Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2021

Ivermectin, livestock, and Congress

So you thought ivermectin was just for livestock;  humans need to avoid it.  Yup, that’s what the FDA told us (tweet 
via Daily Kos)  :

You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it.

And now we learn from Sundance at Conservative Treehouse: 

According to Dr Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, and verified by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), 100 to 200 congressional reps and/or staff and families who contracted COVID-19 were treated with the Front Line Ivermectin protocol. 

. . .

Reader lizzie dw [October 10, 2021 9:29 am] comments:

On another note, here is a list of those exempted from being injected. (per an atty whose name I will not mention who is putting together a RICO suit)

        • USPS workers
        • all of Congress – House & Senate
        • all Congressional staff
        • 6000 White House employees
        • 2500 Pfizer employees
        • 1500 Moderna employees
        • 120,000 Johnson Johnson employees
        • 15,000 CDC employees
        • 14,000 FDA employees
        • 18 million Chinese students studying in the US of A
        • 2 million illegal invaders
        • 500,000 homeless persons

I have not checked each claimed exemption in this comment, although we KNOW the illegal invaders are not being vaxxed or even screened.  But if ANY subset of the population is exempt from getting the [mis-named] “vaccine,” then that gives the game away.  

And now Sundance reports that the Australian state of New South Wales has re-opened – BUT as an apartheid state.  Papers please!   See here.  Coming soon to a neighborhood near you. 

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Friday, October 8, 2021

Go Home, Quarantine, and Wait Till You Get Good and Sick


Selivanov at American Thinker reports:

One of the more bizarre twists in the saga of the COVID pandemic has been doctors growing increasingly frustrated and even angry with patients asking for medical treatment rather than wholesale vaccination. We have been told for almost two years that COVID is a deadly disease. Naturally, when people test positive for COVID, they want to be treated to avoid serious illness. Instead, they are sent home to quarantine, with no medical treatment until they become seriously ill.

. . .

Doctors are having none of it. Instead, they lash out at the very idea that patients should expect to be treated for COVID. They complain of being imposed upon by people who refuse to be vaccinated, overlooking the fact that even the vaccinated have become seriously ill or died of COVID or one of the many variants that have emerged since mass vaccination began. Doctors are not supposed to hurt us—yet I can’t think of anything more hurtful than telling people who test positive for COVID to go home and wait to see how sick they will get, then getting angry at those same people when they ask for a treatment that might prevent them getting sick at all.

Our household has experienced a physician’s unwillingness to prescribe therapeutics such as ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and zinc prior to admittance into a hospital, by which time it’s often too late.  America's Frontline Doctors or Pushhealth are still offering help online, but for how long before they get cancelled and de-platformed?  

Full article at American Thinker is here

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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Mark Steyn: "not a serious country"


Mark Steyn is my favorite author and columnist.  I used to enjoy his appearances on Fox News, but since I crossed Fox off my list many months ago, I have to be satisfied with his written commentary.  Yesterday, his commentary was decidedly pessimistic, but I could not see where he was getting it wrong.  Here are some excerpts:

. . .

The biggest-selling book with American conservatives right now argues that the answer to all of the above [litany of government-caused problems] is "constitutionalism". On the other hand, the radio host Jesse Kelly says:

We're not a serious country and we're not a country that will be around much longer.

I incline to the latter view myself.  At this point, conservative complaceniks tend to trot out Adam Smith: "There is a great deal of ruin in a nation." But not this much - not Covid lockdowns and open borders, Afghan "translators" and Haitian "refugees", Big Tech and Big Trans, BLM and CRT, ID for the IHOP but not for the voting booth, China as America's manufacturer and America's loan shark...

. . .

To go back to that Jesse Kelly line, "we're not a serious country": A nation where a pasty privileged pajama boy can demand the ruination of his professor because he traumatized the class by making them watch a Laurence Olivier performance is too unserious to survive, and doesn't deserve to.

If the Constitution is the bulwark against madness, then it has already failed; if "capitalism" is the bulwark against express-elevator descent into full-blown madness, the only thing holding that up is the chimera of the US dollar's status as global currency.

. . .

"Land of the free and the home of the brave"? Both are conspicuous by their absence.

The full column is here.  Grim, but highly recommended.

