What was the name, Driehaus, Kucinich, Fudge, Tiberi, Sutton, LaTourette, Kilroy, Boccieri, Ryan, Space, Schmidt, Turner, Jordan, Latta, Wilson, Austria, Boehner, Kaptur, Voinovich, Brown? Doesn't matter, Dem or Republican; make certain they vote the way YOU, their constituents want them to vote and not the way their big business campaign contributors want them to vote!
What was the name, Driehaus, Kucinich, Fudge, Tiberi, Sutton, LaTourette, Kilroy, Boccieri, Ryan, Space, Schmidt, Turner, Jordan, Latta, Wilson, Austria, Boehner, Kaptur, Voinovich, Brown? Doesn't matter, Dem or Republican; make certain they vote the way YOU, their constituents want them to vote and not the way their big business campaign contributors want them to vote!