Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Sen. Ron Johnson: COVID-19: "A Second Opinion” panel


At NOQ, JD Rucker reports:

Yesterday’s “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” panel hosted in Washington D.C. by Senator Ron Johnson exposed bombshell after bombshell as fresh data keeps pouring in that shows the Covid-19 “vaccines” are neither safe nor effective. Doctors from across the spectrum spoke up about what they’re seeing on the ground while other expert panelists exposed damning data demonstrating not only a huge medical problem, but also a coordinated cover-up of the evil deeds being perpetrated by members of our own government.

Conservative commentator Daniel Horowitz from The Blaze posted a follow-up bombshell of information he received from one of the panelists, attorney Thomas Renz:

I can share with you from attorney Thomas Renz that the number of cancer diagnoses in the military’s DMED system went from a 5-year average (2016-2020) of 38,700 per year to 114,645 in the first 11 months of 2021. This is a predominately young population.

Unlike VAERS where the naysayers can suggest that anyone can submit, this is only by military doctors and quantifies every single ICD code in the military for tri care billing of Humana. This is the ultimate defined and finite population with excellent surveillance.

. . .

He also posted a video of Renz at the panel explaining some of the other mind-blowing data he had accumulated:

The video of Renz is here. I know 2 of the 3 cited whistleblowers. Their credentials are impeccable. Lt. Col. Chambers is one of the only Green Beret doctors in the military. Actually i got that wrong. One of the whistleblowers just told me it was through October, not November. So this is 10 months of data off the chart vs. prior 12 month years!

One of the biggest takeaways here is that the data is beyond reproach and widely accessibly by the DoD, CDC, FDA, and across the Biden-Harris regime. In other words, they are all very well aware that the jabs are almost certainly causing an untenable increase in cancer in otherwise young and healthy military-age Americans and they’re keeping that information away from the people.

. . .

The testimony that Renz delivered should be enough to compel our government to immediately halt the vaccine push, reevaluate the data that they have, and release it all to the public for independent scrutiny. They won’t do this, of course, because they have a universal vaccination agenda that they will not willingly stop. It will take a concerted effort by patriots to share this data and expose the powers-that-be for what they’re trying to do to the people.

“We have substantial data showing that we saw, for example, miscarriages increasing by 300% over the five-year average, almost.,” Renz said. “We saw almost 300% increase in cancer over the five-year average.”

This is crucial information for the entire population to have, but what he revealed next should concern us about the state of our military readiness.

“We saw — this one’s amazing — neurological. So, neurological issues which would affect our pilots, over 1000% increase. 1000,” he said.

Senator Johnson had to interrupt to reiterate what these numbers mean from a different angle. “Ten times,” he said. “That’s ten times the rate.”

Renz continued, “82,000 per year to 863,000 in one year. Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes possibly killed.”

Having Senator Johnson and the brave Americans on his panel speaking out is an important step, but the information will be swept under the rug if we fail to amplify the message as loudly as we can.

The report on NOQ is here and it includes tweets with more information.  Please share.

To access video or the full hearing chaired by Sen. Ron Johnson, go here to Sundance who posted the Rumble link.

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Monday, January 24, 2022

VDH: Totalitarian Wokeism


Victor Davis Hanson knocks another one out of the park. His “Wokeism is A Cruel and Dangerous Cult” at American Greatness begins:  

Wokeism has been described by its critics as the omnipresent use of race—and to a lesser extent, gender—to replace meritocracy and thus ensure equality of result. What follows from implementing that ideology are reparatory actions to reward those of the present by atoning for the injustices done to others in the past. 

Some see it as an update of 1960s cultural Marxism fads. Others scoff that it is just a return to 1980s-style political correctness. 

Still more see it as the logical successor to 1990s-type race, class, and gender obsessions—albeit with a shriller and more dangerous Jacobin, Soviet, and Maoist twist. Wokeism’s hysteria also invites comparisons to the Salem witch trials and McCarthyism. 

But few have described wokeism as the cruel creed that it is. 

