Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Sundance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sundance. Show all posts

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Ceding America's sovereignty: serious developments

It’s worse than I thought.  Yesterday, I read about the upcoming World Health Organization (WHO) conference starting on May 22 in Switzerland. Two Mikes at Freedom First Network were reporting that the White House occupant, Joe Biden, would be surrendering all American sovereignty to the World Health Organization and the UN at that conference:

There they will, with . . . other nations, sign away the sovereignty of the United States on a WHO Treaty that will allow the WHO, when it declares a medical emergency, to take over all control of all health-related operations in the United States and give orders to the U.S. governments about how they will handle the American people.

It’s one of those reports that makes you start looking for corroborating reports – while hoping this news can’t be true. 

Today, I found two more reports that provide that corroboration.  One is Neil Oliver at Conservative Treehouse:

It is worth remembering that President Donald Trump insisted on divorce from the WHO – on the grounds that it was too close to China, only for President Biden to remarry them again in 2021. All of that is history, however. In a matter of days, the World Health Assembly will meet in Geneva for a vote on the treaty. The target date for final ratification is in May 2024, but by then the power grab will have long been completed.

Amendments written into the proposed treaty by the re-enamored Biden administration will see 194 nations cede sovereignty over national health care decisions to the WHO. The WHO would thereby have decision-making power over and above our own government – and every other government.

Read the rest here.  In addition, JD Rucker expands on the context at NOQ, and his analysis alludes to the collaboration between the WHO and the World Economic Forum (WEF):

When news broke yesterday that the globalists at the World Economic Forum expected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to attend their annual Davos conference, most conservative news outlets pounced on the notion that he’s going to be wasting his time with his buddy, Klaus Schwab, instead of focusing on bringing peace to his nation and protecting his people.

This is a valid argument, though one that has been made every time Zelensky appears to be doing something other than focusing on the war efforts. What seems to have gotten lost in all of this is that Zelensky is almost certainly going to be positioned as not just a victim, but also a potential leader to spearhead the stated purposes of this year’s meeting: Advancing the world toward The Great Reset, ending capitalism, and subverting Western domination over the world.

Read the rest of Mr. Rucker’s analysis here.

Yes, it sounds like tin hat stuff, but the sources I’ve linked to are not crazy conspiracy theorist types.  Neil Oliver, Sundance at Treehouse, and J D Rucker do lots of research and apply critical thinking before posting or taping.  Speaking for myself, I’ve had to re-read all these reports before posting. 

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Friday, April 22, 2022

America: out of order


As usual, Victor Davis Hanson nails it.  From American Greatness:

What explains an America that suddenly no longer works? 

First, all of these problems are self-induced. They did not exist until Biden [I would assume that when he refers to “Biden,” VDH means “the Biden Administration.”] birthed them for ideological or political reasons. Apparently, his administration wanted a changing, more favorable electorate and demography at any cost. 

. . .

Second, Biden has no solutions to these self-created problems because of the ideological restraints the Left has imposed on him.

The administration fears the anger of the hard Left more than the furor of the American people. So it will not change, preferring to be politically correct and a failure than to be ideologically incorrect and successful. 

Third, when people object, this administration answers either by blaming others for its self-created mess or by seeking distractions. Now it is faulting gun owners for the crime wave it fostered, supposed “white supremacists” for the racial tensions it fanned, and Putin, whom it appeased.

The common denominator? Biden knows that he inherited a stable, prosperous America and has nearly ruined it. 

Read VDH’s full column here.  But where is the good news?  Sundance at Conservative Treehouse sums up some encouraging and significant push-backs:

[A] more assertive, deliberate, strategic and determined MAGA movement is being noticed everywhere.  There are new combat rules in response to the leftist onslaught toward our children.  . . .

Leftist favorite Netflix, is hemorrhaging users and just lost 30% of its value.  Spotify just refused to renew the leftist idols, the Obamas.  The ultra-leftist Disney Corp just lost their special district status in Orlando, and leftist Twitter is on the verge of a hostile ‘free speech’ takeover by Elon Musk.

. . .

Click here for more.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

You can't make this up

 As Sundance reported:

During Speech to Blame Vladimir Putin for Massive Inflation, 
Bird Poops on Joe Biden

It's only 12 seconds long.  I blame Trump. 
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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Brandon Straka, conservative values, and red pills


Mr. Straka

The Jeff Dornik Show at FreedomFirstNetwork hosted an interview with “Walk Away” founder Brandon Straka.  Mr. Straka has been hounded for over a year by the FBI for being present at the January 6 protest in DC. 

