Tea Party Patriots Ordinary citizens reclaiming America's founding principles.
Showing posts with label Election 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2010. Show all posts

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Help with AFP's National Neighborhood Canvassing Day on Oct. 2nd

Dear Friend,

Join thousands of other citizens across the country on Saturday, October 2nd for AFP’s National Neighborhood Canvassing Day. We will hit the streets with family, friends, and like-minded activists to help remind your neighbors that November is Coming for politicians who vote for the big government, tax-and-spend agenda.

In Ohio AFP is working with Tea Parties, 9/12 groups, other liberty organizations and activists to distribute the tools you will need for National Neighborhood Canvassing Day. We will provide mapped walking lists and literature to hand out in your communities.

Please email one of the below “Super Volunteers” to get details on National Neighborhood Canvassing Day in your area and to get tools to spread the word in your community that Ohio Congress members Driehaus, Wilson, Sutton, Kilroy, Boccieri and Space have voted in lock-step with Nanci Pelosi’s big government agenda.

To spread the word that Congressman Dreihaus’s votes are bankrupting America, contact: Nita Thomas, rnthomas@fuse.net

To spread the word that Congressman Wilson’s votes are bankrupting America, contact: John Rigg, riggjohn@hotmail.com

To spread the word that Congreswoman Sutton’s votes are bankrupting America, contact: Jan Kroll

To spread the word that Congresswoman Kilroy’s votes are bankrupting America, contact: Steven Carr, admin@columbusteaparty.com

To spread the word that Congressman Boccieri’s votes are bankrupting America, contact: Dianna Greenwood, ashlandohteaparty@yahoo.com

To spread the word that Congressman Space’s votes are bankrupting America, contact: Mary Lee Morgan, mmdent1939@gmail.com

You can also email any questions to infooh@afphq.org. Please watch for more information in the next few days on National Neighborhood Canvassing Day.

Thank you,

Rebecca Heimlich
Ohio State Director
Americans for Prosperity

18th OH House District Candidate Mike Dovilla Endorsed by OH Patrolmen's Benevolent Association

In a local OH House race that is sure to be exciting, Mike Dovilla, Candidate for the 18th Ohio House District, recently received the endorsements of the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association and the Ohio Restaurant Association.

Dovilla, a small business owner, a U.S. Navy officer and decorated combat veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, is challenging current State Rep. Matt Patten, a community organizer, for this seat.

Patten voted to support our current state budget which is predicted to have an $8 Billion bust and in January 2010 and Patten signed a letter as part of the Coalition of Legislators for Energy Action Now to President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calling for economically devastating “climate change legislation.”

The 18th District is composed of Berea, North Royalton, Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Township, and Strongsville.

For more information on Mike Dovilla click here. For more information on Matt Patten click here.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Teddy Trashes the Tea Party & Ignores his Failures as OH Governor

Actually Governor Strickland, many of us would wish you would admit your self-described failure on school funding and absolute failure on the State Budget which is predicted to have an $8 Billion bust instead of attacking Americans fighting to save our country....

"Let me tell ...you this: I am so committed to solving this school-funding issue that if I become governor, and I do a lot of wonderful things but I fail to address this school-funding issue, I will have been a failed governor." -- Ted Strickland 2006

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Congressman Hal Rogers (KY-05) Introduces Bill to Stop the EPA’s War on Coal

Standing up to the EPA's continued attacks on the coal industry through regulation & the purposeful bureaucratic delay of issuing permits, Congressman Hal Rogers (KY-05) has introduced HR 6113, The Electric Reliability Protection Act.....
Washington, DC, Sep 15 - Today, U.S. Congressman Hal Rogers (KY-05) spoke at the FACES of Coal rally on Capitol Hill and energized hundreds of coal miners who traveled from all over Appalachia to make sure their voices were heard. Rogers spoke out against the EPA’s war on coal and introduced legislation, H.R. 6113, the Electric Reliability Protection Act, which would stop the EPA and Administration’s attempt to regulate coal mining out of business.

“At a time when our nation faces 9.6% unemployment, bureaucrats in Washington are trying to put an entire sector of our economy out of business,” said Rogers. “From the devastating Cap and Trade bill, to the EPA’s absurd directives on carbon dioxide, to continued delays in the coal mining permitting process, the Administration is threatening 1 out of every 4 Appalachian coal mining jobs. Because of these political games, 2 billion tons of coal are going untapped – that is enough to power the nation for two years.

