Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Big Tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Tech. Show all posts

Monday, February 14, 2022

Our Founding Fathers Would All Be Driving Trucks Today


JB Shurk at American Thinker takes a longer look at COVID tyranny and the trucker’s Freedom Convoy.  His article, “Our Founding Fathers Would All Be Driving Trucks Today,” will put a smile on your face.  He begins:

For two years, Western governments have embraced COVID-1984 totalitarianism, and now a group of minutemen truckers is having its say.  It is a recurring theme throughout history that the fight for freedom doesn't really begin until the light of its flame is nearly extinguished.  Then something almost magical happens: the human need for liberty ignites and starts spreading out of control.  Everywhere around us today, Big Tech and Big Government are building monuments to a future of technocratic authoritarianism they envision as inevitable, yet whispers calling for freedom are turning into shouts.

Is freedom on the march?  Freedom is always on the march when it looks almost licked.  What started as gross government overreach may well end up as an army of truckers bulldozing over a police state that once seemed certain.

Go here for the rest of his article.

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Monday, January 31, 2022

2000 Mules: Dinesh D’Souza Documentary On Voter Fraud


JD Rucker at NOQ has the report and embedded video of the trailer:

Since Joe Biden was inaugurated as President of the United States, many if not most conservatives who believed the election was stolen have given up hope. Despite mountains of evidence showing massive, widespread voter fraud, the cases were never adjudicated. An unprecedented propaganda and gaslighting campaign launched showing just how ubiquitous the cover-up was.

But some of us have held on. We continue to report voter fraud news as it comes in. There have been many videos made purporting to prove the election was stolen, but they rarely cause more than a minor stir. A new one is coming, and it is the most promising one we’ve seen to date because of the source: Dinesh D’Souza.

Few conservative filmmakers are in the same league as D’Souza when it comes to the credibility of his work. He and his team are meticulous. They check and recheck their facts before putting it all together in D’Souza’s classic documentary style. And while many conservatives have little room for hope at this stage in the game, perhaps having D’Souza behind this effort will bring back the spark.

We and others have contended that President Donald Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, but a well-planned operation perpetrated by multiple bad actors reversed the results after the fact. It seemed as if everyone was involved from the average poll workers all the way up to the heights of the Deep State. We believe the Chinese Communist Party was involved, as were several technology companies associated with the election.

Mainstream media and Big Tech did their parts to cover it all up. It has been difficult to determine if they were insiders in the conspiracy or simply willing pawns who allowed their own radical progressive biases and anti-Trump sentiment guide their actions. Either way, they are complicit.

The election was stolen. That much has been crystal clear since November 4, 2020. Will Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary finally be able to turn the tide towards the truth?

Good question.  Share the link with those on your list.  Source: Rucker at NOQ here

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Sunday, November 14, 2021

Get ready for more riots


CNN's "Baghdad Bob" moment

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is almost concluded.  Perhaps the judge will dismiss the case with prejudice.  Perhaps the jury will be able to withstand doxxing and other pressures to convict.  JD Rucker at NOQ predicts that the jury will acquit.  If the verdict is anything other than a conviction, JD Rucker is sounding the alarm: 

Leftists, Media, and Big Tech Are Colluding
to Burn Down Cities After Kyle Rittenhouse is Acquitted

This isn't the case of a common narrative being circulated. This is collusion that is so blatant, lawsuits need to be filed.

When Kyle Rittenhouse is acquitted, many cities will likely experience what we saw last year following the release of the George Floyd video. It may even be worse this time if the powers-that-be get their way. But unlike the BLM and Antifa riots that sprung up after the Floyd video, the riots that will come with Rittenhouse’s acquittal have had months of planning and coordination.

At the heart of the conspiracy are mainstream media and Big Tech. They’re doing their part to make sure there’s as much carnage as possible. Let me break it down briefly before getting into more details.

The tag-team efforts of mainstream and social media are crystal clear. We have the CNNs, MSNBCs, and network news outlets all spreading coordinated lies about the trial. They are painting Rittenhouse as a murderer; CBS News literally called him that while the trial was still going which is a blatant obliteration of any remnant of journalistic standards they may have once had. They are attacking the judge. They are attacking the defense team. They’re even attacking the prosecutors to create a scapegoat for why this “murderer” was set free.

