have the war on terror won in no time.

7) Jim DeMint: Nobody in the Senate has been more true to conservative ideals or fought harder against the Obama Administration than
Jim DeMint. He has no official
leadership post and lot of establishment Republicans curse his name, but in the fight against socialism, DeMint is the guy who always seems to be on the front lines trying to encourage other Republicans to follow him into battle.

6) Carrie Prejean: Carrie Prejean never sought to involve herself in the battle over gay marriage when she entered the Miss USA contest, but after being asked a question about the subject and politely stating her opposition, she was thrust into the spotlight. Many people might think a bikini model with
racy pics and "sex tapes" in her past might make a poor spokesman on an issue -- and they may be right.

However, the extraordinarily vile, over-the-top and perverted attacks on Carrie Prejean by gay marriage supporters fully revealed an extremely ugly side of a movement that too many Americans falsely view as victims. Prejean's respectful courage under fire in difficult circumstances helped make that possible and she deserves to be honored for standing up, not kicked under a bus.

The Runners-Up

5) Dick Cheney: There was a time when former Presidents and Vice-Presidents stayed away from the political arena out of respect for the men who followed them in office, but after years of meddling by Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, and Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney has decided that if the rules don't apply for Democrats, they shouldn't apply for Republicans either.

Cheney has not only done an excellent job of defending the Bush Administration's foreign policy, he has also been an extremely effective critic of the Obama Administration's poorly thought-out national security decisions. Americans should be grateful that there's still a Vice-President who's serious about
defending America from attack. Too bad he's not the VP who's in the White House.

4) Sarah Palin: Quitting her job as governor of Alaska may turn out to be a mistake, but if it is, at least Sarah Palin is making the most of it. Her book tour was a tremendous success, not only in the book-selling department, but in repairing her image. Moreover, she was one of the most effective Republican voices in the health care debate and in an innovative move, she did it from her
Facebook page. If Sarah Palin can be as successful in 2010 and 2011 as she was in 2009, we may be calling her President Palin in 2012.

3) Glenn Beck: Beck's ratings exploded in 2009 -- and no wonder. He has a unique charismatic style and he has become one of the Obama Administration's most fierce and effective critics. He created his own 9/12 movement, did a comedy tour, blistered ACORN, and knocked off Obama czar
Van Jones. It has been a big year for Beck and hopefully, there will be more big years to come.

2) James O'Keefe & Hannah Giles: Who would have ever thought that a couple of kids in ridiculous outfits would end up doing the best reporting since Woodward and Bernstein? O'Keefe and Giles posed as a prostitute and pimp trying to set up a child prostitution racket, and they managed to get ACORN employees in at least 6 cities to help them out on hidden camera. The resulting scandal badly tarnished ACORN's reputation, cost it a considerable amount of money, and made it so radioactive as an organization that it made it into a
South Park episode. If O'Keefe & Giles were liberals who had targeted conservatives this successfully, they'd be getting fawning mentions in the media, Pulitzers, and their own hokey, romanticized made-for-TV movie -- and they'd deserve it all.

The Winner

1) The Tea Party Movement: Is it fair to choose a growing, thriving, leaderless mass of American citizens who've sprang up across the country as the conservative of the year? I think so. In the past, those of us on the Right have mostly left the political rallies to liberals. However, the radical and dangerous socialistic impulses of the Obama Administration have panicked the American people and caused conservatives across the country to come together in the streets to say "enough is enough."

The Tea Party movement has been mocked, slandered, and smeared at every opportunity for a simple reason -- it's getting members of the "silent majority" who make the country work, out of their armchairs and into the streets where they're being inspired to go to Townhall meetings, call their congressmen, and vote. Today's political landscape will probably look very different after November of 2010 and the Tea Party movement will deserve a lot of the credit.