In effect, this bill would stop the Czar like tactics of EPA Director Lisa Jackson and would force the EPA to allow the public a chance to voice our opinion on the heavy-handed regulatory tactics being implemented to destroy not only the coal industry -- but small business which are being stealthily attacked under the guise of the Integrated Urban Air Toxics Strategy.

Helping to enable these guerrilla-like tactics by the EPA are Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Congresswoman Betty Sutton (OH -13) & Congressman John Boccieri (OH-16) -- all supporters of the House Cap & Trade bill. With Ohio bleeding jobs and a predicted $8 billion bust in our state budget (thanks to Governor Strickland) one would think these three Pelosi puppets would do everything in their power to do what is best for OH. But we see that is not the case and it appears they would rather see our state unemployment rate and your electric rates go higher than the national debt!

Please contact these N/E Ohio Congresscritters, urge them to sign on in support of the Electric Reliability Protection Act and if they don't.... remind them November is coming!

Contact info;

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)
(Click here for email)

Lakewood Office
14400 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
Phone (216)228-8850 / Fax (216)228-6465

Parma Office
Parmatown Mall
7904 Day Drive
Parma, Ohio 44129
Phone (440)845-2707 / Fax (440)845-2743

Washington Office
2445 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202)225-5871 / Fax (202)225-5745

Congresswoman Betty Sutton (OH-13)
(Click here to email)

Summit County Office
39 E Market Street, LL #1
Akron, OH 44308
Phone: (330) 865-8450 / Fax: (330) 865-8470

Lorain County Office
St. Joseph's Community Center
205 West 20th Street, Room M230
Lorain, OH 44052
Phone: (440) 245-5350 / Fax: (440) 245-5355

Washington D.C. Office
1721 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3401 / Fax: (202) 225-2266

Congressman John Boccieri (OH-16)
(Click here for email)

District Office
300 W Tuscarawas St.
Suite 716
Canton, OH 44702
Ph: (330) 489-4414 / Fax: (330) 489-4448

Washington D.C. Office
1516 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Ph: (202) 225-3876 / Fax: (202) 225-3059
District Toll Free Help Number: 1-800-826-9015

Saturday, September 11, 2010

U.S. Senate Candidate Lee Fisher Disrespects 9/11

From a guy that supports the DREAM Act and amnesty for illegal immigrants, should we expect anything less from a guy like Lee Fisher...

From Politico -- (emphasis added)

POLITICO reports today about the fading taboo of Sept. 11 politics: Marginal groups are holding dueling mosque rallies in New York that day, while across the country politicians tiptoe back toward having certain, relatively low-key political events that day.

The story doesn't make mention of any candidate fundraisers, but Ohio Senate candidate Lee Fisher is crossing that line as well, with a campaign fundraiser that evening at the home of a Mansfield City councilwoman, Ellen Haring.

Asked about the timing, a Fisher aide noted that earlier that day, the Democrat is attending a first-responder dedication ceremony in Hilliard, Ohio.

Fisher is, as far as I know, the only federal candidate in the country holding a fundraiser that day.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ohioans acknowledge Governor Strickland's FAILURE on School Funding Fix

In his own words....

From Third Base Politics --

Remember this quote from Ted Strickland way back in 2006?

"Let me tell ...you this: I am so committed to solving this school-funding issue that if I become governor, and I do a lot of wonderful things but I fail to address this school-funding issue, I will have been a failed governor," Strickland said."

Interestingly enough, respondents to this weekend's Dispatch poll were asked about this very issue:

So 94% of Ohioans are now susceptible to Strickland's own qualification of defining him as a failed Governor.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lee Fisher Supports DREAM Act & Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Running in the U.S. Senate race for OH, Lt. Governor Lee Fisher recently attended an exclusive "meet & greet" with proponents of amnesty for illegal immigrants. At this little breakfast bash Fisher fielded questions from the audience and boasted how he fully supports the efforts of the groups in attendance.

The OH representative of Reform Immigration for America, Ruben Castilla Herrera, posted the following at Ohio Action Circle -- (emphasis added)
Columbus, Ohio – This morning I was at a breakfast meet and greet with Ohio Senate candidate Lee Fisher and twelve Columbus area Latino leaders. Fisher spoke briefly, then is was time for the guests to ask questions. I was the first to ask him a question and of course it was about the Dream Act and immigration reform.....