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Sunday, October 3, 2021

Weaponized Medicine


JD Rucker has been publishing Dr Joseph Mercola’s updates on the mandates and “guidelines” on COVID-19, and Dr. Mercola's updates are perpetually at risk of being censored (see here and here).  Here’s the beginning of today’s offering:

Editor’s [JD Rucker’s] Commentary: When this story first crossed my desk, I almost didn’t publish it. Dr. Mercola will often revisit topics that we’ve already discussed, and while his insights are invariably better than mine, I initially thought this particular topic was well saturated.

I was wrong for two reasons, which is why you’re reading this right now. First, there is no such thing as an important topic regarding Covid-19 being “oversaturated” because mainstream media is flooding the zone with propaganda. How could a story like this be overdone compared to all the massive lies that are being told to the masses every minute of every day? I realized the error of my thinking and I blame a temporary lapse in judgment.

The second reason, as I learned when I read it, is that the Project Veritas video may be a bit long in the tooth for the mercurial news cycle, but Dr. Mercola’s perspectives tie it all together with current events. Again, silly of me to think otherwise and almost pass on this fabulous article!

In short, I almost messed up and deprived our audience of this important piece. But just in the nick of time, I grabbed it in the 48-window Dr. Mercola allows for his articles to be published. Here it is…

Medical Mafia is Sinking the Healthcare System


    • Jodi O’Malley, a registered nurse who works for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Indian Health Services branch in Phoenix, Arizona, is blowing the whistle on COVID jab injuries
    • A DHHS emergency room physician admits no one is reporting COVID jab injuries, even though it’s required for emergency use medications
    • According to media reports, unvaccinated COVID patients are causing health care systems to be overwhelmed. Health care systems in Idaho, Alaska and Montana have started rationing health care based on probability of survival
    • What many media outlets are not addressing is that medical resources are under strain due to the enormous numbers of trained medical staff either resigning or getting fired for refusing the COVID jab
    • Public health data are being massively manipulated and then wielded as a weapon to justify egregious power grabs and governmental overreaches. In the process, the medical profession has been pushed to the edge of a moral void where patients are viewed as disposable based on their medical choices

Read Dr. Mercola’s article here. 

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Saturday, October 2, 2021

A Glimmer of Hope


Patriot Post meme via PowerLine

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse is always a step ahead of everyone else. Here’s a chunk from his weekend column:

Andrew Breitbart famously said that politics was downstream from pop culture.  Andrew’s ability to engage any audience that generally didn’t care about politics, while displaying the Machiavellian manipulators in a way that was brutally effective, made him an enemy to those who avoid sunlight.

What we are seeing amid college football games, and recently any venue where a large audience is assembling, is really quite remarkable.  The cultural shift within the modern political sphere was triggered by Donald Trump; his election was the biggest middle finger to the elites, and ultimately the scale of his support amid a global population that was disenfranchised is why they needed to eliminate him.

The leftist Marxist’s have power.  However, their unquenchable lust for power, specifically showcased in their COVID-19 reaction, has put them in a place where they are in power but losing the cultural argument.

Free people can only tolerate and internalize so much frustration before it starts to come out. Specifically, because frustration is now palpable anger, the sense that screams freedom has become snarky, raw, unapologetic and now often vulgar.

Yeah, it’s a weird thing to find alignment with vulgarity, but when your life and liberty is on the line… well, you fight like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark – and you appreciate anyone that stands beside you.

If  “F**k Joe Biden” bothers you, don’t watch this [video] . . .

I didn’t watch the video, but I am certainly following the phenomenon.  Full article with video is here.

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Friday, October 1, 2021

Louie Gohmert: ivermectin is safe and effective


Congressman Louie Gohmert(R-TX) explained why the deliberate campaign to smear ivermectin as an effective treatment of COVID-19 is a “crime against humanity.” Below is most of his op-ed at American Greatness:

Just as we saw with hydroxychloroquine last summer, government alphabet agencies, the medical industrial complex, and their willing accomplices in the media have recently made it clear that there is yet another safe, effective treatment for COVID-19 they wish to torpedo. It’s the latest naughty word which will get you censored on social media and mocked and belittled by late-night “comedians”: ivermectin.

