Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label vaccine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccine. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Neil Oliver: Trusting Authority

Below is the closing part of the transcript from Neil Oliver’s latest contemplation.  Usual thanks to Sundance for posting it at Conservative Treehouse.

. . . Rather than dismiss as yet another conspiracy theory the idea of cash being ultimately replaced with transactions based on the exchange of what amount to glorified food stamps that will only be accepted if our social credit score demonstrates that we’ve been obedient girls or boys … how about taking the leap and focusing on the blatantly obvious … that if we are not free to buy whatever and whenever we please, free of the surveillance and snooping of governments and the banks that run them, then we have absolutely no freedom at all.

And while we’re on the subject of money and banks, why not pause to notice something else that is glaringly obvious – which is to say that the currencies of the West are teetering on the abyss, and that one bank after another is revealed, to those who are bothering to watch, as being as close to bankruptcy as is possible to be without actually falling over the edge.

Then there’s the so-called vaccines for Covid – I deliberately say “so-called” because by now it should be clear to all but the willfully blind that those injections do not work as advertised. You can still contract the virus, still transmit the virus, still get sick and still die. Denmark has dropped their use on under-18s. All across the world, every day, more evidence emerges – however grudgingly, however much the various complicit authorities and Big-Pharma companies might hate to admit it – of countless deaths and injuries caused by those medical procedures.

And yet here in Britain and just about everywhere else, governments continue to try and get those needles into as many arms as possible, even the arms of the smallest and youngest. The ripe stink of corruption is everywhere. I trusted authority for most of my life.

Now I ask myself on a daily basis how I ignored the stench for so long. Across the Atlantic, the Biden White House sent the FBI to raid the home of former president Donald Trump. Meanwhile Joe Biden and his son Hunter – he of the laptop full of the most appalling and incriminating content – fly together on Airforce 1. No raids planned on the Obamas, nor on the Clintons. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi flew to Taiwan and onwards to China. Her son Paul, an investor in a Chinese tech firm and with seats on the board of companies dealing in lithium, was along for the ride, into that part of the world where three quarters of the world’s lithium batteries are made. Taiwan leads in that technology.

It is hard to think the unthinkable. It’s hard to think that all of it, all the misery, all the suffering of the past and to come might just be about money, greed and power. It is hard to tell yourself you’ve been taken for a fool and taken for a ride. It’s hard, but the view from the other side is worth the effort and the pain. Open your eyes and see. 

Read the full transcript (or watch the video) here.

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Friday, August 12, 2022

Dr Malone has good words for you


Dr Robert Malone is the one credited with inventing the delivery mechanism for the vaccine, the mRNA technology.  And he has been an outspoken critic of vaccine mandates.  For that criticism, he's been ostracized, and kicked off Titter and YouTube. Now the medical deep state / US government is trying to erase his discoveries, patents, and the like from the historical narratives;  see here.  He's no longer a valued colleague;  he's an outcast.  But he knows he is not the only one, and he posted this on one of his blogs:

I was speaking with a friend yesterday, and she was so saddened by her family’s rejection of her over her critical perspective concerning the COVID-19 policies/vaccines. She is just one of many, many people suffering from being isolated and rejected by family and friends over what has happened. So many of us have had to re-evaluate what we think of our government, politics and the US/Global public health enterprise. So many of us have had to find new communities.

I just want to reach out and let people know - you are not alone. You don’t have to be isolated. I know it is hard to make new friends, find new communities, but you don’t have to suffer. More on this in another post. But please know that you are not alone.

He sure is one of the good guys.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2022

COVID jab injuries


Dr Joseph Mercola reports on the adverse effects of the COVID vaccine at Uncanceled News:


    • “mRNA ‘Vaccine’ Genocide 2021-2022: Testimonies from the Victims and Medical Staff,” tells the stories of people around the world who have been injured by the COVID jab
    • Their struggle, their pain, their deaths deserve to be acknowledged for what they are — the result of medical malfeasance, regulatory corruption and societal “mass formation” insanity driven by media fearmongering and outright lies
    • A common thread in these stories is the consistent dismissal by the medical community. Even in cases where the doctors do suspect a COVID jab injury, they still have no idea how the symptoms are caused or how to treat them, so they just send the victims home. Successful treatments appear to be extremely rare, which adds insult to injury
    • The COVID shot is the most dangerous drug [see note below] in the history of modern medicine, and these dangers were foreseen and predicted by many respected and well-educated doctors and scientists, whose voices were censored
    • All-cause mortality by time is the most reliable measure from which we can detect true catastrophic events, and all-cause mortality started spiking AFTER the COVID jabs were rolled out. These increases also correlate to a nation’s COVID jab rate

FTA: “The COVID shot is the most dangerous drug [emphasis added] in the history of modern medicine.”  I would qualify that statement with comparisons to, e.g., AZT, remdesivir, and thalidomide.  Had Dr Mercola claimed the COVID shot was the “most dangerous” vaccine – that’d no doubt be correct.  

Among the respected physicians who have been sounding the alarm about the vaccine risks is Dr Robert Malone, who is credited with inventing the mRNA delivery system for the vaccine.  Having been censored at Twitter and YouTube, he now publishes his blog at Substack here.