Do you support the Dream Act and immigration reform? To this, he gave a solid YES. He is on record indicating he supports a pathway to citizenship but to my knowledge has never been asked specifically about the Dream Act. This was good....!

The questions continued; Would you support the Dream Act as a stand along bill? He responding by saying that he prefers Dream to be a part of comprehensive immigration reform but if elected "I will support it either way."

I then asked; Can you go on record at a public event stating this support? He quickly commented, "I feel like I'm on Meet the Press", then gave another "yes" to this request. I told him that I will be following up very soon on this!

Oh...one more question Lt. Governor...

When you are elected our new Ohio Senator, will you take Comprehensive Immigration Reform as priority in the first few months of 2011? There was some hesitation but again he gave a YES!
First, in correcting Herrera.... Fisher is a candidate for U.S. Senate and NOT the OH Senate. It is pretty sad when the person arguing for amnesty of illegal immigrants doesn't even know the difference between a U.S. Senator and State Senator.

But more importantly, if Lee Fisher is a man of his word and if he is elected U.S. Senator, Fisher has pledged to not only support the DREAM Act, but supports a comprehensive immigration reform -- which are political code words for granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

What is the DREAM Act & what does it do?
The DREAM Act (S. 774) is a nightmare. It is a mas­sive amnesty that extends to the millions of illegal aliens who entered the United States before the age of 16. The illegal alien who applies for this amnesty is immediately rewarded with "conditional" lawful per­manent resident (green card) status, which can be converted to a non-conditional green card in short order. The alien can then use his newly acquired status to seek green cards for the parents who brought him in illegally in the first place. In this way, it is also a back­door amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens who brought their children with them to the United States.

What is less well known about the DREAM Act is that it also allows illegal aliens to receive in-state tuition rates at public universities, discriminating against U.S. citizens from out of state and law-abiding foreign students. It repeals a 1996 federal law that pro­hibits any state from offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens unless the state also offers in-state tuition rates to all U.S. citizens. More....
Senator Harry Reid has stated he will strongly consider pushing the DREAM Act forward as a stand-alone bill before the end of the 2010! There are now 39 DREAM Act cosponsors in the Senate and 128 in the House of Representatives -- if elected to the U.S. Senate -- Lee Fisher would make it 40 supporters of the DREAM Act.

More disturbing than Herrera not knowing the difference between a U.S. Senator and a State Senator is that, Lee Fisher, from his statements, is unaware that the United States ALREADY has a "path to citizenship" for immigrants wanting to become U.S. citizens.

Can we afford electing a Senator that supports giving preferential treatment, financial support & special perks to non-citizens over U.S. citizens when it comes to higher education or anything else for that matter? Can we afford electing a person Senator that supports back door amnesty for illegal immigrants?

At the point and time we are at in our country, where our U.S. Constitution is slowly being turned into confetti -- it is important, now more than ever, that anyone elected to the Senate be knowledgeable & respectful of the document they will swear an oath to uphold. It appears from his statements, Lee Fisher does neither!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Spending Revolt Bus Tour / Cleveland Area Visit

The Administration’s rate of spending is irresponsible and unsustainable. It limits our economic growth and our ability to create new jobs. If we allow our elected officials to continue their spend first, pay later habits, we will continue to face higher taxes, a higher cost of living, and a stagnant economy. And our children may never know the American dream.

Join a Spending Revolt bus tour stop this Tuesday, August 31st in Toledo or Strongsville.

In Toledo, the Spending Revolt bus with be at 1370 WSPD’s studio, and we will be talking on air with Fred LeFebvre about big government’s out-of-control spending. The Strongsville bus tour stop will have several great speakers and others to talk about the effects of the United States’ massive spending crisis.

  • What: Spending Revolt Bus Tour event and bus signing, Cleveland
  • When: Tuesday, August 31, 5:30 pm
  • Where: Strongsville Senior Center, 18100 Royalton Road, Strongsville, OH 44136

  • What: Spending Revolt Bus Tour event and bus signing, Toledo
  • When: Tuesday, August 31, 7:00 am
  • Where: Clear Channel Radio Station, 125 South Superior St., Toledo, OH 43604

To learn more go to www.spendingrevolt.com.

Financial Reform causes Decline in Free Checking

Thanks to Congresswoman Betty Sutton (OH-13) & Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH -10) supporting the over-reaching and restrictive financial reform bill it looks as if Free Checking at your local bank may go the way of the free toasters banks used to give away.