While ivermectin has been used by certain brave doctors around the world to treat COVID-19 for over a year now, it only recently became the target of a multi-pronged attack, with the U.S. government, the media, and Big Pharma all playing important roles in the deadly dystopian disinformation campaign against the drug. As more Americans became aware of ivermectin’s efficacy against COVID-19, like clockwork the government and its propaganda arm in the press jumped in to discredit it, referring to the drug snidely as a “horse dewormer.” 

We watched the FDA embarrass itself with its ridiculing tweet telling people “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it,” while linking to an agency article on why people should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent the China Virus. We saw Rolling Stone magazine forced to admit that its recent story about Oklahoma hospitals being overwhelmed by patients who overdosed on ivermectin was completely false. 

Pharmaceutical company Merck, which produces ivermectin, discredited its use for COVID by irresponsibly stating, “We do not believe that the data available support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin beyond the doses and populations indicated in the regulatory agency-approved prescribing information.” It is worth noting that Merck and Pfizer are developing their own oral antivirals that would directly compete with the cheap and effective ivermectin. These antivirals, unlike ivermectin, would be patented, creating the potential for pharmaceutical companies to rake in billions of dollars from their use.

What the globalist elites and the medical establishment won’t tell you is that those who discovered ivermectin and its use to treat parasitic diseases won a Nobel Prize in 2015—it was the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine’s only award for treatments of infectious diseases in six decades. 

Almost 4 billion doses of ivermectin have been prescribed for humans, not horses, over the past 40 years. In fact, the CDC recommends all refugees coming to the U.S. from the Middle East, Asia, North Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean receive this so-called dangerous horse medicine as a preemptive therapy. Ivermectin is considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be an “essential medicine.” The Department of Homeland Security’s “quick reference” tool on COVID-19 mentioned how this life-saving drug reduced viral shedding duration in a clinical trial. 

. . .   

Critics argue that ivermectin hasn’t been approved for use in the fight against COVID-19 and therefore should not be prescribed to patients. Doctors, however, often prescribe drugs to help patients that aren’t necessarily approved for their particular ailments—it’s called “off-label” prescription and according to the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, 10-20 percent of all prescriptions are prescribed in this fashion.

Make no mistake, the evil, deadly, coordinated globalist attacks we are currently witnessing on ivermectin will go down in history as a vicious crime against humanity; a grievous public health policy error that can only be explained by following the money. Many top doctors agree that hundreds of thousands of American lives could have been saved had early treatment protocols such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine not been so maliciously vilified by authority figures, some pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare providers who just so happen to have financial incentives to suppress the truth about these cheap, effective drugs. 

Full column is here.

And for corroboration, click here for Justus R. Hope, MD’s detailed examination (at TheDesertReview) of the fake news media doing their best to hide the success of ivermectin in Uttar Pradesh, India. 

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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Censorship on steroids at YouTube


This blog has linked many times to JD Rucker at NOQ and at Liberty Daily.  We’ve included commentary by Dr Joseph Mercola on controversial claims concerning vaccines.  Now Mr. Rucker reports that “YouTube Goes Full Vaxx-Nanny, Bans Huge Accounts that Posted the Truth About the Jabs,” and Dr Mercola is one of the censored accounts:

YouTube, the video site owned by Google parent company Alphabet, changed their terms of service this morning to go after “disinformation” regarding the Covid-19 injections. They removed countless videos and banned several prominent accounts.

Dr. Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr were among the account owners who learned this morning that they are no longer welcome on the “platform.” Their accounts are gone.

After an extract from the corrupt Washington Post deploring medical sources of “misinformation,"

Dr. Mercola responded to the move:

The world is becoming increasingly aware of the rampant corruption in the media, and are rising up against tyrannical government and the pharmaceutical industry that are coordinating this assault on our freedom and civil rights. Anyone who asks question or challenges the hard sell is immediately censored on social media. State government and employees, health care workers and emergency responders, face loss of their jobs for refusing the vaccine.

In other words, here we are in the Police States of America. Mr. Rucker has more to say here. 