Why Did Conservative Inc Turn Their Back
on Brandon Straka and Walk Away?

Brandon Straka has created a lot of enemies for all the right reasons. Despite standing on the east side of the Capitol Building on January 6th for only eight minutes, the FBI targeted him and has attempted to self-admittedly make an example of him by punishing him to nth degree.

He’s been an effective force to be reckoned with in leading the charge to red-pill Democrats to leave their party after launching Walk Away, which makes him a primary target of the establishment. This has turned into a massive movement that has seen results in Democrats realizing their party does not represent their values.

Mr. Straka pulls back the curtain on the GOP elite -- the Republicans who do not stand for conservative values.  The RINOs.  Jeff Dornik continues:

Most conservative influencers and politicians talk a big game. They create viral videos ranting and raving about how they’ll never compromise and they are willing to take on the system to defend the truth, our country and the Constitution. But, when push comes to shove and the going gets tough, they are nowhere to be seen.

Some of it is simply just a lack of spine. These influencers care more about their social media following and their paychecks than actually doing what’s right.

But there’s another angle to this, and that’s the fact that the Republican Party is actively working against the true conservative and MAGA Movement. There’s a huge group of supposed conservatives that are entrenched and owned by The Swamp.

These are the swamp dwellers that Sundance at Conservative Treehouse labels as the “R” wing of the Uniparty vulture.  Sundance recently posted one of his Uniparty updates, this one on the upcoming annual RINO / DeceptiCon conference at Sea Island this weekend;  click here for more. 

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Friday, March 4, 2022

Mark Steyn on Russia's invasion of Ukraine


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has posted a few scary observations on what we are witnessing overseas.  Today, he links to a video of Mark Steyn’s GB broadcast, with this intro:

The first white horse, pestilence (virus); the second red horse, war (Ukraine); the third black horse, famine (fertilizer shortage); and the final horse, death.

Stunningly, in this monologue Mark Steyn takes a tour reminding viewers of the past two years of western government action, while connecting the corporate mandates from the World Economic Forum.  That outline is brave considering the mention of the totalitarian shift amid New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Europe and the United States when attached to the WEF is normally a third rail of discussion.

However, Steyn doesn’t stop at pointing out the hypocrisy of the collective west in their current drumbeat against Vladimir Putin; instead, he takes the last few years, puts in a deep breath, and then connects it… to the world’s most popular history book.

Followed by the video.  Steyn's take-away is that Putin is invading Ukraine to destroy . . . America and the west.  After the video, Sundance offers his conclusions; click here.  

RELATED:  Brandon Smith at NOQ on an imminent false flag cyber attack; click here

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Friday, February 18, 2022

Here comes the American truckers' People's Convoy UPDATED


Image via Bizpacreview

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton reports at BizPacReview:

As an American “People’s Convoy” takes shape following in the footsteps of Canadian truckers, a political action committee has partnered with truck convoys across the nation to travel to Washington, DC in protest of COVID mandates and overreach by the federal government.

The Great American Patriot Project sent out an email blast on Wednesday urging supporters to join, volunteer for, or donate to the American Truckers Freedom Fund. The email asserts the truckers “represent a movement of peaceful, non-violent Americans from all walks of life who are dissatisfied with the unscientific, unconstitutional government overreach in regards to mandates.”

“It’s time for #AmericanTruckers to stand with truckers all over the world. Don’t be afraid to #HonkHonk. Everybody loves #FreedomHonks,” the PAC proclaims on its website.

The “People’s Convoy” is gaining steam along with other movements and thousands, if not millions, of Americans are supporting them in one form or another. Routes for the convoy include starting points in Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio, and Fresno, California. The trek will culminate on March 6 in Washington, D.C. A congressional welcome committee is set to meet with the convoy and discuss policy changes according to the organizers.

. . .

The “People’s Convoy” is set to depart in late February and travel to the nation’s Capitol. . .

Great to see that Cleveland is on the route, so northern Ohio patriots can cheer on our truckers.  Will post details ASAP.  Full Bizpac article is here.

RELATED bad news from Canada: 

Trudeau Crackdown Against Trucker Protest Begins – Cancels Parliament Debate as Jackboots Begin Arresting Protestors and Removing Trucks

UPDATE:  Is there more than one Freedom Convoy going to DC?  Here's information at The Right Scoop about a California-to-DC convoy, scheduled to arrive March 1 for the State of the Union address.  I'll keep looking . . .