From National Association of Federal Credit Unions --
Aug. 27, 2010 – A new study indicates that the number of U.S. banks and credit unions that offer free checking declined by 11 percent from one year ago, with the new Wall Street reform law cited as one reason.

Moebs Services, an economic research firm in Lake Bluff, Ill., reported Wednesday that 72.5 percent of the institutions it surveyed offer free checking accounts to consumers compared with 83.5 percent from last year. The company said that the data reflect the realities of the economic downturn, the shift away from free checking among Wall Street banks and concerns about new regulations under the Wall Street reform law.

Of the three types of financial institutions surveyed – Wall Street banks, community banks and credit unions, Moebs Services found that credit unions rank first among institutions that offer free checking: 73.4 percent of credit unions indicated that they offer it (down from 89.3 percent in 2009). That compares with just 63.6 percent of Wall Street banks (down from 92.6 percent in 2009) and 71.7 percent of community banks (down from 78.3 percent.)

In announcing the data, Mike Moebs, economist and CEO of Moebs Services, said that free checking offers have generally risen over the past 10 years, with just an occasional drop. “We saw a slight fall in 2002 and again right before the mortgage bubble burst in 2006,” Moebs noted. “Some depositories have stopped offering free checking as a way to reduce costs in light of overdraft and financial regulatory reforms. Others face low earnings and a shortage of capital, so lower expense and higher revenue are needed to rebuild their capital position, especially at Main Street

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

John Kasich releases "Jobs Ohio" Plan (Video)

Please share your thoughts....

From John Kasich --

John Kasich’s top priority is to revive Ohio’s economy and create jobs. With almost 400,000 Ohioans out of work on Ted Strickland’s watch, we know that Ohio’s current strategies aren’t working.

Though once a cutting-edge organization, the Ohio Department of Development has become bogged down with bureaucracy and programs that are not related to economic development. A change is needed.

Ohio’s economic development efforts must be re-aligned to make job creation and economic development a priority and must be rooted in the belief that economic health comes from a strong innovative, flexible private sector, not from government.

A New, Private Sector Economic Development Corporation

As governor, John Kasich will replace Ohio’s government-run economic development functions with JobsOhio, a new not-for-profit corporation which will report to the governor and oversee the state’s efforts to revive the state’s economy and create jobs. A private-sector approach to economic development will be more responsive to the needs of business.
  • A board of directors comprised of CEOs will be an important asset for selling the state at the highest levels;

  • An expert staff focused solely on economic development will give businesses confidence that their needs will be met and help rebuild Ohio’s reputation as a good place for business;

  • The increased accountability of a private corporation will produce better results.
Freeing Ohio’s economic development efforts from their current bureaucratic mindset and shifting them to a new private sector corporation will allow Ohio to more aggressively help existing businesses grow and expand and attract new businesses to Ohio as well.

To read the complete Jobs Ohio Plan click here.

Disclaimer: This posting should not in anyway be taken as our endorsement or implied support for John Kasich. This posting is only meant to serve educational purposes for our members and the general voting public.

Fix Ohio Now - John Kasich (Video)

From Fix Ohio Now --

Disclaimer: This posting should not in anyway be taken as our endorsement or implied support for John Kasich. This posting is only meant to serve educational purposes for our members and the general voting public.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

ACORN finally Defunded! Now how about OCHLA?

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a district court judge made a mistake by slapping an injunction on a congressional order to stop the flow of federal funds to Obama's nuts at ACORN. The original and misguided judicial decision interfered with the 2009 Protect Taxpayers from ACORN Act & congressional authority to control how government revenues are raised and spent.

Nebraska Sen. Mike Johanns, sponsor of the Protect Taxpayers from ACORN Act, said the appeals court ruling affirms that access to federal funds is "a privilege, not a right." Johanns points out in his press release that ACORN has been under investigation for voter fraud in several states, more than 70 ACORN officials have already been convicted of fraud and since 1994, ACORN has received $53 million in federal funding according to a report by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

Now we need to defund the Ohio Commission on Hispanic Latino Affairs (OCHLA). OCHLA is an Ohio state agency created in 1977 to advise the Governor, General Assembly and other state agencies on the needs of Spanish-speaking citizens. OCHLA, receiving in excess of $500,000 from the State of OH, has routinely operated as an ACORN type group by actively lobbying the state legislature to provide favorable treatment for illegal aliens in Ohio.

