Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Julie Kelly on political retribution: Canada and America


Julie Kelly has been exposing the unlawful incarceration without due process of the January 6 “insurrectionists.”  Here’s a short extract from her report at American Greatness:

. . . As freedom-lovers justifiably recoil at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s crackdown on vaccine mandate protesters, Americans worry the same sort of political retribution could happen here. I’m sorry to report, it already has.

The scenes from Ottawa are matched or surpassed by the images here, including thuggish cops attacking January 6 protesters with mace and explosive devices. The difference? Instead of mounted police trampling a woman, ours merely shot and killed one woman and beat up a few more.

What the Trudeau regime is now unleashing against the truckers and their supporters has been underway in America for more than a year. Using January 6 as a pretext, the Biden regime is brandishing its authority to crush political dissent. Now, it appears Trudeau and his apparatchiks are stealing the U.S. Justice Department’s playbook of power and pain. 

The comparisons are stark.  . . .

Plenty more here. And it is not pretty.

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Monday, February 21, 2022

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Fighting fascism


J.B. Shurk at American Thinker offers a glimmer of hope:

Surely the victors over communism, fascism, and Nazism cannot then fall victim to the madness of those same philosophies collapsing their systems from within.  This "Us/Them" self-delusion has kept the citizenry from recognizing tyranny inside its gates.

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The growing tyranny in the West has not happened overnight.  It did not suddenly arrive at our doorsteps with the Chinese Flu.  It has been a nightmare decades in the making.  The difference today is that previously slumbering citizens once sublimely content in the normal humdrum of their lives are waking up to realize that the enemies from our past have returned with a vengeance.  Free speech is treated as dangerous.  Western governments, corporations, and social media platforms engage in rampant censorship.  Race and sexual identity are used as the defining attributes of a person to the exclusion of talent, character, and achievement.  Teachers' unions openly demand the right to indoctrinate children according to the interests of the State.  Parents are threatened for believing that their children belong to them.  The criminal justice system is used as a place to punish political opponents and to protect political friends.  Religious expression is outlawed.  Leftists' "secularized religion" is imposed.  Freedom is disparaged as "right-wing."  Coercion has replaced consent.  Victimhood has replaced virtue.  Conformity has replaced individuality.  "Correct" thinking has replaced freethinking.  "Social justice" has replaced real justice.  And the protection of government has become more important than the protection of human rights.

For the newly awakened, there is a tendency to see all this carnage for the first time with fresh eyes and become overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the rot.  The corruption, criminality, and chaos have infiltrated everything once held dear, and the future seems hopelessly lost.  That hopelessness, however, is not based in reality but rather the "Us/Them" self-delusion that tyranny could not happen here.  It's not easy to accept that the great sacrifices of the past made in the struggle for human freedom have once again been squandered by a new generation of despots.  It is a necessary first step, though, before the righteous can throw themselves into the fight and get back to work.  And once people come to terms with the fact that tyranny not only could happen here but that it is happening here, then they will realize that the struggle has only really begun in earnest.

. . .

Now consider all of the slogans we daily encounter from government and corporate mouthpieces alike: Black Lives Matter!; Build Back Better!; Trans Rights Are Human Rights!; The Science Is Settled!; Save the Earth!; Stop Global Warming!; The War on Women Is Real!; We're All in This Together!; Abortion Is Health Care!; My Body, My Choice!  It doesn't matter how vapid, factually incorrect, or contradictory the political slogan.  What matters is that all of us repeat them obediently to prove our allegiance to and faith in the system.  And therein lies the key to our salvation.  

Lots more here.

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Friday, February 18, 2022

Here comes the American truckers' People's Convoy UPDATED


Image via Bizpacreview

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton reports at BizPacReview:

As an American “People’s Convoy” takes shape following in the footsteps of Canadian truckers, a political action committee has partnered with truck convoys across the nation to travel to Washington, DC in protest of COVID mandates and overreach by the federal government.

The Great American Patriot Project sent out an email blast on Wednesday urging supporters to join, volunteer for, or donate to the American Truckers Freedom Fund. The email asserts the truckers “represent a movement of peaceful, non-violent Americans from all walks of life who are dissatisfied with the unscientific, unconstitutional government overreach in regards to mandates.”

“It’s time for #AmericanTruckers to stand with truckers all over the world. Don’t be afraid to #HonkHonk. Everybody loves #FreedomHonks,” the PAC proclaims on its website.

The “People’s Convoy” is gaining steam along with other movements and thousands, if not millions, of Americans are supporting them in one form or another. Routes for the convoy include starting points in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, and Fresno, California. The trek will culminate on March 6 in Washington, D.C. A congressional welcome committee is set to meet with the convoy and discuss policy changes according to the organizers.

. . .

The “People’s Convoy” is set to depart in late February and travel to the nation’s Capitol. . .

Great to see that Cleveland is on the route, so northern Ohio patriots can cheer on our truckers.  Will post details ASAP.  Full Bizpac article is here.

RELATED bad news from Canada: 

Trudeau Crackdown Against Trucker Protest Begins – Cancels Parliament Debate as Jackboots Begin Arresting Protestors and Removing Trucks

UPDATE:  Is there more than one Freedom Convoy going to DC?  Here's information at The Right Scoop about a California-to-DC convoy, scheduled to arrive March 1 for the State of the Union address.  I'll keep looking . . .

