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Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Friday, December 10, 2021

Vaxx Refusers are like terrorists

TITLE:  ‘Experts’ Claim Vaxx Refusers Need to be Deradicalized or Reeducated Like Cult Members and Terrorists.   If you declined to take the jab, you must be a domestic terrorist and need to be re-educated.  At NOQ Report, Matt Agorist explains:  

. . . The Independent interviewed one of these so-called experts who is advocating for “deradicalizing” folks who refuse the jab and his comments are certainly shocking.

Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, chair in cognitive psychology at the University of Bristol, thinks that those who refuse to take the jab are akin to batsh*t crazy tinfoil hat-wearing loons, who think Hilary Clinton is a lizard. Seriously.

“They’ll refuse anything – ‘I’m not going to wear a mask’, ‘I’m not going to get vaccinated’, ‘I don’t think climate change is happening’, ‘Covid is a hoax’, and, you know, ‘Hillary Clinton is actually a reptilian shapeshifter’,” he told the Independent, adding, “You’re getting to people who hold a cluster of very exotic beliefs – now, they’re very difficult to reach.”

Lewandowsky called this faction of folks who choose not to take the jab, “hardcore refuseniks” who cannot be reached through conventional means — so, they need to be treated like cult members or terrorists.

“In the ideal world, time and money permitting, you can engage even those people in a very slow, long-term process where you affirm their right to have those beliefs… rather than telling them something about themselves they don’t want to hear, let’s put it that way,” he said.

“So you tell them something positive, and then engage in what is effectively the same as a deradicalization process for former terrorists, or cult members.”

By this logic, Joe Rogan and others — who have had covid-19 and choose not to take the jab because they trust their natural immunity — are akin to terrorists or cult members.

. . .

NOTE:  For the record, I do not think that Hillary Clinton is, literally, a “lizard.”  At any rate, read the rest here.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Exposing Pfizer vaccine: under-reported adverse reactions


Mark Wauck (at Meaning in History) has shocking Pfizer “vaccine” updates from the NZ Daily Telegraph:

This article appeared in the NZ Daily Telegraph. It’s addressing the recent FOIA induced revelations from Pfizer, which revelations give just a glimpse of how bad the adverse event data is. I say ‘just a glimpse,’ because Pfizer acknowledges that “the magnitude of [adverse event] underreporting is unknown”. Read that as many times as is necessary for the implications to sink in—

governments around the world are coercing millions upon millions of perfectly healthy and not-at-risk people to get injected with an experimental gene therapy that has produced unprecedentedly horrific side effects—and Pfizer acknowledges that, bad as that is, “the magnitude of [adverse event] underreporting is [as yet] unknown”.

And governments, knowing this, are pushing ahead with new, draconian mandates, regardless. This is the final breach of faith, now in plain sight whereas previous such breaches of faith were kept hidden.

We know all this already, but I’ll be quoting extensively from the NZ article because the author, Guy Hatcherd, puts it all in a brilliant perspective. Read it and share it widely. The pushback in the US appears to be getting stronger by the day, and this type of articulate, informed perspective is what’s needed to keep things going in the right direction. This is Guy Hatcherd:

Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory.

And this is an excerpted version of his article—severely pruned to simply follow the main lines of the argument:


    • Document released by Pfizer apparently as a result of a Freedom Of Information court order in the USA reveals a vast array of previously unknown vaccine adverse effects compiled from official sources around the world.
    • Pfizer concedes this is ‘a large increase’ in adverse event reports and that even this huge volume is under reported.
    • Over 100+ diseases are listed, many very serious.
    • This document was compiled by Pfizer in the very early days of the vaccine rollout in NZ but was possibly not supplied to our government.
    • We examine the implications for government.

. . .

The sheer density of the technical medical terms and disease names are nevertheless broken down into recognisable and serious categories of illness—kidney failure, stroke, cardiac events, pregnancy complications, inflammation, neurological disease, autoimmune failure, paralysis, liver failure, blood disorders, skin disease, musculoskeletal problems, arthritis, respiratory disease, DVT, blood clots, vascular disease, haemorrhage, loss of sight, Bell’s palsy, and epilepsy.

Read the rest here. 

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Sunday, December 5, 2021

Next up: Super Duper Booster Shot


Sundance at Conservative Treehouse monitors the Sunday TV talk shows so you don’t have to.  Here’s his report on the latest Panic Porn.

Sunday Talks, NBC Proclaims Omicron Has Merged With Common Cold Virus to Create New Mutant Super Spreader Variant, Requiring New Super Duper Booster

Once the political operatives unleash the healthcare/media narrative engineers to push the maximum fear-porn needed to support the larger objectives, you end up in this bizarro world where buck-tooth carrot-eating parents are having rabbit faced babies with ten inch ears.