Full article by Dr Mercola at Uncanceled News is here.

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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Pilot shortages and the vaxx


If you plan to travel by air over the Fourth of July weekend, you may want to have back-up plans.  Air travel these days has been unreliable, with flight cancellations and endless delays.  There is a pilot shortage, and Terry Paulding at American Thinker blames COVID and the jabs:

What’s going on? We’ve never had a pilot shortage before. We may currently have more air travelers needing flights than a year ago, but not more than before COVID—and yet, here we are, facing an entirely new problem. It’s so bad that American Airlines is offering pilots on its regional carriers double and triple pay for the month of July if they’ll take extra flights.

   . . .

Let’s put the blame for this shortage squarely where it belongs: On COVID “vaccination” policy. Many pilots who got the jabs are suffering injuries and have been unable to pass their required 6-month comprehensive physicals. None of us want a pilot who has a heart attack mid-flight. If you search the net, you come up with reports like this one from last week that pretty much says it all but they’re not from mainstream sources, of course. Such reports are forbidden fruit for widely heard reporters.

There’s also the flip side—if pilots refuse to get the jab, they can no longer fly due to mandates. We have a perfect storm: If pilots are vaccinated, many can’t fly because of vaccine injury—a state far, far more common than our government would lead you to believe. They are desperate to keep that fact hidden.

If you’re not vaccinated, you can’t fly either. If you’re in the military (many pilots go commercial after their service years), you have the same problem, so the routine feed of qualified military pilots who transition to commercial piloting is effectively halted as well.  . . .

Full column is here.  More deliberate destruction . . . 

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Monday, June 27, 2022

Clot Shots & adverse events


At the NOQ Report, S.D. Wells brings us up-to-date with adverse events that can follow injection of the “vaccines” ~ a/k/a Clot Shots:

Editor’s Note: Despite the fact that adverse reactions are being more readily reported by a reluctant corporate media, any mentions of them are still getting blocked by Big Tech. We [NOQ and sister sites] have officially dropped down to essentially zero traffic from Google and Facebook, and we wear that predicament like a badge of honor. We will continue to report on the many disturbing cases of jabs-gone-wrong, and while we understand why most other conservative news outlets refuse to do so, that doesn’t make it right. It’s up to you guys to help share this information if you choose to do so because now more than ever, with millions of parents preparing to get their young children jabbed, the facts need to come to light. 

7 Scariest Covid-19 Post-Vaxx “Adverse Events”
That Are Becoming More Common

The CDC and MSM call it “vaccine hesitancy” but it’s more about “vaccine science” that shows the COVID-19 gene-mutation jabs are experimental, dangerous and ineffective. It’s not “hesitancy” if the statistics reveal that getting a clot shot is FAR more dangerous to the majority of the population that actually catching the latest coronavirus. It’s not a conspiracy theory that the clot shots are experimental at best, with “emergency use only” approvals and fraudulent clinical trials that reveal commonplace nightmarish side effects and adverse events.

Just because mainstream (fake news) media doesn’t cover the facts does not mean they are not happening all around us. If a tree falls in the forest, but you don’t hear it hit, that doesn’t mean it never fell. When perfectly healthy athletes, pilots and military members drop dead from blood clots, myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes, just days or weeks after getting injected with gene therapy COVID-19 shots, there is valid reason to be very concerned.

Why give any teenager, tween or child a deadly Wuhan virus clot shot when there’s next-to-zero chance they could die from COVID? . . .

Two-thirds of all Americans have been brainwashed by a fear-based campaign of propaganda to get the COVID jabs.

The days of evidence-based science are dead in America. The days of checks and balances are gone. The regulatory agencies are chock full of Big Pharma gurus who make all the rules and mandates based on zero science. Only fear could make hundreds of millions of Americans get stuck with shots that clog the blood, flood the organs, and cause “sudden adult death syndrome” (SADS).

Only a fear-based campaign for a virus that causes far less than a one percent death rate could convince two-thirds of all Americans to wear a bacteria-breeding mask over their respiratory apparatus for two years straight.

Only a scamdemic could take so much taxpayer money and hand it to the evil scientists, politicians and regulatory goons who funded, designed and propagated it. Let’s face it, there’s NOTHING “safe” or “effective” about the Fauci Flu jabs. Avoid them like the plague.

Top 7 SCARIEST COVID-19 post-vaccine “adverse events” MSM and CDC never mention for fear of “vaccine hesitancy”

#1. Dropping dead suddenly from “unexpected causes” a.k.a. SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome)

#2. Weird, long, rubbery, fibrous blood clots (bio-structures)

#3. Myocarditis, irregular heart beats and heart attacks

#4. Cancer and tumors flare up out of the blue

#5. Catching and/or dying from COVID-19 or its variants

#6. Paralysis of arms, legs or face (Justin Bieber’s “Ramsay Hunt” Syndrome)

#7. Suddenly suffering from GBS (Guillain-Barre Syndrome), AIDS, ADE, or VAED

Source link is here.  What the reporter left out:  the mis-named "vaccines" can compromise both adults' and youngsters' natural immune systems, see e.g. here

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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Dr Robert Malone’s Global COVID Summit Declaration


Truth Based Media has published Dr Robert Malone’s Global COVID Summit Declaration IV: A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists. Here’s part of the editorial intro:

Pandemic Panic Theater isn’t over. It has been temporarily deemphasized for the sake of sneaking in the Pandemic Treaty that threatens us all. We must not get complacent just because most mask mandates have been lifted. We must not think we’ve won just because the unhinged push to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on earth has retreated temporarily to the shadows. The fight continues and people like Dr. Malone are leading the way in bringing to light this existential threat.