If you want to join the heart & soul of the Tea Party movement & largest grassroots movement in the history of the United States -- click here and become a Tea Party Patriot!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rep. Charlie Wilson (OH-6): No Christmas Cookies for the Tea Party Patriots

On Dec. 23rd our Columbiana County & Ohio Valley Tea Party Patriot groups attempted delivering a lump of coal to the office of Rep. Charlie Wilson (OH-6).

Of course Wilson was not in, but can you believe the staffers didn't even offer these Patriots spreading Holiday cheer a Christmas cookie?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

D.C. Code Red Rally After-Action Report

This is an update on the D.C. Code Red Rally held on 12/15/09. Several of the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots took a van down to the event and met up with our friends in the Zainesville Tea Party Patriot group. It was also a nice surprise to hear that we had quite a few members drive down separately.

Patriots from across the U.S. - AGAIN - gathered in D.C. not only to speak out against the country killing bill that will allow a government take over of our health care system and 1/6th of our economy, but to also ask....

Throughout the day Patriots participated in the Government Waiting Rooms protest that was held. In this stage of the event Patriots went to the offices of our 13 targeted Senators, who are somehow never there when Tea Party Patriots or 9.12 members show up. Since the off-the-clock Senators were not in -- people 'waited' for them in their office -- hence the "Government Waiting Rooms." The highlight or lowlight of this event was when Mark Meckler and a couple other national coordinators for the Tea Party Patriots were escorted out of Senator Joe Liebermans office.

While the Government Waiting Rooms were being staged many Patriots went to their local Senators offices. The Ohio contingent of Tea Party Patriots were denied their scheduled meeting with Senator Sherrod Brown legislative aide because of a technicality in the appointment process. Although Mike P, who coordinated the trip for us, grabbed a Brown staffer in the hallway and was able to squeeze out 5 minutes of their time to express the Tea Party sentiments about the proposed Senate health care bill. ( You get two guesses how that went).

Of course these staffers claimed Senator Brown was unavailable. But we know, and you will soon read here how one of our Cleveland Tea Party Patriots DID run into Senator Brown in the hallway. It is understood that when Senator Brown was approached by our member and her feeling on the health care bill were expressed, Senator Brown stated, "I've already made up my mind," turned his back on her and walked away. Senator Brown was then joined by his wife, PD Columnist Connie Schultz, who came walking out of his office, as he continued walking away and ignoring his constiuents from Ohio. ( It sounds as if only lobbyists and union thugs are allowed to talk with Senator Brown).

That afternoon, anywhere from 10,000 - 15,000 patriots from across the U.S., gathered at Upper Senate Park for a rally staged by the Tea Party Patriots, Conservatives for Patients’ Rights, National Tax Payers Union and Americans for Prosperity....

Addressing this country-wide contingent of Patriots was Mark Meckler & Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots, Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity, Senator Tom Colburn (R-Okla.), Jim DeMint (R-SC), and other Senators favoring “Kill the Bill”, Rick Scott, Chairman, Conservatives for Patients’ Rights, Laura Ingraham (Click here for video of Ingraham's speech)
and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann...

Isn't remarkable that two Obama supporting tourists can unexpectedly get breakfast with the President, two Reality TV wannabes attend a black tie event at the Red Shed on the Hill, but voters wanting to excercise their First Amendment rights are escorted out of a Senators office or are forced to jump through hoops backwards for a meeting with their Senators?

What I find equally remarkable and telling is that the main stream liberal media will devote non-stop attention to Tiger Woods indiscretion(s) (the same indiscretions that they defended Bill Clinton over) yet they fail to report a rallly of over 10,000 people speaking out about health care. The Gay Rights rally held in D.C. earlier this year, which had a paltry attendence, made the front page of the New York Times -- and the only thing we got from a 3rd Patriot trip to D.C. is this blog post!

Don't worry Patriots, even though the politicians & Connie Shultz-like media hacks try to ignore us, polls show the American public is waking up to the Tea Party Patriot movement. It is through the American public and voters that we gain our strength. Remember.... politicians can and will be replaced -- the good Americans across the U.S. joining our ranks can't be!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lieberman Staffer Threatens to have Tea Party Patriot Coordinators Arrested

Below is an article written by Mark Meckler about one of the lowlights at the "Government Waiting Rooms" at the Code Red Rally in D.C. today.