Meanwhile, Big Tech is suppressing the truth. Free Beacon reported that social media companies are suppressing claims that Rittenhouse is innocent. While mainstream media spread the lies, Big Tech suppresses the truth. It’s a one-two punch designed to make the people unaware that the trial was a mockery and clearly demonstrated Rittenhouse as acting in self-defense.

. . .

One would think that law enforcement will be prepared for the riots that are coming. Some will be. Others will not. We will likely see Democrat-run cities burning while Republican-run cities are able to contain most of the domestic terrorism that is coming. It isn’t just inefficiency or ineptitude in leftist cities. It’s also the greatly depleted police forces that are already allowing criminals to rule in Seattle, Portland, New York City, San Francisco, Minneapolis, and similar cities across the country.

When Rittenhouse is acquitted, those cities will almost certainly be overrun with violence and property destruction. This is by design. It has many benefits for the powers-that-be who want to see America torn down, replaced by an ugly “utopia” under the Neo-Marxist tenets of The Great Reset.

Law enforcement has been warned. Will they act accordingly?

Mr. Rucker’s full article is here.

I don’t agree with every assumption in Mr. Rucker report (e.g., I don’t agree that officer Derek Chauvin should have been fired after George Floyd died while in police custody;  body cam transcripts and the medical examiner’s report incl. the toxicology report, demonstrate that Chauvin was following protocols and that Floyd died of a drug-induced heart attack).

However, the main point – that if Mr. Rittenhouse is NOT convicted, there will be blood in the streets -- is why I’m linking to the report.  And downtown Cleveland was on the target list in May 2020. 

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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Mark Steyn: "not a serious country"


Mark Steyn is my favorite author and columnist.  I used to enjoy his appearances on Fox News, but since I crossed Fox off my list many months ago, I have to be satisfied with his written commentary.  Yesterday, his commentary was decidedly pessimistic, but I could not see where he was getting it wrong.  Here are some excerpts:

. . .

The biggest-selling book with American conservatives right now argues that the answer to all of the above [litany of government-caused problems] is "constitutionalism". On the other hand, the radio host Jesse Kelly says:

We're not a serious country and we're not a country that will be around much longer.

I incline to the latter view myself.  At this point, conservative complaceniks tend to trot out Adam Smith: "There is a great deal of ruin in a nation." But not this much - not Covid lockdowns and open borders, Afghan "translators" and Haitian "refugees", Big Tech and Big Trans, BLM and CRT, ID for the IHOP but not for the voting booth, China as America's manufacturer and America's loan shark...

. . .

To go back to that Jesse Kelly line, "we're not a serious country": A nation where a pasty privileged pajama boy can demand the ruination of his professor because he traumatized the class by making them watch a Laurence Olivier performance is too unserious to survive, and doesn't deserve to.

If the Constitution is the bulwark against madness, then it has already failed; if "capitalism" is the bulwark against express-elevator descent into full-blown madness, the only thing holding that up is the chimera of the US dollar's status as global currency.

. . .

"Land of the free and the home of the brave"? Both are conspicuous by their absence.

The full column is here.  Grim, but highly recommended.

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Sunday, August 22, 2021

COVID and censorship


The more I learn about the censorship of physicians and scientists who are sounding the alarm about the vaccines and protocols promoted by the government, the more concerned I become.  JD Rucker is the proprietor of NOQ and an editor at Liberty Daily.  He’s been posting articles by medical skeptics that he knows will be viewed by the mainstream as lunatic fringe conspiracy theory stuff, but he puts them up on his blog anyway.  I am not qualified to critique the data or the arguments, although they seem reasonable to a layperson.  What does get my attention is the government's and Big Tech's ongoing attempts to silence those with dissenting views and criticism of the government-promoted mandates, moves towards vaccine passports, and additional booster shots.

[from JD Rucker’s prefatory remarks] The point made in this article is not only has [Anthony] Fauci pushed the wrong potentially disastrous pandemic solution, he has blocked the right one.