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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Sen. Ron Johnson: COVID-19: "A Second Opinion” panel


At NOQ, JD Rucker reports:

Yesterday’s “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” panel hosted in Washington D.C. by Senator Ron Johnson exposed bombshell after bombshell as fresh data keeps pouring in that shows the Covid-19 “vaccines” are neither safe nor effective. Doctors from across the spectrum spoke up about what they’re seeing on the ground while other expert panelists exposed damning data demonstrating not only a huge medical problem, but also a coordinated cover-up of the evil deeds being perpetrated by members of our own government.

Conservative commentator Daniel Horowitz from The Blaze posted a follow-up bombshell of information he received from one of the panelists, attorney Thomas Renz:

I can share with you from attorney Thomas Renz that the number of cancer diagnoses in the military’s DMED system went from a 5-year average (2016-2020) of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021. This is a predominately young population.

Unlike VAERS where the naysayers can suggest that anyone can submit, this is only by military doctors and quantifies every single ICD code in the military for tri care billing of Humana. This is the ultimate defined and finite population with excellent surveillance.

. . .

He also posted a video of Renz at the panel explaining some of the other mind-blowing data he had accumulated:

The video of Renz is here. I know 2 of the 3 cited whistleblowers. Their credentials are impeccable. Lt. Col. Chambers is one of the only Green Beret doctors in the military. Actually i got that wrong. One of the whistleblowers just told me it was through October, not November. So this is 10 months of data off the chart vs. prior 12 month years!

One of the biggest takeaways here is that the data is beyond reproach and widely accessibly by the DoD, CDC, FDA, and across the Biden-Harris regime. In other words, they are all very well aware that the jabs are almost certainly causing an untenable increase in cancer in otherwise young and healthy military-age Americans and they’re keeping that information away from the people.

. . .

The testimony that Renz delivered should be enough to compel our government to immediately halt the vaccine push, reevaluate the data that they have, and release it all to the public for independent scrutiny. They won’t do this, of course, because they have a universal vaccination agenda that they will not willingly stop. It will take a concerted effort by patriots to share this data and expose the powers-that-be for what they’re trying to do to the people.

“We have substantial data showing that we saw, for example, miscarriages increasing by 300% over the five-year average, almost.,” Renz said. “We saw almost 300% increase in cancer over the five-year average.”

This is crucial information for the entire population to have, but what he revealed next should concern us about the state of our military readiness.

“We saw — this one’s amazing — neurological. So, neurological issues which would affect our pilots, over 1000% increase. 1000,” he said.

Senator Johnson had to interrupt to reiterate what these numbers mean from a different angle. “Ten times,” he said. “That’s ten times the rate.”

Renz continued, “82,000 per year to 863,000 in one year. Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes possibly killed.”

Having Senator Johnson and the brave Americans on his panel speaking out is an important step, but the information will be swept under the rug if we fail to amplify the message as loudly as we can.

The report on NOQ is here and it includes tweets with more information.  Please share.

To access video or the full hearing chaired by Sen. Ron Johnson, go here to Sundance who posted the Rumble link.

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Friday, January 14, 2022

Your grocery store: Is it time to panic?


Amid the reports of disruptions to the supply chains, mandates for truckers, inflation, and other interference from the government, how do we know when the supply chains into our grocery stores have been disrupted to the point where people will start to panic?  Sundance has been suggesting the tell-tale signs of substantive disruptions to the food supply chains, and how you will recognize it as something other than the usual running-low-on-products over the weekend.  His predictions:

Initial food instability signs in the supply chain.  Things to look for: 

(1) A shortage of processed potatoes (frozen specifically).   1.a And/or a shortage of the ancillary products that are derivatives of, or normally include, potatoes.

(2) A larger than usual footprint of turkey/ham in the supermarket (last lines of protein).

(3) A noticeable increase in the price of citrus products.

(4) A sparse distribution of foodstuffs that rely on flavorings (sports drinks).

(5) The absence of non-seasonal products.

(6) Little to no price difference on the organic comparable (diff supply chain)

(7) Unusual country of origin for fresh product type.

(8) Absence of large container products

(9) Shortage of any ordinary but specific grain derivative item (ex. wheat crackers)

(10) Big brand shortage.

(11) Shortage of wet pet foods

(12) Shortage of complex blended products with multiple ingredients (soups, etc.)

(13) A consistent shortage of milk products and/or ancillaries.