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At Last, An American Sports Team To Be Proud Of


images from the linked article

The Blue State Conservative blogsite pops up occasionally on my searches.  Monday’s column by P.F. Whalen -- "At Last, An American Sports Team To Be Proud Of" -- caught my eye.  Here’s his feel-good conclusion:  

Even if you don’t enjoy golf, if you missed this weekend’s Ryder Cup competition you missed a marvelous spectacle, and you missed an opportunity to observe true American greatness. We had a great bunch of young men play their hearts out and win the coveted Ryder Cup for their country. We witnessed fans chanting “USA, USA,” and players urging on those chants. There was no kneeling or turning their backs on their flag, like we saw certain Olympians do. There was no one casting shame on our country or pointing out how bad we are for things that happened 156 years ago.  There was fist-raising, but it wasn’t in protest, it was in jubilation.

There is much about modern American athletics to be disgusted by. The NBA’s coddling of their gravy train known as China. The NFL’s promotion of having two separate national anthems based on your melanin levels. And MLB’s kowtowing to ridiculous leftist opposition to improving election integrity. And many of the athletes in those sports don’t just accept the nonsense, they propel it. But our 2021 Ryder Cup Team gave us an opportunity to forget about those absurdities and focus on America as it should be. Unified, happy, and unparalleled. God bless the 2021 U.S. Ryder Cup Team.

Full article is here.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

One Option: Do Not Comply


Hannah Cox at FEE (Foundation for Economic Education) has an encouraging story on how Americans can resist and choose not to comply with police-state directives:

4 Ways Americans Are Fighting Back Against Anti-Science COVID Restrictions

What’s more American than apple pie? Civil disobedience.

In the US, it would be easy to believe the vast majority of people are in lockstep with the government’s pandemic policies. Networks are aflush with headlines claiming their polls show a majority of Americans support policies like masks and vaccine mandates, and detractors are painted as fringe.

Every good politico knows that, with the right framing, you can get a poll to say anything you want it to. But aside from the unreliable nature of the polls and headlines dominating our airwaves, there is another problem with the media’s reporting: they never seem to elevate stories that tell a counter narrative.

One doesn’t have to look far to find examples of Americans who have simply had enough of the anti-scientific and unconstitutional COVID mandates. We know, and have known for over a year, that the majority of masks in use provide little benefit in warding off the coronavirus. Additionally, studies have shown that mask mandates failed to reduce COVID deaths, hospitalizations, or even cases. And on top of all of that, we consistently see the same leaders who push these unscientific mandates on the rest of us flout the rules whenever it suits their fancy—like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the Met Gala or San Francisco Mayor London Breed partying at a local jazz club.

Vaccine mandates present similar problems. Besides being flagrantly unconstitutional and a violation of bodily autonomy, these mandates ignore the natural immunity that millions of people have built up.

The rules only get sillier and more nonsensical from there. . . .

Read the full article here.  

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Monday, September 27, 2021

COVID: 30 Facts You Need To Know


Mark Wauck at MeaningInHistory has a summary via ZeroHedge and The Off Guardian:

Covid: 30 Facts You Need To Know

The piece under the above title appeared at The Off-Guardian and is gaining attention. I’m mostly pasting in the 30 points, but under each point at the original (or at Zerohedge, if you like the formatting better) there is a short exposition. Mostly I don’t include the explanation—with relevant links. In some cases I add content. You can scan the content here, decide whether to read the entire original, or selectively look up certain topics.


1. The survival rate of “Covid” is over 99%. Government medical experts went out of their way to underline, from the beginning of the pandemic, that the vast majority of the population are not in any danger from Covid.

[Yes, he really said that, and it seems he was right—the numbers bear him out. Do you think he was just mouthing off without having a clue what he was talking about? No, he was repeating what scientists all knew when this first started. The[n] The Memo came out that changed the narrative … ]

2. There has been NO unusual excess mortality.

3. “Covid death” counts are artificially inflated. Countries around the globe have been defining a “Covid death” as a “death by any cause within 28/30/60 days of a positive test”.

4. The vast majority of covid deaths have serious comorbidities. In March 2020, the Italian government published statistics showing 99.2% of their “Covid deaths” had at least one serious comorbidity.

These included cancer, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure and diabetes (among others). Over 50% of them had three or more serious pre-existing conditions.

This pattern has held up in all other countries over the course of the “pandemic”. An October 2020 FOIA request to the UK’s ONS revealed less than 10% of the official “Covid death” count at that time had Covid as the sole cause of death.

The other 26 points are here.  It’s a handy and reasonably comprehensive overview - especially good to have at hand when your well-meaning friends and family try to persuade you to get the "vaccine."