A complaint against OCHLA has been filed with Ohio Inspector General Tom Charles, but Charles is doing his best to ignore the complaint in attempts to shield Gov. Strickland in the upcoming 2010 elections.

It would also be a safe bet that OCHLA has most likely played a hand in the Justice Dept. singling out Cuyahoga County and demanding they print bilingual ballots at an extra cost of $500,00 for the upcoming 2010 elections.

Facing a projected $8 billion hole in our state budget, Gov. Strickland should be ashamed for his continued support & funding of this ACORN for Illegal Immigrants group.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dennis Kucinich is "Top Socialist" in Ohio

The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus. This admission was recently posted on Scribd.com:

American Socialist Voter–

Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are also members of the DSA?
A: Seventy

Q: How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee?
A: Eleven: John Conyers [Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez, Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez. [there are 23 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA].

Q: Who are these members of 111th Congress?
A: See the listing below

Hon. Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) Hon. Lynn Woolsey (CA-06)

Vice Chairs
Hon. Diane Watson (CA-33)
Hon. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18)
Hon. Mazie Hirono (HI-02)
Hon. Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)


Yes, this would be the same Dennis Kucinich that recently stated he is a profession liberal and President Obama hasn't gone far enough to the left with his progressive policies! Even with this declaration, Kucinich, in a tough race against challenger Peter J. Corrigan, has also stated he will not run (err -- "stumble") for President again.

It should also be noted, fearing backlash from the seniors & other voters in District 10 over his support for President Obama's Health Care Reform Bill, Kucinich has refused to host any Town Hall meetings during this recess.

The other socialist snakes rounding out the Cadre of Ohio Komrades is Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) & Marcy Kaptur (OH-09). Reports are also stating that the darling of the OH Democrats, Mary Jo Kilroy (OH-15) is also a secret socialist. Kilroy is facing former State Senator Steve Stivers.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Kucinich get's a "Left-Handed" Slap by the White House

After a public slapping by the White House in which WH Press Secretary Robert Bob Gibbs stated --

"....the "professional left" would only be happy "when we have Canadian healthcare and we've eliminated the Pentagon." He added, "They wouldn't be satisfied if Dennis Kucinich was president."

-- Dennis Kucinich, the out of touch with his constituents & up for reelection Congressman, takes issue with Gibbs attacking the professional liberals in this country and claims that though they, the professional liberals, DO support President Obama's progressive agenda and shredding of the Constitution, they want him to move even more to the left....
Kucinich responded, "I think that Mr. GibbsText Color and the White House need to realize that liberals support the president, but the criticism is really a measure of hopes that have not been realized."

The main issue at hand is the nation's persistently high unemployment levels, Kucinich said. "Until the administration effectively addresses that, those of us who call ourselves liberals are going to continue to insist we should be talking about a full employment economy," he said.

Kucinich said that the government can still play a transformational role during a tough economic period, as it did under President Franklin Roosevelt -- if President Obama provides the leadership to make it happen.

Liberals' dissatisfaction with Mr. Obama stems from "the intention to make sure [their goals] get realized while we have a president we do want to support," Kucinich said.

Pledging his support for President Obama, and still thankful for his souvenir bag of Presidential Peanuts on his Air Force One ride in exchange for his support of the health care bill, Kucinich will not challenge PBO for the party nomination in 2012.

As we can see, Dennis Kucinich is still out of touch with the people he is supposed to represent -- the voters in District 10 -- and is more concerned in representing his professional liberal friends in Hollywood.

In his reelection bid, Kucinich is facing Peter Corrigan (http://corriganforcongress.com/).

Corrigan faces an uphill funding battle and the question in this race is will District 10 voters allow their vote to be bought by the big money professional liberals in Hollywood that routinely fund Kucinich's campaign coffers?

Friday, July 30, 2010

AFP "November is Coming" Bus Tour comes to N/E Ohio

Americans for Prosperity’s ‘November Is Coming’ Bus Tour Stops Put Pressure on Congress Members John Boccieri and Betty Sutton

-Bus Tour Stops will equip citizens to educate others about big government spending records, August 2 and 3–

CLEVELAND – Americans for Prosperity will bring its November Is Coming Bus Tour to Northeast Ohio on August 2nd and 3rd to urge citizens to hold Congress members John Boccieri and Betty Sutton accountable if they continue to support big government policies that are bankrupting America.