And here’s the opening of the Declaration from Dr. Malone and members of the Global Covid Summit :

17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.

We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.

. . .

The Declaration closes:

The mission of the Global COVID Summit is to end this orchestrated crisis, which has been illegitimately imposed on the world, and to formally declare that the actions of this corrupt alliance constitute nothing less than crimes against humanity.

We must restore the people’s trust in medicine, which begins with free and open dialogue between physicians and medical scientists. We must restore medical rights and patient autonomy. This includes the foundational principle of the sacred doctor-patient relationship. The social need for this is decades overdue, and therefore, we the physicians of the world are compelled to take action.

After two years of scientific research, millions of patients treated, hundreds of clinical trials performed and scientific data shared, we have demonstrated and documented our success in understanding and combating COVID-19. In considering the risks versus benefits of major policy decisions, our Global COVID Summit of 17,000 physicians and medical scientists from all over the world have reached consensus on the following foundational principles:

  1. We declare and the data confirm that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end.
  2. We declare doctors should not be blocked from providing life-saving medical treatment.
  3. We declare the state of national emergency, which facilitates corruption and extends the pandemic, should be immediately terminated.
  4. We declare medical privacy should never again be violated, and all travel and social restrictions must cease.
  5. We declare masks are not and have never been effective protection against an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting.
  6. We declare funding and research must be established for vaccination damage, death and suffering.
  7. We declare no opportunity should be denied, including education, career, military service or medical treatment, over unwillingness to take an injection.
  8. We declare that first amendment violations and medical censorship by government, technology and media companies should cease, and the Bill of Rights be upheld.
  9. We declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, Astra Zeneca, and their enablers, withheld and willfully omitted safety and effectiveness information from patients and physicians, and should be immediately indicted for fraud.
  10. We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable.

Read the full Declaration here

And when your physician claims that American clinical trials have not been conducted sufficiently to support recommendations for prescribing, e.g., ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc.,  show him or her the paragraph preceding the 10 bullet points.

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Saturday, May 7, 2022

Dr Malone, Vitamin D3, and Preventable Death

Dr Robert W Malone is the scientist who is credited with inventing the mRNA technology, i.e., the delivery system for the COVID “vaccines” by Pfizer, Moderna, et al.  He is hardly an anti-vaxxer, and this blog has linked to his speeches and articles before.  Because he is on record as skeptical of the “vaccines”, especially for children, he’s been censored, kicked off YouTube and Twitter, etc., but his latest posting on Substack reviews the role Vitamin D3 has played in human resistance to viruses.  He begins:

Preventable Deaths and D3:
The Ugly History of Vitamin D3 and Fauci's pro-Vaccine Bias

The inconvenient truth is that even at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a very simple, inexpensive and effective treatment was available that could have saved the majority of lives lost (1-3). All that the WHO and public health bureaucracy had to do was to recommend and support people taking sufficient Vitamin D3. This failure to act traces back to the unscientific bias and pro-vaccine obsession of Dr. Anthony Fauci. And once again the legacy media, while being paid by the US government and the pharmaceutical industry to promote vaccination, acted by censoring, defaming and suppressing the ability of physicians to inform people of scientific truth. The disease you suffered, the loss of life among your family and friends, could have been greatly reduced by simply getting enough Vitamin D3. This is another example of what happens when unelected bureaucrats are allowed to control free speech. Crimes against humanity.

The effectiveness of Vitamin D3 as an immune system-boosting prophylactic treatment for influenza and other respiratory RNA viruses was first discovered in 2006 (4, 5). Despite that fact that this treatment is amazingly effective for preventing death (by strengthening your immune system), it has never been investigated by the NIH, promoted by the CDC or by the US government for the treatment of influenza. One major issue has been that uncontrolled variables of dosing, timing of dosing and disease status have resulted in inconsistent clinical trial results (much as we have seen with the Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine COVID trials). However, when Vitamin D3 is given prophylactically at sufficient doses, there is clear and compelling evidence that Vitamin D blood levels of around 50 ng/ml will substantially reduce symptomatic infection, severe disease and mortality.

Longstanding worldwide public health policy is that Vitamin D should be taken at sufficient levels (typically supplemented in milk products) to prevent the bone disease called rickets. But this is just a minimal level to prevent a very obvious debilitating disease. The recommended Vitamin D levels in our milk are not sufficient for the more subtle immune system-boosting effects of this critical vitamin. Our bodies’ way of normally producing Vitamin D requires a lot of sunlight, but life in the modern world and northern latitudes make this difficult- particular in winter months which is often when the respiratory viruses cause the most disease and death. In a sense, disease and death from Influenza and other respiratory RNA viruses are a lifestyle disease. Just the way things are. Largely avoidable unnecessary death. . . .