These notes above are all precursors that show significant stress in the supply chain.  Once these issues are consistently visible, we will likely continue toward food instability very quickly, sector by sector, category by category.

. . .

More from Sundance here.  Another "tell":  when restaurants begin to react, such as this report from Domino’s Pizza.

It may not be time to panic, but it is time to make sure your pantry is stocked up.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Next up: Super Duper Booster Shot


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse monitors the Sunday TV talk shows so you don’t have to.  Here’s his report on the latest Panic Porn.

Sunday Talks, NBC Proclaims Omicron Has Merged With Common Cold Virus to Create New Mutant Super Spreader Variant, Requiring New Super Duper Booster

Once the political operatives unleash the healthcare/media narrative engineers to push the maximum fear-porn needed to support the larger objectives, you end up in this bizarro world where buck-tooth carrot-eating parents are having rabbit faced babies with ten inch ears.

Yup, the jaw-agape headlines start to become a parody of themselves, and while people roll their eyes the media cannot stop…. they just can’t.  That’s where we cue the opening segment of Meet The Press with Chuck Todd interviewing NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins.  Just the first minute is needed to see it.

The virus has morphed, changed, mutated they shout with earnest proclamation… and Omicron has merged with the common cold to create a new highly infectious super duper variant requiring even more important booster shots to protect civilization. This holiday season you better watch out for dissidents showing symptoms of the variant sniffles who are not triple-vaxxed and quadruple-masked.   It’s the science, swear… 

The video clip is here.

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Friday, November 5, 2021

More hospitalization horrors: this from Australia

image credit: theaquinian.net

We don't want to be over-reacting and scare-mongering, but in Western Australia, there are almost no COVID cases, just new patients overwhelming hospitals. From Sundance at Conservative Treehouse:

Noted by Alex Berenson, something very weird is happening in the state of Western Australia (WA) home to a population of almost 3 million people.  The WA state has been locked down and isolated from the COVID-19 impacts in the eastern states.

There are very few COVID cases in locked-down Western Australia which has allowed them time to prepare for the potential arrival of the virus which includes a massive vaccination effort.  The state has modeled an anticipated arrival of the COVID virus in early 2022, early next year.  However, as the vaccination rates increase, the hospitals are being overwhelmed with new patients and the Premier cannot explain why.

Alex Berernson notes comments made by WA Premier Mark McGowan on October 31st about hospitals being currently overwhelmed. “Our hospitals are under enormous pressure. This is the same in [the rest of Australia]. This has been something no one has ever seen before, the growth in demand in our hospitals, why it is is hard, hard to know… There is huge numbers of people coming through the door, so we’re doing everything we can to try to manage it,” says Premier McGowan.

The issue is apparently worsening.  In an interview yesterday (Wed, Nov 3rd) Premier McGowan announced a massive expansion of hospital capacity due to an existing and undefined current influx in patients that is overwhelming hospital capacity.

COVID-19 was anticipated to arrive next year.  Proactively, mass vaccinations are ongoing.  It is during this period of mass vaccinations when the hospitals are being overwhelmed by new patients.  These hospitalizations have nothing to do with COVID infections. 


Obviously something is very wrong:

COVID-19 or any variant therein is non-existent in the Western Australia population.

The Western Australia population is being vaccinated.

The hospitals in Western Australia are now overwhelmed, and not by COVID-19.

What else could the problem be other than the vaccinations causing hospitalizations?

. . .

Read all of it here and watch the video  Our household is no longer trusting an annual flu shot.  

UPDATE:  Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge (not always a reliable source) reports on the same phenomenon in America:  “Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America”; click here.

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Monday, October 11, 2021

Ivermectin, livestock, and Congress

So you thought ivermectin was just for livestock;  humans need to avoid it.  Yup, that’s what the FDA told us (tweet 
via Daily Kos)  :

You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it.

And now we learn from Sundance at Conservative Treehouse: 

According to Dr Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, and verified by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), 100 to 200 congressional reps and/or staff and families who contracted COVID-19 were treated with the Front Line Ivermectin protocol. 

. . .

Reader lizzie dw [October 10, 2021 9:29 am] comments:

On another note, here is a list of those exempted from being injected. (per an atty whose name I will not mention who is putting together a RICO suit)

        • USPS workers
        • all of Congress – House & Senate
        • all Congressional staff
        • 6000 White House employees
        • 2500 Pfizer employees
        • 1500 Moderna employees
        • 120,000 Johnson Johnson employees
        • 15,000 CDC employees
        • 14,000 FDA employees
        • 18 million Chinese students studying in the US of A
        • 2 million illegal invaders
        • 500,000 homeless persons

I have not checked each claimed exemption in this comment, although we KNOW the illegal invaders are not being vaxxed or even screened.  But if ANY subset of the population is exempt from getting the [mis-named] “vaccine,” then that gives the game away.  