Much of what the two virologists [Dr.Luc Montagnier and Dr. Vanden Bossche] say is very technical in nature.  This article simplifies their controversial messages without losing their essential meanings.  The public needs to understand their warnings that refute all the propaganda pushing vaccines from government and public health agencies as well as big media.

Here then are a few extracts from NOQ’s “Two Top Virologists’ Frightening Warnings About Covid Injections Ignored by Government and Big Media” by Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn:

What is the solution?  Bossche has identified the needed alternative to the current massive vaccine effort.  It is this; “This first critical step can only be achieved by calling an immediate halt to the mass vaccination program and replacing it by widespread use of antiviral chemoprophylactics while dedicating massive public health resources to scaling early multidrug treatments of Covid-19 disease.”  This is referring to the early home/outpatient treatment protocols based on cheap, safe and fully approved generics like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine; these also work as preventatives.  Pandemic Blunder provides much data and advice on using this treatment approach.  So, both virologists support use of what [Anthony] Fauci has blocked.

These action recommendations were also made by Bossche “Provide – at no cost – early multidrug treatment to all patients in need.  Roll out campaigns to promote healthy diets and lifestyle.”  In other words, people need to take actions to boost their natural immunity, this should include vitamins and supplements, including this cocktail: vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and quercetin.

. . .

The full article is here.  I should note that I remain skeptical about both virologists.  Dr. Montagnier is another one who did not come off too well during the 1980’s AIDS crisis, and Dr. Bossche has worked for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  But readers will make up their own minds.

RELATED:  James Gallagher has a piece on BBC.com (“Covid: What’s the best way to top up our immunity?”) that raises yet more questions. 

UPDATE:  Peter Skurkiss has a column at American Thinker, “Do The People Who Rushed To Get The COVID Shot Have Buyer's Remorse?”, that also looks at media and Big Tech censorship from more angles.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Donald J. Trump's new website


It's up.  And here's the link:  <https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk>

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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Masks and the New World Order


Masks Forever!  Stacey Lennox at PJ Media recently published “The New World Order Is Taking Its Mask Off While They Tell you to Keep Yours on.  The report begins:

New World Order used to be the province of conspiracy theorists. However, the phrase is now descriptive of what we see daily in the news. There is tremendous pressure to reorder society in the West, using the pandemic as a pretext. In America, the result has been an assault on our God-given rights on an unprecedented scale. Political leaders proclaimed they were following the science to protect public health and stripped citizens of their ability to work, to associate, to worship, and even to petition our government.

Big Tech jumped in to help and made sure that no information that contraindicated their favored experts was easily accessible to the public. Using the pretext that the global and national health bureaucracies are the only experts Americans should listen to, they set out to ban or suppress information that contradicted the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control. Permissible content changed from day to day because those two agencies often disagreed.

Then the entire country — and, to some extent, the West overall — was rocked by consistent and unmitigated street violence. What happened last summer, including a days-long siege on the White House, has been memory-holed by the corporate media. If not for brave, independent journalists who navigated to nightly mobs, those who did not live in affected areas might not have understood the extent of the violence and damage. Nineteen people were killed in the first 14 days of the riots following the death of George Floyd. Rioting and looting in the name of racial justice were exceptions to pandemic restrictions. Lockdown protests were not.

Now, it is nearly certain that the nation will see a repeat performance after the trial of the officer involved in Floyd’s death. The outcome will not matter. America is now a nation that tolerates riots in the wake of police-involved shootings and trial verdicts. Americans don’t even pay attention to near-nightly violence and arson in Portland’s once beautiful and vibrant city—a city that is now a microcosm of a failed state.

Read the full report here.

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Friday, February 19, 2021

Media losing power?


Glenn Reynolds, a/k/a Mr. Instapundit, makes a good case:

Media’s censorious gatekeepers are mad —
because they’re losing power

With Donald Trump out of office and de-platformed, you’d think mainstream media gatekeepers would be happy. You’d think wrong.

Though the media-Big Tech regime is doing its best to silence opponents and seize control of the high ground, the news from within is grim. They aren’t happy with how things are going. 