Read the rest here.  Is Vitamin D3 one of your daily supplements?

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Monday, April 11, 2022

If there is risk, there must be choice


Dr. Robert Malone, scientist and inventor of the mRNA technology used in the COVID injections, continues to sound the alarm about the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) plan for “global fascism” – using the manufactured COVID crisis to do so. Here is part of the speech he just gave in the Not-so-Golden State, published at Substack:

I was born in Palo Alto, raised in Goleta California, but when I return to my birth state I hardly recognize it.  What has happened to the open, freedom loving society of my youth?  Why has free speech become vilified, and why does the Los Angeles Times feel the need to label people Nazis without any evidence?  Do they forget that the Nazis came to power as a left-wing party, and that the hallmark of their rise was aggressive use of censorship, propaganda, and Mass Formation Psychosis to control people?

I donated to the Obama and Biden campaigns – which I now regret.  What I have seen over the last two years, particularly here in California under World Economic Forum-trained Governor Gavin Newsome cannot be unseen.  Now the Uniparty wants to push him for President. He must be stopped before he and his party can expand their totalitarian mandates and laws.  There is no medical emergency.  There is no justification for these laws that the California Democratic party and their WEF allies want impose on us.

This is my truth, and I believe it is self-evident.

We should not have politicized the public health response to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, but here we are.  That is what has been done by the followers of the World Economic Forum party line. 

Regarding the genetic COVID vaccines, the science is settled.

They are not working to prevent infection, replication, and spread of Omicron, and they are not completely safe. 

These vaccines were designed for a different virus, the Wuhan strain. Whether they made sense for protecting our elderly and frail from the original virus is irrelevant.  So let’s stop arguing about that. We must look forward. 

These genetic vaccines do not prevent Omicron infection, viral replication, or spread to others.  In our daily lives, with our friends, with our families, we all know that this is true. Data from all over the world indicates that the triple vaccina  may be at increased risk for infection, disease and death from Omicron.

These genetic treatments are leaky, have poor durability, and even if every man, woman, and child in the United States were vaccinated, these treatments cannot achieve herd immunity and stop COVID. They are not completely safe, and the full nature of the risks remain unknown.  In contrast, the natural immunity which healthy immune systems develop after infection and recovery from COVID is long lasting, broad, and highly protective from disease and death caused by this virus. . . .

More here.  And of course, Dr Malone is constantly vilified.  

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Saturday, March 26, 2022

“Uncovering the Corona Narrative”: the digital-financial complex

Dr Robert Malone is the scientist who is credited with inventing the mRNA technology, i.e., the delivery system for the COVID “vaccines” by Pfizer, Moderna, et al.  He is hardly an anti-vaxxer, and this blog has linked to his speeches and articles before.  Because he is on record as skeptical of the “vaccines”, especially for children, he’s been censored, kicked off YouTube and Twitter, etc., but his latest posting on Substack introduces the transcript of a talk in August 2021 by Ernst Wolff:

Many who have followed this coronavirus “public health crisis” and the non-sensical response provided by most of the western nations (including the USA) have been perplexed by two big questions - how was this done (in such a globally coordinated fashion), and why was it done?

In my case, I have tried to follow the various threads of facts and logic, to confront the perplexingly dysfunctional public policies, and to make sense of what is so deeply illogical. What I have found has been layers of lies, one on top of another, which seem to require an amazingly coordinated and globally comprehensive control and shaping of information in the form of propaganda and censorship on a scale which was previously unimaginable. Total information control, and total unrestricted, all encompassing information warfare. Modern media manipulation of thought and minds without boundaries, and without any ethical constraints.

One constant thread which runs through all of the mismanagement, all of the authoritarian policies, all of the totalitarian logic and messaging, has been the role of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its acolytes. WEF is a key think tank and meeting place for global capitalism management, and arguably qualifies as the leading global Deep State organization. Under the leadership of Professor Klaus Schwab, it has played an increasingly important role in coordinating the globalized hegemony of transnational capital and large corporations over Western democracies during the last three decades. Many of its members actively use Covid-19 as cover to carry out a “Great Reset” as described in Schwab’s writings. This Great Reset involves implementation of digital tracking and control of people, ushering in techno-feudalism, and the WEF objective of a fourth industrial revolution incorporating technologies collectively referred to as “transhumanism.” Western governments and WEF have identified genetic mRNA vaccines as a first step toward an inevitable transhuman society which they seek to guide us towards. The WEF has developed and implemented a training program which has yielded thousands of acolytes who have been placed into positions of power throughout the western world. A small representative sampling of these includes the following drawn from the ranks of the United States government and industry:

And he goes on to enumerate the scope of the power-grab in

  • Politics and policy
  • Legacy media
  • Technology and social media

Dr Malone then segues to Ernst Wolffs' answer to the big questions that have plagued all of us. And Mr Wolff asks the million dollar question about COVID and the “vaccines”:

Can it really be the case, that everything that we’ve experienced was planned?