Mark is one of the National Coordinators for the Tea Party Patriots.

From Parcbench --

Today, Tea Party Patriots from across the nation spent most of the day in DC visiting a variety of Senator’s offices to express our opinion that they should not pass the health care reform bill currently before the Senate. Most staffers were polite enough, though usually we were not permitted any time to speak with a Senator or senior staff. However, clearly the Tea Party Patriots were making their presence known in the Senate office buildings as we executed operation Government Waiting Rooms. As we sat waiting to speak to Senators who wouldn’t show their faces, we got the feeling of what it would be like in government controlled health care system; lots of waiting and no results.

The day turned far more interesting when we heard that Senator Joe Lieberman was on the fence. Three of us decided to head up to the seventh floor to see if the Senator would spare a few minutes and speak with us about his position on the pending bill. Accompanied by fellow Tea Party Patriot National Coordinator Sally Oljar, and California Patriot Michael Greer, I entered Lieberman’s office and we asked to speak with him. We were advised that he wasn’t there, but as we had done in all the previous offices we had visited, we indicated that we’d be happy to wait for him.

Unfortunately, Sen. Lieberman’s staff reacted quite differently than all the other staff we had encountered. The gentleman who appeared to be in charge told us that we had to leave the Senator’s office. He kept repeating that the Senator would not be meeting with us, and that he wanted us to leave. As we sat peacefully in the small waiting room, I simply responded to him by telling him that we were happy to wait. When he again insisted we leave, we engaged in a civil discussion where we advised him that as citizens, we felt we had a right to be there, in a building which we pay for. Finally, he threatened to call the Capitol Police and have us arrested for “loitering.;” We advised him to do whatever he needed to do, but that we weren’t leaving.

Eventually, six armed Capitol Police arrived. One officer entered the waiting room and advised us that the staffer was asking us to leave, and that if we didn’t leave, we’d be arrested. I asked the officer if it was a police request that we leave, and told him that we were law abiding citizens and would leave if he asked us to. He seemed hesitant to do so, and ultimately left the room to speak with the staffer without asking us to leave. After several minutes of pow-wow between the officers and the staffer, we decided to leave before the situation escalated further. It was clear, with six officers on hand, they did intend to arrest us.

All across the country, Senators refuse our calls, ignore our emails, throw away our letters and refuse to meet with us.. Today — in the Senate office building — Senate staff literally threatened to arrest three members of the Tea Party Patriots, including two National Coordinators. When one of the most “moderate” Senators threatens to have well groomed, quiet, cooperative tea partiers arrested simply for sitting in the office waiting to meet with a Senator, it is clear that representative democracy is on
its death bed in this country.

Sound too outrageous to believe? Watch the video and see your government at work.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Candlelight Health Care Vigil

From Medina Tea Party Patriots --

The light of freedom shall not be extinguished!

Join the Medina Tea Party Patriots candlelight vigil of “prayer and patriotism.”

  • Date: Monday, December 14th
  • Time: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m
  • Location: Medina City Square
  • What to bring: Please bring your flags, signs, candles and flashlights

We will gather by the Gazebo for a short time of prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. We will then walk around the Square.

Purpose: Our goal is to voice our concerns as a community about government-run healthcare and to help others see the dangers of the current Senate healthcare bill. We also will commemorate the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, which took place December 16th.

We hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Action Alert: Government Waiting Rooms & Senate Office Emergency Calls

Fellow Patriots,

For those that don't know.... we are going back to D.C. and combining this effort with rallys at the Senators local offices.

Disregard the latest and 20th time Senator Reid has claimed he has the votes to pass the Senate version of the health care bill. We are not out of this fight yet and unless we quit, this battle is not even close to being over!

Here are some important updates for December 14th and 15th events....