And now Sundance reports that the Australian state of New South Wales has re-opened – BUT as an apartheid state.  Papers please!   See here.  Coming soon to a neighborhood near you. 

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Saturday, October 2, 2021

A Glimmer of Hope


Patriot Post meme via PowerLine

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse is always a step ahead of everyone else. Here’s a chunk from his weekend column:

Andrew Breitbart famously said that politics was downstream from pop culture.  Andrew’s ability to engage any audience that generally didn’t care about politics, while displaying the Machiavellian manipulators in a way that was brutally effective, made him an enemy to those who avoid sunlight.

What we are seeing amid college football games, and recently any venue where a large audience is assembling, is really quite remarkable.  The cultural shift within the modern political sphere was triggered by Donald Trump; his election was the biggest middle finger to the elites, and ultimately the scale of his support amid a global population that was disenfranchised is why they needed to eliminate him.

The leftist Marxist’s have power.  However, their unquenchable lust for power, specifically showcased in their COVID-19 reaction, has put them in a place where they are in power but losing the cultural argument.

Free people can only tolerate and internalize so much frustration before it starts to come out. Specifically, because frustration is now palpable anger, the sense that screams freedom has become snarky, raw, unapologetic and now often vulgar.

Yeah, it’s a weird thing to find alignment with vulgarity, but when your life and liberty is on the line… well, you fight like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark – and you appreciate anyone that stands beside you.

If  “F**k Joe Biden” bothers you, don’t watch this [video] . . .

I didn’t watch the video, but I am certainly following the phenomenon.  Full article with video is here.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Melbourne Tinderbox and Why Americans Should Pay Attention

photo credit: theaustralian.com

As usual, Sundance is on the story while most of the media lag behind.  I am posting an extract from his report, and click here for the full story, with photographs.  Also, check out the comments below the report.  From Conservative Treehouse:

The Melbourne Tinderbox and Why Americans Should Pay Attention

An inflection point has been reached in Australia with the government COVID-19 lockdowns, forced vaccinations and now, vaccine passports. What is happening today in the state of Victoria, specifically the Melbourne metropolitan area, is an outcome of more than a year of heavy-handed government rules and regulations deaf to the voices of the average man, woman or family. There is a middle class & blue-collar backlash taking place, and Americans would be wise to pay attention.

Things recently came to a head when the Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, began outlining the rules and regulations for opening society back up after almost a year of total lockdown. The always futile attempt to block the COVID-19 virus through a policy known as “COVID-ZERO” was abandoned. The new approach is to open up society and the economy by forcing everyone to take the vaccine, and then allowing only the vaccinated to participate in the economy as varying percentages of the population are double-vaxxed, and admittedly, later, booster-vaxxed.

Vaccination passports will be required to work, shop, attend events and essentially live in the New World Order Premier Andrews has created for the citizens of Victoria. The day after Andrews outlined the new rules – the working class, who have been locked down and compliant to this point, finally had enough.

. . .

The vaccination passport methods, processes and procedures being tested right now in Australia are soon to arrive in the United States. Electronic check-ins and QR codes deployed to track the movements of vaxxed and unvaxxed are being tested right now in almost all states in Australia. We The People in America are only a few weeks or months away from having to make the same decisions that middle-class Victorian workers are faced with right now. This is why you should pay attention to what is happening there.

The population of Australia (26 million) is small by comparison to the U.S. (350+ million), and as a result, the dynamic will be exponentially more explosive when it arrives here.

Socially, Americans are more geographically spread out than Australia, as most of their major population centers circle the coastline. Factually, the population of Florida or Texas is essentially equivalent to the entire population of Australia. The economy of the U.S. is also substantially larger and more diverse than down-under. However, those points only emphasize how significantly more explosive the same scenarios may become when the Biden regime attempts to follow the oppressive process now being witnessed in the Melbourne region.

Here again is the link to the full report.  

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Friday, September 10, 2021

Delingpole: features of the New World Order


image credit: veteranstoday.com

Breitbart contributor James Delingpole is a favorite of mine.  Although he specializes in coverage of climate hysteria, yesterday at Breitbart, he reported on the draconian measures taking place right now in the formerly free country of Australia. 