The rest of the transcript is concerned with Wollf’s interpretation of the facts and policies that he reviewed over many months; he does a convincing job of connecting the dots.  Read the rest here.

I had to read through this analysis in installments;  it’s a lot to absorb.  So I’m leaving this one on the blog over the weekend.  Spoiler: this analysis ends on a very hopeful note. 

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Saturday, March 19, 2022

JD Rucker: what’s wrong with conservative media


At Freedom First Network, JD Rucker is on a mission:  to amplify conservative voices that are compromised in a corrupt environment.  He is explaining to readers and listeners just HOW allegedly conservative news sources are compromised, i.e., being beholden to Big Tech, to Uniparty-R, and being paid to be “controlled opposition.” And as a result, 

[t]here are certain topics that we need to discuss, topics that get suppressed or ignored by all but a few. The 2020 election was stolen and is still being challenged today, yet you wouldn’t know that if you get your news from corporate conservative media. The Covid vaccines are dangerous and ineffective, yet the only pushback you hear about from most conservative media sites centers around stopping mandates. Fighting mandates is important, but it would be a heck of a lot easier to do so if enough sites were telling the truth about adverse reactions surrounding the jabs.

January 6, 2021, was not an insurrection. It was a mostly peaceful protest that was steered to get out of hand by Deep State provocateurs posing as Trump supporters. Moreover, we have convicted child rapists getting probation and Jussie Smollett getting released AFTER being convicted, but political prisoners who entered the Capitol Building peacefully are still imprisoned.

Warmongers on the right are pressing for no-fly zones and getting Americans to support sending weapons to Ukraine. They don’t offer these suggestions with an exit plan for WWIII. They just hope it happens sooner rather than later. Meanwhile, they treat Volodymyr Zelensky as a messiah figure despite his government’s history of authoritarianism, Nazism, and a hard embrace from both George Soros and Klaus Schwab. The conservative media personalities who support him claim that I’m a Putin apologist despite the fact that I’m adamantly opposed to the invasion. We don’t have a horse in this race and I do not want America involved, not just because Ukraine is not our ally but also because their leaders are as corrupt as Russia’s.

Lots more here.  (Report is also at NOQ here.)

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Thursday, March 17, 2022

Legal recourse for "vaccines"?


Whether you have gotten the jab or not, Paul S. Gardiner at American Thinker is not the first to point out that the mRNA experimental gene therapy is not a “vaccine.”  That is a distinction that was made early on in the “plandemic.”  But Mr. Gardiner is proposing a potential legal remedy that citizens might demand.  While IMHO it is a long shot, I am sharing it anyway:

. . . Why call an experimental gene therapy product a "vaccine"?  Dr. [David] Martin believes that there are two basic reasons: 1) to circumvent liability for damages, and 2) if the products were called gene therapy or a similar label, most people would wisely refuse to use them.

Regarding avoiding liability for damages, as long as the U.S. is under a state of emergency, things like COVID-19 "vaccines" are allowed under emergency use authorization.  As long as the emergency use authorization is in effect, the makers of these "vaccines" are not financially liable for any damages that comes from their use.  However, Dr Martin states that "there is no liability shield for a medical emergency countermeasure that is gene therapy."  In fact, if the documentation Pfizer and Moderna provided the Federal Drug Administration for emergency use authorization can be proven fraudulent, then there is no legal protection.

Given the above, a multitude of multi-million-dollar lawsuits are possible, if not probable, against the two pharmaceutical companies by parties who have been "injured" in one way or another by Moderna and Pfizer inoculations.  Depending on the evidence produced, criminal indictments may also be a possibility.

What needs to happen next?  Dr. Martin urges citizens to contact their state attorney, governor, representatives, and anyone else who might be in a position to take action to address and correct what he calls a tremendous fraud on the American people. . . .

Full column is here.  Obviously, legal recourse is not the same as a medical remedy, but for what it is worth, calling governors, state reps, et al might get some media attention. 

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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Media Propaganda: Proof


Emerald Robinson The Right Way linked to an exposé of the Biden administration paying corporate media to lie about the safety of the COVID vaccines and to censor any negative dissent.  That includes so-called conservative media, i.e., Fox and Newsmax.  Ms. Robinson concludes by describing her personal experience:

. . . Let me add some personal details to the largest corporate media scandal of the year: I have been contacted by a whistleblower inside Newsmax who has confirmed the broad details of this story. That insider confirms: Newsmax executives agreed to take the money from Biden’s Health and Human Services (HHS) to push only positive coverage of the new COVID vaccines.

Let me add another personal detail: I was contacted by top Newsmax executives and told to halt any negative coverage of the vaccines in 2021. I was told that “it was problematic” for Newsmax. I was given some version of this warning multiple times by multiple executives. Obviously, I did not heed their advice.

Of course, almost everyone else employed in the corporate media did keep their mouths shut. I discussed the outright ban on negative vaccine coverage with other Newsmax producers and top anchors at the time, and they were aware that they could not provide negative coverage of the news vaccines without repercussions from the network. I was contacted by PR experts who worked with Newsmax and was told that medical experts and doctors who might say negative things about the new vaccines would not be booked as guests at all.