Yup, the jaw-agape headlines start to become a parody of themselves, and while people roll their eyes the media cannot stop…. they just can’t.  That’s where we cue the opening segment of Meet The Press with Chuck Todd interviewing NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins.  Just the first minute is needed to see it.

The virus has morphed, changed, mutated they shout with earnest proclamation… and Omicron has merged with the common cold to create a new highly infectious super duper variant requiring even more important booster shots to protect civilization. This holiday season you better watch out for dissidents showing symptoms of the variant sniffles who are not triple-vaxxed and quadruple-masked.   It’s the science, swear… 

The video clip is here.

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Friday, December 3, 2021

Dr Malone on the COVID vaccines, children, more


WND has a partial transcript of an interview with Dr Robert Malone, who is credited with inventing the mRNA technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines”.  The full report is here.  Here are some extracts:

Dr. Robert Malone cited the evidence for his concerns about the vaccines, the mandates and policies he believes are causing serious harm, particularly to children. . .

. . .

He believes the consequences will be fundamental, with a "damaged" hospital and medical-care delivery system and a loss of faith in the government.

The insertion of the government in the affairs of the family, with the lockdowns, school shutdowns, and the vaccine and mask mandates, is causing damage that is "deep and profound and will last for decades," he said.

"Evil can sometimes be intentional, and sometimes it's unintentional, but right now what we're seeing happening with our children is fundamentally evil," he said.

His big concern is that the experimental vaccines have been "rushed out the door" without the measures and the time that previously have been employed to ensure safety and efficacy.

As a 30-year veteran of vaccine development, he decried "the things that Pfizer is getting away with, the data manipulation, the flat-out fraudulence in some of the clinical trial data."

"If I pulled those tricks, I would be barred from clinical research in the future," he said

"It's not right in terms of ensuring safety and efficacy for the world's population."

He called the COVID-19 vaccine rollout the "largest experiment being done on human beings, and it's being done in a haphazard way that is violating all the norms for how clinical research, advanced development and regulatory affairs are supposed to be managed."

'Wrong think'

Malone said he has known White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci for 30 years and has gone "toe to toe" with him at various times over that period of time.

The vaccine researcher shrugs off the criticism from public health officials and others, arguing that many of his conclusions and claims were "heresy" and "wrong think" six months ago but increasingly have become "accepted dogma."

Among the "former heresies" are his claims about the toxicity of the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2, the "shell game" with Pfizer's licensing of its Cominarty COVID vaccine and the vaccine risks to children.

"I chose that as the hill I would die on, to do everything I could to keep from mandatory vaccination of children," he said.

He also made, in early 2020, the "risk assessment that we didn't have time to build a vaccine that was going to be safe and effective and we needed to focus on repurposed drugs."

He first began to focus on repurposed drugs on Jan. 10, 2020, when the virus sequence – then called the Wuhan seafood market virus – was first uploaded.

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Malone also came up with the mast cell hypothesis, the inflammatory cascade basis for the pulmonary damage caused by the virus.

A big concern has been the "hunting down" and "driving out" of physicians who push back against efforts to curb their ability to treat patients and save lives.

"The stuff that's gone on is going to fill the history books for decades and decades and decades," he said.

No longer the gold standard?

Malone noted he was at a roundtable in Lisbon, Portugal, with about 50 "thought leaders" – politicians, medical professionals and journalists.

One of the participants asked, in Malone's words, during the Q&A: "Dr. Malone, we've always believed that the CDC and the FDA were the gold standard worldwide for health and pharmaceutical regulation. And what we've learned through this is that they are corrupt, and we can no longer rely on them."

Malone said that statement "hit me like a brick in the head."

"I hadn't really realized up until that point that what we've done is gone through this insane rushing of pushing something out that is not safe and is not effective, and breaking all the rules. And pushing it on the rest of the world through all kinds of means," he said.

"What we've done is compromised the world's belief in the integrity of the American system for regulating drugs and biologics."

He sees a movement in the global pharmaceutical industry away from the United States and toward China and India.

Public trust in the U.S. has been "deeply, deeply damaged," he said.

. . .

And he’ll continue to be vilified and censored for speaking his mind.

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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Top 5 Reasons NOT to Get a Covid Booster Shot


S.D. Wells has the latest updates on COVID boosters (published at NOQ Report).  If most of what Wells reports is true, then everyone should think twice before considering getting a booster shot:

Top 5 Reasons NOT to Get a Covid Booster Shot, Ever

Some people dove right in, and others waded into the vaccine “underworld.” Now, the undertow of vaccine “boosters” is dragging everyone further into the immunocompromised abyss. Tens of millions of Americans who believe in vaccines got snookered and thought there was just going to be the one vaccine, or a short series, but now they’re all starting to see the deep, dark “waters” of gene therapy injections, and it’s looking really gloomy.