As readers of Cleveland Tea Party blog know, I have posted frequently on developments with the COVID virus and the flip-flopping restrictions and mandates issued by Fauci et al at the CDC.  In recent weeks, as I have been following these developments, another word popped into my mind -- and that word is “sinister.”  Mr. Delingpole chose the same word.  I am posting part of his report below, because what is happening in the Antipodes is viewed by a few other analysts, incl. Sundance at Treehouse, as a beta test for the New World Order (also known as The Great Reset, previously billed as Agenda 21). [In 1992, a Senator named Joseph R Biden Jr wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal headlined ‘How I Learned to Love the New World Order’. So, is this a conspiracy theory?  Or is it actually coming to a theater near you? 

Here’s part of Mr. Delingpole’s “Creepy Australian Officials Start Using “New World Order” as a Talking Point”:

Two senior medical officers have, shockingly, said out loud what a lot of ordinary people already noticed: Australia is sliding inexorably towards a ‘New World Order.’

New South Wales (NSW) Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant (pictured) used the sinister phrase during a Thursday press conference, in response to a question about reopening after the interminable lockdowns imposed by various Australian states.

. . .

Australia has some of the most draconian lockdown policies anywhere in the world right now. Indeed, as this Twitter thread from Maajid Nawaz suggests, the land they once called ‘the Lucky Country’ is now starting to look like a very unlucky totalitarian tyranny.

Among the scary features it has introduced in the last 18 months are:

    • Quarantine camps
    • CCP style surveillance in the form of “Forced” facial recognition & geolocation scanning sent to the government within 15 mins of a text
    • Legally accessing your data & taking control of your online accounts
    • Putting quarantine signs on people’s doors as if they were Medieval plague victims
    • Denying [healthcare] services & “locking out” the unvaccinated to “protect the health service”
    • And, the final insult, deciding how much beer you are allowed to drink in your home prison…

This is really happening.  Now.  Full report with video and screen shots of Twitter threads is here.  Exit question:  Is last month's Afghanistan catastrophe part of the New World Order strategy? 

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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Your COVID-19 vaccine mandate updates


Andrea Widburg, a/k/a Bookworm Room, has an report at American Thinker --   “Australia proves why socialized medicine is so dangerous.” Here’s an extract:

Australia didn't slowly turn into a totalitarian nation.  It became one overnight, thanks to the people's willingness to accept their governments' hysterical reaction to COVID.  We've all watched in horror as a once free country now confines people to their homes, forces injections on their children, turns unmasked people into "most wanted" outlaws, shoots dogs, and prepares to track people's every movement with apps backed by police power.  The latest craziness in Victoria is to deny health care to people who resist getting the vaccination.

As a preliminary point to any discussion about vaccine mandates, it's incumbent upon me to note that Israel, the most heavily vaccinated country in the world, is being overwhelmed by the delta variant and has the highest infection rate in the world.  Last week, the country said people needed a third shot.  This week, it's saying that people must take a fourth shot and, indeed, must be perpetually vaccinated to survive COVID mutations.

It's easy to liken the vaccination to a flu shot, but it's actually worse than a flu shot.  The annual flu shot gives people some immunity against the annual flu, which is a slightly different virus every time.  Getting a flu shot in one year does not have any effect on your resistance or vulnerability to the flu in subsequent years.  However, it seems that the COVID vaccines increase people's vulnerabilities to future COVID variants.  Thanks to the vaccine, they're on an endless treadmill of booster shots, all of which come with an unusually high number of severe side-effects.  (The AP challenges the claim that COVID shots actually make people more vulnerable to variants, but it's worth noting that the research results the AP cites don't recognize the facts on the ground in Israel.)

Suffice it to say that the vaccine remains a contentious matter, with many people legitimately fearing that not only won't it prevent COVID, but it may worsen their vulnerability. . . .

Read the rest here.  And mandatory vaccines are already in our backyard.  Dr. Joseph Mercola reports at NOQ (“The Great Reset Demands Firing All Unvaccinated Employees”):

Even before the FDA announced their approval of the Pfizer vaccine, Cincinnati, Ohio, area hospital systems had announced that starting October 1, 2021, all health care workers and volunteers are required to be vaccinated. Among those participating in the vaccine mandate are the University of Cincinnati Health, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center and the Christ Hospital Health Network.