That’s because they know they’re losing. Some are losing audiences and revenues. But more important, they’re losing control of the narrative.

And since control of the narrative, and the power and self-importance that accompany that control, is the most important thing in their lives, they can’t be happy.

Consider the cri de coeur of Washington Post public editor Hamilton Nolan, inspired by Tesla’s decision to scrap its media-relations department. How could that happen?

Nolan knows how, and that’s what bothers him: Tesla scrapped its media-relations department because the media don’t much matter to it. Tesla has plenty of ways to get its story out without relying on the media, and that makes the media much less important — and much less powerful. And it’s the power part that hurts the most.

. . .

I hope it’s true.  Read the rest here.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Parler: FAIL


So we all thought that Parler would be a viable alternative to Twitter.  Alas, Shane Trejo at Big League Politics reports:

The alternative social media provider Parler is back online after inexplicably relying on Amazon to provide their initial web hosting, but apparently the operatives behind the platform have not learned their lesson for the relaunch.

Parler’s new hosting provider, SkySilk, has a blanket ban on all “hateful material” without specifying what that term exactly means.

“We specifically reserve the right to refuse to provide the Service to customers or End Users engaged in dissemination of material that may cause us to be subject to attacks on our network, or that while technically legal, run counter to our corporate principles,” SkySilk wrote in their terms of service.

So Parler, while advertising itself to be a free speech platform, will really be operating off and dependent on the “corporate principles” of a far-left tech company.

The full report is here.  The online definition of Parler at not-so-reliable Wikipedia is here and it's not pretty.

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Monday, February 1, 2021

Consumer Watchdog Website

Most conservatives have modified their social media preferences and buying habits to reduce support of Marxist and Never-Trump businesses. Our household makes every effort to NOT buy through Amazon and is no longer on Facebook, Watt’s App, etc.  Below is a link to a list of products and services that conservatives might want to avoid.  It’s a long list, and some of the company names will undoubtedly surprise you.  Some sure surprised this household.  We use Bing or other search engines to avoid using Google, and yet both Bing and DuckDuckGo are on the list – just not in the “WORST” category.  Anyway, you might want to bookmark the list for reference.

Consumer Watchdog Website: click here.

Link: https://investingadvicewatchdog.com/Liberal-Companies-Boycott.html

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Monday, January 11, 2021

Canceling Big Tech


You've seen the ongoing headlines; conservative voices  -- including President Trump's -- are being censored or canceled by Big Tech.   Our household has:

  • uninstalled Mozilla Firefox
  • cancelled Amazon Prime
  • begun the process of canceling Facebook and Gmail (a Google product)

And no more Apple products for us. A reader at RedState via Lucianne posted the following comment:

You don’t need [Facebook] to keep up with anyone - use email, text messages or actually call people and interact with them in person. You don’t need Amazon - you can go on their site, find what you need and then order it directly from the company, manufacturer or distributor bypassing Amazon completely. And you don’t need Google [for] anything. DuckDuckGo is a perfectly good alternative. Google tracks absolutely everything you do and can follow you as you move around even if you have your phone or tablet turned off.

Our household uses Bing for searches.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Is Big Tech censoring this?


In recent months, some of the major blogs and YouTube videos have been de-platformed, de-monetized, or have seen Twitter or FB accounts suspended.  Among those who have been censored are President Trump, the New York Post, Diamond and Silk, and Candace Owen. 

Websites such as NewsBusters, MRCTV, CNSNews.com, The Washington Free Beacon, Breitbart, The Resurgent, Twitchy, RedState, PJ Media, Judicial Watch, The Blaze, Townhall, Project Veritas, LifeNews, PragerU, and The Daily Wire could not be found in an organic search via Google. Google later apologized via Twitter after fixing this so-called pre-election “bug.”   (Source: Newsbusters report here)

Smaller blogs that I visit regularly, such as BookwormRoom and Blazing Cat Fur, have been blocked or do not come up on Google searches or Twitter feeds.  