The plan is for every person to take booster after booster after booster, and for America, like many other countries around the world, the plot thickens and the damage to major body systems is already rearing its ugly head, including vascular clots, antibody-dependence enhancement syndrome and sudden “unexplainable” deaths.

There are many reasons to never, ever get booster shots for Covid, but we’ve boiled it down to the top five.

  1. It’s not really a vaccine, but rather a gene therapy shot that causes blood clots, myocarditis and cancer.
  2. You’ll have to keep getting them every 4 to 6 months for the rest of your shortened life.
  3. Each one increases your antibody dependence enhancement syndrome (ADE) that began with the first dose, weakening your immune system more and more each time.
  4. Actual “safe” and “effective” vaccines take years to create, test and get a true and complete approval, so each booster is a total “shot in the dark,” like playing Russian roulette.
  5. The CDC keeps changing the “facts” about Covid vaccines, including how they work, how long they work, which viruses they work for, and the scary warning labels.

If you or some loved ones have been vaccinated for Covid, you may still have a good chance of escaping the deadly “currents” that await everyone else. Fraudulent Fauci, Mr. Covid himself, recently admitted on a New York Times podcast that the vaccines are wearing off very fast, losing their ability to protect people against infection, hospitalization and death. . . .

Read the rest here.  Report includes sources. 

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Monday, November 22, 2021

Compilation Video: Flip-Flopping Fauci

A.F. Branco cartoon

JD Rucker as FreedomFirstNewtwork posted a 2-minute video that expose Dr Fauci for the fraud that he is:

Compilation Video Shows Definitively Why We Call Him
Flip-Flopping Fascist Fear Fuhrer Fauci

There is no greater flip-flopper in the world than Anthony Fauci. It’s not just that he’s able to change his perspectives back and forth at will; there are plenty of politicians and bureaucrats who do that well. But Fauci takes it up several notches by not only justifying it inexplicably by claiming to hold to “science,” but also by somehow keeping a straight face every time he debunks himself, which is quite often.

A video posted to Twitter shows a compilation of Fauci vs Fauci incidents. Since it’s on Twitter it’s limited to just over two minutes long of Fauci’s greatest flip-flopping hits, but one could easily compile hours of footage where the medical tyrant backtracks, retracks, and takes his own narratives completely off the rails.

The worst part about all this isn’t that Fauci is driven by agenda, though that’s bad enough. The worst part is that millions of brainwashed Americans still believe this guy is credible. This is due in large part by the Biden-Harris regime’s unwillingness to call him out as well as mainstream media incessantly propping him up, but here’s the thing. Americans have a responsibility to educate themselves. The information is readily available. There is an overabundance of evidence that Fauci is an evil, narcissistic, totalitarian pawn of the architects of The Great Reset. Those who don’t realize this are delusional.

The science doesn’t “evolve” as Fauci often says. The narrative surrounding the science evolves. Nothing in the science has changed about face masks since the initial studies released last year showed they don’t stop Covid-19 and can be detrimental to those who wear them for any extended period of time. The only things that keep changing are the short-term goals of Fauci’s puppetmasters, and they use him to play the public like little children fawning over a birthday party magician.

Source link is here.  And it includes the video (approx. 2 minutes);  I have been unable to locate it elsewhere online; it may already have been cancelled.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Babylon Bee: Oscar The Grouch vs Big Bird

The headline at The Daily Mail:

Biden congratulates Big Bird
 for pushing COVID vaccine for kids
 after Ted Cruz called it 'propaganda
 for your five-year-old'

And here’s the response from The Babylon Bee:

Oscar The Grouch Refuses The Vaccine,
Stocks Up On Ivermectin

The Bee’s report includes the following:

Oscar the Grouch, who often listens to Joe Rogan without earbuds—inflicting the podcast on whoever is near his trashcan—has instead stocked up on Ivermectin—the preferable way for a grouch to treat COVID-19. “Yeah, you sheeple line the pockets of Pfizer while the vaccine does who-knows-what to you,” said Oscar. “Me, I’ll be here with my alternative treatments, being perfectly healthy and perfectly grouchy.”

Click here for the rest of the fun.

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Friday, November 5, 2021

More hospitalization horrors: this from Australia

image credit: theaquinian.net

We don't want to be over-reacting and scare-mongering, but in Western Australia, there are almost no COVID cases, just new patients overwhelming hospitals. From Sundance at Conservative Treehouse:

Noted by Alex Berenson, something very weird is happening in the state of Western Australia (WA) home to a population of almost 3 million people.  The WA state has been locked down and isolated from the COVID-19 impacts in the eastern states.