Candlelight Vigil in Medina – Dec. 14th

The light of freedom shall not be extinguished! Join us as Medina Tea Party Patriots host a candlelight vigil of “prayer and patriotism.”

  • Date: Monday, December
  • Time: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m
  • Location: Medina City Square

We will gather by the Gazebo for a short time of prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. We will then walk around the Square.

Purpose: Our goal is to voice our concerns as a community about government-run healthcare and to help others see the dangers of the current Senate healthcare bill. We also will commemorate the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, which took place December 16th.

What to bring: Please bring your flags, signs, candles and flashlights.

(Please note: While the national group has moved the candlelight vigil to the 16th to honor the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, we will still be holding our vigil on Monday, December 14th.)

Government Waiting Rooms/Senate Emergency Call in DC – Dec. 15th

If you can make it, we need you in DC on December 15th! There are 2 separate events that are happening in DC that day: Government Waiting Rooms and Senate Emergency Call. The events are being hosted by several groups, including: Tea Party Patriots, Freedom Works, Patients First - a project of Americans for Prosperity, Let Freedom Ring, National Taxpayers Union and others.

Government Waiting Rooms Event

For those who can be in DC early on December 15th, you can participate in the Government Waiting Rooms event. The meet-up time will be at or about 8:00 a.m. (National Tea Party coordinators are still working on the details for the exact meet-up location, before people begin visiting the targeted Senators' offices.) To make this successful, we need at least 1,000 people to participate.

The objective of the Government Waiting Rooms event is to show the impact of rationing and long waiting lists that will occur if our government takes over our healthcare. The event will start as a sit-in; however, throughout the day, we will have people dying from causes like not getting preventive treatment (i.e. mammograms until 50) or waiting for cancer treatment.

Senate Emergency Call Event

For those who cannot be in DC until later in the morning, you can participate in the Senate Emergency Call event. There will be a demonstration at 1:00 p.m. in Upper Senate Park , which people can attend before they visit the Senators' offices. There will be a few speakers from the Patients First group; however, the rally will be short, so people can focus on visiting with their Senators. It is our understanding one organization already has 100 buses lined up to take people to DC on the 15th.

Take a Bus to D.C.

If you are interested in going to DC via bus, Mike Prokop of the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots is organizing buses for the event. To reserve a seat, please email the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots at:

In the subject heading please put: “Att: Mike / Reserve Seat for Bus Trip to D.C.” The cost is $50 per person. Mike must have payment in hand by Thursday, December 10.

Make checks payable to:

Mike Prokop
983 Helmsdale Rd
Cleveland Heights , OH 44112

The Cleveland buses are planning to depart for D.C. around midnight or 1:00 a.m. (December 15th). Departure from D.C. will be around 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. When you reserve your seat, you will be given the exact departure location as well as the specific itinerary of departure and arrival.

Senate Emergency Call in Cleveland – Dec. 15th

If you cannot go to DC on the 15th, the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots, Medina Tea Party Patriots and other local Tea Party groups are planning to make an “emergency house call” to Voinovich’s office in Cleveland . Our goal is to urge Senator Voinovich to vote NO for government-run healthcare.
  • Date: Tuesday, December 15th
  • Time: 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m
  • Location: 1240 East 9th Street , Room 3061, Cleveland , OH 44199
Hand Delivering Letters to Our Senators – Dec. 15th

Cleveland Tea Party Patriots and other local groups will be hand delivering letters to our Ohio Senators in DC and locally on the 15th. We are urging all patriots to write four letters – two for Voinovich (one to his DC office and the other to his local office) and two for Brown (one to his DC office and the other to his local office). Your letters will be delivered to Senators Voinovich and Brown.

Please mail your letters to:

Letters to Senators
PO Box 46378
Bedford , Ohio 44146

Keep Focusing on the 13 Targeted Senators

Keep contacting the 13 key Senators. (See the list below.) The top 5 to focus on are: Sen. Bayh ( Indiana ), Sen. Nelson ( Nebraska ), Sen. Landrieu ( Louisiana ), Sen. Lincoln ( Arkansas ) and Sen. Jim Web ( Virginia ). If you know anyone in these 5 states, tell them to call their Senators and demand they vote NO on cloture.