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Saturday, September 25, 2021

Physician’s Declaration on COVID-19


cartoon by Gary Markstein

Richard Moorhead at BigLeaguePolitics reports:

3,000 Physicians, Scientists Sign Declaration
Accusing Governments of “Crimes Against Humanity”
Through Covid Regime 

More than 3,000 physicians and scientists have signed onto a ‘Physician’s Declaration’ fiercely criticizing governments and societal institutions for restricting genuine debate and discussion on mitigating and treating the coronavirus as of Friday evening.

The declaration was pioneered by Dr. Robert W. Malone, a scientist credited with inventing the mRNA vaccine technology utilized in the developing coronavirus vaccines. Dr. Malone had hosted a three-day Global Covid Summit in Rome, Italy, comparing experiences with other medical and scientific professionals in the coronavirus pandemic and criticizing authoritarian responses to the disease on the part of world governments.

The Physicians’ Declaration website profiles some of the accomplished medical and scientific professionals who have added their voices to the document.

Click here for the text of the Declaration.  Among the signatories are three doctors we have cited previously on this blog -- Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche.

For the “I Am Spartacus” open letter about COVID-19, outlining medical facts, government-peddled misinformation and propaganda, and objectives behind all that propaganda, click here (it is VERY long, and I’ve gotten only as far as page 5).  And it has endnotes with links galore.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

NIH Study Concludes Ivermectin Works!


Good news.  Timothy Shea at magainstitute.com reports:

NIH Study Concludes Ivermectin Works!

Because we’ve come to expect nothing but cover-ups and anti-science diktats from NIH and its subdivisions, NIH has published on its website and article in the July-August issue of the American Journal of Therapeutics that concluded that “large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin.”

The study authors continued, “Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.”

Of course, those of us who have been listening to tip-of-the-spear doctors with integrity—like Dr Bryan Ardis, Dr Richard Bartlett, Dr Eric Nepute, and America’s Frontline Doctors and others—knew this months ago, but it’s nice to know that Medicine, Inc. is FINALLY admitting the truth.

. . .

Better late than never.  Read the rest of the report here.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Melbourne Tinderbox and Why Americans Should Pay Attention

photo credit: theaustralian.com

As usual, Sundance is on the story while most of the media lag behind.  I am posting an extract from his report, and click here for the full story, with photographs.  Also, check out the comments below the report.  From Conservative Treehouse:

The Melbourne Tinderbox and Why Americans Should Pay Attention

An inflection point has been reached in Australia with the government COVID-19 lockdowns, forced vaccinations and now, vaccine passports. What is happening today in the state of Victoria, specifically the Melbourne metropolitan area, is an outcome of more than a year of heavy-handed government rules and regulations deaf to the voices of the average man, woman or family. There is a middle class & blue-collar backlash taking place, and Americans would be wise to pay attention.

Things recently came to a head when the Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, began outlining the rules and regulations for opening society back up after almost a year of total lockdown. The always futile attempt to block the COVID-19 virus through a policy known as “COVID-ZERO” was abandoned. The new approach is to open up society and the economy by forcing everyone to take the vaccine, and then allowing only the vaccinated to participate in the economy as varying percentages of the population are double-vaxxed, and admittedly, later, booster-vaxxed.

Vaccination passports will be required to work, shop, attend events and essentially live in the New World Order Premier Andrews has created for the citizens of Victoria. The day after Andrews outlined the new rules – the working class, who have been locked down and compliant to this point, finally had enough.

. . .

The vaccination passport methods, processes and procedures being tested right now in Australia are soon to arrive in the United States. Electronic check-ins and QR codes deployed to track the movements of vaxxed and unvaxxed are being tested right now in almost all states in Australia. We The People in America are only a few weeks or months away from having to make the same decisions that middle-class Victorian workers are faced with right now. This is why you should pay attention to what is happening there.

The population of Australia (26 million) is small by comparison to the U.S. (350+ million), and as a result, the dynamic will be exponentially more explosive when it arrives here.

Socially, Americans are more geographically spread out than Australia, as most of their major population centers circle the coastline. Factually, the population of Florida or Texas is essentially equivalent to the entire population of Australia. The economy of the U.S. is also substantially larger and more diverse than down-under. However, those points only emphasize how significantly more explosive the same scenarios may become when the Biden regime attempts to follow the oppressive process now being witnessed in the Melbourne region.

