According to a recent press release issued by Jeff Sessions, US Senator from Alabama, the central sales pitch for the Gang of Eight's immigration legislation has been the claim of strong border security triggers that are supposed to be the "toughest border immigration enforcement measures in U.S. history." But the promised enforcement is nowhere to be found, in fact, this bill would actually weaken requirements previously enacted by Congress-while granting extraordinary new discretion to the Department of Homeland Security to waive security protocols, removal proceedings, and denials of entry.
This bill also repeals the proven E-Verify workplace enforcement system.
Click Here to Read the Complete Press Release
This Amnesty Bill, like Obamacare, is a massive piece of legislation that is quickly ramming its way through the Senate. During one of the Judiciary committee hearings it was clear that the Senate has not had enough time to read and understand all of the impacts of this bill.
Take Action
No More Train Wrecks
You may have heard last week that Senator Max Baucus, The Architect of Obamacare, said that its implementation was going to be a "train wreck!"
Now the Senate is dead set on pushing another piece of legislation that has all of the same characteristics of Obamacare - The Amnesty Bill.
The Senate is on recess this week, so this is perfect timing for you to show up and let your voices be heard!
If you don't stand up against the "Gangsters of Eight", who will do it for you?
This Week's Action Items
Tuesday: Tuesday is Social Media Blitz day and "Tweet It Tuesday." The hashtag campaign this week is: #NoMoreTrainWrecks. Click for Sample Tweets and Facebook Posts
Wednesday: Today's focus is on making phone calls and visiting the district office for your U.S. Senators to drop off letters. Click to Find Your Senators Local Offices
Click for Thank You Letter for Senators who are standing for principle (Note: Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, James Inhofe, and Rand Paul will receive these letters.)
Click for Train Wreck Letter for Senators who are not doing anything to stop the ramming of this bill
Click to Call Your Senators
Thursday: Thursday's focus is on hosting Street Rallies at busy intersections. The ideal time for these rallies is 5:00-7:00 pm (local time).
Wednesday: Today's focus is on making phone calls and visiting the district office for your U.S. Senators to drop off letters. Click to Find Your Senators Local Offices
Click for Thank You Letter for Senators who are standing for principle (Note: Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, James Inhofe, and Rand Paul will receive these letters.)
Click for Train Wreck Letter for Senators who are not doing anything to stop the ramming of this bill
Click to Call Your Senators
Thursday: Thursday's focus is on hosting Street Rallies at busy intersections. The ideal time for these rallies is 5:00-7:00 pm (local time).
Click for How to Host a Sign Waving Event
Click for Sample Sign Messages
If you are organizing any events for the week, please let us know so we can help you promote it.