There are very few COVID cases in locked-down Western Australia which has allowed them time to prepare for the potential arrival of the virus which includes a massive vaccination effort.  The state has modeled an anticipated arrival of the COVID virus in early 2022, early next year.  However, as the vaccination rates increase, the hospitals are being overwhelmed with new patients and the Premier cannot explain why.

Alex Berernson notes comments made by WA Premier Mark McGowan on October 31st about hospitals being currently overwhelmed. “Our hospitals are under enormous pressure. This is the same in [the rest of Australia]. This has been something no one has ever seen before, the growth in demand in our hospitals, why it is is hard, hard to know… There is huge numbers of people coming through the door, so we’re doing everything we can to try to manage it,” says Premier McGowan.

The issue is apparently worsening.  In an interview yesterday (Wed, Nov 3rd) Premier McGowan announced a massive expansion of hospital capacity due to an existing and undefined current influx in patients that is overwhelming hospital capacity.

COVID-19 was anticipated to arrive next year.  Proactively, mass vaccinations are ongoing.  It is during this period of mass vaccinations when the hospitals are being overwhelmed by new patients.  These hospitalizations have nothing to do with COVID infections. 


Obviously something is very wrong:

COVID-19 or any variant therein is non-existent in the Western Australia population.

The Western Australia population is being vaccinated.

The hospitals in Western Australia are now overwhelmed, and not by COVID-19.

What else could the problem be other than the vaccinations causing hospitalizations?

. . .

Read all of it here and watch the video  Our household is no longer trusting an annual flu shot.  

UPDATE:  Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge (not always a reliable source) reports on the same phenomenon in America:  “Something Really Strange Is Happening At Hospitals All Over America”; click here.

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Thursday, November 4, 2021

New horror: COVID shot-induced heart attacks in the young

Celeste McGovern at LifesiteNews reports:

The ‘New Normal’ is healthy teens and 20-somethings
collapsing from deadly heart and brain conditions –
as the CDC rolls out experimental jabs to 5-year-olds

 A particularly horrifying Instagram post a few days ago shows our new global reality. It’s a video taken on a crowded street somewhere in Israel where a young person – it looks like a girl in her teens or perhaps early 20s – has collapsed. Her eyes are closed, her head is listing back and to one side, and she looks completely unresponsive as she’s wheeled by paramedics through the bustling foot traffic. Off camera, a man in the crowd begins shouting: “This is Pfizer! This is Pfizer! This is Pfizer!”

Welcome the “New Normal.” If you think this is an overstatement, take a look at a sampling of dozens of stories that made headlines recently:

There are good odds every one of these youths were jabbed. Just ask Gov. Gavin Newsom if children are being forced to be vaccinated to attend school in California. Or ask Kyrie Irving how much pressure is put on young athletes to get injected to be allowed to play. It’s a good bet they all received at least one dose of the experimental COVID-19 shots because the odds of having a heart attack as a child, or a brain bleed, are minuscule – unless of course, you’ve had a “clot shot” as they’ve come to be called.

. . .

Click here for the rest of the report, including links and video.  The FDA is breaking its own rules to “authorize” the jab for the kids.  For more on this, see Treehouse published at NOQ, here.

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Saturday, October 30, 2021

America Unhinged: Dr. Bryan Ardis Warns About the Medical Establishment’s Covid Lies

Your weekend read.  Ramon Tomey at FreedomFirstNetwork transcribed a video featuring Bryan Ardis on “America Unhinged.”  Ardis connects most of the dots in the media and government propaganda on the COVID-19 “vaccines.”  His explanations sound downright creepy, yet they are consistent with what I’ve been posting on vaccine mandates, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zinc, etc., via NOQ, American Thinker, and other skeptical sources over the last year:

Texas chiropractor Dr. Bryan Ardis warned about the medical establishment’s lies about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). He issued this warning during the Oct. 25 edition of “America Unhinged” on Brighteon.TV. Ardis also told program host and theologian John Diamond how more effective COVID-19 cures have been discredited in favor of the vaccines.

Ardis noted how public health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “continue to propagate fear.” He said: “They lie to you regarding statistics around infections, and they exaggerate them and inflate them. They’ve been selling you the idea that you need a vaccine to inject in your body to save you.”

The host of “The Dr. Ardis Show” on Brighteon.TV added that the risks have always outweighed the purported benefits of the vaccines, contrary to what the authorities insist. “They try to coerce, they try to bully and they have been attempting to shame everyone in America into getting these COVID-19 shots,” Ardis said.