In other words, the Biden Administration’s money did not just pay for pro-vaccine advertising at outlets like Fox and Newsmax: it paid for an outright ban on any negative coverage. There’s a word for that kind of thing, and the word is: propaganda. Corporate news executives with no medical training and no expertise began to make ludicrous announcements that were basically blanket endorsements of the deadly and untested vaccines. [Chris] Pandolfo describes this propaganda:

Other publications, such as the Los Angeles Times, featured advice from experts on how readers could convince vaccine-hesitant people in their lives to change their minds. The Washington Post covered "the pro-vaccine messages people want to hear." Newsmax has reported how the vaccines have "been demonstrated to be safe and effective" and "encouraged citizens, especially those at risk, to get immunized."

HHS did not immediately respond when asked if the agency used taxpayer dollars to pay for people to be interviewed, or for a PR firm to place them in interviews with news outlets.


We have just lived through the most extensive propaganda campaign in the history of the world and it was paid for with taxpayer dollars. You paid for it. I paid for it. We will probably never know how much money was spent because, according to a source familiar with the FOIAs, the Biden Administration won’t release the amounts under their “trade secrets” exemption.

I’ve been telling people for the last two years that, when the truth comes out about the deadly COVID vaccines, it will topple the American corporate media.

Now you know what I was talking about.

Full report is here.  But the lying corporate media is still un-toppled.

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Monday, March 7, 2022

Digital Passport Alert



Dr Joseph Mercola reports on the digital passports creeping into the American population and what you can do to resist:


At least 21 U.S. states, along with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, have rolled out digital vaccine passports, and four more states plan to release them soon

One of the most prominent names in the digital vaccine passport space is SMART Health Card, a verifiable vaccine passport developed by the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI)

SMART Health Cards, which can be paper or digital, can be obtained from pharmacies, doctors’ offices, state immunization registries and any other organization that has your shot records and other health information

Disguised as a tool for convenience and safety, digitized ids such as mobile driver’s licenses and vaccine passports will be embedded into everyday life, eroding your privacy and acting as a tool to control everything from food and sustainability to travel and mobility

At the end of his report, he shares many steps that you can take to resist these tyrannical initiatives:

  1. Do not comply, whether or not you’re coerced, bribed, guilted, intimidated or manipulated into complying. “Civil disobedience is necessary.”
  2. Contact your investment adviser or asset manager. Give them a list of companies involved in vaccine passports and pushing the agenda, and tell them you no longer want to support them.
  3. Avoid all digital identities and vaccine ID passports offered by banks, driver’s license facilities and other industries as a means of increasing “access” or “convenience.”
  4. Tell your friends, family and acquaintances about the real goal of digital identities, which is to “put you on the Blockchain to surveil and control your every move.”
  5. Contact your local sheriff. There are 3,081 sheriffs in the U.S., which should be contacted by phone, email and mail. They have the power to not enforce illogical or illegal demands.
  6. Share messages of truth around your community. You can spread the word using flyers, postcards, stickers or “swag with a message.”
  7. Don’t support establishments that require proof of a shot or negative test. If you do, give them a card that reads, “I will not be a human experiment of a gene therapy jab for a virus that has a 99.98% survival rate.”
  8. Email your state representative to block vaccine passports and digital IDs. Support and consider donating to those who are taking action against injection mandates and passports.
  9. Move your money from large banks to small, family-owned banks and small credit unions. “If 10% of people did this, it would create a huge shift.”
  10. Build family or community energy and food systems, as “resilient energy and food supplies will go a long way against their digital financial blackmailing systems.”
  11. Boycott Amazon and big box stores that are “building the infrastructure to enslave humanity.”
  12. Use cash as much as possible, as it allows you to avoid being tracked via your bank account and keeps your spending behaviors from being analyzed and used to manipulate industries, supply chains and markets.
  13. Leave your cellphone at home and avoid any and all data-tracking apps.
  14. Limit the personal data you share online, on paper and anywhere else.
  15. Call your senators and demand that they oppose the Federal Vaccine Database Bill H.R. 550, which would allow the development of a federal vaccination registry.
  16. Avoid purchasing “smart” products of any kind, such as smart televisions and Alexa devices. “These products are all used for surveillance purposes via audio, some visual, and data aggregating, not to mention potential integrated mind control technologies.”
  17. Establish financial security outside the system, such as by learning or teaching trade skills and establishing networking and teamwork opportunities for people to build and work together within their local community.
  18. Clear as many debts as you can so you aren’t beholden to anyone. “Invest in people, learning trade skills, family and community, hard assets, proper schooling for your children — which might mean a local homeschool network — local farmers, any necessary supplies or equipment you feel you need, your health and peace of mind.”
  19. Maintain resources — medical, legal and otherwise — to fight the COVID-19 tyranny22 and stay updated on legal action and legislation against COVID-19 mandates.
  20. Be aware that it is not legal to require a person to get injected while it’s still under emergency use authorization. “Though the FDA has approved Pfizer’s Comirnaty jab, Pfizer has chosen to not yet produce it for the U.S., and instead are continuing to supply the EUA jab.”
  21. Be there for those who have received the injection and are having adverse events or choosing not to get boosters. “Help them through it and find medical professionals that are aware of what is happening and will assist them.”
  22. “Visualize a better future for all, where these corrupt individuals are stopped in their tracks.”