Health care workers in Cincinnati have now filed a lawsuit against six of the hospital systems saying requiring vaccines for employment is unlawful and violates workers’ Constitutional rights. The lawsuit says, “When there was no vaccine, the workers had to go to work. They were heroes. Now that there is a vaccine, they have to get the vaccine or be fired. Now they are ‘zeros.’”

April Hoskins is a lab assistant at St. Elizabeth Edgewood who has worked for 20 years in family practice and hospital oncology. She told a reporter from WLWT5,42 “You’ve trusted us this whole time to take care of these patients, unvaccinated, without the proper PPE. And now out of nowhere, you have to get it or you’re going to be terminated? Like, something is wrong with that picture.”

The rest of Dr. Mercola’s article – including footnoted sources for the above extract – is here.

More from Sundance:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is continually under blistering attack from those who exploit the politics of COVID-19 without regard for health or safety.  However, as you will see below in comments delivered today by DeSantis and previous (non-criticized) opinion from the U.K. Vaccinologist in Great Britain, Sir Andrew Pollard, what the Florida governor is doing is EXACTLY what the Director of the U.K. Oxford Vaccine Group has recommended for all world leaders.

Evidence around the world is showing that vaccination will not stop the spread of COVID-19, and it will, as a result of a vaccinated approach, continually mutate into ever-changing variants.

Vaccinated persons and non-vaccinated persons can equally be exposed, equally be infected, and equally carry the virus and all the variants therein.  Thus the value of making a distinction between vaccinated and non-vaccinated persons, as determined by any policy that requires proof of vaccine, is -in fact- futile.  Vaccine passports are an exercise in manipulative political theater.

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Monday, August 23, 2021

The collapse of the FDA and Tyranny-by-vaccine


Image via Sundance from protest in Australia (see link below)

A few headlines --  from the hundreds crowding the internet today -- shows the corruption, the censorship, and the growing tyranny in the western world:

From American Greatness: FDA Approves Pfizer Vaccine Even Though Multiple Safety Studies Won’t Be Completed For Years

From Freedom First Network: Vaccine-Pimping Us Surgeon General Proclaims Americans Have No Right To Spread Disinformation Which Means Anything The Regime Doesn’t Like

From Conservative PlaylistPandemic Panic Theater: Why All 14 ‘Gold Standard’ Randomized Controlled Trials of Face Masks have been Suppressed 

From Epoch Times via Citizen Free Press: Connecticut Goes Full Vaccine Nazi

From InfoWars via Liberty DailyMilitary & Blue States Announce Vaccine Mandates MINUTES After FDA Approves Injection

And for a preview of how bad this will get, here’s Sundance on the tyranny now on full display in Australia and New Zealand:

Australian Police Beating More People in the Streets Than the Taliban

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Saturday, August 21, 2021

President Trump Massive MAGA Rally – Saturday 8pm ET Livestream Links


As always, Sundance has the announcement:

President Donald J Trump is traveling to Cullman, Alabama, today [Saturday, Aug 21] to attend festivities at the York Family Farm.  This rally is hosted by the Alabama Republican Party and held in conjunction with the Alabama Republican Party’s Summer Meeting.  We can anticipate President Trump giving his honest opinion of recent events in Afghanistan.

The anticipated start time for President Trump remarks is 7:00pm CT / 8:00pm ET, with pre-rally speeches and events ongoing.  Livestream links below.

For livestream links.  Click here.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Updates: COVID, vaccines, government overreach

Via Conservative Treehouse:

Sundance posted these stats after reporting on the draconian measures being imposed in New Zealand -- on the basis of ONE new delta variant COVID case.  His take: something else is going on.  NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's extreme protocols in the name of protecting against COVID are not rational.  In the U.S., government overreach at the federal and state levels should be of even more concern, given this additional context.

If you are interested in the latest from Dr. Robert Malone on vaccines and variants, Mark Wauck at Meaning in History has the update;  click here.

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Friday, August 13, 2021

The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion


image of dystopia via dystopia wallpapers

Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has been my go-to source for years -- for in-depth analyses and reporting on significant current events.  I first discovered his website when he was digging through the evidence, and manipulation of evidence, in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case.  That was in 2012-13.   Here’s his take on what we’ve been witnessing over the past dozen+ years, especially as it relates to the current COVID-19 hysteria and government over-reach:

It has been almost ten years since CTH first outlined the 1984 interview between Yuri Bezmenov and G. Edward Griffin titled “Deception was My Job”.  [2013 CTH Article Here] However, it is worth revisiting the interview as we find ourselves increasingly influenced by a deliberate effort to control U.S. society.