By comparison, the Cleveland Tea Party blog is a tiny one;  most of what I post here is selected from conservative news aggregators and favorite bloggers and cartoonists.  Even though this blog is small potatoes, it may be on Big Tech’s radar screen.  Perhaps it is just coincidence, but in the last week, the daily traffic suddenly dropped by about 80%. 

I no longer rely on Google searches to track down news and reports.  I either bookmark my go-to blogs or use a non-Google search engine, such as Bing.  I wonder if anyone will read this…

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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Are we asking the right questions?


Ned Ryun at American Greatness asks some serious questions. 

You can quibble with me about it all, and no doubt there are some good and well-meaning people mixed up in all of this, but a look at the world around us, from exploding debt to the expansive powers of our massive administrative state to our broken immigration systems to a failed electoral process to Big Tech monopolies crowding out our First Amendment freedoms, should answer all objections. No serious movement would have allowed that to happen or appear to be so full of people who, even now, think all of this is fine. We will just keep pushing on doing the same things that haven’t worked in more than a generation. 

Perhaps if we became more sophisticated in our use of 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 funds, we could address some of our problems in a meaningful way. But instead, we insist on funding retreads like the Heritage Foundation at $80-$100 million a year, AEI at $50-$60 million a year, and the mostly worthless state policy think tanks sucking down hundreds of millions of donor dollars every year. To what end? Serious question. 

None of that money will be or has been used to address the greatest threats to our democracy, from election integrity to Big Tech. Honestly, you could pile 90 percent of that money in the street, light it on fire, and it would be just as effective. 

But instead of thinking about adjusting our priorities, we’re sitting here like programmed robots ready to repeat the same mistakes. Again. And again.

A provocative read;  Mr. Ryun’s full column is here.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Saturday: Million MAGA Trump March in DC

This Saturday is the Million MAGA March in DC:

And Big Tech is working overtime to censor the announcements.  First Facebook, then Mailchimp and now Eventbrite.  Shane Trejo at Big League Politics has the report:

Eventbrite Falsely Announces Cancellation of ‘March for Trump’ 
to Suppress Outcome for This Weekend’s Historic Rally

The digital platform, Eventbrite has falsely announced the cancellation of the “March for Trump” while removing the event from their website. 

“We encourage our organizers to express their views and gather for a chosen purpose as long as it’s done in a way that doesn’t violate our Terms of Service. We do not permit events, content, or creators that share or promote potentially harmful misinformation,” Eventbrite wrote in their notice of cancellation.

“In this instance, we have determined that your event violated our Community Guidelines and is therefore not permitted on the Eventbrite platform. As a result, your event listing has been removed and any paid orders have been refunded,” they continued.

Read the rest here.  The #MarchForTrump announcement is here.  Please share the announcement and links with family and friends.

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Monday, November 2, 2020

Encouragement from Sundance


Words of wisdom and encouragement from Sundance at ConservativeTreehouse:

Right now those who wish to “fundamentally change” our nation are waging a full frontal assault against our constitutional republic.  The bombardment seems overwhelming.

Leftist city and state leaders have abandoned rule of law in favor of supporting the mob effort to destroy our sense of national unity.  Political activists, left-wing ideologues under the guise of democrats, and a host of media allies are conducting an information war on behalf of their objective.  Big tech social media companies are attempting to remove the voices of those who are fighting back.

There is a great deal of purposefully driven anxiety and fear amid our nation as this multi-faceted internal war takes place.  However, there is a primary element to this effort that each person can shield themselves from, and act to counter.  Do not let your sense of self succumb to this assault.  Do not let them win the battle for your peace of mind.

It might, heck, -check that- it does seem overwhelming at times.  But that is the nature of this collectivist strategy.  That is the purpose of this bombardment.  We must hold strong and push back against their lies and manipulations.  If you look closely at their attack, it is weak and much of it is psychological bait.  Do not fall into the trap of despair.

When I share the message “live your best life”, it is not without purpose.  Every moment that we allow the onslaught to deter us from living our dreams, is a moment those who oppose our nation view as us taking a knee.  Do not allow this effort to succeed.

You might ask yourself how can I, one person, a flea looking into a furnace, retain an optimistic disposition while all around me seems chaotic and mad.

