Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real


I am linking to Brandon Morse’s “Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real and It Needs to be Studied” at RedState because I expect that almost all visitors to this blog have witnessed the Syndrome up close.  If any of your family, personal, or professional relationships have been disrupted or destroyed by this Syndrome, then Mr. Morse’s observations will resonate:

The concept of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” may have started as a joke to describe the over-reaction of hatred toward Trump, but after years of people upending good sense and their own principles in order to get at this man, I’m pretty convinced it’s real and that scientists need to study this in the future.

I see it every single day and as we drift closer and closer to the 2024 presidential election, I have a feeling we’re going to see it even more and in big ways.

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I also see it on social media daily. Any disagreement with a leftist figure, no matter who, always results in the same replies about me being a Trump-obsessed drone, MAGA extremist, Trump-humper, etc., etc.

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Yet, there are some who will craft an entire fantasy world around them where Trump was a great evil who never did anything but great evil and will do nothing but great evil in the future. In their minds, he must be stopped at all costs, even if that cost means ditching firmly held principles. I’ve seen this kind of mentality before in personal situations, but never on a mass scale such as this.

Decades from now, when we’ve left this age behind, I truly hope scientists and clinical psychologists study this moment. I truly believe that this is something of a shared madness that has ruined the minds and relationships of many people. It’s caused them to debase themselves and become unreasonable. I hope future generations look back at this and learn from it because I fear if we don’t then this problem will just fester, and I’d hate to see how this could get any worse.

Read the full column here.  

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

On Due Process


J6 protestors have been incarcerated for 20 months - and counting - without due process protection.  Donald Trump is having difficulty finding attorneys who will represent him.  At American Thinker, Andrea Widburg provides some important background and history on the Bill of Rights:

Leftists seem pleased that no lawyers will represent Trump. This is a terrible thing that, as much as anything else, represents the downfall of America under the left’s aegis. The aggressive leftist purge of conservative or just brave attorneys is destroying one of America’s greatest institutions: Every person’s right to have an attorney at his side.

In 1770, Redcoats fired on a crowd that had surrounded them, taunting them and pelting them with dangerous projectiles. Five colonists died. The British soldiers claimed self-defense, but the patriots in Boston called it murder. We remember it as the Boston Massacre.

What too few Americans know is that the soldiers, despite a trial in hostile territory, got a stellar defense. Their attorney was John Adams. He knew that representing the soldiers was a risk that could destroy his law practice and impoverish his family, but he also understood something very important about the law in a free country: No one should have to stand alone against the awesome majesty of the state, which has the power of the police, the prosecution, the judge, and the executioner.

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What’s happening here is troubling. As John Adams knew, every person, even a guilty person, needs a friend in the court who will help him when the all-mighty government comes calling. A good lawyer may find himself defending unpopular people or causes, but that comes with the territory in a free country.

Leftists want to destroy this important right. When they’re done, we will all be at the mercy of a government that can abandon due process entirely because hapless defendants will be helpless to assert it. The same government can also do anything it damn well pleases because no lawyers will be there to challenge its illegalities and excesses.

Lots more here.  When the government can abrogate our Bill of Rights, we’re on our own.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

IRS: Internal Radical Service


The great David Horowitz and his colleague John Perazzo have a new pamphlet just out and you can access it for free online.  Here’s Mr Horowitz’s introduction:

How the IRS abuses taxpayer dollars to advance leftwing causes
illegally and unconstitutionally

On August 7, the Democrats passed a bill that authorizes a ten-year, $80 billion hike in federal funding for the Internal Revenue Service, which will make it possible for the IRS to hire 87,000 new agents and will make it larger than the Pentagon, the State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined.

The IRS has already been weaponized as a national federal police force to harass, punish and obstruct conservative and religious organizations. Under President Obama, the IRS blocked the efforts of hundreds of Tea Party and other conservative groups to apply for tax-exempt status. The objective was to prevent those groups – and the millions of voters whom they might potentially have influenced – from having a voice in our democracy.