Full report is here (at Truthbasedmedia).

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Thursday, February 24, 2022

The coming “Vaccine” That Spreads Like a Virus


Globalist De-populationist Bill Gates Developing
Needle-Less “Vaccine” That Spreads Like a Virus

It keeps getting worse. Now Ethan Huff reports at NOQ that

New research funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation aims to develop a needle-less vaccine that can spread like a virus rather than have to be injected, leaving no way for anyone to remain unvaccinated.

The goal is to create a vaccine that people “catch” without their consent, and without the need for any injections. The vaccine would be passed from one person to the next like a cold, in other words.

A paper on the subject claims that contagious vaccines will be slightly less deadly than traditional injections, “but not non-lethal: they can still kill.”

“Some people will die who would otherwise have lived, though fewer people die overall,” it further explains. “The other issue is there is no consent (for vaccination) from the majority of patients.”

Mandatory “vaccines.”  Read the rest of Mr. Huff's report here.  Sinister.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Medical censorship


JD Rucker at NOQ interviews Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, who knows first-hand that the stats of adverse reactions to the COVID "vaccine" are being suppressed by the medical community:  

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden: After Over a Million Jabbed, Why Is Methodist Hospital Refusing to Release Adverse Reaction Data?

Who ever thought we’d reach a moment in American history when doctors were forced to get permission from government to prescribe safe and effective drugs to their ailing patients? It never crossed my mind until the powers-that-be started playing their hand in 2020, doubling-down in 2021, and advancing medical tyranny beyond lunacy in 2022.

I had an excellent discussion with Dr. Mary Talley Bowden on the topic during the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel. She’s a wealth of information about the dynamics between hospitals and patients. But she’s one of very few doctors who are speaking out against vaxx-pushing hospitals because she owns her own practice. She doesn’t have a boss and cannot be fired. Her only real concern is losing her license to practice, and there are many people who are trying to make that happen.

Is she delivering bad care to her patients? No. The complaints are coming in from people she’s never met, people who have objections to her not embracing the accepted Covid narrative about treatments and universal vaccinations.

One of her biggest critics is the huge hospital system in Houston, Methodist Hospital. They removed her privileges and have smeared her continuously, ramping up when she made her plight public. They even denied her request for information, which a non-profit organization like Methodist cannot do. Now, she’s suing.

Of particular interest is the data regarding adverse reactions to the Covid shots. Like other hospitals across the country, they are refusing to release data about it. It’s a component of informed consent to have accurate information about the jabs. For Methodist and other hospitals to continue injecting people while withholding extremely important information about adverse reactions is despicable.

. . .

Yup, despicable.  The interview text follows; click here.

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Friday, February 11, 2022

Truckers have done this before ~ UPDATED


I don’t usually link to articles at National Review Online, as many contributors have too often veered off course for those with conservative values.  However, today, Michael Brendan Dougherty puts the truckers’ Freedom Convoy in Canada in an historical perspective, and it may be cause for a bit more optimism.  Here’s a start:

When you look up at Canada and see truckers — most of them independent owner-operators of their rigs — suddenly coalescing into a powerful protest movement, making the government afraid, complaining of inflation, and getting condemned by the Teamsters, you have to realize it’s all happened before.

Truckers have done this before. Throughout the 1970s, trucker strikes in the U.S. led to snarled traffic for days and weeks in the American Midwest. Truck driver J. W. Edwards felt squeezed by the ongoing energy wars, which were raising gas prices, forcing truckers to stop constantly to only half-refuel, and cutting into what was a modest, but steady, living. Edwards stopped in the middle of I-80 in Pennsylvania, got on his CB radio, and started explaining to other truckers listening in that he’d had it. Within an hour, hundreds of other big-rig drivers joined him, idling their vehicles and putting Pennsylvania’s main interstate into paralysis.

Over the next few days, truckers shut down traffic across ten states, trying to flex their muscle and let the federal government hear their anger on the policies of fuel rationing and reduced speed limits that were costing them their way of life. Along the way, there were confrontations with police and the National Guard. Soon independent truckers began forming political groups, such as the Unity Committee, that could be present at negotiations with the Department of Transportation, or the Fraternal Association of Steel Haulers, which directly challenged the Teamsters, which at the time had over two million members. Deals with the government were cut to get the trucks moving again, but further strikes of independent truckers took off in 1979, again over speed limits and on the Carter administration’s preference to allocate diesel to farmers over long-haul truckers.

And now it’s happening again.

. . .

Full article is here.