That’s the point; it ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way.  There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly.

. . .

Read more of Sundance here.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Big Tech Election Interference


The headline is scary enough: “Election interference: YouTube is suppressing videos about Joe, Hunter, and Ukraine.”  Michio Hasai provides ugly details in his posting at The NOQReport:

Good luck finding a video on YouTube that details ANYTHING other than positive spin and fake debunking of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

This news will be shocking to none of our readers. If you’ve followed us for a while, you know that we’ve documented dozens of cases of censorship and suppression on Big Tech publishers like Facebook, Twitter, Google, and their video giant YouTube, among others. We’ve also shown how they’ve all placed various “fact-check warnings” on content, including ours, even when the facts detailed in the content are beyond reproach.

The latest as well as one of the most consequential moves by YouTube as it pertains to the election is their suppression and fact-checking of videos searched for through keywords like “Hunter Biden Ukraine” and “Joe Biden Ukraine.” As far as YouTube and its unsuspecting visitors know, there’s nothing afoul with the Bidens’ suspicious and likely treacherous dealings with Burisma and the Ukrainian government. . . .

 . . .

YouTube has gone to great lengths to “fact-check” and often suppress content that runs counter to their accepted political agenda. If it could possibly hurt Democrats, they suppress. If it can hurt President Trump or Republicans, they amplify. That’s their modus operandi.

The full report is here.  We all know people who are blissfully unaware that the information they see or read is censored.  So spread the word.

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Sunday, June 28, 2020

COVID-19 panic: the agenda

There’s a political agenda with the never-ending coronavirus hype.  Sundance at Conservative Treehouse reports:

In order to support the most important political objectives of the DNC writ large in the 2020 election, COVID-19 hype is essential:
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily achieve ‘mail-in’ voting; which they desperately need in key battleground states in order to control the outcome.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot shut down rallies and political campaigning efforts of President Trump; which they desperate need to do in key battleground states.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot block the campaign contrast between an energetic President Trump and a physically tenuous, mentally compromised, challenger.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have an excuse for cancelling the DNC convention in Milwaukee; thereby protecting candidate gibberish from himself.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have a mechanism to keep voters isolated from each-other; limiting communication and national debate adverse to their interests.  COVID-19 panic pushes the national conversation into the digital space where Big Tech controls every element of the conversation.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot keep their Blue state economies easily shut-down and continue to block U.S. economic growth.  All thriving economies are against the political interests of Democrats.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily keep club candidate Joe Biden sealed in the basement; where the electorate is not exposed to visible signs of his dementia.
  • Without COVID-19 panic it becomes more difficult for Big Tech to censor voices that would outline the fraud and scheme.  With COVID-19 panic they have a better method and an excuse.
  • Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot advance, influence, or organize their preferred presidential debate format, a ‘virtual presidential debate’ series.
  • [Comrade Gretchen Whitmer knows this plan, hence she cancelled the Michigan venue]
  • All of these, and more, strategic outcomes are based on the manufactured weaponization of the COVID-19 virus to achieve a larger political objective.  There is ZERO benefit to anyone other than Democrats for the overwhelming hype surrounding COVID-19.

Read the full report here.
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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ned Ryun on “Conservatism Inc.”

Ned Ryun is a columnist and guest on TV news – and I’ve become a fan. I am posting an extract of his recent column at American Greatness, as it’s another skeptical look at “conservative” organizations that probably come looking for contributions from you by mail or email:

It’s about time we had a conversation about the racket in D.C., though it’s probably not the one that springs first to mind. I’m talking about Conservatism Inc.—that ecosystem of mostly worthless and ineffective think tanks and conservative organizations that are part and parcel of the swamp. They came riding into town, some decades ago, all gung-ho about breaking up the administrative state and restoring constitutional government and now, lo and behold, discovered that the swamp could start to feel like a warm, soothing hot tub.

By any metric with which you could measure effectiveness (simply existing doesn’t count) can anyone really tell you why Conservatism, Inc. even exists? A back of the napkin estimate shows that every year, hundreds and hundreds of millions fund these entities, but to what end?