List of targeted Senators
(Plus Snowe)

Senator Evan Bayh (IN)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-5623 / (202) 228-1377 fax

Senator Michael Bennet (CO)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-5852 / (202) 228-5036

Senator Joe Lieberman (CT)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-4041 / (202) 224-9750 fax

Senator Ben Nelson (NE)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-6551 / (202) 228-0012 fax

Senator Blanche Lincoln (AR)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-4843 / (202) 228-1371 fax

Senator Mary Landrieu (LA)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-5824 / (202) 224-9735 fax

Senator Mark Pryor (AR)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-2353 / (202) 228-0908 fax

Senator Mark Warner (VA)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-2023 / (202) 224-6295 fax

Senator Mark Begich (AK)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-3004 / (202) 224-2354 fax

Senator Robert Byrd (WV)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-3954 / (202) 228-0002 fax

Senator Thomas Carper (DE)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-2441 / (202) 228-2190 fax

Senator Jim Webb (VA)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-4024 / 202-228-6363 fax

Senator Jon Tester (MT)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-2644 / (202) 224-8594 fax

Senator Olympia Snowe (ME)
Washington, DC: (202) 224-5344 / (202) 224-1946 fax

Driving to D.C.?

Here are some ideas for parking in Northern Virginia....

Arlington, Virginia
  • Pentagon City Mall 1250 South Hayes St., Arlington, VA 22202
    Park at the mall (it does require paying, but it beats dealing with the outrageous parking fees in D.C.) Metro access is inside the mall.

  • Crystal City 1750 South Clark St., Arlington, VA 22202
    Park on 22nd or S. Eads in Arlington (there are 12 and 24 hour meters so that gives you plenty of time) Metro is by the Crystal Gateway Marriott

Falls Church, Virginia
  • East Falls Church 2001 N. Sycamore St., Arlington, VA 22205
    Paid parking ($4.50 all day) is at the metro
    Metro access is right at the station.

  • West Falls Church 7040 Haycock Road, Falls Church, VA 22043
    Paid parking ($4.50 all day) is at the metro
    Metro access is right at the station

Friday, November 27, 2009

The "Freedom" CD

Hey all you patriots out there -- here is the "Freedom" loving CD you have all been waiting for!

Cleveland Tea Party Patriots co-coordinator Glynn Urban, along with her sister Adeena, her brother Noah, a rocker & recording engineer from Cleveland, and their pal C.J. teamed up with Ron Mason, a former Capitol Records country music recording artist, and recorded a CD named -- Freedom.

For those that were at out Tax Day Tea Party, Adeena & C.J. sang the Star Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful, which is also included on the CD. Rumor has it that they did such an outstanding job that the Canadians from across the lake must have heard it and gave them a standing ovation!

Ranging from God-loving patriotic tear jerker's, country music style innocence and rockin' kick-butt songs, Freedom is a must have collection of patriotic songs that are sure to make you reflect, sing-a-along and tap a toe!

With the political landscape of today, how fitting is it that there is a song called -- "Feeding at the Federal Trough"?

For a sample of some of the songs click here.

Want to order your own Freedom CD?

Send a check or money order to:

Zerin Music
P.O. Box 56
Avon, OH 44011

Cost is $10 plus $2 for shipping & handling. Make checks or money orders out to Zerin Music. Delivery time is less than 2 weeks.

To help with our fundraising activities a portion of the sale from each CD purchased by our members will be donated to the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots. So be sure to write Cleveland Tea Party in the memo section of your check or money order.

While Freedom is a great gift for yourself, don't forget the upcoming holidays -- a Freedom CD makes a perfect stocking stuffer!

Money from the Stimulus Bill, Bail Out's
and/or TARP will not be accepted!