He also mentioned the FDA’s plan to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for children aged five to 11 years old. According to Guardian report, advisers for the regulatory body have recommended the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for the said age group based on data submitted by the companies. During the Oct. 26 meeting by the FDA’s advisory panel, 17 voted yes and only one abstained.

“The FDA is deciding to vote on and mandate COVID-19 vaccines [on] all children in America – and it’s horrific. You should not be okay with them actually pumping these vaccines and mandating [them for] children,” Ardis said.

“The Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson [vaccine] fact sheets … [state] that these shots do not prevent you from getting COVID-19, nor [do they] stop you from transmitting [SARS-CoV-2] to another person. What’s incredible about [this is that] they keep telling you in the media: ‘In order to stop the pandemic or the spread of this virus, you need to get vaccinated.’”

Ardis denounces the continued use of remdesivir against COVID-19

“I’ve been in the media, non-stop, warning the American public to stay away from hospitals because [Dr.] Anthony Fauci has set up a protocol that will maim, disease and kill a lot of Americans,” Ardis told Diamond. “I knew that he was using this protocol of a deadly drug called remdesivir in all hospitals in America.”

According to Ardis, the country’s top infectious disease expert has a sinister purpose for promoting the remdesivir protocol. “Fauci is setting this up to kill a bunch of Americans, so he could sell the idea that the COVID-19 infection was deadly and that he had a savior vaccine that everyone needed to get,” the chiropractor said.

Ardis’ remarks against remdesivir came more than a month after he appeared on another Brighteon.TV program, “The Matrixxx Grooove Show.” He denounced the remdesivir protocol on the show’s Sept. 2 episode.

He explained that remdesivir causes acute kidney failure in 35 percent of patients who used it within five to ten days. When combined with the anti-inflammatory dexamethasone and the antibiotic vancomycin, it causes acute kidney failure in up to 45 percent of patients in a span of five days.

Diamond asked Ardis if the campaign to discredit hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin (IVM) was part of the FDA’s plan to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for the COVID-19 shots. “Is that why they tried to suppress all of the HCQ and IVM, because they wanted to push these vaccines?”

Ardis answered in the affirmative. “They wanted to have an EUA given to a vaccine maker. By law, there cannot be any other medication or treatment already proven to actually be safe and effective against the virus in order for a vaccine to be given an EUA. That is why they had to destroy how good HCQ behaved with COVID-infected patients around the world,” Ardis said. (Related: Hospitalizations drop by 84% in patients treated with HCQ, study shows.)

“They also had to lie to us … that IVM wasn’t safe or effective. It’s actually been proven in 63 studies from 18 countries to stop COVID-19 infection [and] transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in 48 hours or less.”

Article with video is here.  For the ivermectin success story in Uttar Pradesh, India, click here.  

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Friday, October 29, 2021

The American Medical Assoc gives itself another black eye


Here’s the update from Ethan Huff at NOQ Report:

The American Medical Association (AMA) wants people to die from the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

The reason we can safely say this is that the trade group is working overtime to restrict Americans’ access to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin, two safe, effective and inexpensive early treatment remedies for the Chinese Virus.

Instead of recognizing that each individual has the God-given right to choose what goes into his body, the AMA is taking a position of medical fascism that does not even recognize the right of doctors to prescribe whatever medications they see fit for their patients.

In 1996, ivermectin was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in humans. Today, ivermectin is off-patent and available generically for treating a variety of pathologies.

Because using ivermectin breaks the plandemic script, however – everyone is supposed to just mask up and get “vaccinated,” they tell us – the AMA is trying to make it impossible to get (except for the black market, perhaps).

“The American Medical Association (which represents only 12% of practicing physicians and receives more money from the federal government than from its waning membership dues) and two national pharmacy associations (which receive corporate support from COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ manufacturers, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) have decided ivermectin should not be used to treat this virus despite widespread successful treatment with this drug (discovered in the late 1970s and used in humans since 1988),” write Robert Marshall and Dr. Bernard, Pegis, M.D., for LifeSiteNews.

“Ivermectin is currently available over the counter in many countries. If American drugstores implement this dangerous policy, many lives will be lost.”

Read more here. This blog has previously posted information on how to obtain off-label prescriptions such as ivermectin (click here).   It’s legal and it’s cheap.    

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Sunday, October 24, 2021

America in The Twilight Zone?