“Boccieri and Sutton have joined with Nancy Pelosi in ushering in a new era of bigger government, endless bailouts, a permanently broken federal budget and government control over our decisions,” said Rebecca Heimlich, Ohio State Director of Americans for Prosperity. “Folks need to send a clear message to Boccieri and Sutton that struggling taxpayers can’t afford any more bad decisions from Congress.”

Concerned Ohio citizens will be asked to sign petitions to Congress members Boccieri and Sutton, urging them to vote against big government legislation or be voted against in November.

More than 371,000 Americans have signed AFP’s November Is Coming petition at
www.NovemberIsComing.com telling their elected officials that “If you vote Yes to big government programs or any other freedom-killing legislation, I will vote NO on you in the next election.” The petition goes on to say that the citizen signing the petition will vote against the elected official:
“If you fail to support efforts to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with real reform that puts patients first; vote yes to cap-and-trade energy taxes or fail to stop any related EPA regulation; vote yes to any more bailouts; or fail to stop any attempts to regulate the Internet.”
Activists will be encouraged to go door-to-door and do at-home phone banking as part of a citizen education effort to let people know where Congress members Boccieri and Sutton stand on the issues and to encourage them to contact Boccieri and Sutton to tell them to stop the out-of-control spending and big government policies.

“The public needs to know about Congressman Boccieri’s and Congresswoman Sutton’s past support for endless bailouts, a shameful government takeover of health care, and a cap-and-tax scheme designed to regulate our lives and limit our freedoms. Their constituents can make a difference by letting Congress member know they have had enough of these reckless policies.”

These events are free and open to the public.

What: November Is Coming bus tour stop - North Canton
When: Monday, August 2, 12:30-1:30pm
Where: Fitzpatrick Pavilion, Price Park, 1000 W. Maple Street, North Canton, Ohio 44720

What: November Is Coming bus tour stop - Akron
When: Monday, August 2, 5:30-6:30pm
Where: Liberty Harley-Davidson, 32 East Cuyahoga Falls Ave., Akron, Ohio 44310

What: November Is Coming bus tour stop - Medina
When: Tuesday, August 3, 12:30-1:30pm
Where: Public Square, Medina, OH 44256 (corner of Court St. and Washington St.)

What: November Is Coming bus tour stop - Greater Cleveland Area
When: Tuesday, August 3, 5:30-6:30pm
Where: Veterans Memorial Park, Pavilion B, 38975 Detroit Road, Avon, OH, 44011

Americans for Prosperity’s November Is Coming bus tour will also stop in Cincinnati, the Greater Columbus Area, Chillicothe and Zanesville in Ohio, and will travel through Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Indiana.

For more information, please visit

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rob Portman Endorsed by Buckeye Firearms for U.S. Senate

From Buckeye Firearms --

Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) is pleased to announce our endorsement of Rob Portman for United States Senate in the 2010 general election.

Portman previously served as a Congressman from the Ohio Second District, Director of the federal Office of Management and Budget, and also as Trade Director. His record on Second Amendment issues is solid.

Portman voted for the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" (HR 1036) to prevent lawsuits against firearms manufacturers. He voted against the "Regulation of Semi-Automatic Assault Weapons" (NR 4296) – the so-called assault weapons ban. He later voted to sunset the assault weapon ban. Early in his career (1993) he voted against the Brady Handgun Bill (HR 1025). The Portman record stands solid for gun owners and is in stark contrast to opponent Lee Fisher's life-long pursuit of gun control, plus Fisher's service on the Board of Brady Campaign (Handgun Control

Additionally Portman has a personal involvement with firearms and hunting. Both have been passed down in his family.

"I heard Portman speak on this subject when he addressed the 2008 annual convention of the League of Ohio Sportsmen," said Buckeye Firearms Association Region Leader and outdoor writer Larry S. Moore. "Portman said, 'I have been an avid outdoorsman my entire life, I'm a lifelong hunter and fisherman, and a guy who believes I have a right to use firearms responsibly. As you may know, the NRA looked at all the votes I made during my 12 years in Congress regarding the Second Amendment, and gave me an A rating."

In 2008 Portman called for overhauling the Pittman-Robertson tax process and the way the firearms manufacturers must pay the tax.

