Below you will find that Senator Jim Inhofe has submitted a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in opposition to the United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), also known as the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST).
In our first contact with Ohio Senator Rob Portman, we were informed Senator Portman was against LOST. When contacting Portman's office the following day to ask him to sign onto in support of Senator Inhofe's below letter - the subsequent response from his office - epitomizes the response of an elected elite legislator that needs to be replaced in his next election.
Again, as he did in supporting Richard Cordray's appointment as Consumer Czar, Portman takes a spineless, fence-sitting stance claiming he still has "issues & concerns" with LOST, is still researching it, has not yet taken a position, and refused to sign onto Inhofe's below letter against LOST....
The Honorable Harry Reid
Majority Leader
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Mr. Leader,
We understand that Chairman Kerry has renewed his efforts to pursue Senate ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. We are writing to let you know that we believe this Convention reflects political, economic, and ideological assumptions which are inconsistent with American values and sovereignty.
By its current terms, the Law of the Sea Convention encompasses economic and technology interests in the deep sea, redistribution of wealth from developed to undeveloped nations, freedom of navigation in the deep sea and exclusive economic zones which may impact maritime security and environmental regulation over virtually all sources of pollution.
To affect the treaty’s broad regime of governance, we are particularly concerned that United States sovereignty could be subjugated in many areas to a supranational government that is chartered by the United Nations under the 1982 Convention.
Further, we are troubled that compulsory dispute resolution could pertain to public and private activities including law enforcement, maritime security, business operations, and nonmilitary activities performed aboard military vessels.
If this treaty comes to the floor, we will oppose its ratification.
Jon Kyl Jim Inhofe
Roy Blunt Pat Roberts
David Vitter Ron Johnson
John Cornyn Jim DeMint
Tom Coburn John Boozman
Rand Paul Jim Risch
Mike Lee Jeff Sessions
Mike Crapo Orrin Hatch
John Barrasso Richard Shelby
John Thune Richard Burr
Saxby Chambliss Dan Coats
John Hoeven Roger Wicker
Jerry Moran Marco Rubio
Senator Rob Portman
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