UPDATE 4:15pm:  Conservative Treehouse reports:

Ontario Comrade Doug Ford Promises to Crush the Rebellion,
Declares State of Emergency,
Announces Unilateral Orders
 to Target Noncompliant Truckers with Arrest,
$100k Fines and License Revocation

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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Vaccine update: Pentagon Now Corrupting Its Own Medical Database


The linked report is important because one of the recent confirmations concerning “vaccine” risks and fatalities came from the military records. (This blog recently reported on “The Second Opinion” panel here.)  Here’s part of Ethan Huff’s exposé at NOQ

Editor’s Note: Some stories that hit my desk are so unbelievable, I’m forced to fact-check them even if they come from reputable writers. This one turned out to be correct (as Ethan’s articles always are) and absolutely devastating. This tells us without a shadow of a doubt that the Pentagon is no longer working to defend the Constitution or keep the American people safe. They are part of the conspiracy to vaccinate every man, woman, and child in the world. Of all the various departments in government to be in on Pandemic Panic Theater, the Department of Defense’s participation is the most terrifying. Here’s Ethan’s article

It is an undeniable fact that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” have triggered a massive uptick in illnesses and injuries throughout America’s armed forces, and all the Pentagon can do is lie about it.

Rather than show concern for the brave men and women who are risking their lives in our country’s military, the Pentagon is now fudging the numbers in earlier iterations of its Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) health surveillance system to make the 2021 data appear less drastic.

As we reported, the DMED shows astounding increases in everything from myocarditis to brain injuries to cancer among servicemen who got jabbed for the Fauci Flu.

The numbers are so shocking that there is simply no way to spin them, which is why the Pentagon decided to add fake injuries and illnesses to previous years’ data.

“There is undoubtedly a public health and national security crisis in the military, and the Pentagon’s reaction only seems to be concerned with exonerating the vaccine, not fixing its own alleged problem,” reported The Blaze.

“It’s now certain that the military’s health surveillance system – DMED – showed a massive increase in sickness and injury diagnoses in 2021 over previous years, particularly in the neurological, cardiovascular, oncological, and reproductive health categories.”

Pentagon says spike in covid jab injuries, deaths is just a “glitch”

. . .

Scary stuff. Read the full report here. There does not appear to be one department in the federal government that is not corrupt.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Can Politicians Quit the Power Habit?


Richard Fernandez raises a timely question, and one that puts the Western world at a crossroads.  The column is at PJ Media; here are some extracts:

Can Politicians Quit the Power Habit?

… By declaring vaccine petitioners a “small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views,” Trudeau turned a public health issue into political dynamite. It’s a classic case study on how to escalate a problem into a crisis, turning an issue of lifting restrictions on a fading epidemic into a referendum on civil liberty and prime ministerial leadership. By declaring vaccine petitioners a “small fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views,” Trudeau turned a public health issue into political dynamite. It’s a classic case study on how to escalate a problem into a crisis, turning an issue of lifting restrictions on a fading epidemic into a referendum on civil liberty and prime ministerial leadership. 

. . .

For some, an end to the pandemic signals the closing of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to remake the world. As the Socialist Equality Party (Canada) writes: “The so-called Freedom Convoy is a far-right rabble… spearheaded by fascist activists who have assaulted homeless people and workers trying to enforce anti-COVID measures and brought guns and other weaponry into downtown Ottawa.”

. . .

When the history of the Covid-19 pandemic is written, the names of many drugs — Paxlovid, fluvoxamine, sotrovimab — will be mentioned. But the account will be incomplete if the distorting effect of the most powerful and addictive drug of all, political power, is omitted. The public, out of fear, gave politicians enormous power. What we’re about to see, the world over, is whether they can take it back.

Mr. Fernandez’s full column is here.

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Sunday, February 6, 2022

A Peek at the New World Order


“DYSTOPIA: Disturbing Images From Beijing Winter Olympics
 Shows We are Deep in the Orwellian Nightmare.”  

That’s the headline of Shane Trejo’s preview of the Great Reset, published at Big League Politics.  Here’s his conclusion:  

“The late plutocrat and engineer of globalism David Rockefeller once said at a United Nations dinner: “All we need is the right crisis and the people will accept the New World Order.”

With COVID-19, it seems that the right crisis has finally arrived to usher in the new era of globalism. The mass media is already priming the public for the new permanent changes to society that are all but inevitable at this point.

BBC News has laid out their grand vision of the Orwellian “new normal” of what the central planners and technocrats intend society to look like by 2022.

“It’s 2022 and you’ve just arrived at the travel destination of your dreams. As you get off the plane, a robot greets you with a red laser beam that remotely takes your temperature. You’re still half asleep after a long transoceanic flight, so your brain barely registers the robot’s complacent beep. You had just passed similar checks when boarding the plane hours ago so you have nothing to worry about and can just stroll to the next health checkpoint,” BBC reporter Lina Zeldovich wrote.

Zeldovich lays out the reality of endless health checks, breathalyzers with microchips in them, and microscopic ink tattoos to track vaccine compliance. All of this would be required in airports to travel, at first, and then be rolled out as mandatory to participate in normal functions of society.

She notes that the mark-of-the-beast vaccine tracking tattoo has already been tested on animals and corpses, thanks to the generous support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

“The macro-needles don’t leave scars and are less invasive than the regular needles – it’s like putting on a Band-Aid,” said researcher Ana Jaklenec of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.”

The truth has become impossible to deny: We are living in the horrifying vision of the future foretold in books like 1984 and Brave New World. Only total resistance, non-compliance and civil disobedience can save us now.

Full article is here; it includes creepy images of the Beijing Olympics .

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