Portman explained, "We need to do everything possible to ensure that these self-imposed taxes are administered in a manner that is sustainable and is fair. We need to replace the biweekly reporting requirement with a quarterly schedule that is consistent with other estimated tax payments. If elected, I will be working with a bipartisan group in Congress that shares my interest in removing this burdensome and unnecessary requirement."

While not a result of Portman's statement, the Firearms Fairness and Affordability Act of 2010 (S. 632) and House companion bill Firearms Excise Tax Improvement Act (HR 5552) are in now the U.S. Senate. This demonstrates Portman's understanding of a variety of firearms issues. It clearly shows that Portman is willing to go to bat for gun owners and firearms manufacturers.

Ohio's gun owners need Rob Portman in the United States Senate. Not only is Portman the clearly superior choice over anti-gun Lee Fisher, the Senate will play a key role in any gun legislation. Gun owners need a clear pro-gun majority in the Senate and Portman is one key to that goal.

Additionally, should the current administration attend to ratify any United Nations treaties dealing with international gun control, the Senate must ratify any treaty. A pro-gun majority is critical to protecting our gun rights and the United States Constitution.

Ohioans, and all Americans, need Rob Portman as our next U.S. Senator.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

GOP moderation hobbles Portman in Ohio

From the Washington Times --
Despite a favorable electoral climate for Republicans and former Rep. Rob Portman's huge funding advantage over his Democratic opponent in the contest for Ohio's U.S. Senate seat, polls show the race in a dead heat.

Conservatives and "tea party" activists say Mr. Portman's record as a moderate Republican has failed to fire up not only core GOP voters but also what may prove just as important to victory - the "tea party" movement. Complicating the picture is the failure of that movement to meet expectations in some of the May 4 Ohio GOP primary elections.

Mr. Portman's resume, though extensive, has elements that raise red flags for conservatives - his service in the White House of President George H.W. Bush, who raised taxes and enlarged government; his election to six terms in the U.S. House, where he voted for the kind of spending that tea party supporters oppose; and his service as U.S. trade representative and then budget director in the big-spending George W. Bush administration.

"The tea party sees Portman as the establishment's guy, so the GOP establishment now is saying, 'Don't dismiss him just because he's a party guy,' " Ralph King, a coordinator for the Ohio Tea Party Patriots, told The Washington Times. "But that's asking us to look past his record - giving money to the United Nations and opposing [Colorado Republican] Tom Tancredo's try for a border measure in Congress."

That resume may explain why Mr. Portman, 54, is in a close race with the Democratic candidate, Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher, 58, to fill the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Republican Sen. George V. Voinovich, offering Democrats one of their few chances nationwide to "pick up" a Senate seat.

Real Clear Politics lists the race as a tossup, and its average of the four latest polls in Ohio shows Mr. Fisher leading Mr. Portman by 0.7 percentage point. The Democrat also holds a modest lead in all three of the most recent polls, with Mr. Portman favored only in a Public Policy Polling survey taken March 20-21. None of the polls has given a big edge to either man, but they are surprising for an election year not particularly congenial to Democrats.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Protect City of Euclid voting Rights

Our Euclid Team Leader, Jason Alan, put this together for voters in Euclid.


  • In Nov. of 2009 Euclid Council terms were extended from 2 to 4 yr. terms. Now if they perform poorly we have to wait possibly 4 years to VOTE them out.

  • OR another way for them to be removed is to gather signatures in the form of a petition and have it placed on the next elections ballot.

  • Issues 26 and 27 deal with this and are on the May 4th primary ballot in the form of city AMENDMENTS.

  • ISSUE 26 Article III, Section 2,
    Recall - The charter of the city of Euclid be amended to increase the number of signatures needed to file such petitions (removal of elected officials) to 25 percent of the electors voting in the most recent general election.

  • Currently, the charter requires ONLY 15% of those who voted in last years election.

  • ISSUE 27 Should Article III, Section 2,
  • Recall of the Charter of the City of Euclid be amended to require a declaration of intent to petition for the removal of any elected officer of the city; and to impose a 45 day time limit on the filing of petitions after the declaration has been filed.

  • Currently, there is NO time limit on the gathering of signatures for recall.

  • The DECLARATION to RECALL is something new.

  • If you combine the new staggered City Council terms, with the newly added 4 year terms and if ISSUES 26 and 27 pass they are further distancing themselves from us “Their Employers”.