Wokeism’s natural logic is to destroy the lives of people of both genders, of all races, and—if need be—those of every age, all to leverage an otherwise unworkable ideological agenda. It is nihilist and destroys everything it touches. It tears apart foes and friends alike, whether by fueling media-driven hatred of Donald Trump or faux-deification of the disaster that is now Joe Biden. 

One of the take-away quotes: "Equity in our Orwellian world is not equality, but payback." The full article is here. Recommended.

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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Dr. Robert Malone’s Epic Speech at "Defeat the Mandates" Rally

[Dr Robert Malone;  NOTE: video link is at bottom of this blog]

Via The Liberty Daily, JD Rucker reports:

Dr. Robert Malone’s Epic Speech at Defeat the Mandates Rally

The Defeat the Mandates Rally in Washington DC today was epic. We recommend watching the whole thing if you missed it. We will be posting several of the individual speeches from the event throughout the day. 

There was a particularly powerful segment of his speech about kids:

“I ask that you allow me a moment to speak about our children and about our fundamental responsibility to protect them. If nothing else, we must nurture and protect our children. It is job one, it is your job, it is my job, it is not their job to protect us.

“During the last two years, our society and our public health response has failed to protect them. Many things that our public health system has demanded we do to our children has directly harmed them. Self-harm, suicide, and drug abuse in children have taken off around the world. Anxiety, bullying, intimidation, coercion have become the norm. Measured IQ in the very young has dropped. Fundamental childhood delays are easily measured, and both physical damage and death of our children from injecting them with genetic vaccines in order to protect the elderly from a virus is occurring.

“As a parent, those that are parents or going to be parents, it is ultimately your responsibility to protect your children. If they’re harmed by these genetic vaccines, you are the one who will have to take care of them. And you will carry the burden for the rest of your life and theirs. On average, between 1-in-2000 and 1-in-3000 children that receive these vaccines will be hospitalized in the short-term with vaccine-caused damage. Only the passage of time will we know what long-term damage may occur to these children.

“The vaccines do not protect our children from becoming infected with Omicron. They do not prevent infected children from infecting others. In contrast, the pharmaceutical companies and the government are almost fully protected from any damages these products might cause them.

“If your child is damaged by these vaccines, you will be left alone with both your grief and the burden of care. These genetic vaccines can damage your children. They may damage their brains, their heart, their immune system, and their ability to have children in the future. Many of these damages cannot be repaired, so I beg you, please get informed about the possible risks. Your children may be damaged by these experimental medical products.”

Here’s Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology used in most of the jabs, and his amazing speech (click here to go to the Rumble video at The Liberty Daily).

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Friday, January 21, 2022

NIH Covid Treatment Guidelines: Worse Than Useless


Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn doesn’t have anything good to say about the National Institute of Health’s updated COVID guidelines.  Conservative Playlist reports:

New NIH Covid Treatment Guidelines Worse Than Useless

. . .

“In order of preference, clinicians should use the oral antiviral nirmatrelvir-ritonavir (Paxlovid), the monoclonal antibody sotrovimab, the IV antiviral remdesivir (Veklury) and finally, the oral antiviral molnupiravir,” said Alice Pau, PharmD, of the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines panel.

. . .

Here are the main reasons why the NIH list of preferred COVID treatments should not reassure the public:

  1. The first preferred action, using the Pfizer drug Paxlovid, makes little sense because there is nearly no availability of it. And even if people could get prescriptions filled, would they be acting fast enough to get benefits?  In the clinical trials people had to start the drug within three days of symptoms even though they now talk of starting within five days; that too is totally impractical and unrealistic.  Few people would be able to distinguish symptoms being COVID and not the flu or a bad cold quickly, getting an appointment with the doctor quickly and getting a prescription filled quickly.  And the safety has not been adequately assessed.
  2. The monoclonal antibody sotrovimab is nearly impossible to get because of extremely limited supply. . . .
  3. The very expensive drug remdesivir has a terrible history of being both ineffective and having terrible side effects. . . .
  4. Then you get to the absolutely ludicrous fourth option, the new Merck antiviral that has a terrible level of effectiveness and that has not been proven safe. An absolutely awful choice.