Patricia McCarthy is a frequent contributor to American Thinker, and I would describe her as level-headed, certainly not prone to wild and crazy conspiracy theories.  So I was interested to see her article “Vaccines: We Are Living in The Twilight Zone” late last week.  She references that famous Twilight Zone episode where earthlings are racing to get on the spaceship to travel to a distant planet, not realizing the alien “book” they’ve been translating is a cookbook, and the earthlings are the food.  Are there comparisons to today’s societal collapse?  You decide.  This extract is close to the end of her article:

Biden’s participation in the Great Reset looks real. He ceased the building of the border wall on day one of his presidency.  He stopped the Keystone pipeline and ended oil drilling on all federal lands.  He purposefully upended the energy independence Trump had achieved.  Gasoline in California is now around $5 a gallon.  Who does this hurt?  The working poor among us.  And with each passing day, it becomes clearer that Biden will not do anything to protect American interests, in Afghanistan for example,  if it might anger China.  He is without a doubt the worst president in US history.  He has, from day one, capitulated to all of America’s enemies,  angered our allies, and put the US, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan in grave danger.  The ever-so-complicit Fauci who had a hand in developing covid in Wuhan is as pro-China as Biden.   

In the meantime, breakthrough infections are killing people as surely as if they were sustenance for the ruling class.   Lives are most likely being cut short, vaccinated teens are being diagnosed with myocarditis.   Moderna has delayed vaxxing teens because of myocarditis.  The entire population of vaccinated people is vulnerable to blood clotting (VITT). 

Despite the volumes of information available about the dangers of the vaccines, such information is avoided or suppressed by the mainstream media.  One has to go searching for it.  So as the jabs keep injuring and killing, they have proven not to protect from Covid and yet the administration and its handmaidens in the media pretend this isn’t so and keep demanding every single person be vaxxed.  Those that submit do not realize they are just pawns in a very nasty global reset plan to… what?  Depopulation?  Shorten lifespans?  Cause infertility?  Massively increasing the wealth of the already wealthy?  All of the above?  . . .

Food . . . for thought.  Read the rest of the article here.

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Saturday, October 23, 2021

Rand Paul Was Right — Fauci Lied


The meme is via PatriotPost. Thomas Gallatin reports:

Rand Paul Was Right — Fauci Lied

NIH … categorically has not funded gain-of-function research.” Yes it has.

National Institutes of Health official Lawrence Tabak issued a letter Wednesday admitting that the agency did indeed provide funding for gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology via the U.S. nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance. That’s a big problem for more than one reason.

Tabak writes that NIH funding went to a “limited experiment” in which a test was conducted to see if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model.” The modified coronavirus did make the mouse “become sicker” than the non-modified virus.

While Tabak avoids using the term “gain-of-function,” it is clear from his descriptions that such research is exactly what he admits the NIH funded. That the NIH was involved in funding gain-of-function research should come as a surprise to no one, as Anthony Fauci himself had been a longtime proponent of the controversial practice.

Back in 2012, Fauci argued in support to gain-of-function research, contending: “Scientists working in this field might say — as indeed I have said — that the benefits of such experiments and the resulting knowledge outweigh the risks. It is more likely that a pandemic would occur in nature, and the need to stay ahead of such a threat is a primary reason for performing an experiment that might appear to be risky.”

Fauci’s clearly favorable views of this research would also explain why he chose not to alert White House officials in 2017 when he lifted the ban on the practice. It also appears to explain why the NIH’s funding of gain-of-function was not direct but funneled through EcoHealth Alliance, giving Fauci the cover to later claim that the NIH was not directly involved in funding gain-of-function research.

Yet when Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) pressed Fauci over NIH funding, an irate and contentious Fauci retorted: “You do not know what you are talking about. … If anybody is lying here, Senator, it is you! … You are entirely and completely incorrect. The NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

Just in case someone wasn’t clear, Fauci added, “I will repeat, the NIH … categorically has not funded gain-of-function research to be conducted in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

We knew this before, but now even the NIH is tacitly admitting that Fauci lied not only to Senator Paul in sworn testimony but to the American public. . . .

Read the rest here.  It's scary, because too many people I know still rely on the mainstream media for news propaganda.  

See also JD Rucker's report at NOQ on the NIH's funding of gain-of-function research.

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Friday, October 22, 2021

A doctor speaks out on The Jab


A physician publishing under the name "Blaise Edwards, M.D." has an article at American Thinker (h/t Lucianne.com) that might be useful if you are discussing COVID treatment options with a physician who goes along with the quarantine-and-wait-until-you-good-and-sick before considering hospitalization, off-label treatments, or, heaven forbid, a ventilator. 

I find myself in the position that I must use an alias for fear of reprisal.  Those days may be quickly coming to an end, as hospitals are denying requests for vaccine exemptions with impunity.  I will likely soon be out the door, with nothing to lose.  Even if I survive this round, if the “pandemic” continues, it won’t be long before I am shelved like a can of spam.