  • This does NOTHING to benefit the residents of Euclid, and will ONLY benefit the elected officials “Our Employees”

On Issues 26 and 27

Sunday, April 25, 2010

ORP Chairman Kevin DeWine calls Tea Parties in OH "Liars & Noisy Distractions"

The continued battle between the Tea Party/9.12 movement and the GOP leadership in OH is continuing to heat up. The arrogance & poor leadership in the Ohio Republican Party (ORP) is simply amazing. While you read the below statement please remember ORP Chairman DeWine wants you to vote for the candidates endorsed by the Ohio Republican Party in the contested statewide GOP primary races.

Making every attempt in trying to claim the ORP shares the same values as the Tea Party groups here, like typical political hacks, the actions of the party prove different. In the below release ORP Chairman Kevin DeWine implies the Tea Party & 9.12 groups are a bunch of "ridiculous, no account, frothing at the mouth, agenda-pushing liars just trying to make noise."

H/T Matt at Weapons of Mass Discussion for this release by ORP Chairman Kevin DeWine (picture added)

Finally, I've seen and heard a lot of ridiculous accusations lately about the role of the Ohio Republican Party in this primary election. Understandably, much of it is motivated by the heightened emotions of political primaries and too often spread with little to no accountability through email, blogs, and social media sites.

Unfortunately, most of it is flat out false, and it's typically generated by people who find the truth just too inconvenient for their agenda. I want you to know you can always contact my office or email me directly if you want answers to any rumor or accusation about something we're doing. This election is too important to let "noise" distract us from the real goal of winning in November.

First, we find it comical the Chairman DeWine talks about the Tea Parties having little or no accountability through email, blogs, and social media sites after his Frat Boys controlling the ORP Face Book page launched a full-frontal Elephant Clan attack on a long time supporter that disagreed with them. This member was pretty much told, "shut up, your stupid, and just make campaigns calls like you are told." You can read this exchange for yourself by clicking here.

Addressing the rest of the nonsensical comments from Chairman DeWine, not only do we challenge him -- but dare him -- to dispute one iota of information posted on this blog, our website or our Face Book page regarding him, the Ohio Republican Party and/or the actions of his ORP State Central Committee leading up to this years primary races.

Take your pick Mr. Chairman -- the Tea Parties & 9.12 groups are nothing without the GOP, the Ohio Republican Party called the police on Patriots protesting at their HQ over the sham state endorsements given out or the false claims you share our values. (click the red links to read more)

Patriots, besides being upset many Tea Party members are running for the State Central Committee as individuals, this is nothing short of an inept, self-serving, arrogant party chairman who's stepped in a pile of elephant dung created by none other then himself and his sheep-like State Central Committee feebly trying to calm the fears and growing anger from within his party ranks by trying to demonize the Tea Party movement in Ohio through some grand old party propaganda. Pretty much like the liberal left and MSM does on a daily basis.

Summing it all up... in reality it appears it is the Tea Partys & 9.12 groups in OH that are becoming an inconvenient truth for the agenda of ORP Chairman DeWine, his State Central Committee and his handpicked, party endorsed, non-Tea Party type candidates.

The floor is yours Mr. Chairman....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cleveland Tea Party Patriots members running for ORP State Central Committee


There are several CTPP members running for State Central Committee (SCC) for the Ohio Republican Party. For those that don't know what this is.... in a nutshell -- these are the party positions for the State Parties that give out endorsements, vote on party policy and choose the party chairman. The SCC is responsible for the political musical chairs we see in the State Races on the GOP ticket. FOr more on the ORP antics in this years primaries click here.

The SCC is why you only have Mike DeWine to vote for as AG in the GOP primary. Voting in these races is of the utmost importance if we want to stop party hacks from being promoted as candidates, and have a way to advance candidates that share yur views and embrace our core values.

While this not an endorsement, we went to let everyone know some of our members have stepped up as individuals and decided to run for these seats. The SCC is comprised of one woman and one man for each State Senate District. Please check or verify the Senate District where you reside.

A map identifying the state senate district for each Ohio county can be found at

For this area they are as follows;

Senate District 21
Sue Rodman
Charles Drake

Senate District 23

Mike Griffiths (running against former ORP Chairman Bob Bennett)

Senate District 24
Molly Smith

Senate District 25
Ron Lisy (running against former vice-chair of Republican Party of Cuyahoga County)
Bev Goldstein