Here again is the link to the full report.  

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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Medicine Politicized


Following up on yesterday’s blog (see here), Mark Wauck at Meaning in History reports on “Boycotting the Mandates.”  He is looking at the damage done by politicians to the medical profession, and he quotes a physician who is probably risking her license to speak out:

“We are being pressured to vaccinate, and we see the large number of Vaccine complications in our ICU’s and ER’s that are going unreported. Doctors are afraid to report all of these vaccine complications even though we are clearly seeing them,” said Dr. Mollie James, an ICU (Intensive Care Unit) Doctor in New York City.

“The serious risks of complications are coming from those with natural immunity who then receive the vaccine or boosters, and frontline doctors and nurses have natural immunity after a year of fighting COVID and being exposed. These vaccine complication risks coming from an unwise mandate are serious, and include increased risks of stroke, heart attack, and death.”

. . .

“I would estimate 30% of the ICU patients in NYC are from vaccine complications but nobody wants to talk about that. They get coded as something else or they will ignore the fact an otherwise healthy person had a heart attack or stroke within 48 hours of receiving the vaccine,” Dr. James said. “I have seen vaccine complications in the general public, and even among healthcare providers. This is a serious problem and it’s only getting worse, and these mandates will make it much worse, but we won’t have the data to deal with it because of politics.”

. . .

“Never in my lifetime have I seen medicine so politicized, where individual treatments are banned because of who is promoting them. It’s a scary time to be a healthcare professional, and the public needs to know how bad things are getting. Your healthcare is being guided by political demands, not by what will lead to the best individual healthcare outcomes,” Dr. James said.

. . .

“These mandates are not scientific, they are not ethical, and they are not needed. We need Doctors to direct these policies to overcome COVID, not lying politicians like Biden who are going to make this crisis much worse.”

Read the full report here. 

In the last couple of days, I had three opportunities to object to wearing a mask.  One was at the dentist’s office, one was the polling place where I went to vote, and one was on an Uber trip with masks required.  In each case, I was not denied access.  

Anyone can obtain test kits to diagnose COVID at home, anyone can legally obtain prescriptions for treatment, and of course you can get zinc supplements over-the-counter. 

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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Another casualty of COVID: The Medical Profession


In a column “I Will Never Trust Another Doctor” for American Thinker, Randi Pinkerton begins:

It happened again yesterday, twice.  Reading through comments on a blog post I found this: "I will never trust another doctor again."  I long ago lost count of the number of times I have seen that written.

You hear it, too.  In private conversations with people they trust, American citizens are heaping contempt on doctors for forcing a narrative on us that had no basis in science.  Many of us, perhaps even the majority, immediately recognized this virus for what it is: a common flu virus maybe engineered to be more contagious if not more fatal but hardly differing substantially from other influenza strains.  We have lived with seasonal flu all our lives.  We saw no reason to fear it until the medical community, and Anthony Fauci specifically, started telling lies. 

And once the lies started, they never stopped.  . . .  this scam has been one continual government operation.  It was exploited to allow for the theft of the 2020 election by means of mail-in ballots.  Having accomplished that, its purpose now is to keep the knee of government firmly on the population's neck. 

Well, that's pretty much how I see it.  Read the rest here. 

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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Exemptions to the vaccine mandate!


Are the vaccine mandates about public health or politics?  That’s an easy one.  Here’s the report from Darragh Roche at Newsweek:

President Joe Biden's new vaccine mandates for federal employees don't apply to members of Congress or those who work for Congress or the federal court system.

Biden issued two executive orders on Thursday requiring vaccination against COVID for federal workers and contractors who work for the federal government. He also asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency order requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested on a weekly basis.

However, Biden's order on federal workers applies to employees of the executive branch. The House of Representatives and the Senate belong to the separate legislative branch, and the courts to the judicial branch of the federal government.

Read the rest here.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Playhouse Square will require theatergoers to be fully vaccinated or test negative for COVID


At cleveland.com: "Playhouse Square will require theatergoers to be fully vaccinated or test negative for COVID":

Theatergoers will have to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or show proof of a recent negative test in order to attend shows at Playhouse Square. The new policy, issued on top of the existing mask mandate for all audience members regardless of vaccination status, goes into effect on September 30.