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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Remembering Rush Limbaugh


Megan Fox at PJ Media marked the one-year anniversary of Rush Limbaugh’s passing:

Kathryn Limbaugh took Fox News into the home she shared with the great Rush Limbaugh for an exclusive interview one year after the death of the talk radio giant. “Fox & Friends” co-host Ainsley Earhardt interviewed Kathryn about her husband’s legacy in a touching segment that will not leave a dry eye across Dittohead Nation.

Kathryn has been gracious in sharing her grief with Rush’s audience, who also feel that they’ve lost a family member. “I’m doing well for the most part,” said Kathryn. “It’s been very difficult, but knowing how many people are out there praying for me, praying for Rush, I very much think this was the nation’s loss.”

Never-before-seen footage of Rush’s home focused on beautiful American memorabilia collected over the years. “To me, it really represents Rush in so many ways, not because of the grandness of it,” she said. “That’s not really him. It represents success, American freedom.” One such reminder is an American flag hanging in the foyer that was given to Rush by American service-members who flew it on five different aircraft carriers before giving it to him.

Kathryn noted that receiving the diagnosis of cancer was a blessing in that they were given some time to prepare and also to hear some of the tributes before Rush was gone, like the memorable speech President Donald Trump gave honoring Rush’s life with the presidential medal of freedom. “One of the perks, I guess, of having a diagnosis like this is that you have a little bit of time to hear some of the wonderful eulogies,” she said.

When Rush died, Kathryn got on the radio that day and broke the news to the audience. “I wanted them to hear that devastating news in the most familiar way possible. I knew this audience would remember where they were when they lost their hero,” she said.  . . .

More here.  Video link is included; scroll down.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Medical censorship


JD Rucker at NOQ interviews Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, who knows first-hand that the stats of adverse reactions to the COVID "vaccine" are being suppressed by the medical community:  

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden: After Over a Million Jabbed, Why Is Methodist Hospital Refusing to Release Adverse Reaction Data?

Who ever thought we’d reach a moment in American history when doctors were forced to get permission from government to prescribe safe and effective drugs to their ailing patients? It never crossed my mind until the powers-that-be started playing their hand in 2020, doubling-down in 2021, and advancing medical tyranny beyond lunacy in 2022.

I had an excellent discussion with Dr. Mary Talley Bowden on the topic during the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel. She’s a wealth of information about the dynamics between hospitals and patients. But she’s one of very few doctors who are speaking out against vaxx-pushing hospitals because she owns her own practice. She doesn’t have a boss and cannot be fired. Her only real concern is losing her license to practice, and there are many people who are trying to make that happen.

Is she delivering bad care to her patients? No. The complaints are coming in from people she’s never met, people who have objections to her not embracing the accepted Covid narrative about treatments and universal vaccinations.

One of her biggest critics is the huge hospital system in Houston, Methodist Hospital. They removed her privileges and have smeared her continuously, ramping up when she made her plight public. They even denied her request for information, which a non-profit organization like Methodist cannot do. Now, she’s suing.

Of particular interest is the data regarding adverse reactions to the Covid shots. Like other hospitals across the country, they are refusing to release data about it. It’s a component of informed consent to have accurate information about the jabs. For Methodist and other hospitals to continue injecting people while withholding extremely important information about adverse reactions is despicable.

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Yup, despicable.  The interview text follows; click here.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

UPDATE: Mike Gibbons, candidate for U.S. Senate


Kate Scanlon at The Washington Examiner has an update on the upcoming Ohio primary for U.S. Senate: 

Businessman Mike Gibbons is rising in early polls of Ohio’s crowded Republican Senate primary, and he is seeking to introduce himself to voters as the pro-Trump candidate in the race, according to a new advertisement campaign he will launch Tuesday.

Former President Donald Trump has yet to make an endorsement in the race to succeed retiring GOP Sen. Rob Portman, but several Republican candidates are actively courting that endorsement in a race that has largely been driven by the candidates’ level of fealty to Trump. Author J.D. Vance recently promoted an endorsement from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a controversial freshman lawmaker from Georgia who is a close ally of Trump.

A pair of polls showed Gibbons making significant gains with voters in recent days. One internal campaign poll showed him in the lead with 23%, with Josh Mandel, the former Ohio treasurer and the party’s 2012 Senate nominee, trailing him at 10.8%. An independent poll from Co/Efficient also found Gibbons in the lead but with Mandel in closer proximity.

Read more here.  This primary race is important, and one of my concerns is that at least one Ohio liberty group is endorsing Josh Mandel.  I posted a few months ago on why I think Mandel is not a good choice for Ohio (“Josh Mandel Just Another Dishonest RINO” ~ click here).  I would expect him to be no different than Rob Portman in office.  

Check out Mike Gibbons's website here

Mr. Mandel with William Kristol.  Not a good look. 

Mr. Mandel’s early fund-raising letter attempted to brand him as a Trump-supporter.  After what I infer was some push-back, a subsequent fund-raiser instead piggy-backed on the “America First” slogan:

Anybody fooled?  

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