What is most obscene about what NIH tells doctors is that it still refuses to include ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine as treatment options.  It ignores the extremely successful treatment protocols of frontline doctors like Dr. Fareed and Dr. Zelenko that do NOT include any of the four NIH preferences.

What a waste of US taxpayer money on the evil and criminal Fauci’s organization.

The real message for the public: Do not trust the government to effectively protect your life?  Public health protection in the US is a disgrace.  What NIH is saying is really insulting disinformation.

The complete report is here.

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Thursday, January 20, 2022

“Saving Democracy” -- by Murdering Free Speech


Earlier this week, the Editorial Board at Issues & Insights published “The Murdering Of Free Speech In America”.  Below is their conclusion:

. . . We believe that private companies have the right to determine who may and may not participate in their forums, and our free press is at liberty to publish – or not publish – whatever it wishes. As others have said, it’s just business. It can also be personal. That’s just the messiness of freedom.

But when social media and the press are censoring at the behest of the government, when they become agents of the state, the threat to the First Amendment is real.

Tyrants have always feared and suppressed speech, and the Democratic Party is lousy with authoritarians who want not to govern but to rule as a single party. We see this in not only their pressure on the private sector to rid them of meddlesome characters who express ideas and make statements they don’t like but in their legislative agenda. They have an insatiable lust for permanent, unfettered control of government at all levels.

That’s the “democracy” the Democrats keep talking about saving in the next election. They crave it so intensely they’re willing to kill freedom of speech in exchange for a throne.

Read the full editorial here.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Britain, Czech Republic, Israel: no vaccine mandates!


Debra Heine at American Greatness reports:

Great Britain, the Czech Republic, and Israel are backing away from COVID vaccine mandates amid increasing evidence that the leaky vaccines are making the pandemic worse.

It is becoming harder to deny the glaringly obvious facts that COVID infection rates are increasing worldwide in proportion with the rate of vaccination, and that the injections have dreadful adverse side effects which may be contributing to a marked increase in all cause deaths.

In light of growing awareness that the vaccines are failing, it should not be a surprise that Moderna and BioNTech stocks are down 8-10 percent this week, 60 percent since August.

. . .

It’s a start. Read the full report here

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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Peter Schweizer’s “Red-Handed” out on January 25


Recognize any faces on the cover?

Rebecca Mansour at Breitbart reports on Peter Schweizer’s new book Red-Handed:

‘Red-Handed’ Contains 1,093 Endnotes, No Unnamed Sources

The soon-to-be-released bombshell book Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win by nonpartisan investigative bestselling author Peter Schweizer contains 1,093 endnotes totaling 81 pages of source material, Breitbart News has learned.

Furthermore, the highly anticipated book relies on zero unnamed sources, making its findings—which Sean Hannity said are “going to be massive”—easier for federal law enforcement and U.S. intelligence services to track down. Indeed, Schweizer’s bestselling book Clinton Cash sparked an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

. . .

Schweizer’s track record investigating both Republicans and Democrats is well-established, winning him a unique mix of bipartisan praise for his investigative work from both the left and the right. After the release of Clinton Cash, liberal columnist Eleanor Clift called Schweizer “an equal-opportunity investigator, snaring Republicans as well as Democrats.” 

. . .

Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win launches nationally on January 25 [publisher: Harper].

I am sure this book will deliver the goods.  The trouble I have is that Mr. Schweizer's earlier books – and I’ve read a lot of them – are likewise meticulously documented, footnoted to a fare-thee-well, ready to kick-start a prosecution.  When Throw Them All Out, Secret Empires, Clinton Cash, Extortion, and Profiles in Corruption et al were published, the alternative media covered them, Mr. Schweizer made the interview circuit, and .  . . . Nothing much happened.  Maybe this time??

Full report at Breitbart is here

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