“From the momentum we have created with the successful run of ‘The Choir of Man,’ we are building toward full-capacity performances for the return of Broadway, our beloved resident companies, concerts and comedy shows,” said Playhouse Square President & CEO Gina Vernaci in a press release. “We are all eager to enjoy live performances together again; the vaccination requirement being enacted by Playhouse Square and venues across the country enables us to maintain our forward motion responsibly.”

The new protocols are similar to the measures currently being enforced on Broadway in New York City. The Cleveland Orchestra and Cleveland Pops Orchestra announced the same requirements starting on Sept. 15. . . .

Key phrase: “measures currently being enforced.” Full report is here. 

Will you comply?  Where do you draw your line?  Our household has tickets for performances postponed in 2020 because of the lockdowns.  We will be turning in those tickets for a tax credit.

Is it responsible to require proof of having had a dangerous experimental gene therapyinjection in order to be seated?  Showing proof of a negative test for COVID essentially validates rules that do not follow science and are merely political theater.  Sad.  And scary.  And it’s here in Cleveland.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Your COVID-19 vaccine mandate updates


Andrea Widburg, a/k/a Bookworm Room, has an report at American Thinker --   “Australia proves why socialized medicine is so dangerous.” Here’s an extract:

Australia didn't slowly turn into a totalitarian nation.  It became one overnight, thanks to the people's willingness to accept their governments' hysterical reaction to COVID.  We've all watched in horror as a once free country now confines people to their homes, forces injections on their children, turns unmasked people into "most wanted" outlaws, shoots dogs, and prepares to track people's every movement with apps backed by police power.  The latest craziness in Victoria is to deny health care to people who resist getting the vaccination.

As a preliminary point to any discussion about vaccine mandates, it's incumbent upon me to note that Israel, the most heavily vaccinated country in the world, is being overwhelmed by the delta variant and has the highest infection rate in the world.  Last week, the country said people needed a third shot.  This week, it's saying that people must take a fourth shot and, indeed, must be perpetually vaccinated to survive COVID mutations.

It's easy to liken the vaccination to a flu shot, but it's actually worse than a flu shot.  The annual flu shot gives people some immunity against the annual flu, which is a slightly different virus every time.  Getting a flu shot in one year does not have any effect on your resistance or vulnerability to the flu in subsequent years.  However, it seems that the COVID vaccines increase people's vulnerabilities to future COVID variants.  Thanks to the vaccine, they're on an endless treadmill of booster shots, all of which come with an unusually high number of severe side-effects.  (The AP challenges the claim that COVID shots actually make people more vulnerable to variants, but it's worth noting that the research results the AP cites don't recognize the facts on the ground in Israel.)

Suffice it to say that the vaccine remains a contentious matter, with many people legitimately fearing that not only won't it prevent COVID, but it may worsen their vulnerability. . . .

Read the rest here.  And mandatory vaccines are already in our backyard.  Dr. Joseph Mercola reports at NOQ (“The Great Reset Demands Firing All Unvaccinated Employees”):

Even before the FDA announced their approval of the Pfizer vaccine, Cincinnati, Ohio, area hospital systems had announced that starting October 1, 2021, all health care workers and volunteers are required to be vaccinated. Among those participating in the vaccine mandate are the University of Cincinnati Health, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the Christ Hospital Health Network.

Health care workers in Cincinnati have now filed a lawsuit against six of the hospital systems saying requiring vaccines for employment is unlawful and violates workers’ Constitutional rights. The lawsuit says, “When there was no vaccine, the workers had to go to work. They were heroes. Now that there is a vaccine, they have to get the vaccine or be fired. Now they are ‘zeros.’”

April Hoskins is a lab assistant at St. Elizabeth Edgewood who has worked for 20 years in family practice and hospital oncology. She told a reporter from WLWT5,42 “You’ve trusted us this whole time to take care of these patients, unvaccinated, without the proper PPE. And now out of nowhere, you have to get it or you’re going to be terminated? Like, something is wrong with that picture.”

The rest of Dr. Mercola’s article – including footnoted sources for the above extract – is here.