Doctors need to be called out.  From early in the pandemic, it was like a mass hypnosis or forgetfulness of everything we had learned in medical school.  Immune system knowledge was shelved and replaced by government dictates.  The thought of early outpatient treatment with “off label” drugs that could modulate the immune system was forbidden.  We essentially told patients that they had to go home and wait until they were sick enough to be hospitalized, then treatment would begin.  Imagine telling all diabetics that there is no metformin, Glucophage, or insulin.  Would we really wait until patients are in diabetic ketoacidosis, and then treat them only at the hospital?  It is medical malfeasance of a grand scale.

We physicians gave up our training and our reasonable medical thought process.  The reasons are multiple.  First, it was the easy way out.  Second, many of us are employed and fear reprisal.  Third, despite what the public thinks, we physicians are not bold leaders, we tend to be sheep, and are afraid of having an entire institution ostracize us or our colleagues to think us crazy.

As we got to the point of vaccine rollout, doctors were not using the scientific method, questioning and challenging prevailing hypotheses.  They kept their heads down, closed clinics, converted to telemedicine, and pushed only the jab.

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Lately, it has been all about getting 100% of the population jabbed.  For what reason?  I am not sure, and some of the more detailed and investigated theories scare me.  I shudder to think.  But last year’s heroes are being labeled selfish and villainous for not getting the vaccine.  Hospital systems have abandoned their community’s health and ignored early successful outpatient treatment in favor of huge government subsidies for inpatient and ICU treatment.  The success of these treatments was not great, but that is another article.  Now we have the same hospital systems turning their backs on their own employees.  Basically, health providers have a choice, get shot, or get fired.  How does that help?  Both vaxxed and unvaxxed can spread the virus, so it doesn’t help anyone.  It only helps the hospital to get more government money by meeting quotas.

I, for one, will remember that when we faced a real crisis, the hospitals and many physicians chose money and profit over their own community’s best interest.  Perhaps it is time for groups of physicians to get back to running their own healthcare clinics and hospitals.  We used to have a code of ethics.  We used to put patients first.  Not anymore.

As for physicians, those who are blindly following the government edicts are culpable in a moral atrocity.  Bullying and deriding patients who chose to refrain from this still experimental therapy is an abomination.  (You will say it isn’t experimental anymore, to which I would say that just because the government broke its own rules regarding approval, doesn’t make it legal or right).  Patients have sincere beliefs for making their choice.  Respect their thoughts.  Do you yell as much at smokers, drinkers, fornicators, drug abusers, etc?  No, I think not. I think you chose to fit in because it gives you a sense of righteousness.

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I beg physicians to get back to basics, remember all the epidemiology and immunology that bored us to tears in school.  Investigate the real literature and take a stand.  Society needs us to do this.  Even if you have been vaccinated, help those who are fighting for their lives.  Stand up against this forced vaccine tyranny.  Support those who have legitimate reasons for declining the jab. If you don’t stand up now, who will stand up for you when you are faced with your choice of yet another booster or your job.

The full article is here.   

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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Monday, October 18, 2021

A legal brief on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine


American Thinker published a report on Nebraska’s Attorney General Doug Peterson’s “devastating critique of the suppression of effective COVID therapies.”  If you’ve been on the fence on hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and ivermectin as effective treatments of COVID-19, this should put your concerns to rest. Jarrad Winter sets the stage:

Legal opinions usually aren't terribly fun to read, but if you've been an ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine advocate for use against Wuhan Plague, this one definitely will bring you much joy.

It's a rather lengthy and full spectrum opinion issued by Doug Peterson, Nebraska's Attorney General, in response to a query from the state's Department of Health and Human Services as to whether physicians can be persecuted and tormented for prescribing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to patients sick with the China Flu. What the AG's response amounts to is a full and complete takedown of the conspiracy to suppress cheap and effective early Covid-19 treatments.

All the players -- FDA, CDC, Fauci, Big Pharma, the media, all of them -- get a glorious and swift kick in the rear end. Portions of it even made me laugh out loud. As far as legal documents go, it's definitely easy reading and understandable to everyone. It seems clear that the AG's office went to some trouble to layout the whole saga in a way the masses can understand without translation by legal scholars.

What follows are some of the most relevant parts (at least in my sometimes-humble opinion), but it really is in everyone's best interest to personally read the opinion in full. People must individually understand what's actually happening for themselves. This is what will enable We The People to course correct and divert from the ruinous path set for us by the overlords.

. . .

Read the article here; it includes chapter-and-verse on medical trials, and the agendas of "all the players."  Mr. Winter also links to the AG’s report itself.

