Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Trump Rally July 25 in Youngstown

 photo credit: Yahoo

From The Daily Caller [cross-outs and edits mine!!]

President Donald Trump will hold a rally in Youngstown, Ohio, next week as his administration struggles [Congress fails] to follow through on his [GOP campaign] promise[s] to repeal Obamacare.

. . . His rally on July 25 was announced Tuesday by his 2020 re-election campaign. It will be held at 7 p.m. EST at the Covelli Centre. [map here 

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Monday, July 17, 2017

No repeal of Obamacare, again. Thanks GOP.

art credit: huffington post

The GOP members of Congress who put the repeal of Obamacare to a vote dozens of times during the previous administration [per Treehouse, the Senate considered only defunding Obamacare, not repealing], and the GOP candidates who pledged to repeal Obamacare in order to get elected, were all lying through their teeth. They never dreamed that Trump would be elected and that they’d be put on the spot to make good on their promises. And take a look at the two GOP Senators who just announced their intention to vote no! From the AP :

WASHINGTON (AP) — The latest GOP effort to repeal and replace "Obamacare" was fatally wounded in the Senate Monday night when two more Republican senators announced their opposition to legislation strongly backed by President Donald Trump.

The announcements from Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas left the Republican Party's long-promised efforts to get rid of President Barack Obama's health care legislation reeling. Next steps, if any, were not immediately clear.

Lee and Moran both said they could not support Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's legislation in its current form. They joined GOP Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Rand Paul of Kentucky, both of whom announced their opposition right after McConnell released the bill last Thursday.

McConnell is now at least two votes short in the closely divided Senate and may have to go back to the drawing board or even begin to negotiate with Democrats, a prospect he's threatened but resisted so far.

Some of us had higher hopes for Mike Lee and even Rand Paul. Lesson learned: they are all politicians. And they lie.

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The Russians Are Coming and Fake News

“Whatcha doin’ up on the wall there, Muriel?”
Doro Merande in The Russians Are Coming at Great Big Canvas

Just got back from out-of-town, so blogging has been light. But I did some of my usual web-surfing en route, and one of my regular Sunday stops is at the American Thinker.  ICYMI, Clarice Feldman’s “Clarice’s Pieces” was a good way to sift through some of the Fake News in the MSM. including the seemingly endless obsession with The Russians Are Coming. She references Mr. Belmont Club (Richard Fernandez at PJ Media), Scott McKay at American Spectator, and PowerLine, among others, so if you’re short on time, check out her Sunday articles for quick links to good analyses of phony baloney reports:

the non-stop media promotion of some nefarious scheme between Russia and Trump does not pass even the most cursory forensic examination, proving once again in the age of fake news, you cannot remain a passive consumer of news. You have to bring to each story the good sense and diligence with which you handle your most important personal affairs. . .

Nothing so illustrates why the media has deservedly lost all credibility than its unending, overdone effort to fit any action on the part of the President or those around him into a narrative of Russia somehow colluding with him to defeat Hillary. This week’s take was the short meeting his son held with a Russian lawyer in Trump Tower last summer. . . 

You’ll just have to work harder in the face of such ignorance and bias to find out what you need to know.  

Clarice makes it a little bit easier.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Healthcare & the GOP : Pathetic Fail or Corrupt?

Michael Ramirez cartoon via U.S. News and World Report

The headline:  Pat Toomey says GOP wasn't ready with healthcare ...because they didn't think Trump would win. That’s the conclusion in this Jul-07 report by Robert Laurie at the Canada Free Press:

For some time, I’ve been arguing that the GOP should have had a plan to repeal ObamaCare ready - and on the President’s desk - the week that Donald Trump took office. The ACA’s elimination should have been a day one priority, then you could rest of the year working on healthcare fixes and tax reform.  I’ve heard a whole pile of excuses about why that didn’t happen and I’ve never really bought any of them.
There were only two answers that made sense: Either the GOP didn’t really want to repeal ObamaCare, or they simply dropped the ball and we’re witnessing one of history’s worst cases of political shortsightedness.
While I still suspect there are a lot of Republicans who’d love nothing more than to leave the ACA in place and have the whole issue go away, it sounds more like the GOP just ...failed.  According to [Senator] Pat Toomey (R-PA), no one bothered to ready an ObamaCare repeal bill, because they all thought Hillary was going to be your next President.
He made the remarks during a town hall, hosted by ABC27 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
“I didn’t expect Donald Trump to win. I think most of my colleagues didn’t. So we didn’t expect to be in this situation.
And given how difficult it is to get to a consensus, it was hard to force that until there was a need to.”
In other words; “We could vote to repeal ObamaCare 40 times when we knew Obama wouldn’t sign the bill, but we never wasted our time preparing for the eventuality that we might actually win the next election.”  That’s just pathetic, and it validates a lot of criticisms that Democrats were lobbing at Republicans back during the Obama years.
It’s an admission that their healthcare votes during the Obama administration really were just obstructionist political theater and it suggests that they spent more time preparing for a Hillary presidency than they spent trying to secure a victory.
Remember, they had eight years to ready a repeal, replacement, or fix.  Instead, they put on a big show, yakked about their alleged principles, smiled at their constituents, and kicked the can.
They squandered their time, your money, and our collective efforts because it was easier than getting together on a solution.
No wonder they’re so despised.
My own take: When Senator Toomey admits that the GOP did not seriously prepare for the repeal of Obamacare because they did not expect to win the House, Senate, and White House, he makes the GOP look like fools, but that’s probably better than admitting the truth. I suspect that Laurie’s alternative is correct: the GOP does not want to repeal Obamacare. Nearly all of the GOP, including the so-called Freedom Caucus, are members of The UniParty, and they have already been bought.

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Thursday, July 6, 2017

The CNN Two-Step

Image is from the PJ Media comments section

From "Doin' the CNN Two-Step" by Andrew Klavan at PJ Media: 

“The CNN Two-Step is a simple dance. Step One: Put your foot in your mouth. Step Two: Shoot yourself in the foot.” 
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