But this persecution of conservatives is only half the story. Over the years, the IRS has allowed hundreds of billions of tax-payer dollars to fund left-wing tax-exempt foundations violating its own rules, while denying conservative foundations the same access. This has had the effect of creating a lobby within the Democrat Party that has transformed it into a radical force bent on “fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

The IRS violations include providing taxpayer subsidies to Democrat election campaigns; to underwriting Black Lives Matter riots which caused billions of dollars in property damage and led to the deaths of scores of individuals; the Internal Revenue Code's explicit requirement that all charitable activities should “promote the public good”; and the funding of racist policies which violate the Civil Rights Act and the Constitution.

This booklet -- Internal Radical Service -- documents these violations and their destructive consequences. We publish it now as an appeal to Congress to investigate the abuses, and restore the integrity of an organization which has become a major threat to our democracy.

Click on the link here for access to the pamphlet. 

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Cashless & Jobs memes

 Two memes seen at Bookworm Room

and . . .

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Monday, August 15, 2022

The Weaponization of Justice


Frank Miele at RealClearPolitics takes another look at the FBI: 

Nothing symbolizes the decline of the American republic better than the weaponization of justice that we saw last week when the FBI raided the home of former President Trump.

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Don’t believe a word from either the Washington Post or the FBI. Trump had been cooperating with the National Archive and had already turned over 15 boxes of documents, all of which he could have made a claim to legally possess. If they wanted papers turned over, they could have gone through Trump’s lawyers. No, they wanted the spectacle. They wanted the sizzle. They wanted the headlines.

This wasn’t about the rule of law; it was about the rule of the schoolyard. Bullies get what they want through force and intimidation, and there is no reason for any of us to believe that the raid had any purpose other than to intimidate Donald Trump into backing down from his plans to run for president in 2024.

Essentially what the FBI was saying is “We know where you live, and we aren’t afraid to come for you.” They even rifled through Melania Trump’s closet, as if she might have been hiding top-secret documents in her hat box. When do we find out they also spent an hour sorting through her lingerie?

This is sickening, no matter how much MSNBC and the Washington Post want you to think you can still trust the FBI. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me over and over and over again, and I must be a Democrat.

Read the full column here.

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Sunday, August 14, 2022

Victor Davis Hanson: Mar-A-Lago Raid and the Rule of Law


The interview took place on August 9, but I only just now came across it.  Michael W. Chapman at CNS News reports on Victor Davis Hanson take on the Mar-a-Lago raid:

When asked about the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump's home in Palm Beach, Fla., professor, author, and political commentator Victor David Hanson said, "right now, we don't have the rule of law in Washington," and added that, "The FBI is beyond redemption."

Hanson, who was awarded the National Humanities Medal by President George W. Bush, made his remarks on the Aug. 9 edition of FNC's Tucker Carlson Tonight, guest-hosted by Will Cain.  

Cain asked Hanson why the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago and why were they targeting Trump.

"Well, they're afraid in the short term," he said, in reference to the Democrats and the left, "but in the long term they believe they're morally superior to America, and therefore any means necessary or justifiable for their morally superior ends."

"And right now, we don't have the rule of law in Washington," said Hanson. "Whether you're targeted or exempt depends on your ideology."

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As for the FBI, Hanson remarked, "I never thought I would say this: The FBI is beyond redemption. It is -- all of its bureaus and its institutions that have to be farmed out and broken up. If you have a warrant, an FBI warrant, there is no guarantee that that has not been altered. If you subpoena and you want FBI records on phones ... they will be wiped clean."

"We just saw [FBI Director] Christopher Wray and he just stonewalled every question and then he flew on an FBI plane, our plane, a luxury jet because he had to go to his own vacation spot. He took over, remember, from Andrew McCabe -- what did he do? He lied four times to federal investigators, and his wife was running for an office with Clinton-related PAC money while he was investigating Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal."

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Read the rest here.

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