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Sunday, October 17, 2021

COVID Propaganda


J.B.Shurk breaks down the propaganda wars at AmericanConservativeMovement. Here are his concluding questions:

. . . the global response to the China Virus is so rife with contradictions that ordinary people can see that they are being flooded with government propaganda.  That’s the good news.  The first step to surviving any information war is to recognize that one is actually being waged.  Accepting that you are being lied to prepares you for discovering why.

Is COVID-1984 merely the greatest grift ever perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry and the politicians paid handsomely from its profits?  Is it a continuation of the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming scam being used to concentrate global control over all economic relations into the hands of a small number of financial and technocratic elites?

Is it being used to distract the world from an impending debt bomb that will eventually explode into the mother of all economic depressions?  Is it a vehicle for eliminating private ownership and returning the world back to a time when a minuscule number of lords could rule over a global population of serfs?  Is it a mechanism for identifying citizens who will pose problems for the State’s continued authority?

Is it the Davos crowd’s experimentation in population control?  Or was it the only way to prevent President Trump’s re-election and derail his “America First” agenda by providing the necessary cover for political operatives to violate state law and flood the 2020 election with enough anonymous, unsecured, and unverified ballots to make Trump the first president to win more votes than any incumbent in American history, expand his backing among minorities, and increase his overall support by over ten million new voters, yet still find himself somehow short of victory?

As the six-hundred-pound man said to the Swiss chocolatier, “I’ll take one of each.”  Sometimes the answers really are as obvious as they seem.

This is a war for hearts and minds now.  Just as John Brennan and the CIA fed us a diet of Russia collusion for years in order to overturn the 2016 election, COVID-1984 is the smorgasbord of rancidness meant to turn our stomachs and convince us to willingly accept a future of servitude to the State.  With each passing executive order or unconstitutional edict in the name of public health, the government is tightening its noose.  It is a global heist of personal freedom before our eyes.  The only way forward is not to look away; to recognize that “it can happen here”; and to realize that it is, in fact, happening.

A war over information, as we have seen, is as deadly as one with rifles and bayonets.  Propaganda is only as effective as it is invisible.  Lies seen can never be unseen.  One thing remains certain: we are in this conflict whether we like it or not.

Full article is here. 

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Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Great Reset a/k/a New World Order


Just to define terms, David Risselada explains and puts into historical context “The Great Reset” at thelibertyloft. Here’s his opening.

After nineteen months of continuous propaganda concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, most Americans have now heard the term The Great Reset. For some, these words ring a bell as it is apparent to them the entire agenda revolves around installing the dreaded New World Order. For others, the phrase conjures up images of the whacked-out conspiracy theorist who would refer to the latter as a deplorable in a MAGA hat.

In terms of the Draconian measures taken to stop a disease where ninety-eight percent of those infected survive, a move to a global totalitarian system is clearly underway. COVID-19, whether it was a real pandemic or a manufactured crisis, presents the perfect opportunity to implement systematic change, and move other stalled agendas forward. It highlights a nation’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of its abilities to handle a global disaster, and where global governance failed and needs revision.

To brush aside the term The Great Reset as some crazy conspiracy is to ignore the fact that the preceding words are from the man who first brought it into public consciousness, Klaus Schwab. Head of the World Economic Forum, Schwab certainly knows what the global agenda is, and in his own words, tells us that COVID-19 is the perfect crisis that world leaders cannot let go to waste. In this series of articles, I will analyze these words in an attempt to bring an understanding of what the Great Reset is, and what we can expect in the coming years. The one thing I can say for sure is The Great Reset is not a conspiracy. It is out there in the open for anyone who chooses to see it.

The rest of his article, “Part One: Initial Review,” provides some chapter-and-verse.  Click here.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Another “No Fly” list


A.F. Branco cartoon via theLibertyLoft.com

Dr. Joseph Mercola is sending out another Red Alert – this time concerning the Biden administration and Fascist Fauci possibly imposing a “no shot, no fly” rule for domestic travel in America.  Dr. Mercola’s article is prefaced with a story-at-a-glance summary, at BasedUnderground:

  • The White House is seriously considering a “no shot, no fly” rule within the U.S.
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Biden administration’s top medical adviser, is in favor of the idea and stated that “nothing has been taken off the table” when it comes to domestic air travel vaccine mandates
  • COVID-19 shots do not prevent transmission and people who have been injected can still spread COVID-19 to others, making vaccine mandates more about compliance than science
  • The “science” behind social distancing is also nonexistent, and the 6 feet requirement an arbitrary number created by politics, not science
  • The vaccine mandate rhetoric is also ignoring the basic and long-established phenomenon of natural immunity; those who’ve recovered from COVID-19 are naturally immune and don’t need a shot
  • The only way to compensate for the assault on freedom happening all around is for people to hear about it and stand up against it

The full story is here.  Plan accordingly.

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