More from Sundance:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is continually under blistering attack from those who exploit the politics of COVID-19 without regard for health or safety.  However, as you will see below in comments delivered today by DeSantis and previous (non-criticized) opinion from the U.K. Vaccinologist in Great Britain, Sir Andrew Pollard, what the Florida governor is doing is EXACTLY what the Director of the U.K. Oxford Vaccine Group has recommended for all world leaders.

Evidence around the world is showing that vaccination will not stop the spread of COVID-19, and it will, as a result of a vaccinated approach, continually mutate into ever-changing variants.

Vaccinated persons and non-vaccinated persons can equally be exposed, equally be infected, and equally carry the virus and all the variants therein.  Thus the value of making a distinction between vaccinated and non-vaccinated persons, as determined by any policy that requires proof of vaccine, is -in fact- futile.  Vaccine passports are an exercise in manipulative political theater.

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Friday, September 3, 2021

The AMA doesn’t want you to take ivermectin for COVID


The American Medical Association parades its corruption: “AMA Calls for the Immediate End to Use of Ivermectin.”  Well, there is no money in it for the FDC or the NIH or the CDC.  Ivermectin is readily available – and in dosages for humans as opposed to the scare headlines about its use to fight off parasites in livestock.   Peter Sullivan at The Hill:

The American Medical Association (AMA) is calling for the "immediate end" to the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19, and for doctors to stop prescribing it for that purpose, amid a spike in the use of the drug. 

Ivermectin, often used as a deworming agent in animals and sometimes for humans, is not approved to treat COVID-19 and has not been shown to work for that purpose. Poison control centers have recorded a five-fold increase in calls related to ivermectin, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  

The AMA, the country's largest doctors group, is now joining in warning against use of the drug, joining the Food and Drug Administration and the CDC.  

"We are alarmed by reports that outpatient prescribing for and dispensing of ivermectin have increased 24-fold since before the pandemic and increased exponentially over the past few months," the AMA said in a statement, joined by the American Pharmacists Association and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. "As such, we are calling for an immediate end to the prescribing, dispensing, and use of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 outside of a clinical trial." 

. . .

Experts say that instead of risking the use of unproven drugs, people should get vaccinated.

This is rich.  Click here for the CDC government website’s guidelines for overseas immigrants coming to the US.  What’s on the list of medications recommended to immigrants coming from certain areas?  Ivermectin. 

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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

COVID propaganda is killing us


Molly McCann cuts through the propaganda fog at TheFederalist. Here’s the opening section:

Pretending COVID Is An Emergency Is Killing America

There is no justification for the continued suspension of the American form of self-government that secures all our individual rights and liberties.

The Western world is living a massive COVID lie. That lie is strangling the life out of liberty, and it will destroy our constitutional order if we do not end this horrifying charade.

A recent article in The Guardian discussing France’s vaccine passport unconsciously provides the perfect example. It describes the Great Plague that struck Marseille in 1720 (the final contortion of the Black Death), noting that it “kill[ed] more than half of the city’s population.”

“[S]truggl[ing] to find a delicate balance between halting the spread of the disease and damaging vital commerce,” the city authorities, The Guardian tells us, ordered travelers “to carry a ‘bill of health’ and ships arriving at the Mediterranean port underwent a 40-day cordon sanitaire or quarantine.”

“Three hundred years on,” The Guardian seriously intones, “President Emmanuel Macron is walking an equally tricky tightrope . . .” Hopefully, you spotted the glaring problem with this comparison. In 1720, the Great Plague in Marseille killed more than half the city’s population.

We have gotten to the point in this “pandemic” where government leaders and a worryingly high percentage of the American people are acting like COVID is a crisis on par with Marseille’s Great Plague. We have been buried in facts, figures, mountains of data, constantly shifting information, misinformation, and more. We are relentlessly briefed by the media about rising infection rates or the current capacity of local ICUs.

But cut through it all and ask — how many Americans are dying? According to Johns Hopkins, the fatality rate of COVID in the United States is 1.7 percent, which means that 98.3 percent survive. That takes into account all deaths, including people who had underlying conditions and the elderly. Excluding those who are obviously high-risk, the survival rate is close to 100 percent.

. . .

Read the rest here.

RELATED:  Dr. Joseph Mercola at BasedUnderground reports ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Is a Lie: 60% of Those Older Than 50 Who Die From COVID Are Double Vaxxed.

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