Mr. Yuri Bezmenov was a Soviet informant and KGB operative who defected to the United States in the early 70s.  Within the interview [full video here], Bezmenov lays out the four stages of “ideological subversion” created by radical Marxists to indoctrinate and weaken nations from within.

It is my contention the Chicago Marxists aligned with Barack Obama (revolutionary communists) were/are following this ‘four stage’ roadmap.  The U.S. State Department is filled with like-minded travelers who align with this approach.

Some researchers have identified the objective as connected to the Fabian Socialist goal, others have called it “The Color Revolution”, but the names do not matter much; what matters is the map they follow, the four stages:

Stage One: Demoralization – Elimination of American Exceptionalism, fundamental change of national identity, structural deconstruction of foundational principles, elimination of religion. Embedding a new societal design upon the psyche of generations through ideological academia. Peer pressure by elites upon academics and society to convince that prior values were inherently flawed, racist, prejudiced etc. National identity is diluted with aspersions toward historical references. National history is re-written, re-defined, and molded to fit the new intended behavioral model and create the new values.

Stage Two: Crisis – Creation of economic, financial, and national security crisis. Also includes social crisis and breakdown of previous self-evident restrictions on moral behavior. Cloward Piven approach to overloading the system, ie more takers than producers. The crisis produces benevolent leaders who will promise to deliver “things” (Hope and Change) to meet people’s needs through Social and Economic Justice. False illusions that the situation is under control if certain strategic directions are followed (Bailouts, Stimulus, Jobs Bills, Regulations of industry, Unconstitutional Power Grabs, Dismissal of Historical Laws, Changes in legislative processes, Changes in checks and balances of power etc).

Stage Three: Normalization – The uncomfortable feelings of change including losses of freedom are absorbed and accepted. Lost national identity becomes accepted as the norm within the new societal model. A period of national rebranding transition where people are so overwhelmed by the change they become numb and begin to accept a ‘new normal’. This period of normalization lasts indefinitely as the progression is continually advanced and acceptance takes place in small controlled doses. (New limits on behavior, Regulations, TSA Patdowns, Intrusions into privacy, Controls into daily life) These things begin to be accepted as “just the way it is now”.

Stage Four: Destabilization – Unlike the period of “Crisis” the people who helped orchestrate the change are now no longer needed. The new overarching centralized governmental model begins to take control. Leftist usurpers who initially thought they were going to be part of the new power structure begin to realize they were used and manipulated and they themselves become the new enemy. Because they have first hand knowledge of the agenda they are the primary target for elimination. They may simply be disregarded, obfuscated, thrown out, or they may be collected, imprisoned, or worse killed. There is no longer room for dissention. Dissent is only possible within the free system that has now been deconstructed. Therefore the leftist purpose is served once the destabilization is complete. Totalitarian Government takes control.

Perhaps a reasonable person would argue that elimination of economic capacity (to live freely) is just as restrictive as living inside a walled camp. If you cannot live freely, earn a living freely, move about without restrictions, and determine for yourself your choices, then what really is the difference between being thrown in an internment camp and having the invisible chain link fence of diminished freedom built around your home?

If government can control your income through taxation, employment and redistribution; tell you what to eat by deciding your choices for you; tell you how much energy you are allowed to consume through rules and regulation; tell you what kind of car you can be allowed to drive; tell you what type of toilet you can buy; tell you what kind of detergent you may wash with; determine what information you have access to through the TV media and internet access; and then control your capacity to receive the healthcare of your choice; then really what is the difference between living in a collective camp under such rules and living where you are now but following the same rules ?

I would argue that we are solidly in the middle of stage #3 (normalization), while all around us Stage Four (destabilization) is beginning, perhaps as planned. We talk about the new “isms” all the time. Heck, most of what we discuss is our reluctance to engage in acceptance of the “normalization”, and our seeming frustration to be able to influence “it” to stop presenting us with new acceptance challenges.

And here is the kicker:

Everything you just read above was written in 2013.  If we consider the constant nudges, probes and pushes from the leftists in government and society (BLM, Antifa, Occupy Wall Street, etc.), we can consider them as different approaches, tests or probes per se’, toward the same totalitarian outcome.  Then if we overlay the weaponization of COVID-19 fear as the biggest effort so far, well, from that perspective SARS-CoV-2 takes on a new strategic dimension.

There is much more at the link here.  I’d recommend the whole thing for weekend reading and re-reading.

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