Certainly not to be effective. Over the last 30-40 years, in the supposed heyday of the conservative movement, the size of government has exploded; our national debt has risen from roughly $1 trillion to nearly $23 trillion.

These conservative organizations likewise have grown from relatively grassroots-type groups with budgets of a few million dollars to massive entities, like the Heritage Foundation, with annual budgets approaching $100 million a year. They build swanky office buildings with marble lined bathrooms, employ French chefs, give themselves expense budgets, including even personal drivers, and generally live very comfortable lives, and then sell BS lines to their donors about how they’re changing the world, saving America, and blah blah blah.

. . .
Why do we allow people like the Kochs and the Singers of the world to be identified with conservatism or the GOP? Their bastardized version of capitalism and the free market could very well be the undoing of the party and the movement.

How have we come to this point? Greed is one explanation, with people willing to pimp themselves out and give a veneer of “conservative respectability” to causes and ideas that have almost nothing to do with conservatism.

There are many reasons for how we got here, but the great irony of it all is this: the best hope we’ve had in a generation to give ourselves a chance, Donald J. Trump, didn’t come out of the ecosystem of Conservatism, Inc. So beyond the worthless, corrupt behavior of it, will someone please explain to me why it still exists? Because if it merely exists to pimp out the ideas of Big Tech and pharma and vulture capitalists, the entire thing should be burned to the ground.

The column is here. (Our household contributes to Judicial Watch.)
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Friday, November 8, 2019

Big Tech – and now Huawei

The censorship on Facebook, Twitter, and Google is bad enough. Yesterday, Gordon Chang (a regular guest on Lou Dobbs) has somber warnings on another front -- Huawei:

China, with control of 5G, will be in a position to remotely manipulate the world's devices. In peacetime, Beijing could have the ability to drive cars off cliffs, unlock front doors, and turn off pacemakers. In war, Beijing could paralyze critical infrastructure.

There is no mystery to how Beijing thinks it will grab control.... The Chinese will use Huawei Technologies.... Huawei is a dagger aimed at the heart of America, and as the unnamed adviser... suggests, the threat is a mortal one.
. . .
"A prominent Republican who advises President Donald Trump called America's 5G strategy 'the biggest strategic disaster in U.S. history,'" wrote China-watcher David Goldman recently.

Many people will regard that as an exaggeration, but America's failure to have a 5G strategy will almost certainly prove to have historic consequences.

"5G" is shorthand for the fifth generation of wireless communication.

"In the very near future, dominating the wireless world will be tantamount to dominating the world," wrote Newt Gingrich in Newsweek in February. That is not an exaggeration.

Why not? With speeds 2,000 times faster than existing 4G networks, 5G will permit near-universal connectivity to homes, vehicles, machines, robots, and everything plugged into the Internet of Things (IoT).

Full article is here.
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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Indexing, advertising and payments: 3 threats to Free Speech

Daniel Greenfield has more on the threat to free speech, and how Big Tech censors information. At Front Page:

After the 2016 election, the claim that free speech had gone too far and needed to be controlled became widely accepted, first in the media, and then among the big dot coms who coordinated a censorship campaign with media fact checkers. The stated goal was to stamp out ‘disinformation’. And ‘disinformation’ was defined as any viewpoint that media lefties disagreed with or found disagreeable.

Fact checkers were embedded into Facebook and Google’s operations. Conservative content was censored, deranked, and pushed under corporate media content. The ‘disinformation’ pretext, which was supposed to describe foreign propaganda, was extended to apply to nearly any conservative view.
. . .

This push to suppress conservative content on Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies is an attack on indexing. People find posts, articles, and videos through search engines, these days largely a Google monopoly, and peer feeds on social media. The indexing attack has been successful with conservative sites losing traffic, and conservatives being banned on social media.

But indexing is just one prong of the attack. The others are advertising and payments.

If you’re a leftist, you don’t want people finding conservative content. Going after indexing means that the people who aren’t specifically looking for conservative content won’t find it. The idea is to turn conservative media into a ghetto. The impact on elections and national debates is obvious.
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There is much more in the full article here.
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